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Thread: losing my mind

  1. #41
    Polska's Avatar
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    If she had a train run on her when you weren't together then I wouldn't care. What's in her past is in her past.

    If she did it while you were with her, you dump her like last week's garbage. Plain and simple.

  2. #42
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Just leave. If you don't and you continue to get revenge on these clowns, you're the one that's going to pay for it. Probably by either going to prison, getting your ass kicked, or possibly both. Then when you get out of prison you'll have to go to child services to set up child support payments that you will be paying. Visitation will be tough as i'm sure her lawyer will inform the court of your violent nature.
    Leave and take her to court. JMO....Good luck.

  3. #43
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Say it isn't so ???? you cant go a whole week without flaming, what the heck will we do for entertainment then? Watch TV? YUK !!!

    get your ass back out there and flame boy..... FLAME ON !!!!
    No lol im going to do it if it kills me... Although im having hot flushes already...

  4. #44
    Rockstar1990's Avatar
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    I would have literally killed some one, im surprised the dude aint in the hospital

  5. #45
    Rockstar1990's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polska View Post
    If she had a train run on her when you weren't together then I wouldn't care. What's in her past is in her past.

    If she did it while you were with her, you dump her like last week's garbage. Plain and simple.
    I think he meant it happened recently, and the guy who it happened with was a previous ex

  6. #46
    Matt's Avatar
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    Come on dude, so she sucking someone else cock, get over it theres more women out there you know. Your not going to do anything whats why your here telling us because you havnt got the balls.....

  7. #47
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    Is everyone on this fuvking board turning into little fuvking girls??

  8. #48
    Polska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Come on dude, so she sucking someone else cock, get over it theres more women out there you know. Your not going to do anything whats why your here telling us because you havnt got the balls.....
    I think that's a bit cold hearted man...... lots of people use boards like these as outlets for venting while remaining anonymous. I'd be emotional too if that happened to me

  9. #49
    ampx's Avatar
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    Last edited by ampx; 10-16-2012 at 12:00 AM.

  10. #50
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ampx View Post
    <coming from a guy who lives on this board. And if you think they didnt get theres, your wrong.
    You'll get 2-3 reply's like that on about any thread these days, you eventually just learn to filter them out. I normally get 50% but I'm hoping to increase to 75% this week.

    Most can certainly understand the frustration of being in the position.

  11. #51
    warchild's Avatar
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    ok, what would you do if some girl you and your buddy banged out years ago and her current bf came to your house and wanted to kick you ass????

  12. #52
    ampx's Avatar
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    Last edited by ampx; 10-16-2012 at 12:00 AM.

  13. #53
    reardbandit's Avatar
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    Dude don't go to jail whippin' some dude ass. She may not even have told him you all are together or anything. Be mad at her, but don't do anything to her either. You'll really go to jail for that.

    My suggestion, nail her mom, sister, best friend, etc. Do something degrading to one of them. Then get rid of her as fast as possible. Take out your aggression on the iron at the gym or a punching bag or something. Or beat off a lot

  14. #54
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    im going to give u the worst advice, however it is what i would do....
    watch like 10 hours of any CSI, take notes, make sure mental notes, then hunt them mother fukers down and get even...

    i would sit in a cage before i would let someone get away with that......

    just my 2 cents/......

  15. #55
    warchild's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ampx View Post
    were not talking past here, were talking present and to answer that, i would smash him for wasting my time. what if u walked in to a place and everyone started to whisper bc they know somthing u dont. then u find why they are. what would u do.
    wait, so this happened why you 2 were together?

  16. #56
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reardbandit View Post
    Dude don't go to jail whippin' some dude ass. She may not even have told him you all are together or anything. Be mad at her, but don't do anything to her either. You'll really go to jail for that.

    My suggestion, nail her mom, sister, best friend, etc. Do something degrading to one of them. Then get rid of her as fast as possible. Take out your aggression on the iron at the gym or a punching bag or something. Or beat off a lot
    Real mature response esp considering he has kids with her. See bold

    A good idea see underline.

  17. #57
    Rockstar1990's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reardbandit View Post
    Dude don't go to jail whippin' some dude ass. She may not even have told him you all are together or anything. Be mad at her, but don't do anything to her either. You'll really go to jail for that.

    My suggestion, nail her mom, sister, best friend, etc. Do something degrading to one of them. Then get rid of her as fast as possible. Take out your aggression on the iron at the gym or a punching bag or something. Or beat off a lot
    He stated ealier in the thread that the guy knew

  18. #58
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    man, **** that shit.

    it's not the guy's fault she's a whore.

    ditch that shit like the gutter trash she is, move on, find something better.

    also, get yourself tested......

  19. #59
    yesimussing is offline Junior Member
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    If you guys have kids in common you should think twice before you act. Think of your kids and what can they think of you. Their mom is already screwed up. don't you dessapoint them also. I know it is very hard right now but be rational. Leave the bitch and don't do anything stupid that you will regret. You'll be a bigger men by just doing that. @ the end of the day you found out what she's made of. Take care of your kids and restart your life w/o her in it. As much as you want to beat up the guys I'll have to agree wotih some of the guys here. They just took what was offered to them. She is the only one @ foult here and the only thing she deserves is your pitty. She lost more than you did. Stay calm and don't do anything stupid. Again think of your kids. Good luck.

  20. #60
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    man, **** that shit.

    it's not the guy's fault she's a whore.

    ditch that shit like the gutter trash she is, move on, find something better.

    also, get yourself tested......
    very well said

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