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  1. #1
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Unsolicited Advice in the Gym

    Do you give unsolicited advice in the gym while working out?

    I have NO problems in helping someone out who asks or maybe befriending some kid who looks like they are struggling a little.

    Once in a while you see that really out of shape guy or couple who are doing who knows WTF exercise that you know is doing NOTHING to help them or their form is so bad it hurts to watch.

    Do you say anything to them or just keep your mouth shut in fear that either they will be ungrateful or you will become their personal (free) trainer.

  2. #2
    wanna_c_gains is offline Associate Member
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    I keep my mouth shut, simply because I hate when people come up to me and 'tell me what works for them".

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    I often see young kids training their arms everyday of the week and although i feel like saying something to them i dont. I would sooner spend the time getting my training routine spot on...

  4. #4
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I rarely give unsolicited advice in the gym, but the other day an older overwieght guy that has been coming lately waited until I was done with squats and went over to try a few hisself. He faced away from the rack, and when he was done had to back up to the rack and had trouble. I pulled him to the side and gave him a little instruction so that he would not hurt hisself. So I guess there are times when I do yes, but very selectively.

  5. #5
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    I am always welcome to any advice someone wants to give me. Guy at the gym helped me on my shoulder flys the other day. Now I can really feel the burn.

  6. #6
    Surreal is offline Associate Member
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    1) I never offer unsolicited advice . . . except every now and then to my workout partner as we try to look out for one another.

    2) I workout at my university's gym. Even though I attend an arguably prestigious institution with supposedly high admissions standards, there are a lot of morons here utilizing microscopic ranges of motion and/or just struggling to lift too much weight in an effort to stroke their own egos. Every now and then I would start laughing at one of them. I don't try to be mean, but it's just so amusing, sometimes I can't help myself! Maybe I was just born an "asshole?"

    3) I'm glad to offer advice upon request, but some folks ask the dumbest questions. One guy didn't really know how to deadlift properly, so he asked me to critique his form and provide some input. OK, no problem, happy to help! Then he explained that he was trying to gain weight, but hasn't seen much in terms of gains since he began lifting 5 weeks ago, and was wondering if he should do steroids . WTF!?
    Last edited by Surreal; 06-14-2009 at 07:47 AM.

  7. #7
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Don't give anyone advice unless they ask for it, case closed.

  8. #8
    quarry206's Avatar
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    I am often asked "how can I lift as much as you?"... I give advise, but the truth is most don't take it. since I train for strength not body building and most people believe what ever MD says. Often I am ignored.

    I have come to realize that unless the person is serious about learning, sometimes it is just best to give the answer " I just have been powerlifting for a few years, It comes with time"... it keeps me from wasting my breath. but i will say i have guided a few people to this board for advise that I could not give myself..

  9. #9
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    I give girls advice, but sill waiting for them to sleep with me......

  10. #10
    Hazard's Avatar
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    I RARELY workout at big gyms like that but when i do..... i NEVER give advice unless asked to. I personally wouldn't like someone walking up to me and telling me how to do something..... i've spent years in the gym trying to figure out what works best for me. I've made the most progress so far learning on my own..... and i'd really like to keep it that way.

    Also.... like quarry said..... a lot of the time.... you're wasting your breath. Many friends of mine, co-workers, and some gym rats have asked me about a routine.... or suppliments..... diet...... and only 1...... ONE....... of them took my advice. That one guy tho has since dedicated his life to working out and pound for pound..... he's bigger than me LOL. Most people don't have the dedication to get to where they want.... so again like quarry said.... maybe it's just better to say "I've been at this for years..... it takes time"

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  11. #11
    BuckwildBaby's Avatar
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    i hate when people come up and tell me how to "bench" or "squat" properly, only you know your body best and what works best for you. only if asked would i give advice.

  12. #12
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    Sometimes if they're around 16/17 and look confused and stupid I will offer some advice and they usually listen, but other than that I never tell anyone anything, because I hate when people try to tell me. If they ask I am happy to help.

  13. #13
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Sometimes if they're around 16/17 and look confused and stupid I will offer some advice and they usually listen, but other than that I never tell anyone anything, because I hate when people try to tell me. If they ask I am happy to help.
    same as chode, i saw some kids doing deadlifts the other day while i was lifting i couldnt take it anymore . their form was shit and i could see fvcked up back comming on. so i said somthing to them and corrected them. they were cool about and say thanks dude, so that was ok.

  14. #14
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    I don't talk to people in the gym, I dont care what other people are doing, I am focused on me. I am not their trainer nor do I want to be so they can suck dick while bench pressing for all I care.

  15. #15
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
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    I don't talk to anyone unless prompted. It ****s up my focus and slows me down. Back in college my workouts would last an hour plus. Post college the same workout I can finish in 30 mins. Really slows me down.

  16. #16
    Charger527's Avatar
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    When im in the gym no one exsits but me and my workout partner, i never really take notice about anyone else so no, but if someone asks when im not busy i would be happy to help.

  17. #17
    quarry206's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRT,MAN View Post
    same as chode, i saw some kids doing deadlifts the other day while i was lifting i couldnt take it anymore . their form was shit and i could see fvcked up back comming on. so i said somthing to them and corrected them. they were cool about and say thanks dude, so that was ok.
    I will agree with this. I will maybe step in and say something. Because you are preventing injury, and things that a younger lifter is not aware of yet.

  18. #18
    fit4ever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Do you give unsolicited advice in the gym while working out?

    I have NO problems in helping someone out who asks or maybe befriending some kid who looks like they are struggling a little.

    Once in a while you see that really out of shape guy or couple who are doing who knows WTF exercise that you know is doing NOTHING to help them or their form is so bad it hurts to watch.

    Do you say anything to them or just keep your mouth shut in fear that either they will be ungrateful or you will become their personal (free) trainer.

    Are you a prideful person?

    (FYI - This thread doesn't exist unless you are.)

  19. #19
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit4ever View Post
    Are you a prideful person?

    (FYI - This thread doesn't exist unless you are.)
    Yes I am prideful but that does not mean I think I am better than anyone else.

    Like stated above sometimes you see someone who is going to potentially hurt themselves and it's good to step in. Other times you just see someone doing something and think WTF, I dont bother to say anything then unless I'm approached.

    I get asked about my routine once in a while and I dont go into great detail only say it takes time and a good healthy diet with eating 6+ meals a day. Form is everything when working out and I only work each muscle group 1x a week; not like also stated above where you see people/kids trying to work EVERY muscle group ever day...

  20. #20
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    there is a 50 year old guy at my gym i would love to help!! he does every exercise wrong and gruns and screams while he is doing it! Has no size or definition! today I watched hi do standing calf raises with the entire 500# stack and he added a 45# to the top!! He had his entire foot on the shelf, not his toes and was moving maybe a 1/2" up and down!!! and all the while he is grunting and talking to himself!! Gees I could do 3000# the way he is doing it!! I would never get any gains, but I could do it!!

  21. #21
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    there is a 50 year old guy at my gym i would love to help!! he does every exercise wrong and gruns and screams while he is doing it! Has no size or definition! today I watched hi do standing calf raises with the entire 500# stack and he added a 45# to the top!! He had his entire foot on the shelf, not his toes and was moving maybe a 1/2" up and down!!! and all the while he is grunting and talking to himself!! Gees I could do 3000# the way he is doing it!! I would never get any gains, but I could do it!!
    Problem is he is putting a LOT of un due pressure on his back and will distroy his spine especially at his age. Hell, most of the time I do calf raises with no weight when Im outside just walking/standing doing nothing just to do them and I can get a good pump just playing around standing on a curb with good form.

  22. #22
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    When people approach me and ask for help then I'm glad to help! I really don't socialize in the gym I only smile hehe! specially to women!!!

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    everyone like knows everyone in my gym, so i give some tips and advice here and there.

  27. #27
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    Advice upon Request, Other wise Leave me be!

  28. #28
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    my advise usually is 'hey wipe your fkn sweat off the bench you lazy fuk"

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    my advise usually is 'hey wipe your fkn sweat off the bench you lazy fuk"

    Man I wish I could Legally beat the people who do that!!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Man I wish I could Legally beat the people who do that!!!
    yea place i work out has alot of older men 50 plus and are the type that dont know what there doin running from machine to machine. I really dont understand how they dont wipe there machines down, its not that hard people. Also no one in this place racks there weight either and that pisses me off about as much.

  31. #31
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    Chuck we can go on forever about that crap. Why cant you ReRack? why cant tou take 2 seconds to wipe machine down? Im getting angry just thinking about it.

  32. #32
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    And Why do you need to put on 5-6 10lb plates on each side of the bar?? WTF!!

  33. #33
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    ha im starting to get pissed off too,, and i tell myself to chill and im like wtf do i care if they dont rerack but for some reason it will be in my head for the whole workout.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    ha im starting to get pissed off too,, and i tell myself to chill and im like wtf do i care if they dont rerack but for some reason it will be in my head for the whole workout.

    Exactly!! That shvt bothers the hell outta me

  35. #35
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    I dont say anything, usually just laugh internally. My trainer used to say things every now and then when people were either about to hurt themselves or if they weren't using the equipment right, of course I think sometimes the people get embarrassed but he was just trying to make sure they weren't in there wasting their time.

  36. #36
    warchild's Avatar
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    sometimes people don't know what's best for them and I do, so I let them know

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    the only time i will is if im annoyed with a person, or they are totally making an ass out of them selves...

    even then their is a way to do it... ask them if they would like some advise or help. and you have to be bigger than them... other wise they wont take any suggestions.

    99 persent of the time they will ask me, i stay very approachable at the gym

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