Quote Originally Posted by Pocketbattleship2B View Post
1) I am not british.
2)You are doing the majority of the fighting because YOU declared the war on(in Iraqs case non existant WMD's) terrorism so I don't see how you can complain about that.
3)By declairing war you ligitamise the terrorists fight,untill then they were just criminals,now they are an opposing army.
4)Do you not get bored using the WW2 thing the whole time?Can you not come up with anything else in arguements about americas actions in the world?
For the record I an not anti-american,I just don't like how a country that has enough money to invade other countries and tell others they are the greatest and everyone should be like them also have a huge homeless population,massive crime statistics, and millions of people living in abject poverty and some in that country still have the audacity to claim it is the greatest country in earth,despite its obvious flaws.JMO
There are a lot of homeless people, because they didn't take advantage of the opportunities in front of them. In America, all you have to do is get good grades, and you can do whatever the hell you want. It is that simple. Read, study, go to class, get straight A's throughout, and be whatever the hell you want to be. I am on board with you on the Iraq thing, though.