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  1. #1
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    Lightbulb The Obama Deception (HQ Full length version)

    The Obama Deception -

    Alex Jones' latest docu-investigation: "The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

    The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

    We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. It's not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

    Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

    Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

    - Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

    - Obama's handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

    - International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.

    - Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.

    - The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by under radar tactics, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the Republic and to freedom worldwide. President Barack Obama is only the tool of a larger agenda. Until all are made aware, humanity will remain captive to the masters of the New World Order.

    If you value liberty and the future of the republic — indeed, the future of humanity — it is crucial you see this film and tell others about it. Until all are made aware, humanity will remain captive to the masters of the New World Order."

    Last edited by Voice of Reason; 03-26-2009 at 10:52 PM.

  2. #2
    IM708's Avatar
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    another conspiracy theory (yay....)

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    given your name is voice of reason, thats quite ironic.

  4. #4
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    given your name is voice of reason, thats quite ironic.

    Youtube should screen videos for facts before they allow anyone to post videos on them, then I might take anything that is on there seriously.

    Until then, I'll stick to these videos:

  5. #5
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    given your name is voice of reason, thats quite ironic.
    it's a coincidence...

    and I bet none of you even watched it... so know what your spitting on before you open your ignorant mouths.

  6. #6
    IM708's Avatar
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    Another conspiracy theory.... I don't need to watch it to know what bullshit it will be filled with.

  7. #7
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    it's a coincidence...

    and I bet none of you even watched it... so know what your spitting on before you open your ignorant mouths.
    i didnt watch it for good reason. reading the excerpt about the movie from your post was enough to make me both shit and throw up at the same time.

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    Come on people, let there be peace between us, theres not enough loving on this board..

  9. #9
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    I hate Obama, fuvk him....and no it is not because he is black...I state that in every Obama thread.....

    Now can we give it time or do we have time to get, gold, spam, and guns. and yes I am buying property in mexico..because in ten years it will be empty. I am not watching it but I am listening to it..

    give peace a chance. not sure what that means anymore..

  10. #10
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Voice on a side note, get that horrible movie out of your avatar. The only good part was the blue penis.

  11. #11
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    We all know big brother is your friend..... lol

  12. #12
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    I hate Obama, fuvk him....and no it is not because he is black...I state that in every Obama thread.....

    Now can we give it time or do we have time to get, gold, spam, and guns. and yes I am buying property in mexico..because in ten years it will be empty. I am not watching it but I am listening to it..

    give peace a chance. not sure what that means anymore..
    property will be cheaper later if its empty. buying now is a bad decision.

  13. #13
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    property will be cheaper later if its empty. buying now is a bad decision.
    This is true, that is why I am only buying a small amout right now. in ten years I will own everything south of mexico city on the coast...I will be the new drug king pin...

  14. #14
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Come on people, let there be peace between us, theres not enough loving on this board..
    oh yes there is, its called The LOVE THREAD

    maybe you need to spend your week

  15. #15
    borra is offline Junior Member
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    Some guy at work has been talking about this movie and the several other movies that it lead him to. I think its all BS. He says that FEMA is building concentration type camps all over the US, there are jail-trains parked all over the place for mass human killings and transportation to these concentration camps, that a huge civil army is being raised and that we are all basically going to be living in hell here in the US unless we are working for the government and their evil plots.

    He swears its true, so all I can say to him is... "What the HELL are you still living here in the USA if you KNOW for a fact this is going to be going down?"

    If I knew for a fact that myself, my family, and friends would be enslaved, tortured, murdered, and starved at the hands of a countries government, I would leave as quick as possible. ::sigh:: yet they all stay and spew this crap out of their mouths hoping to find someone else to convince so they can sit around scared and pissing their pants about the end of the world.

  16. #16
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    It is just knowledge, awareness, enlightenment... It doesn't have to turn you into a big scared pvssy and you don't have to take everything something says as truth... you do your research and form your own judgment, it should make you a better person knowing somethings most of the population is shunned from knowing and the shit you see on t.v. mainstream news media is bullshit.

    It's not the end of the world... but doesn't this planet feel like we're not going in a good direction?

    ...or is ignorance bliss?

  17. #17
    ray0414's Avatar
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    i have seen the movie, there really isnt alot of "conspiracy" stuff in it. mainly just pointing out some things that people dont know. basically showing that obama works for wallstreet which he told us he didnt, yet every person he chose in his cabinet either was a lobbyiest or has ties to wallstreet. talks about the bilderberg group, if you dont know what bilderberg is, its a top secret meeting held every year at a different location in the world. bill clinton has been videotaped saying he has no idea what bilderberg is, yet there is videotape of hilary sayings its true so they obviously try to play dumb but hilary opened her mouth. google bilderberg. i voted for obama and now i think it was a mistake and that he tricked us all and theres MUCH more than what meets the eye.

  18. #18
    kihop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by borra View Post
    Some guy at work has been talking about this movie and the several other movies that it lead him to. I think its all BS. He says that FEMA is building concentration type camps all over the US, there are jail-trains parked all over the place for mass human killings and transportation to these concentration camps, that a huge civil army is being raised and that we are all basically going to be living in hell here in the US unless we are working for the government and their evil plots.

    He swears its true, so all I can say to him is... "What the HELL are you still living here in the USA if you KNOW for a fact this is going to be going down?"

    If I knew for a fact that myself, my family, and friends would be enslaved, tortured, murdered, and starved at the hands of a countries government, I would leave as quick as possible. ::sigh:: yet they all stay and spew this crap out of their mouths hoping to find someone else to convince so they can sit around scared and pissing their pants about the end of the world.
    I know a few guys personally who have also tried to "enlighten" me on these topics. These guys also believe in chemtrails, 9/11 being masterminded by the US government, crop circles, the list goes on.. oh yeah, they all promoted ron paul too.

  19. #19
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    given your name is voice of reason, thats quite ironic.

    I hate Obama, fuvk him....and no it is not because he is black...I state that in every Obama thread.....

    Now can we give it time or do we have time to get, gold, spam, and guns. and yes I am buying property in mexico..because in ten years it will be empty. I am not watching it but I am listening to it..

    give peace a chance. not sure what that means anymore..
    Thought you had to be a citizen of mexico to own land there.

    And for Voice of Reason, thats why im happy to have duel-citizenship!

    Shit hits the fan, im back on a plane!

    In seriousness though, ill watch the video tomorrow. Nothing better to do, bump knee = limited training.

  20. #20
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    I will try to check it out later. In the meantime...

  21. #21
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post

    Thought you had to be a citizen of mexico to own land there.

    And for Voice of Reason, thats why im happy to have duel-citizenship!

    Shit hits the fan, im back on a plane!
    In seriousness though, ill watch the video tomorrow. Nothing better to do, bump knee = limited training.
    Yeah, Brazil is in much better shape...

  22. #22
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kihop View Post
    I know a few guys personally who have also tried to "enlighten" me on these topics. These guys also believe in chemtrails, 9/11 being masterminded by the US government, crop circles, the list goes on.. oh yeah, they all promoted ron paul too.

  23. #23
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
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    I watched this whole movie over the weekend. My friend who is a Marine sent it to me. I found it to be very good. I do question a few areas, but overall I find it to be a view that will be spread more and more if things don't get better.

  24. #24
    Dinosaur's Avatar
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    yeah, it was just showing some of obvious things that a normal american wouldn't know because of the brain wash they see on tv. its an eye opener to the people that still think that the president has the credentials or the power to control the government or the congress. but in reality it all comes down to one bowl of corporate ceo's who are really taking over the steering wheel.

  25. #25
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    Why the **** are they interviewing hip hop artists and acting as if that is creditable? Give me a break. These guys are parroting out knowledge they heard somewhere else. I dont give a **** what a rapper has to say.

  26. #26
    borra is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    Why the **** are they interviewing hip hop artists and acting as if that is creditable? Give me a break. These guys are parroting out knowledge they heard somewhere else. I dont give a **** what a rapper has to say.
    hmm.. Good point !!!

  27. #27
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charrif View Post
    yeah, it was just showing some of obvious things that a normal american wouldn't know because of the brain wash they see on tv. its an eye opener to the people that still think that the president has the credentials or the power to control the government or the congress. but in reality it all comes down to one bowl of corporate ceo's who are really taking over the steering wheel.
    but i dont even watch tv!!! money = power is nothing new or shocking.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    Why the **** are they interviewing hip hop artists and acting as if that is creditable? Give me a break. These guys are parroting out knowledge they heard somewhere else. I dont give a **** what a rapper has to say.
    I agree, who cares. But on the flip side look at all the celebs, rappers, and actors who have influenced many people to elect Obama into office, without knowing any of his views!!! Just going along with what the media influences feeds them...
    I see no reason why anyone should get upset with what Obama has done since he has been in office. After all it's not us who will have to worry about repaying the TRILLIONS, and TRILLIONS of dollars he's printing...It's our kids, and grandkids who will have to deal with it!!!!!

  29. #29
    scerpico22's Avatar
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    watching it now...chime in when im done

  30. #30
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Yeah, Brazil is in much better shape...
    Youd be surprised.

    We live quite comfortably.

    Though there are over 1million street kids in Rio so i see how you could get that impression.

  31. #31
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    is this another paranoia filled movie, made by college students on their mac?

  32. #32
    scerpico22's Avatar
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    interesting film. a bit scary to think that most if not all could actually be in the works. the part that really bothers me is the abolishing of the 2nd amendment. i have all the guns and ammo i will need so....come and get me!

    a lot of fact checking needs to be done to accredit the author of the film, but at first glance most looks pretty authentic.

  33. #33
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post

    Youtube should screen videos for facts before they allow anyone to post videos on them,

    True that, next thing you know we'll be seeing Obama telling us that everything will be fine...
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  34. #34
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    Youd be surprised.

    We live quite comfortably.

    Though there are over 1million street kids in Rio so i see how you could get that impression.
    Brazil actually has the 3rd highest poverty rate in latin america behind only Honduras and Panama. It has the 4th highest poverty rate in the western hemisphere, following only 1)Haiti, 2)Hondura, 3)Panama, 4)Brazil... So while you may live quite comfortably, the vast majority of your countrymen aren't doing as well... SORRY!!!!

  35. #35
    ray0414's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    is this another paranoia filled movie, made by college students on their mac?
    definitely not made my college students. Its made by alex jones, he has a radio show and a definitely very informed/ knows laws/constitutional rights. The movie features some pretty highly credible people in it, Gerarde Celente: wordly known trends/forecaster that predicted the fall of USSR, stock market crashes, panic of 2008 and a few other events. A few historians/book writers. And you may laugh at this one but Jesse Ventura, say what you want about him but he WAS the governor of minnesota for a couple years so id say he has some insight about things that go on behind the scenes of the government. Also has a small interview with Wayne paul, who is ron pauls identical twin brother.

    basically the movie uses many real facts, and real things that have happend, if you watch the version online, alex jones interupts about halfway thru to tell you to take notes and research everything yourself to see that its true. i would say at least 75% can be looked up and proven true.

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