It seems another year has gone by and June 16th is here again...23 years ago I married the woman that would turn out to be not only the love of my life but the best friend any man could ever have. My beautiful wife Diana has been by my side through the good years as well as plenty of difficult ones..never once waivering from her dedication to our marriage..and trust me when I say I have not been the perfect husband. She has been there to take care of mer through illness and she supported and encouraged me in the years I was out of my mind with drugs and booze...through the crazy times as an Outlaw biker too. I don't mind admitting that I'm choked up right now as I write this...she is the glue that holds our family together. She's given me two beautiful and healthy daughter thats 19 and my son thats a mother there is no doubt in my mind that she is the best. In all honesty I'd be lost without her! I first met her when I was 11 years old..we were neighbors in N.J...that means I've known her for 34 years...she's been the same awesome, cool chic, throughout all those years. She has my back 24/ I do hers....I do believe I am the luckiest man on the face of the earth..that is not to say we haven't had some wicked fights...I remember when she was pregnant with my daughter ..we were doing the dishes together and I made a smartass comment and she grabbed a knife and....lets just say the dish I was drying made for a great shield!!..I'll close with this...for the young guns here that are dating or are newly married....when you find the right'll know it...and you better hold on to her!!...I have mine..she's my soulmate and I love her more than anything!!