My girlfriend has had it since she was 16 now she's 23 and decided to do the radiation treatment.Its been 9 days and today was the worst day of the symptoms from the radiation pill.She's extremely tired,depressed and today she was on the toilet for an hour.Doctors said her follow up visit is in 6 weeks at which point they run her blood to see if the thyroid is gone and they'll try to balance her out with thyroid hormones,I'm guessing T3 or T4 maybe, for the rest of her life,which I'm told is the standard procedure for this condition.If these doctors don't like what they see they said she'll have to take the radiation pill again.This is one of those girls who is selfless and caring on a level that just makes you question why such bad things happen to such good people.I'm really upset and sick about how helpless I'm feeling cause all I can do is hold her and reinforce her decision to do the procedure with confidence that she needed to do it to be healthier and happier.Help please.