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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    2 wrongs dont make a right...
    Sorry mom!!!

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    No double standard. An idiot is someone who lacks knowledge, am I correct? The videos I posted proved these people were... IDIOTS!!! Where's the double standard?
    You characterized them as "idiot rednecks.." I dont really see the distinction? You posted a few videos of a group of INDIVIDUALS who were idiots. But you characterized all rednecks as idiots. I dont see the distinction between you doing that and someone who posts a video of 4 black males committing a crime, and then saying all black males are criminals. Can you make these two situations which seem to me to be completely the same, somewhat distinguishable please?

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    So now you didn't read my posts. 1st the definition of a redneck is redneck 2614 up, 513 down
    Mildly offensive term for a lower class white person from the southeastern states of the USA. Derives from someone who spent a lot of time on manual labour outside and so received a "red neck" from the sun.

    The videos I prefaced are from that area depicting that type of person. So no I'm not a hypocrite or a racists. If you took it as a racists slur... I apologize.

    Again for the record, I come from South Carolina, and the whites I know there (including my white family members) wear that term as a source of pride. The last time I checked there weren't many N****R bumper stickers or window decals!
    Pride as in defiance thats how we use it much like how any other ethnic group uses racial slurs amongst themselves. Guess what if you came to my town even though I am not from the south and asked anyone there if redneck was mildly offensive to be called by someone they didnt know. I bet the farm on it that they would take more than mild offense to a stranger calling them as you put above, a completely ignorant redneck. To think that one racial slur is any less offensive than another is wrong and you should know better. There is no other way to take it than as a racial slur especially in the context that you used it.

  4. #44
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    ^^^Again, Godfather, I see your point. And I concede. My original point was the fact that it always seems that people go out of their way to show a few ignorant blacks with and never do the same with whites so I wanted to put the shoe on the other foot to make whites see how the other side feels. I agree my tact was off putting but it got the exact rise I expected. Maybe now we all can see how painting a group of people with the same broad stroke is wrong and each individual is just that... an individual!

    If you noticed, shortly after I posted, other members immediately assumed that blacks buy the majority of rap music. WRONG! Also most young blacks look up to these ignorant black rappers or f*cked up black athletes. WRONG!!! How would you white athletes and young white kids feel if I said you guys look up to John Rocker and Matt Jones or Marge Schott (Rocker and Schott being overt racists and Matt Jones being caught sniffing coke in his car)? You feel me?

    I could have handled it better, but I got just the exact reaction I was hoping for. Now I feel all our eyes are opened.
    Last edited by BgMc31; 01-25-2009 at 05:08 PM.

  5. #45
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    Kind of a moot point but actually redneck derives from scottish immigrants that settled in the southern US states and Appalachia known for wearing red scarves or kerchiefs around their neck .....also they were referred to as hillbillies.... just an fyi - a tidbit of useless knowledge...*L*

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    If a popular white musician made those type of statements about a white man being elected president they would be slaughtered by the media and labeled as a racist and it would be a very justifiable labeling....

    The same should apply when labeling the two black men in this video and anybody that defends or condones this type of bullshit behavior....Simply put they are racist....

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    I have to disagree with you on this Big. While both are wrong, let me say that upfront but c'mon do you seriously believe that they are the same and same out of the same experiences? I guess we can go on and on about this and there is no justification but I cannot see anyone with any knowledge of history can say these two things are one in the same.

  8. #48
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent View Post

    Im trying to support President Obama but seeing a couple thousand people support this makes me wonder. Your thoughts? The left wing media didnt post this on any of there channels. Please tell me why?
    Both O'Riley and Dennis Miller are idiots.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    Both O'Riley and Dennis Miller are idiots.
    I hate Dennis Miller, remember when that ass was on Monday Night Football...

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    Both O'Riley and Dennis Miller are idiots.
    yeah i agree they usually are. Especially O'Rielly IMO . Once in a while i agree with points they both make though.....

  11. #51
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    Best part about this thread is that the people trying to make valid, sensible arguments are the ones who get overlooked. Sadly this is how mainstream media and many national matters are carried out as well. We are exposed to, and are forced the garbage while the bigger matters go unresolved.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    I have to disagree with you on this Big. While both are wrong, let me say that upfront but c'mon do you seriously believe that they are the same and same out of the same experiences? I guess we can go on and on about this and there is no justification but I cannot see anyone with any knowledge of history can say these two things are one in the same.
    Well, say if Carrie Underwood came out if McCain won. And went on, with a hate filled anti obama message...white power this, this and that....."

    She would be immediately labeled a racist....and
    She would be done don't think so?

    If a white person says anything remotely racist, they are done for.
    Take a look at the radio guy, with the whole nappy hair thing or whatever....done for
    take a look at the seinfield guy, done for (although he was rather blatant about it lol)

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    ^^^Again, Godfather, I see your point. And I concede. My original point was the fact that it always seems that people go out of their way to show a few ignorant blacks with and never do the same with whites so I wanted to put the shoe on the other foot to make whites see how the other side feels. I agree my tact was off putting but it got the exact rise I expected. Maybe now we all can see how painting a group of people with the same broad stroke is wrong and each individual is just that... an individual!

    If you noticed, shortly after I posted, other members immediately assumed that blacks buy the majority of rap music. WRONG! Also most young blacks look up to these ignorant black rappers or f*cked up black athletes. WRONG!!! How would you white athletes and young white kids feel if I said you guys look up to John Rocker and Matt Jones or Marge Schott (Rocker and Schott being overt racists and Matt Jones being caught sniffing coke in his car)? You feel me?

    I could have handled it better, but I got just the exact reaction I was hoping for. Now I feel all our eyes are opened.
    I see your point your trying to make and I am with you more than you think or believe, but you hurt your argument and credibility by using racial slurs. Even if you do not think they are that offensive, they are to other people. All I am saying is next time you can make your point without insulting another group of people whether that was your intent or not.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Well, say if Carrie Underwood came out if McCain won. And went on, with a hate filled anti obama message...white power this, this and that....."

    She would be immediately labeled a racist....and
    She would be done don't think so?

    If a white person says anything remotely racist, they are done for.
    Take a look at the radio guy, with the whole nappy hair thing or whatever....done for
    take a look at the seinfield guy, done for (although he was rather blatant about it lol)
    Not arguing that point at all big. What I'm saying are the two come from two different trains of thought. Just for FYI, Don Imus got his job back and the vast majority of blacks could care less whether he kept his job or not. It was the loud minority that pushed for Imus' suspension. Trust me, I hear much worse from Limbaugh and Hannity, albeit in very eloquent terms.

    Anyway, a double standard does exist. And racism is wrong in any sense but the two (black and white racism) aren't the same. Again, but both are wrong. But the disconnect comes from where the perceived source comes from.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Thing is, with those videos Bg, is that those are just bottom of the barrel rednecks who know one knows or gives a flying **** about.

    Then you have these big rap stars, like Jezzy and Z, who thousands and thousands of people listen to (maybe even millions, people of all color, but Im sure the majority of rap fans are blacks), kids look up to, etc....

    And its just sad on their (Jay Z) part, that knowingly they have people listen to them , love them, wanna be them, whatever. They go and spread such a uneducated, hateful message to the public...
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I think a major problem as these are the most potent role models young African Americans have.
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I see your point your trying to make and I am with you more than you think or believe, but you hurt your argument and credibility by using racial slurs. Even if you do not think they are that offensive, they are to other people. All I am saying is next time you can make your point without insulting another group of people whether that was your intent or not.
    Through the quotes above, how many of you said anything about these wrong statements. Also no one also pointed out that BigSexxy used the same 'redneck' term that I did, without anyone saying anything. So I agree with you we ALL should be held accountable for what we say regardless of the point we are trying to make!

  16. #56
    Vincent is offline Associate Member
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    Im glad everybody made up. Thats why I like this board because get to see all the angles not just one side.

  17. #57
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    BgMc31, just to clear up my point...

    i meant MLK's dream is that nobody would have cared if he was black, white , yellow or pink.. it was not his dream nor the millions that fought for civil rights for 200 years, that people are only happy because he is half black.. they should be happy because people voted on the issues not the race.. so maybe MLK's dream was fulfilled, but it was not fulfilled for the reasons they were cheering about in that video...

    and to everybody being a redneck does not make you a racist. i'm a shaved head tattooed southerner.. grew up in a small white only town in the south (3 black people out of 600).. and i married a black woman, and love her with every part of my soul.. so being country (redneck) does not mean you wave the rebel flag yelling "the south will raise again".. that would be as bad as saying all rappers are racist

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Not arguing that point at all big. What I'm saying are the two come from two different trains of thought. Just for FYI, Don Imus got his job back and the vast majority of blacks could care less whether he kept his job or not. It was the loud minority that pushed for Imus' suspension. Trust me, I hear much worse from Limbaugh and Hannity, albeit in very eloquent terms.

    Anyway, a double standard does exist. And racism is wrong in any sense but the two (black and white racism) aren't the same. Again, but both are wrong. But the disconnect comes from where the perceived source comes from.
    I see what your saying.
    And man, I hate Hannity.

  19. #59
    JohnJenson is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    See that's what I'm talking about...more ignorance!!! The number one purchasers of Rap/Hip Hop are suburban whites!!!

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Through the quotes above, how many of you said anything about these wrong statements. Also no one also pointed out that BigSexxy used the same 'redneck' term that I did, without anyone saying anything. So I agree with you we ALL should be held accountable for what we say regardless of the point we are trying to make!
    But Im white, so its okay lol.
    redneck redneck redneck.. haha jk

    But there really is a difference there.
    If I go up to a black guy, and say whats up my n*****, he will look at me funny and want to attack me. But if a black guy goes up to a black guy and says the same. They shake hands and its all good.

    Likewise with white people. I can go to a white guy and say hey cracker, and its funny.
    but a black guy does it, and its

  21. #61
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    I was right.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Please explain to me what a true black is? The original black person is from sub-saharan Africa which includes Kenyans.
    the original black persons that were included in the slave trade... which is the congo region

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    But Im white, so its okay lol.
    redneck redneck redneck.. haha jk

    But there really is a difference there.
    If I go up to a black guy, and say whats up my n*****, he will look at me funny and want to attack me. But if a black guy goes up to a black guy and says the same. They shake hands and its all good.

    Likewise with white people. I can go to a white guy and say hey cracker, and its funny.
    but a black guy does it, and its
    So true... A complete double standard all the way around!!!!

  24. #64
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    I have more in common genetically with Obama than 99% of black people in this country.... I wonder if he was bisexual, would the Gay Rodeo Association be screaming, "My president is GAY!!!!"????

  25. #65
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    God, I am scared just by seeing what kind of people are out there, that are trying to get in control of this country.

    I just hope none of these ****ing fanatics will ever win or gain any kind of control... or we are all dead.

  26. #66
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    I'll be completely honest here. I see no problem with a black person voting for a presidential candidate simply because the candidate is black. I *do* have a problem with white people *not* voting for him because he is black. A double-standard? I don't think so. I think the blacks have been marginalized in society for hundreds of years, so of course they are happy to see a black man in office. I think that's completely normal. If there was a presidential candidate who was Chinese, I'll bet you that many Chinese people would vote him based on that. It's different than a white person voting for a candidate because he is white. Simply because the president of America has always been white.

    What I mean to say is that there is a difference between voting for a person who has the same skin color as you (1) because you want to see your people break that barrier, and (2) because you think your race is superior.

    Just my two cents.

  27. #67
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    ^^^ WOW , and sometimes you sound so spiritually grounded ...then you post this....

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    God, I am scared just by seeing what kind of people are out there, that are trying to get in control of this country.

    I just hope none of these ****ing fanatics will ever win or gain any kind of control... or we are all dead.
    Once ive beheaded the queen and become king of Britain lol, i shall invade the States. American football will be banned, ugly women will be executed, good looking men will be executed,(i hate competition). Steroids will be made legal. Words like color will be spelt in the correct way (colour), Hollywood will be moved to london. Anyone with bf more than 10% will be starved to death. The grey squirrels will be shot out of existance, dont know why just dont like squirrels. Tiger Woods will be made to let me beat him at golf. This will happen in my first week of power, in my second week i shall start on Canada....

  29. #69
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    people are going to rip this apart for me saying this.. but sadly its the truth...

    the way america is designed is to be for the people... and though race should not matter at all.. fact is to most people it does. so people in office go for the "white vote". in reality it shouldn't matter.

    AND, to those that think Obama won because all the black people voted for him, that is stupid.. even if every single black person in america voted for him. every black man, woman, child, and new born baby voted for him (which is impossible). that would hardly even account for the margin of his win. African Americans only make up 12.3 percent of America. (that number according to the Census of 2000)

    Just face it Obama won because every race liked him..because it wasn't about race!
    Last edited by quarry206; 01-25-2009 at 07:04 PM. Reason: typo's

  30. #70
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    ^^^You got a plan bro keep up the good work bro that was for mad

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^^ WOW , and sometimes you sound so spiritually grounded ...then you post this....
    Haha, let me be clearer then: I didn't mean to say that we should not vote for the best candidate regardless of race. Rather, that is what we should do, definitely. But I'm saying that I wouldn't immediately call a black person racist simply because he voted for Obama based on race. I know that's a fine distinction to make, but I'm just saying that even though I think the better thing to do would be to vote for whoever is more qualified, I wouldn't necessarily blast a person from a minority group who voted for a person of color based on that, i.e. breaking a barrier.

    By the way, I have no strong views on this issue...I'm just bumbling around. You're right: my area is spiritual and religious matters, not political stuff.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Speaking for my kids (18, 15, 13) Barack Obama, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Alysha Keys, Peyton Manning, Brian Dawkins, Donavan McNabb, John Beason, Lebron James, Sana lathan, Denzel Washington, Condi Rice, etc. Now do you want to know who they listen to? My kids greatest African American role models are me and my father! As it should be! How many kids (white or black) can say that?
    So, you agree with me that famous people are role models to the youth. Young black kids aspire to be like the rich and famous more so of the same race. Rap music's influence is evident in many areas of black culture in America. From the clothes to the cars to the values. You cite actors, athletes, comedians and musicians as your kids role models. Maybe not Jay-z for your kids so much, but he has young fans. As a role model he sould not be speaking out in such ignornace. This type of thinking is not a good example for the black youth, and I would think you of all people would agree.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    So, you agree with me that famous people are role models to the youth. Young black kids aspire to be like the rich and famous more so of the same race. Rap music's influence is evident in many areas of black culture in America. From the clothes to the cars to the values. You cite actors, athletes, comedians and musicians as your kids role models. Maybe not Jay-z for your kids so much, but he has young fans. As a role model he sould not be speaking out in such ignornace. This type of thinking is not a good example for the black youth, and I would think you of all people would agree.
    I do 100% and keep up with the good word bro

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