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  1. #1
    FreakMonster is offline New Member
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    Nov 2001

    You know your hardcore when........

    When walking past parked cars, you tend to look in the windows to see a reflection of yourself and then do a double bicep pose and a tricep squeeze!

  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Pppfffttt......our boy PBNYC does that while he's gettin his swerve on

  3. #3
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Arh Yes it is true!

    I personnally love a front lat spread

  4. #4
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I eat 10lb plates for breakfast... trying to get up to the 45's. Now that's hardcore.

  5. #5
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ok you know you are hardcore when

    1. the last alcohol drink you had was a distant memory
    2. You actually do work at work rather than sit on anabolic review
    3. Every sign you see reminds you of some body building ref or resembles a pros surname
    4. Every meal consist of protein protein and more protein
    5. You know your way round GNC better than McDonalds
    6. The Gym is more familiar to you than any other place other than home
    7. You are unhappy if you had a bad session at the gym and everyone you meet knows you are in a bad mood
    8. Your entire Video collection is Bodybuilding related and if its not then the actors in it all bodybuild
    9. The only photos in your photo album are you with numours Pro-bodybuilders
    10. 99% of your wages go on suppliments alternate or otherwise, Protein powders, chicken breast & tuna and gym membership

    OH NO ITS ME HOW SAD!!!!!!!!!!! and ive only named a few! LOL
    Ms Figure

  6. #6
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    good list. how about when you buy clothes based solely on "if they make you look jacked or not"?

  7. #7
    ann's Avatar
    ann is offline Female Member
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    Originally posted by dane26
    good list. how about when you buy clothes based solely on "if they make you look jacked or not"?
    Oh my gosh....Guilty

  8. #8
    MarkyMark's Avatar
    MarkyMark is offline Member
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    Good one Big Al ..... and enjoyed the list...

    You know your harcore when :

    You throw your Dad over your head then do squats while on your back ...

    Flex at your brothers and say " thats what a man is supposed to look like ! "

    Order 2 of the biggest meals on the menu ..then look at their half eaten plates and say " Wimps ! "

    When your shopping at the mall in the XXXL department and you hand your friends a small T-shirt and say "Oh I guess this will fit you ..."

    When in front of a mirror you can't help but see where the added muscle went ....

    When at church your eating a chicken breast so you wont get depleated ...

    When driving you pass others asking yourself who is bigger than me .

    At the Gym , you keep a sleeping bag and a microwave in your locker .

    enough ?

  9. #9
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ok i was going to put that actually!

    ok more

    1. You have the walk where your back flares out and your arms dont touch their side
    2. You can quote lines out of Pumping Iron
    3. You look at everyone even if they dont train and assess their genetics
    4. When you are at the gym you make mental notes of how much that guy in the corner is lifting and make sure that you do that exact same exercise next time he's in the gym only with a lot more weight!
    5. You twitch your peck every few minutes just to prove you can
    6. Your caloretic intake is over 5000 and you arnt even eating burgers and nice things
    7. Your life consists of eating or drinking your meals
    8. Horses vets are now of an interest too you
    9. All of your friends are named after steroid 's and also spend half their life on the internet!
    10. You can actually think of 20 reasons why you are hardcore LOL

    by the way some of the above now relate to my obsessed boyfriend rather than me!
    Ms Figure

  10. #10
    FreakMonster is offline New Member
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    Here's a nice list of them:

    You spend all your X-mas money that was supposed to be used to buy gifts for other people on juice for yourself.

    You schedule your college courses around your eating and lifting schedules.

    Also when you are sweeping and start to feel a little burn, so you switch arms to make sure you work both sides evenly

    Instead of leaving Santa milk and cookies, you leave him some winny and T3 and tell him to get his fat ass in shape!

    I curled a chair a bunch of times before a girl came to my dorm room

    When you find small portions of blood in your testosterone stream

    You "think" your to sick to work out but you go in anyway and set new personal best on the sqat or some other movement happend more than once

    When someone says to you "do you go to the taning bed during the winter" You laugh it off and say no its "natural" "JAUNDICE"

    When you're proud to have thrown up on the gym floor, but then get pissed because you probably wasted a bunch of carbs.

    Or how about you puke after a set, and get pissed off because you are on a timed routine, and you just went over the allowed time between sets.

    Instead of having a cup of pen and pencils on your desk you just have a cup on pen caps

    You want to kill your substitute spotter cuz he touched the bar.....

    When you bring, premixed protein shakes, glutamine, and multi vits, and four tuna sandwiches to work because you have to work for 8 hrs.

    When you name your dog Primo

    When you put amps and needles into your kids stockings for christmas

    When you upset you didn't puke after leg day

    When buying a house the main factor is how close it is to the gym.

    When you pick the dog up from the vet and ask if the have something to help with his growth .... didn't work

    When you try and get your dad to have the vet give some EQ to his horses... didn't work

    Can't sleep at night and start doing crunches in your bed till you're tired!

    When you are sitting at dinner at your sister inlaws and she is discussing how the Dr. put her on "a drug called clomid" and you spit water out of your mouth in disbelief. (happened to me)

    When you have a blender sitting next to the filing cabinet thats full /of protien drinks and bars at your office.

    When your taking your daily injections and it takes 4 full 3cc syringes

    When you are afraid to walk to class cuase it might be over training

    When you wont have sex with girlfriend for same reason as above

    When you max out all your credit card because you bough juice and used western union then you grew so much you had to buy all new clothes

    You chew off the calluses on your palms....

    When you can either pay bills and eat or buy juice and run up the credit card even more on groceries and you always
    seem to do the latter.

    When you have been scammed 3 times in a row but you just keep buying

    I would add you know your hardcore, when you've hidden so much gear in your place that you can't remember where you put some of it. . .

    When it's time for a winter flu shot and you beg the doc to let you
    shoot it yourself in the quad.

    When you can't seem to ever get the smell of rev-b off you fingers

    When you tell the dentist to aspirate for the Novocane.

    You tried to snort Fina and Creatine To get a better pump.

    When you spend hours in front of the mirror popping zits.

    When sitting at a red light makes you want to kill someone.

    You loose a pawn on you chess bourd and substitute it with a sus amp.

    When the size of your arms becomes more important than the size of your genitals.

    ...when you piss on a tree and the next day its 3 times bigger

    When you piss in a cup and drink it thinking.."well it should not be so bad on my liver the second time through!!"


    When sticking a pin full of juice in your ass is as much of a daily
    routine as taking a shower and brushing your teeth

    "When you take shots with the bros, it's vodka for them and winny for you."

    When you start putting the kid to bed real early because your dying to get stuck and you don't want him to see all the bottles on the kitchen table

    When you grunt while taking a shit and your liver falls out...

    You have to wear makeup to cover the yellowness under the eyes from jaundice

    You have a bench press competition at the reception

    Get thrown out cause you had a bench press shirt on under your tux

    Your 5 year old son has a bigger set of balls than you do...

    Tax money goes to that last spring bulk cycle(and you fuckers know this one is true...heh heh heh)

    You send Christmas cards to your sources, but not your in-laws

    You give your entire family profile names

    Your children get pop quizes on the effects of deca vs test...extra reps if they fail!!!

    You actually think your dick has gotten bigger when on test, but it's because your nuts have gotten to small to see....heh heh heh....small potatoes make the steak look!!!

    ...when you go to the doctor and get pissed when he tells you they found blood in your blood test.

    You know your hardcore when you get pissed and your cloths start to rip (except for your pants) and you turn green and call yourself the hulk.

    When your mom sends out to get juice you comeback with sust250, deca, and d-bol and slaps you because you forgot clomids and novas hahahahah

    when you wake up a night cuddling with a needle and your girlfriend is sleeping on the floor.

    Or when your friends start calling you pin cushion

    Or when you go to tj and your friends go check out the women and you stand in front of the pharmacies and vet checking out gear.

    Or when you make dinner you sprinkle d-bol on your food for a better taste.

    Or when you give your baby son an amp of sust to suck on instead of a bottle heheheheeh

    when your at a restaurant and get pissed because the only juice that they served was apple, grape and cranberry.

    When you take your protein with you on dates!

    When you take a bag of groceries, a gallon of milk and 2 ziploc bags full of protein to work with you every morning. (people make fun of me!)

    6 out of the 7 days in the week, u walk with a limp because of all the damn injections.

    ...the empty tuna can on top of your MuscleMag is filled with syringe wrappers, used needles, alcohol swabs, and empty
    vials of deca.

    When you actually give up partying/drinking because you don't want to be weaker on chest day.

    Or when you go to buy all your shirts at Kids R Us.

    When the day after squatting you feel entitled to skip the University garage and half-mile walk to class, parking instead in a handicapped spot.

    You have a dog named "Met-Rx."

    When you schedule leg day the day after your softball league so you will be able to run by the next game.

    You skip your last class of the day so you have enough time to work out before going to work.

    When you visit chat board with all kind of messed up people, just to get some advice on how to drink winny

    When you skip the 2 morning classes just to get the 10 hours of sleep...

    When you're about to let go a huge protein fart and you ask those around you for their preference...."Egg or Tuna? Call the ball!"

    When you are in the bathroom at work flexing in the mirror and a coworker walks in and you try to play it off like you are just checking to see if your shirt is tucked in ok.

    When someone buys you a shirt that's too big you take it as a compliment.

    When you can't afford to pay bills or rent, but somehow manage to fork over $1000/month on food, supplements, and gear.

    When you dont want to cut the grass cuz its too much cardio or..when your are having problems wiping your ass cuz your lats are too fuckin' big

    When you constantly write down cycles for your dog, cause you want him to look more like you. (I've done this so many

    You where t-shirts in the winter and sweaters or long sleeves in the summer (to keep your tan even)

    You buy your grandma wrist straps for Christmas.

    You reach down to tie your shoes but can't because your humongous Quads are in the way

    When you'll make your girlfriend wait 3 months to see you because you're not in the shape you want to be in. how about....u know ur a BB when you go to see the doc and he wants to give u a shot and u tell him to shoot in the right delt cuz thats next in rotation

    When you take it up the ass to buy gear...

    When you date fat bitches cause they will feed you more

    When someone asks what day is it and you answer with a bodypart

    When your daughter is named Arnold.
    Last edited by FreakMonster; 11-13-2001 at 12:44 PM.

  11. #11
    sp33dg33k's Avatar
    sp33dg33k is offline Member
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    holy crap that was too long to even read bro...

    your one sick fuck LOL! j/k

  12. #12
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    love it.bravo bravo!!!!!should be saved for all to read in hot topics!!!

  13. #13
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    oh and pete!!

    there is nothing w/ dynamic tension ab exercises during sex!!!you lush!!hahahaha

  14. #14
    nymattyk's Avatar
    nymattyk is offline Member
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    LMAO !!! Its actually kinda sad how many of those are true. great post bro

  15. #15
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: oh and pete!!

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    there is nothing w/ dynamic tension ab exercises during sex!!!you lush!!hahahaha
    LMAO....I didn't say there was anything wrong wit it PB...matter of fact it is now mine and Berts preffered method of training together Sadly I am a lush...but I'm a happy drunk

  16. #16
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    You all have some nice list there sweet

  17. #17
    Longhorn's Avatar
    Longhorn is offline Associate Member
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    1. You carry around Dianabol in a tic tac container.
    2. You baste the thanksgiving turkey with a 22guage, 1.5", 5cc syringe.
    3. The Mexico custom officers know you by name.
    4. You're the viagra poster boy (even though you've never used viagra).
    5. You married a veterinarian (even though she's 63years old).
    6. You're an active member of over 20 steroid message boards.
    7. You can't help contracting your biceps to the rhythm of the music in the car just to check out how good they look.
    8. You make a wind chime out of empty vials.
    9. You've had a hard-on for 2 and a half years.
    10. You have 14 separate P.O. boxes.
    11. You custom make primo amp earring’s for your girlfriend.
    12. You put reforvit in the ice cube tray instead of water.
    13. You have a custom made "amp rack".
    14. You feel small at 5'7" / 260lbs.
    15. You name your first born daughter PRIMO DONNA.

  18. #18
    tantan350 is offline Junior Member
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    Not to bring up a thread from the dead but.....

    - I curl my 5 month old daughter when in her car seat and I'm waiting for my wife to finish putting her G'Damn makeup on. She has to be 15 lbs now and the car seat has to be another 5-10 lbs...LOL, my daughter actually laughs hysterically when I do it!!

  19. #19
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    2001 thread wow... what a classic...

  20. #20
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
    dedic8ed1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms Figure
    Ok you know you are hardcore when

    1. the last alcohol drink you had was a distant memory
    2. You actually do work at work rather than sit on anabolic review
    3. Every sign you see reminds you of some body building ref or resembles a pros surname
    4. Every meal consist of protein protein and more protein
    5. You know your way round GNC better than McDonalds
    6. The Gym is more familiar to you than any other place other than home
    7. You are unhappy if you had a bad session at the gym and everyone you meet knows you are in a bad mood
    8. Your entire Video collection is Bodybuilding related and if its not then the actors in it all bodybuild
    9. The only photos in your photo album are you with numours Pro-bodybuilders
    10. 99% of your wages go on suppliments alternate or otherwise, Protein powders, chicken breast & tuna and gym membership

    OH NO ITS ME HOW SAD!!!!!!!!!!! and ive only named a few! LOL
    Marry me!!!!!!!!

    Damn 01,what's up with the old threads

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