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11-11-2008, 02:03 PM #1
honey/beestong therapy for tendonitis?
just reading up on something called manuka honey, it supposedly helps with tendonitis and arthritis, along with several other ailments. Check out the site
Has anybody got any experience with this?
11-11-2008, 03:14 PM #2
Not tried it, but thought about it some time ago. I saw it on a online store from the us an looked it up. Holland an barret have 33% off at the moment on Manuka honey, try a small jar first before getting a big load from the states init. You mentioning it is kinda making me think i should give it a go coz at the moment im fvcking falling apart.
11-11-2008, 04:00 PM #3
no experience with the product but to relay a story I watched a progaram once where a women was attacked by bees and received several hundred stings and almost died one side effect she had once she got out of the hospital was that her arthiritis did not cause her pain anymore.How that weould relate to the product idk.
11-11-2008, 04:15 PM #4
yep a friend rang me earlier, saying he used the manuka honey (and indeed it was from holland and barratt). He has suffered with elbow tendonitis for years, and he said that the only time its felt improved and pretty much 100% was when he was using the honey. He also used anti-imflammatories from the docs, but said they didnt help before or fatre the honey, just when he was using the honey
11-11-2008, 06:43 PM #5
fvck man i think im gonna have to get to H&B and get some then. Thought about it a while ago when i was importing supplements for ebay, but thoguth it was all a big load of tosh. Ill have to get some this week to try it out, if nothing more it will be a nice addition to my morning toast.
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