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  1. #41
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate_Dog View Post
    Yeah kind of strange.. it is like hanging out at a gay forum and then saying no guys I am STRAIGHT! ... WTF?
    come on man lol
    dont forget there other parts to this forum
    diet section where i give advice there and learn a lot also

    but originally i did come on here to learn abou gear, but then reallised its hard for me to get my hands on lol..

  2. #42
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
    Hoggage_54 is offline Suspended or Banned either way gone!
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    whats an australia

  3. #43
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate_Dog View Post
    What are you talking about it is not even a big deal prescription wise.. I was taking a pharmacist through a PT session and we talked law.. and he said for hard pain killers he needs to keep his copy of the prescription for 10 years. For gear it is 5 years and for GH he said is the same as cough medicine.

    Maybe it is not a big deal because it is so f'in expensive and not many people are really touching it.. say compared to gear.,2933,272332,00.html
    OK, this is what I'm talking about.

  4. #44
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    yeah im in aus
    i dont bother asking or finding out a source i dont trust anyone and a lot of the stuff is fake.
    Ill stay natural thank you
    What do you mean... the funny thing is even though you ****ed us all off on boats to some far far away harsh dry land.. now all the ****ing English want to come live in Oz.

    I like the English I traveled around world with a bunch of crazy English lads... but how you live in that shit hole of a rainy ass country is beyond me. That is why I reside over here in Spain - Sunshine! But in all honesty how do you guys handle it?? You would have to have the crappest weather around... (and a high percentage of ugly mingas), another reason I am in Spain), the UK's weather going hand in hand with crap ass Ontario, Canada (but the chics are better there). I lived there for 1 year of my life, the worst most miserable **** year I have ever known. People who say sunshine does not effect your happiness need to go live there!

    Australia sucks for some things (international sources and cause it is so far away from everything!).. but for most things (Sydney at least) - lifestyle, beach, women (Much better in Sydney), fun, weather etc - Oz rocks.

  5. #45
    collar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate_Dog View Post
    What do you mean... the funny thing is even though you ****ed us all off on boats to some far far away harsh dry land.. now all the ****ing English want to come live in Oz.

    I like the English I traveled around world with a bunch of crazy English lads... but how you live in that shit hole of a rainy ass country is beyond me. That is why I reside over here in Spain - Sunshine! But in all honesty how do you guys handle it?? You would have to have the crappest weather around... (and a high percentage of ugly mingas), another reason I am in Spain), the UK's weather going hand in hand with crap ass Ontario, Canada (but the chics are better there). I lived there for 1 year of my life, the worst most miserable **** year I have ever known. People who say sunshine does not effect your happiness need to go live there!

    Australia sucks for some things (international sources and cause it is so far away from everything!).. but for most things (Sydney at least) - lifestyle, beach, women (Much better in Sydney), fun, weather etc - Oz rocks.
    oh yeah bro
    aus for everything else rocks, it really is a top place imo
    i live in sydney great place to live

    i thought you lived in aus, when you started this post i was lost, i was like what is he talking about lol.

    but yeah for um source and so on not so good.

  6. #46
    GT2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate_Dog View Post
    I have said it before... That ****ing Branch Warren pic!..

    Where did you get it from? ... he looks mental.
    Haha I forgot bro. I think it was some thread of pro bodybuilder pics, either on this site or somewhere else. I love it too, hence why it's my avy.

  7. #47
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    oh yeah bro
    aus for everything else rocks, it really is a top place imo
    i live in sydney great place to live

    i thought you lived in aus, when you started this post i was lost, i was like what is he talking about lol.

    but yeah for um source and so on not so good.
    sources are fine and as posted before the good source will not advertise at all. they even question people that get a hold of there source.

    where abouts in sydney are you. in in wollongong. love it down here. wouldn't know what to do without the beach.

  8. #48
    skeldno's Avatar
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    my supplier ships to sweden all the time he has a big buyer there and has never had a prob.

  9. #49
    collar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R View Post
    sources are fine and as posted before the good source will not advertise at all. they even question people that get a hold of there source.

    where abouts in sydney are you. in in wollongong. love it down here. wouldn't know what to do without the beach.
    im at western suburb

    some where in the parramatta region which would be ruffly about ummmm
    hour + from you perhaps.

    you lucky man.

  10. #50
    Hitman's Avatar
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    OZ via NZ
    I have better luck getting gear into OZ than back home in NZ, only thing I've been ****ed on here was letro. Thanks TGA (****s).

  11. #51
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    im at western suburb

    some where in the parramatta region which would be ruffly about ummmm
    hour + from you perhaps.

    you lucky man.
    yeah about 1hr 15min.

    i'm between thirroul -woonona. area.

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