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  1. #1
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Unhappy So Yesterday I had to...


    We had him for 14 years so he led a good life, he was obviously more my Mom's Dog than mine but I grew up with the lil bastid... Yah it was sad... I didn't wanna see the poor fvck go but it was his time. He couldn't hold his bowels anymore. His rear legs were swollen and not working. He cried in PAIN day and Night... So it was obviously what we had to do. My Mother is a WRECK !!! I have never seen someone so devastated in all my life. Yah we all like the dog.. but that was her Companion... I feel awful for her. But he was good, he is in a better place now... No more Pain. I gave him his last meal.. a Steak. He ate it. He Loved it. Then we took him on his last ride to the VET clinic. When we got there we said our GOODBYE'S to him and My brother.. (It was really more or less "His Dog" when we were growing up ), My Wife, My Mother, and I stayed with him when they administered the sedative. My Mom diidn't wanna watch him take his last breath so I went out in the Lobby with her while they did the Euthanasia... when it was over and he was Gone we went back in and Said Our Final Goodbyes and it was Over.

    This of course was the FIRST animal I have ever put down, let alone, the only Dog I have ever had... so it was different.. kinda makes me not wanna get a dog of my own. But I am sure I will eventually...

    Anyways just wanted to share...


    11/12/95 -- 7/28/09

  2. #2
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    man that sucks bro.....maybe get ur mom a pup..
    i dont know what i would do if something happened to my dogs, the simple fact upsets me....
    R.I.P for the husky bro......

  3. #3
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey condolences. That is very difficult to go through. I recently had to put one of my dogs down and it nearly killed me. Hang in there!

  4. #4
    vpchill's Avatar
    vpchill is offline "Born to lose, Dying to win"
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    Sorry to hear that Brother.

  5. #5
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    DUde that jus made me cry!!! Reminded me of having to put down my Diezzel Boy Last year! He was a 230# English Mastiff and was only 8 years old when he got bone cancer! It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do! Your story just brought back the entire sad scene! I feel for ya! I have a 14 1/2 yr old Golden right now with very bad hips! I hope he has a lttle more time left though!

  6. #6
    CBGB's Avatar
    CBGB is offline Senior Member
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    I feel for you. To this day, one of the hardest things I ever did was put down my dog Shelby. Dogs are indeed a mans best friend.

    Word of advice. Don't go get another animal right away. It will never live up to your expectations.

  7. #7
    scerpico22's Avatar
    scerpico22 is offline Anabolic Member
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    that sucks man but better for him.

    R.I.P. good fella

  8. #8
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    Its hard been there done that. Never easy on the family.

  9. #9
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    That made me get sad

  10. #10
    CptAmericaX is offline Member
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    dont watch marly and me

  11. #11
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Sorry to hear that D.

    I know how hard it is.

  12. #12
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptAmericaX View Post
    dont watch marly and me
    I ****in cried towards the end i was tryin to make it as if I wasnt crying but I only cried more

  13. #13
    fb4life's Avatar
    fb4life is offline Junior Member
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    sorry to hear that man.

  14. #14
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    you should put in the thread topic *do not read this if you're on PCT*

    i lost a cat who was only 10yrs old with ZERO warning.

    4am my roomie wakes me up, cat was having a crazy seizure bouncing around on the floor - then just stopped....

    no warning, nothing funny or any weird behaviour the day before...just... done.

    and, i had him the month i moved outta my parents home when i was 16. we were was crushed.

    i still feel shitty thinking about it, but - at least your dog had a home that cared. look at all the animals that are abused and have shitty lives. your dog was very lucky

  15. #15
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    I literally want to rip the THROATS out of anyone who lays their hands on ANIMALS and abuses them..

    One day I was at the grocery store in the parking lot and saw this dude literally wailing on his PITBULL and the dog was cowering in PAIN and FEAR... I walked right up SPUN the dude around and BEAT the SNOT out of him... I saw RED and couldn't help myself... everyone stopped and looked a few people gasped and then when I was done and standing over him and the crowd that had gathered around started clapping because they saw this dude doing this to the dog.. and everyone was defenseless to stop it or just didn't dare to... The doggy who was being beat walked up behind me as I sat there panting and trying to catch my breath with my hands down to my sides aand fists still clenched staring at the unconscious pile of sh1t on the ground in front of me and THE DOG.. The dog started licking my fist/hand... it kinda snapped me out of it.. I didn't know it at the time because I was so full of Rage but I had tears streaming down my face.. and I bent down to pet the cute dog and he started licking my face cleaning off my tear soaked face.. I gathered myself and stood up and when I did I was surrounded by Police officers.. GREAT I thought.. Now I get to go to jail.. but they had been talking to the crowd of people and walked right by me and threw the cuffs on the Loser on the ground who was bleeding and wimpering like a coward... I could only utter a few words to him but what I said I bet he'll NEVER FORGET.. "How's It Feel... How do you FEEL .. Now ?!!?" The cops took my statement, had me assessed by Medcu because I had the dude's teeth in my knuckles... bandaged me up and let me go.. Animal control took the dog.. and the cops took a statement from me and Patted me on the back and said .. Good job Son.. Good job. And that was that...

  16. #16
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Sorry for your loss. It is always tough to let a pet go you have had for so long.

  17. #17
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
    *El Diablo* is offline Respected Member
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    Sorry for your Loss D. i feel very strong towards animals, if i where the richest man in the world then i would give a F*ck load of money too all the animal Shelters... i will not give a sent to any sick people with aids....

    Peace! ...

  18. #18
    Altoidmike is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I literally want to rip the THROATS out of anyone who lays their hands on ANIMALS and abuses them..

    One day I was at the grocery store in the parking lot and saw this dude literally wailing on his PITBULL and the dog was cowering in PAIN and FEAR... I walked right up SPUN the dude around and BEAT the SNOT out of him... I saw RED and couldn't help myself... everyone stopped and looked a few people gasped and then when I was done and standing over him and the crowd that had gathered around started clapping because they saw this dude doing this to the dog.. and everyone was defenseless to stop it or just didn't dare to... The doggy who was being beat walked up behind me as I sat there panting and trying to catch my breath with my hands down to my sides aand fists still clenched staring at the unconscious pile of sh1t on the ground in front of me and THE DOG.. The dog started licking my fist/hand... it kinda snapped me out of it.. I didn't know it at the time because I was so full of Rage but I had tears streaming down my face.. and I bent down to pet the cute dog and he started licking my face cleaning off my tear soaked face.. I gathered myself and stood up and when I did I was surrounded by Police officers.. GREAT I thought.. Now I get to go to jail.. but they had been talking to the crowd of people and walked right by me and threw the cuffs on the Loser on the ground who was bleeding and wimpering like a coward... I could only utter a few words to him but what I said I bet he'll NEVER FORGET.. "How's It Feel... How do you FEEL .. Now ?!!?" The cops took my statement, had me assessed by Medcu because I had the dude's teeth in my knuckles... bandaged me up and let me go.. Animal control took the dog.. and the cops took a statement from me and Patted me on the back and said .. Good job Son.. Good job. And that was that...
    Wow, you are my hero I have no tolerance for any type of abuse especially towards animals they are to help less, at least when a guy hits a girl it must be a for a reason hah jk!

    In all seriousness good job honestly that just made my morning.

  19. #19
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Sorry for your Loss D. i feel very strong towards animals, if i where the richest man in the world then i would give a F*ck load of money too all the animal Shelters... i will not give a sent to any sick people with aids....

    Peace! ...
    I agree, can you believe that some bastards kill cows sheep, pigs, chickens, fish ect just to eat.

    Whats this world comming to???

  20. #20
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I agree, can you believe that some bastards kill cows sheep, pigs, chickens, fish ect just to eat.

    Whats this world comming to???
    HaHaha! Matt my friend... lol ... I cant trust you to come in here and say something like that.. lol ....

    And Remember :

  21. #21
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Sorry for your Loss D. i feel very strong towards animals, if i where the richest man in the world then i would give a F*ck load of money too all the animal Shelters... i will not give a sent to any sick people with aids....

    Peace! ...
    Thanks brotha. I know I would do the SAME thing.. I do donate time to the animal shelters as it is already, I go down once every two weeks when time permits and take the dogs out for a walk or play with them in the field they have at the place.. just so they don't have to be stuck in those CAGES all day... I am a big time Dog Advocate. Mainly Pitbulls of course.. I treasure them the most but I love all dogs...

    Is that avatar your Dog??

    Quote Originally Posted by Altoidmike View Post
    Wow, you are my hero I have no tolerance for any type of abuse especially towards animals they are to help less, at least when a guy hits a girl it must be a for a reason hah jk!

    In all seriousness good job honestly that just made my morning.
    Haha glad to have made your morning bro... it was a fvcked up situation that day.. that is why I remember every little tiny detail!! I will do the SAME if it were to ever haappen again.. and I know it happens daily.. just not in presence or else the same course of action would be taken place... I DO NOT STAND FOR ANIMAL ABUSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER !!

    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I agree, can you believe that some bastards kill cows sheep, pigs, chickens, fish ect just to eat.

    Whats this world comming to???
    Hahaha What are you a Vegan Matt?? lol... it's weird saying Matt because that's my name too.. I know it's a very common place name and that is WHY I use my nickname THE DEUCE because I didn't want too much confusion if I created my name with the name MATT in it...

    But yah.. Poor sheep.. lol... I dont know who would kill them to eat.. I DONT EAT SHEEP !!! Who on here does?? Really... lol

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