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  1. #121
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    i'm skinney and I wear tapout shirts.
    don't underestimate us skinny guys. and yes i have been in many fights with people that look as if they are going to come out on top and i always end up getting them in a submission hole with them begging to be let up!
    I even tore one bigger guys tendon.
    soooo.........look out!
    thank you for changing your avatar back. you made my day.

  2. #122
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASTER View Post
    Tapout blows, but I dont agree with the hating of affliction, their tees are sick and perfect to wear in the club. I cant actually see why anyone would wear affliction tees to the gym, most of them are for the club scene.
    yea 3 years ago

  3. #123
    BuckwildBaby's Avatar
    BuckwildBaby is offline Associate Member
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    why its matter what people wear, im not there to stare at the dudes, im there to do my dam workout at the best i can, and get the fudge out.
    it tap out gear modivates people then let it be.

  4. #124
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post

    so, lately - there's been a huge rash of douchebags in the gym .....

    and they ALL wear tapout shirts.... they talk about "how sick they are going to be at muai tai", and they walk around trying to pretend they look huge.

    for all those people....

    a) you are not huge. you're fat. there's a difference between huge amazing, and being huge disgusting.... most people who wear mma shirts, fit in the latter.....

    b) wearing a tapout shirt doesn't make you an MMA fighter....

    c) you are as bad as the FAT obese people, who know every stat about football or hockey and wear the jerseys - but you suck ass and are over weight, and never play the game - tapout guys are the same as those fatties.

    d) wearing a tapout shirt, doesn't make you strong enuff to do 3 plates (45) per side on bench...... the reason you got that whole 1 rep, is because of poor form, and your spotter having to lift half the weight to save your ass from being crushed.

    it especially got bad, now that there's a "fight club" gym in niagara....

    all these fat guys go, they punch a punching bag, and do a LITTLE bit of "grappling", and now think they are amazing......

    i hate them all.

    oh, and they only do bi's/bench and a teeny bit of ab work.

    no lats, no delts, NEVER any leg days..... (cuz we all know, those arn't important when wearing a tshirt)

    i agree with u, most of them are soft inside too. They are not made men; they are male-bitches-n-snitches.

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