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  1. #41
    Matt's Avatar
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    That was to bo^^

  2. #42
    ni4ni's Avatar
    ni4ni is offline Pharmaceutically Enhanced
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    poor kid- hopefully that lil girl has his balls mounted on her wall somewhere in her new mansion!

  3. #43
    luxifer93's Avatar
    luxifer93 is offline Senior Member
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    I think she likes getting her hair pulled

  4. #44
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Ive spent many many years in prisons, ive spent nearly as long locked up in police stations..So ive been there seen it all.
    Many years ago Strangeways prison in Manchester UK was one of the hardest prisons in our country. The screws ran the prison with an iron fist, prisoners were beaten for the smallest of things. The first sign of any trouble and the screws went in hard and fast, broken limbs were the norm. So what did this achieve, well it kept the prisoners in order, and the prison ran like clock work. However, what we now know is that when these prisoners were being released, after 1/2/3/4 years+ of being bullied they did infact become the bullies and the reoffending rate at the time for prisoners leaving Strangeways was 76%.
    So in the early 1980's the prisoners had had enough, and they went on the rampage, one of the worst prison riots in our prison history. The Wolf report concluded that the riot was a product of years of abuse and violence towards the prison population.
    I have been to Strangeway's since the riot and alot has changed, one example, if a screw treated me like that girl was treated then he would himself be on charges. The screws arnt allowed to use any kind of violence towards inmates unless they themselves are in serious, and i mean serious harm. This in turn has created a prison where prioners and screws respect each other, work in peace with each other. The reoffending rate for Strangeway's prison in 2003 was 12%.
    If we go down the road you think we should then hell, why stop there? Why not go back to the good old day's? Lets hang people in public for the smallest of crimes, flog the kids in the town squares and cut of limbs for stealing bread..
    Prison officers and the police are paid and trusted to uphold the law, not to break it..
    Well I understand now at least where you're coming from.
    The fact is though, when I was locked up, one thing I didn't need to be told was to not throw things at COs. (or kick shoes)
    Why? Because I was scared and realized prison is NOT a place to uphold laws. People are in there for breaking the law, they're not there to be treated like normal citizens with normal rights.

    But no, I wouldn't hang people who broke the law and I wouldnt cut off limbs. But I would def 100% condone beating the shit out of these people just like this girl got.
    And if that was my daughter (I don't have kids) I would go there myself, beat the shit out of her again, than beat the shit out of the COs. (reason why I prob will never have kids)

    Violence solves a lot more issues than people think. War is the reason we have rights, we had to kill for them. If screws wanna practice corporal punishement great, don't break the law and get in that situation to begin.

    I was charged with a 1st degree felony, I was rarely ever treated how I wanted to be treated, I slept with murders, rapists and drug dealers. I got my ass handed to me many times. And I WILL NEVER GO BACK to prison BECAUSE of that.
    Some people go back because they don't mind it. Bullies in prison are bullies outside of prison. And these people don't get released than think out of the blue "let me go start some trouble". Thats why they got incarcerated to begin. The point is people who like violence in life tend to nurture circumstances that lead to more violence.

    People who don't like it learn ways to avoid it. The problem is not the violence. Its when people try to act like they like violence than decide when it happens to them that its not their cup of tea.
    Kick your shoe at a cop, get your ass beat.
    Keep your shoes on, live in peace.

    People choose their destiny, she chose hers for whatever got her in jail, than chose it again when she acted like shes the one still making the rules.

    Sure it didn't need to be that extreme but shit happens when you choose a certain lifestyle and the word "fair" starts losing relevance shortly after the fact.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 03-01-2009 at 03:45 PM.

  5. #45
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    no its not. ive been in one several times.
    Last edited by canadian meat; 03-03-2009 at 11:13 AM.

  7. #47
    NightWolf's Avatar
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    Anyone got the follow up for this?
    or did it just "go away"

  8. #48
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightWolf View Post
    Anyone got the follow up for this?
    or did it just "go away"
    I think it just happened...


  9. #49
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    nothing was said in this post
    Last edited by JiGGaMaN; 03-03-2009 at 01:37 PM. Reason: nothing.

  10. #50
    NightWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    I think it just happened...


    Ya you could be right

  11. #51
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    shes in a holding cell dude, not max security prison lol.

    I was in a holding cell recently and they took my shoes. IDK maybe a new thing who knows.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    I was in a holding cell recently and they took my shoes. IDK maybe a new thing who knows.
    probably. every time ive been there i either wore loafers or they took the laces and let me keep the shoes.

  13. #53
    DDDNTZ's Avatar
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    Click on the source at the end of the article
    Last edited by DDDNTZ; 03-01-2009 at 07:14 PM.

  14. #54
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    "He also reported that the shoe hurled by the detainee injured him so severely that he -- fragile, delicate creature that he is -- had to be treated at a nearby hospital."

    Fvucking POS.

  15. #55
    borra is offline Junior Member
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    Damn, that is a bit excessive.

  16. #56
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Look up in the sky...
    Bo I am disappointed that you leave my response to your bullshit rhetoric behind.

    You maintain that that she desreved that.

    This 15 year old. Get a life loser. You would go there and beat the shit out of her again? Is that what you really mean?
    Clean that shit up dude. I can't believe that you are that stupid to want to go beat up a 15 year old girl for being a passanger in a joyride.

  17. #57
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    a van down by the river!
    somebody think it was a little excessive force for the circumstances? it is a kid. and a girl. what threat did she possibly pose?

  18. #58
    ampx's Avatar
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    When they tazed me and shit b/c i tackled that cop they striped me to my boxers.

  19. #59
    scerpico22's Avatar
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    a 15 year old girl??? are you Fing kidding me??? What a punk ass cop...and to see people on this thread actually defending those actions is unbelievable. the girl is 15 years old, passenger in a joyride.

    so she lipped off to the cop and kicked her shoe at him...yeah, her actions definitely deserved getting her head slammed into a wall, slammed to the ground and then this punk actually cold cocked her twice in the back of the head.

    fuking coward!

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