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Thread: So Today

  1. #1
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    So Today

    One of my profs went on a tangent about why socialism sucks and capitalism is the best...

    it was rather funny and entertaining

  2. #2
    bigreggie0752's Avatar
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    I agree...Would like to hear more of the rant though

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    I like socialism, dont see whats wrong with it..

  4. #4
    bigreggie0752's Avatar
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    It doesn't work?

  5. #5
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I like socialism, dont see whats wrong with it..
    Theres no real need for freedom of the press and other such civil liberties under socialism. If you have any doubts, look to Russia. If you do not believe you can compare the two, look to other "compassionate" socialist systems like those in England and France, where the population must submit to all sorts of data storage like biometric information, are under constant CCTV surveillance whenever they are in public, and can be fined for such miniscule things as your trash can lid not being fully closed over the bin. They also do not have the right to defend themselves against violent attackers as most of those countries have denied them the god given right to keep and bear arms.

    Moving on...Socialism given enough time, will always go bankrupt. At one point or another the promised entitlements will always outpace the available revenue to provide said entitlements thus bankrupting the system.

  6. #6
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    Its very late here but i will come back to this tomorrow..

  7. #7
    IM708's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I like socialism, dont see whats wrong with it..
    It works on paper and thats it. As long as humans act like humans it will never work.

  8. #8
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Theres no real need for freedom of the press and other such civil liberties under socialism. If you have any doubts, look to Russia. If you do not believe you can compare the two, look to other "compassionate" socialist systems like those in England and France, where the population must submit to all sorts of data storage like biometric information, are under constant CCTV surveillance whenever they are in public, and can be fined for such miniscule things as your trash can lid not being fully closed over the bin. They also do not have the right to defend themselves against violent attackers as most of those countries have denied them the god given right to keep and bear arms.

    Moving on...Socialism given enough time, will always go bankrupt. At one point or another the promised entitlements will always outpace the available revenue to provide said entitlements thus bankrupting the system.
    God given right to bear arms? lmao was that a joke?
    So I suppose you think Germany is poorly run country? I have travelled the world and I'll tell you something, Germany is one of the best run countries. I think alot of Americans are thought to think socialism is an evil thing. 40% of Americas wealth is shared only by 2% of the population. I am not saying full socialist state or communism. I am all for a person to work hard and better themselves, I just think the middle class needs to be the largest sector and the one that holds most of the wealth. I also think that anyone should be entitled to health and education regardless of how rich your parents are.

  9. #9
    gst528i's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    God given right to bear arms? lmao was that a joke?
    So I suppose you think Germany is poorly run country? I have travelled the world and I'll tell you something, Germany is one of the best run countries. I think alot of Americans are thought to think socialism is an evil thing. 40% of Americas wealth is shared only by 2% of the population. I am not saying full socialist state or communism. I am all for a person to work hard and better themselves, I just think the middle class needs to be the largest sector and the one that holds most of the wealth. I also think that anyone should be entitled to health and education regardless of how rich your parents are.
    yes sir it's a god given right.... even i don't believe in a religion ...

  10. #10
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    yes sir it's a god given right.... even i don't believe in a religion ...
    I dont believe in religion either, I believe in a god.
    These are more what I'd consider god given rights.

  11. #11
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Theres no real need for freedom of the press and other such civil liberties under socialism. If you have any doubts, look to Russia. If you do not believe you can compare the two, look to other "compassionate" socialist systems like those in England and France, where the population must submit to all sorts of data storage like biometric information, are under constant CCTV surveillance whenever they are in public, and can be fined for such miniscule things as your trash can lid not being fully closed over the bin. They also do not have the right to defend themselves against violent attackers as most of those countries have denied them the god given right to keep and bear arms.

    Moving on...Socialism given enough time, will always go bankrupt. At one point or another the promised entitlements will always outpace the available revenue to provide said entitlements thus bankrupting the system.

    That's pretty much what she said. Or that was her main point, given enough time, socialism fails.
    And she was obsessed with Adam Smith.

    Too bad she doesn't record her lectures, then I could post it up.

  12. #12
    Dinosaur's Avatar
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    i just feel sometimes that capitalism is not improving anything this days its about time to change it for something else.

  13. #13
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    **** needs to just don't reward people for being lazy and run of the mill.....i have no issue with the wealth distribution in the US i know that i'm one of the people that end up in the top. You reward intelligence and perseverance and that's what capitalism does

  14. #14
    Brown Ninja's Avatar
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    Define "ending up on top"? I would say that Socialism is not worse than Capitalism. Look where Capitalism got us.....into Socialism.

  15. #15
    Prada's Avatar
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    You don't have pure capitalism nor socialism. Both have their pros and cons.
    I have to agree that socialism tends to reward the "lazy" to easily and frequently.

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