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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Angry Pulled my ****in hamstring!

    2 weeks ago, i was doing stading leg curls and then i just felt the muscle rip, i could hardly walk and straigten my leg out, i went home and read about it on the internet and from the symptoms i read i had a stage 2 pull, i have like small bruises on the lower hamstring and a big red bruise on my upper calf for some reason but my calf is just fine

    it started feeling better after a few days and after i week i tried training hams and couldnt really do it so i skipped it, another week after which is now it felt good, no more pain, i still didnt train it though so i dunno if i could or not but i did some back today and started with some bent over rows and **** i felt i rip again but it wasnt at bad as the first time but i still have trouble straightening my leg

    **** guys i hate injuries, i dunno if i should go to the doctors or not, hate going to them, anybody else pull their hamstring? does it just need rest or do they have to reconnect the muscle??

  2. #2
    braer4's Avatar
    braer4 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2009
    happened all the time to my buddies, i would definately get it checked out by the doctor, no harm in that, but im betting if you just let it heal you will be good to go in a couple weeks

  3. #3
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    i know how you feel bro i pulled my hammy around a year ago and it hurt like a bitch,it bruised from about mid ham to about mid calf no red though just black or almost black, i could not walk worth a damn so had to call in work for 3 days,i did not even try to work hams for damn cant recall excatly but probably 4-6 weeks then i started off very slow,probably took me another 4-6 weeks after that to be mentioned above would not hurt to get it checked but if you rest it you should be okay,goodluck.

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    No source checks
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    Never mind...

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