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  1. #41
    scerpico22's Avatar
    scerpico22 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian View Post
    thats the problem with lynch mobs.courts dont always get it right but as the saying goes i would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

    they should put peados faces in the papers and on tv,they will soon run to the police and if not they would be living in fear for the rest of their their victims.
    all you have to do is go right here:

  2. #42
    subaruwrx04's Avatar
    subaruwrx04 is offline Associate Member
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    I watched it... I couldnt believe it. Its nasty take them to prison and let them die.

  3. #43
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    hmmm if im ever going to go on a killing spree all have to do is jump on the net and find where these fvcks life and go from house to house.....
    you just gave me an idea...

  4. #44
    normaljoe is offline Junior Member
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    Nail their genitals to a butch block table in a hay barn, light the barn on fire and hand them a spork on your way out. Let them decide, SAW style.

  5. #45
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  6. #46
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    ah casino, classic stuff

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    all you have to do is go right here:
    we dont have this in the uk,would be nice though.

    does it give names and addresses or just a warning that there is a peado living in your area?

    still think they should be punished for life and not killed....

  8. #48
    scerpico22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian View Post
    we dont have this in the uk,would be nice though.

    does it give names and addresses or just a warning that there is a peado living in your area?

    still think they should be punished for life and not killed....
    name, address, alias, photo, address and all sexual offenses, when and if they were tried and what the outcome was.

    basically a full rap sheet

    they are completely outed!

  9. #49
    WOLFCRAFT's Avatar
    WOLFCRAFT is offline Senior Member
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    This watchdog site is nuts!
    There are 293 offenders in my immediate area alone.

    I have an elementary school across the street, and a guy convicted of raping an 8 year old a block away... there's a guy who sexually assaulted a 10 year old next to him.
    How the **** can this happen? Why are these guys not in jail for life??

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    name, address, alias, photo, address and all sexual offenses, when and if they were tried and what the outcome was.

    basically a full rap sheet

    they are completely outed!
    that is sweet....def deserve a lynch mob with that kind of info.

    are there a lot of vengence killings because of that site...just curious

  11. #51
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Watch fat Oprah makes you 100x gayer than me.

  12. #52
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    These people are F'N broken machines. They cannot be cured because it's not a disease. An investigator told me once, that he had asked a sex offender how he thinks they should help cure him and he asked the investigator if he was married and he said yes. He asked the Inv. do you find your wife attractive, and he said yes. He asked him, do you find other women like your wife attractive, and he said yes. Then he said, do you think that there is any way someone could get you to change your mind about how you look at your wife, and the Inv. said NO. The sex offender said, now you see the problem. KILL EM ALL!!

  13. #53
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Everytime I hear about these cases, I think of my sisters lil girls who are aged five, seven and nine running around, happy and full of life.

    And then I think of these monsters that would completely take that away from them. It amazes me that in the UK you can try and rob a bank and if caught you get 20 years. MINIMUM. You molest a child and can be out within 5 years.

  14. #54
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
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    this kind of reminds me of the south park episode NAMBLA where the lead child molester in the group at the end of the episode trys to explain how child molesters are just people like like me and you and they shouldnt be judged for the way they feel and they cant help it they were born that way... then kyle steps in and is like listen dude we're all about equality and accepance and all that happy horse shit, but dude, you have SEX with CHILDREN... your just a sick fukk

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