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  1. #1
    Vincent is offline Associate Member
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    brothers for obama

    Im trying to support President Obama but seeing a couple thousand people support this makes me wonder. Your thoughts? The left wing media didnt post this on any of there channels. Please tell me why?

  2. #2
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    hahaha, Just a bunch of uneducated, low class, assholes.

    Its all about color and history, rather than America and its people...

    Its quite sad

  3. #3
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    I dont like dennis miller that much but he was right on point when he said that Rappers are obsolete role models since Obama is in office now.

  4. #4
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    The problem is as a whole americans have become stupid.. there is no right or wrong anymore only popular opinion. We as Americans allow people to be stupid and love it.. Jay-z lost alot of respect by doing that. I voted for obama, but I voted because of his views and what i felt he could change. not because of race.

    Jay-z made the comment that "this is Martin Luther kings dream coming full circle"... NO ITS NOT... MLK's dream was for a man to be weighed on the content of his character not the color of his skin.... And if the only good thing he can say is my president is a motherf*ckin n*gga.... you are saying you are only happy because of the color of his skin (which he is mixed don't forget)...

    Obama was elected because of the mass public voted for him. As a whole America wanted him. he didn't win because black people voted for him, he didn't win because white people voted for him.. he won because America voted, and he won..

    I wish the president well. and as for Bush, even though i disliked alot of things he did, i wish him well... but Rappers need to just stay out of it unless they are willing to educate themselfs instead of forcing racism back into peoples hearts..

  5. #5
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    Whoa, whoa, whoa...this is some complete bullshit!!!! How come Fox news hasn't shown the complete idiotic rednecks who supported McCain. Since you went through all the trouble to search youtube for a both of ignorant brothas, why don't you do the same to show the complete ignorance of a bunch of whites!!!!

    Better yet I'll do it for you: (what til about 6min into the vid)

    Also don't mischaracterize all rappers. Take the time to research interviews of rappers like Common, Wyclef Jean, LL Cool J, KRS-One, the Roots, P Diddy, Nas, etc. And even Jay Z. And yes, this IS MLKs Dream coming full circle. Because for once all of America chose a black man for the content of his character not simply for the color of his skin. Up until now the color of his skin was holding him back and you cannot deny that it did so even in this election. The only difference is more people are now enlightened to MLKs dream!!!
    Last edited by BgMc31; 01-25-2009 at 03:27 PM.

  6. #6
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Yes this is complet bullshit, but wait we will hear from the other side before this post if could be longer then the postwhore.....JMO

  7. #7
    Vincent is offline Associate Member
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    No trouble searching Mc its on the most viewed on youtube. Mccain is not president Obama is so you cant really go there anymore. Im trying to support Obama im just curious why a couple thousand people would do something like this? Please dont get upset MC its just a debate just taper down the TREN a little lol
    Last edited by Vincent; 01-25-2009 at 03:26 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Whoa, whoa, whoa...this is some complete bullshit!!!! How come Fox news hasn't shown the complete idiotic rednecks who supported McCain. Since you went through all the trouble to search youtube for a both of ignorant brothas, why don't you do the same to show the complete ignorance of a bunch of whites!!!!

    Also don't mischaracterize all rappers. Take the time to research interviews of rappers like Common, Wyclef Jean, LL Cool J, KRS-One, the Roots, P Diddy, Nas, etc. And even Jay Z. And yes, this IS MLKs Dream coming full circle. Because for once all of America chose a black man for the content of his character not simply for the color of his skin. Up until now the color of his skin was holding him back and you cannot deny that it did so even in this election. The only difference is more people are now enlightened to MLKs dream!!!
    partially correct ...his dream will be fully realized when Obama is judged not by the historic achievement that he was the first black President....but when he is judged strictly by his performance AS President - THAT would be the dream realized.

  9. #9
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Whoa, whoa, whoa...this is some complete bullshit!!!! How come Fox news hasn't shown the complete idiotic rednecks who supported McCain. Since you went through all the trouble to search youtube for a both of ignorant brothas, why don't you do the same to show the complete ignorance of a bunch of whites!!!!

    Yep, good point. I was just responding to the video posted.
    If he would've posted a clan of rednecks making fools of themselves, I would've ssaid the same thing lol.

    I saw it everyday, being in college, whites and blacks alike.
    They couldn't tell you any of either ones policies or ideas, but hey he is black like me and my people, we are free, we won! etc.....or hey, im white, and go white power..blacks are inferior...etc!

    Uneducated, pathetic people...

  10. #10
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    I disagree Jimmy. The fact that the American people gave him a chance based on his character IS the realization of the dream of MLK. Historically speaking, no matter the intellectual capabilities of a black was always trumped by the "BUT, HE IS BLACK" comment.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Whoa, whoa, whoa...this is some complete bullshit!!!! How come Fox news hasn't shown the complete idiotic rednecks who supported McCain. Since you went through all the trouble to search youtube for a both of ignorant brothas, why don't you do the same to show the complete ignorance of a bunch of whites!!!!

    Better yet I'll do it for you: (what til about 6min into the vid)

    Also don't mischaracterize all rappers. Take the time to research interviews of rappers like Common, Wyclef Jean, LL Cool J, KRS-One, the Roots, P Diddy, Nas, etc. And even Jay Z. And yes, this IS MLKs Dream coming full circle. Because for once all of America chose a black man for the content of his character not simply for the color of his skin. Up until now the color of his skin was holding him back and you cannot deny that it did so even in this election. The only difference is more people are now enlightened to MLKs dream!!!
    Way to use a racial slur to prove your point

  12. #12
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    I am going to get blasted for this but obama is also half white.....or have we forgot that part....because I never hear about that....JMO

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Whoa, whoa, whoa...this is some complete bullshit!!!! How come Fox news hasn't shown the complete idiotic rednecks who supported McCain. Since you went through all the trouble to search youtube for a both of ignorant brothas, why don't you do the same to show the complete ignorance of a bunch of whites!!!!

    Better yet I'll do it for you: (what til about 6min into the vid)

    Also don't mischaracterize all rappers. Take the time to research interviews of rappers like Common, Wyclef Jean, LL Cool J, KRS-One, the Roots, P Diddy, Nas, etc. And even Jay Z. And yes, this IS MLKs Dream coming full circle. Because for once all of America chose a black man for the content of his character not simply for the color of his skin. Up until now the color of his skin was holding him back and you cannot deny that it did so even in this election. The only difference is more people are now enlightened to MLKs dream!!!
    I think a major problem as these are the most potent role models young African Americans have.

  14. #14
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Thing is, with those videos Bg, is that those are just bottom of the barrel rednecks who know one knows or gives a flying **** about.

    Then you have these big rap stars, like Jezzy and Z, who thousands and thousands of people listen to (maybe even millions, people of all color, but Im sure the majority of rap fans are blacks), kids look up to, etc....

    And its just sad on their (Jay Z) part, that knowingly they have people listen to them , love them, wanna be them, whatever. They go and spread such a uneducated, hateful message to the public...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I think a major problem as these are the most potent role models young African Americans have.
    beat me to it....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent View Post
    No trouble searching Mc its on the most viewed on youtube. Mccain is not president Obama is so you cant really go there anymore. Im trying to support Obama im just curious why a couple thousand people would do something like this? Please dont get upset MC its just a debate just taper down the TREN a little lol
    I haven't juiced in over a year brotha (and can still bench 570+ BTW, LOL). But I'm kinda like BuffedGuy when it comes to assaults on Islam. I'm the same when it comes to insults of blacks. Being black (actually biracial, but you wouldn't know it by looking at me). I've noticed that people have a tendency to go out of their way to point out the ignorance of a selected handful of blacks without pointing out the equal levels of ignorance of whites. During the election cycle, I can't count how many times Fox News played the sound bite of some woman saying "I will no longer have to worry about paying my mortgage or paying for gas...", but they never played the follow up interview. Plus they were curiously absent when reporting all the negative/racist banter at McCain/Palin rallies.

  17. #17
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    Oh no, i really dont need to be in here, to much stress..................

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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    I disagree Jimmy. The fact that the American people gave him a chance based on his character IS the realization of the dream of MLK. Historically speaking, no matter the intellectual capabilities of a black was always trumped by the "BUT, HE IS BLACK" comment.
    Not Yet BgMc31 ....a step closer but not yet. Lets not forget those who voted for Obama strictly because he is black. When all is said and done MLK's dream IMO is that color plays no part whatsoever in judgment. The dream is fulfilled when it wont be any big deal whatsoever the color of our President. MLK wasnt just an advocate for blacks ...he was a human rights advocate...regardless of color.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I think a major problem as these are the most potent role models young African Americans have.
    Again, Kratos you don't know what you are talking about. Some rappers may be the role models of SOME URBAN blacks but have you done any research about which rappers these kids look up to? NO!!! Plus not all young African Americans don't live in these environments. Although high, only 17-20% of us live in poor areas. The 75% live in middle/upper middle class neighborhoods. And in terms of rappers, most black youth follow the more contientious rappers (ie Common, Jay Z, Nas, Wyclef, etc.). Just because they follow their music, doesn't make them role models. Just like I don't say most young whites role models are hard core rockers. Your assumption is completely wrong!!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Not Yet BgMc31 ....a step closer but not yet. Lets not forget those who voted for Obama strictly because he is black. When all is said and done MLK's dream IMO is that color plays no part whatsoever in judgment. The dream is fulfilled when it wont be any big deal whatsoever the color of our President. MLK wasnt just an advocate for blacks ...he was a human rights advocate...regardless of color.
    I agree! I wish more were as enlightened as you.

  21. #21
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    He's black? I thought he was samoan

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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Thing is, with those videos Bg, is that those are just bottom of the barrel rednecks who know one knows or gives a flying **** about.

    Then you have these big rap stars, like Jezzy and Z, who thousands and thousands of people listen to (maybe even millions, people of all color, but Im sure the majority of rap fans are blacks), kids look up to, etc....

    And its just sad on their (Jay Z) part, that knowingly they have people listen to them , love them, wanna be them, whatever. They go and spread such a uneducated, hateful message to the public...
    See that's what I'm talking about...more ignorance!!! The number one purchasers of Rap/Hip Hop are suburban whites!!!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Again, Kratos you don't know what you are talking about. Some rappers may be the role models of SOME URBAN blacks but have you done any research about which rappers these kids look up to? NO!!! Plus not all young African Americans don't live in these environments. Although high, only 17-20% of us live in poor areas. The 75% live in middle/upper middle class neighborhoods. And in terms of rappers, most black youth follow the more contientious rappers (ie Common, Jay Z, Nas, Wyclef, etc.). Just because they follow their music, doesn't make them role models. Just like I don't say most young whites role models are hard core rockers. Your assumption is completely wrong!!!
    if not rappers, who do young black americans look up to?

  24. #24
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    Professional athletes like terrel owens and adam jones

  25. #25
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    If a popular white musician made those type of statements about a white man being elected president they would be slaughtered by the media and labeled as a racist and it would be a very justifiable labeling....

    The same should apply when labeling the two black men in this video and anybody that defends or condones this type of bullshit behavior....Simply put they are racist....

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    if not rappers, who do young black americans look up to?
    Speaking for my kids (18, 15, 13) Barack Obama, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Alysha Keys, Peyton Manning, Brian Dawkins, Donavan McNabb, John Beason, Lebron James, Sana lathan, Denzel Washington, Condi Rice, etc. Now do you want to know who they listen to? My kids greatest African American role models are me and my father! As it should be! How many kids (white or black) can say that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Professional athletes like terrel owens and adam jones
    That is the most ridiculous, bigotted statement that I've heard on this forum in a long while!!! So I answer that with a resounding F*CK YOU!!! I've listed most of the professional athletes my kids respect. And the majority of the kids I coach are the same. Very few athletes I know look up to those guys.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Speaking for my kids (18, 15, 13) Barack Obama, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Alysha Keys, Peyton Manning, Brian Dawkins, Donavan McNabb, John Beason, Lebron James, Sana lathan, Denzel Washington, Condi Rice, etc. Now do you want to know who they listen to? My kids greatest African American role models are me and my father! As it should be! How many kids (white or black) can say that?

    That is the most ridiculous, bigotted statement that I've heard on this forum in a long while!!! So I answer that with a resounding F*CK YOU!!! I've listed most of the professional athletes my kids respect. And the majority of the kids I coach are the same. Very few athletes I know look up to those guys.
    I actually thought your comment above about ignorant rednecks was probably more blatantly ignorant and racists than brown ninjas statement. But I guess its ok you use racial slurs as long as its against whites. I do not think MLK would approve.

  28. #28
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    ^^^ Please explain why my comment was ignorant (lacking knowledge) and racists (implication of my race being superior)! And why implying that f*ck ups like Terrell Owens and Pac Man Jones are significant role models to all Black youth isn't? Do tell....

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    ^^^ Please explain why my comment was ignorant (lacking knowledge) and racists (implication of my race being superior)!
    If I have to explain it to you, then you truly are ignorant.

  30. #30
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    ^^^I would expect a non-sensical argument like that from you!!! No explanation shows you are simply talking out your arse!!!

  31. #31
    Vincent is offline Associate Member
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    BgMc31 brother I feel really sorry for you bro. You dont realize that you're more racist than all of us put together. I think you blame white people for all the mistakes that you made instead of taking some responsibility for yourself. No matter who the president is youre in control of your own destiny and success in life. Again please dont take this the wrong way I respect your posts. My wife is half black so I listened to both sides of the coin and we are one big happy family regardless of color.
    Last edited by Vincent; 01-25-2009 at 04:29 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent View Post
    BgMc31 brother I feel really sorry for you bro. You dont realize that you're more racist than all of us put together. I think you blame white people for all the mistakes that you made instead of taking some responsibility for yourself. No matter who the president is youre in control of your own destiny and success in life. Again please dont take this the wrong way. My wife is half black so I listened to both sides of the coin and we are one big happy family regardless of color.
    1st of all you don't know me! For the hundreth time let me preface my racial background. I AM HALF WHITE!!! My wife is Polynesian and WHITE. My children are half white, my daughter could pass for white any day of the week. Their isn't a racist bone in my body. And none of my post indicate I blame white for any problems that may have arised in my life. I owe my success in life (and that's a lot of success) on my willingness to work hard despite what other's think of me. So save you 'feel-sorrys' for someone who gives a f*ck!!! Get to know me 1st before you make an ignornant statement such as the one you made above. And by ignornant I mean, lack of knowledge, because if you knew me or read any of my posts on similar racially tinged thread you would know that I'm not the least bit racist because I'm not into self hate!!! BROTHA!!!!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    ^^^I would expect a non-sensical argument like that from you!!! No explanation shows you are simply talking out your arse!!!
    I guess it doesnt make sense to you because you have never been called and ignorant redneck. I am from a rural background and the word redneck is never used in a positive manner by anyone. Not that so called rednecks care what others say because its just a word and us ignorant rednecks do not get upset over silly words. Its the fact that you used a racial slur against another group of people to try and say they are ignorant. What us ignorant rednecks dislike the most is hypocrites. If you think that redneck is not a racial slur then again you truly are ignorant. That is my point and I figured you would have quickly recanted your statement the first time I pointed out the general lack of sensitivity to another group of people. Not that I am pissed I hope you and everyone else learn something from this.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-25-2009 at 04:45 PM.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    ^^^I would expect a non-sensical argument like that from you!!! No explanation shows you are simply talking out your arse!!!
    His point was that you pointed out a 'stereotype' and racial slurs, by countering them with your own stereotype and racial slur. You are no more right than the person who first stated this is what "most blacks look up to" by countering with a racial slur directed at white lower income individuals from the Southern states who you have stereotyped as being "idiots."

    Double standard much?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    His point was that you pointed out a 'stereotype' and racial slurs, by countering them with your own stereotype and racial slur. You are no more right than the person who first stated this is what "most blacks look up to" by countering with a racial slur directed at white lower income individuals from the Southern states who you have stereotyped as being "idiots."

    Double standard much?
    Thats exactly what I was pointing out, I didnt think I needed to spell it out....

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    He's black? I thought he was samoan

    hes half kenyan and half white... neither are true 'blacks' so by people saying that hes the first black president are in the same boat as racists, looking at the color of the skin before the facts...

    this case is different because he comes from the same continent as the slaves came from, so automatically people assume that they are the same... should we treat german americans like nazis? or orientals like the japenese from WWII? no we shouldnt but people do, and since there is a visual difference, thats the big difference....

    there are always going to be the crazy's of every group, ex rednecks, and n****rs, left wing nuts, misbehaving athletes (T.O., pacman)... but can we let those FEW justify the entire group? with todays media, noone wants to hear the good things but if theres something bad, alot of the times its blown way out of proportion which eventually slants peoples views....

    why cant people just say "hey i think hes the best for the job, so thats why i voted for him' and not play the race card?,00.html
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 01-25-2009 at 04:44 PM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I guess it doesnt make sense to you because you have never been called and ignorant redneck. I am from a rural background and the word redneck is never used in a positive manner by anyone. Not that so called rednecks care what others say because its just a word and us ignorant rednecks do not get upset over silly words. Its the fact that you used a racial slur against another group of people to try and say they are ignorant. What us ignorant rednecks dislike the most is hypocrites. If you think that redneck is not a racial slur then again you truly are ignorant. That is my point and I figured you would have quickly recanted your statement the first time I pointed out the general lack of sensitivity to another group of people. Not that I am pissed I hope you and everyone else learn something from this.
    So now you didn't read my posts. 1st the definition of a redneck is redneck 2614 up, 513 down
    Mildly offensive term for a lower class white person from the southeastern states of the USA. Derives from someone who spent a lot of time on manual labour outside and so received a "red neck" from the sun.

    The videos I prefaced are from that area depicting that type of person. So no I'm not a hypocrite or a racists. If you took it as a racists slur... I apologize.

    Again for the record, I come from South Carolina, and the whites I know there (including my white family members) wear that term as a source of pride. The last time I checked there weren't many N****R bumper stickers or window decals!
    Last edited by BgMc31; 01-25-2009 at 04:49 PM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    hes half kenyan and half white... neither are true 'blacks' so by people saying that hes the first black president are in the same boat as racists, looking at the color of the skin before the facts...

    this case is different because he comes from the same continent as the slaves came from, so automatically people assume that they are the same... should we treat german americans like nazis? or orientals like the japenese from WWII? no we shouldnt but people do, and since there is a visual difference, thats the big difference....

    there are always going to be the crazy's of every group, ex rednecks, and n****rs, left wing nuts, misbehaving athletes (T.O., pacman)... but can we let those FEW justify the entire group? with todays media, noone wants to hear the good things but if theres something bad, alot of the times its blown way out of proportion which eventually slants peoples views....

    why cant people just say "hey i think hes the best for the job, so thats why i voted for him' and not play the race card?,00.html
    Please explain to me what a true black is? The original black person is from sub-saharan Africa which includes Kenyans.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    So now you didn't read my posts. 1st the definition of a redneck is redneck 2614 up, 513 down
    Mildly offensive term for a lower class white person from the southeastern states of the USA. Derives from someone who spent a lot of time on manual labour outside and so received a "red neck" from the sun.

    The videos I prefaced are from that area depicting that type of person. So no I'm not a hypocrite or a racists. If you took it as a racists slur... I apologize.

    Again for the record, I come from South Carolina, and the whites I know there (including my white family members) wear that term as a source of pride. The last time I checked there weren't many N****R bumper stickers or window decals!
    2 wrongs dont make a right...

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    His point was that you pointed out a 'stereotype' and racial slurs, by countering them with your own stereotype and racial slur. You are no more right than the person who first stated this is what "most blacks look up to" by countering with a racial slur directed at white lower income individuals from the Southern states who you have stereotyped as being "idiots."

    Double standard much?
    No double standard. An idiot is someone who lacks knowledge, am I correct? The videos I posted proved these people were... IDIOTS!!! Where's the double standard?

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