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    CBGB's Avatar
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    The Proud Father Thread

    We have a lot of family men around here. We all have proud moments with our children. Things they do, say, accomplished. Traditions and even pet peeves. Lets post some of our favorites. See what moves others around here, and maybe even get some ideas to try at home.

    Right of hand I can think of two.

    Every month or two we have an earth hour at my house. We shut off everything in the house and only use candles. For at least an hour we hang out and entertain each other. Hide and seek, stupid daddy tricks, etc. Always a fun time.

    Bedtime is reading time around here. I read the same book two times. And on the third time the kids act the book out. It's always fun to see what they come up with.

    Anybody else?

  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Man thats awesome, I have no kids of my own yet. I basically am proud of all my friends kids I guess. One day I will have my own, I cant wait for that day!!!

  3. #3
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I was a single father for a couple of years. One day while in the shower getting ready for work I realized I had not heard form my two year old, which usually she stood outside the shower and kept saying over and over " Are you ready Daddy, are you ready?" She did this relentlessly until I got out of the shower. Welll this day I didn't hear a peep and as soon as I realized it I jerked open the shower curtain. there she stood next to her beauty salon chair where she had set up a tea tray with the cups and all right outside the shower. It was one of those sets that when she tips the teapot it makes music.

    She had the single most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life, and said " want some tea daddy, want some tea" I cried like a bitch sitting there on the edge of my shower having tea with the princess.

    She is such a servant, such a giver, and I could not be any prouder of her.

  4. #4
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    My 5 year old son begged me to take the training wheels of his bike. After a couple days we went out and tookem off.

    He knew we were going to throw them away so he spent the rest of the day falling and getting up until he go it down.

    Took him about 4hrs to learn to ride.

    He also learned to swim this summer without his floats. Took about 3 trips to the pool.

    Makes you proud to have a child that has so much determination.

  5. #5
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    My daughter just graduated from high school and headed for Stanford on a full ride academic scholly. Very, very proud of her. I managed to keep her off the pole, so I feel accomplished, LOL!!! She's beautiful, never been pregnant, and graduated with honors.

    My oldest son is 15yrs old, 6'1 190lbs. One of the top underclass safeties in the state. As a incoming sophomore he's already garnered attention from UNLV, UNR, Utah, Hawaii, and New Mexico.

    My youngest son (13 yrs old), is a top AAU basketball player (plays guard), he was invited to the Phenom camp this summer, where he left as on of the top 10 guards between 13-15yr olds in the country.

    Both my sons are nowhere near the students my daughter is, but we are working on that. It makes me feel good as a parent to know they are accomplished and staying out of trouble. Living in Vegas there is a lot they can get into (especially for girls), so I'm proud they have kept their noses, relatively, clean. I'm not saying their perfect, but I couldn't honestly ask for better kids!!!

    I've definitely been blessed with such a great family. 3 great kids, 3 great dogs, and a beautiful wife. Life is good!!!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    My daughter just graduated from high school and headed for Stanford on a full ride academic scholly. Very, very proud of her. I managed to keep her off the pole, so I feel accomplished, LOL!!! She's beautiful, never been pregnant, and graduated with honors.

    My oldest son is 15yrs old, 6'1 190lbs. One of the top underclass safeties in the state. As a incoming sophomore he's already garnered attention from UNLV, UNR, Utah, Hawaii, and New Mexico.

    My youngest son (13 yrs old), is a top AAU basketball player (plays guard), he was invited to the Phenom camp this summer, where he left as on of the top 10 guards between 13-15yr olds in the country.

    Both my sons are nowhere near the students my daughter is, but we are working on that. It makes me feel good as a parent to know they are accomplished and staying out of trouble. Living in Vegas there is a lot they can get into (especially for girls), so I'm proud they have kept their noses, relatively, clean. I'm not saying their perfect, but I couldn't honestly ask for better kids!!!

    I've definitely been blessed with such a great family. 3 great kids, 3 great dogs, and a beautiful wife. Life is good!!!!
    I hope to have done this well with my kids.

    You can only give them the tools and pray they use them as you have shown.

    And if they dont I guess Ill have to take those same tools andBET THE SH!T OUT OF THEM WITH THOSE TOOLS.. LOL

  7. #7
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    (not to thread-jack)
    But if anyone is willing to trade their child for a playstation 3 PM me.

    Thanks guys.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 07-29-2009 at 08:06 PM.

  8. #8
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    How old is the kid?

  9. #9
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    I hope to have done this well with my kids.

    You can only give them the tools and pray they use them as you have shown.

    And if they dont I guess Ill have to take those same tools andBET THE SH!T OUT OF THEM WITH THOSE TOOLS.. LOL
    We have routine ten o'clock beatings everyweek night...just in case ya know?

  10. #10
    CMonkey's Avatar
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    The wife and I didn't plan on having any children. However, we had an "oops". My 2 yr. old daughter is the most wonderful thing that could've ever happened. Nothing better than getting home from work and hearing "Daddy, you're home", and getting a big hug.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    I hope to have done this well with my kids.

    You can only give them the tools and pray they use them as you have shown.

    And if they dont I guess Ill have to take those same tools andBET THE SH!T OUT OF THEM WITH THOSE TOOLS.. LOL
    Trust me brotha, my wife and I have never, "spared the rod..." if you know what I mean!!!!

  12. #12
    CBGB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMonkey View Post
    The wife and I didn't plan on having any children. However, we had an "oops". My 2 yr. old daughter is the most wonderful thing that could've ever happened. Nothing better than getting home from work and hearing "Daddy, you're home", and getting a big hug.
    That is the greatest thing in the world. I get trampled by two of my children everytime I come home. The third one can't walk yet.

  13. #13
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    So many things that my kids do make me just sit back and smile. I have 4 girls, ranging in age from 1yr to 12yrs.

    I guess my favorite time is dinner time, with all of us around the table, no interuptions from TV or the phone and so on, and before we eat, each one of my kids (with the exception of my 1yr old), wants to say a prayer, where they thank God for Mommy and Daddy and for each other..... it gets me everytime.

  14. #14
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    I have 3 Beautiful kids. No matter what I go thru, a smile and a hug from them can brighten my darkest day.
    One moment that stands out is my 10year olds advancement in football. I kept hearing from all the coaches, how good he was and how the league needed somone with his talent to carry the program... blah blah blah, I kept saying they were making my sons head big. I was always agressive and he seemed too kind to play football. Boy was I wrong, I watched him every week get better and better and totally dominate each game with his offensive and defensive play.. he was the star QB and a dominate DE. He amazed me. I was very good and was always told I had enuff to go pro, I'm hopin I passed that to him. Yet one moment during his 4th game as I watched him throw and run for 2 tds, I sat back and got choked up Realizing how my dad felt when he wud watch me play. I imagined how proud I made him on the field even tho I was such a disapointment off of it. It made me smile 2 see my son at 9 years old be Great at somthing. He later won MVP of the league and tons of other accolades.. I'm proud of all my kids, I love how when I walk in the room my 4 month old lights up and smiles.
    I love how my daughter never wants 2 talk on the phone but when she sees me she can't stop telling me how much she loves me..
    Kids a prescious indeed..
    Great thread. *wipes tear

  15. #15
    countrybhoy's Avatar
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    my daughter acts
    been on big stages prefomances . my eldest son it just the complete athelete won so many gaa trophies and has never lost in a 100 meters race . my middle son aint into that stuff more good with his hands and my eigth year old well he is my life . i know why i work so hard when i look at him . my oldest daugther is studing to be a history teacher . all in all im proud of all my kids but i would still be proud of them no mater what they did .

  16. #16
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    I was walking the dogs a couple of weeks ago with my oldest daughter(6). I yipped at the dogs to have them come closer and she looked at me and said.

    Dad you must be the master of the universe.
    Really honey? Why's that?
    Me and M. do what you tell us to do, Mommy does what you tell her to do, and the dogs do what you tell them to do.
    No honey, I'm just a daddy and people listen to daddy's

    I also get a kick out of my kids thinking i'm so strong. We play these games where I lift them up and hold them on the ceiling, or throw them up in the air. The first thing any of their freinds do when they are over is ask if we can play daddy games like that. My oldest had me doing it to my entire t-ball team. They all think I am some kind of superman. In reality, they have no idea how hard it is for me to do it.

  17. #17
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Proud Father Thread-6608_135059765725_569380725_3593054_2779247_n.jpg  

  18. #18
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    I was walking the dogs a couple of weeks ago with my oldest daughter(6). I yipped at the dogs to have them come closer and she looked at me and said.

    Dad you must be the master of the universe.
    Really honey? Why's that?
    Me and M. do what you tell us to do, Mommy does what you tell her to do, and the dogs do what you tell them to do.
    No honey, I'm just a daddy and people listen to daddy's

    I also get a kick out of my kids thinking i'm so strong. We play these games where I lift them up and hold them on the ceiling, or throw them up in the air. The first thing any of their freinds do when they are over is ask if we can play daddy games like that. My oldest had me doing it to my entire t-ball team. They all think I am some kind of superman. In reality, they have no idea how hard it is for me to do it.

    I dont have any kids, and prolly wont, but this is a a good read. Great thread ....! bumppppp

  19. #19
    eatrainrest's Avatar
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    im sure i have a kid or two laying around somewhere in the U.S.

  20. #20
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    no kids that i know of yet..... but i can already say i'm going to be proud of my son. He'll be making lots of money and wont forget to share it with his old man because of all the life lessons i've taught him..... yeah that sounds good.
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  21. #21
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    my kid is 3 yrs old in August. I can see he start to follow his step brother (Dukki's) footsteps. Every girl (pretty) he sees he runs after especially Blondes Otherday he made me run after him in Gap as he was chasing this 18 yrs old blondie

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    no kids that i know of yet..... but i can already say i'm going to be proud of my son. He'll be making lots of money and wont forget to share it with his old man because of all the life lessons i've taught him..... yeah that sounds good.
    Careful what you say Hazard. I've spent years training my sons to be outstanding athletes and the 1st thing either of them said when they had their 1st interviews with the local TV station was...'HI MOM!!!'

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    (not to thread-jack)
    But if anyone is willing to trade their child for a playstation 3 PM me.

    Thanks guys.
    depends what games you willing to throw in? if u have FIFA we might can talk..

  24. #24
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    Me, my wives, and all my kids

  25. #25
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    I'm proud to say i've been pulling out for 17 years and im not a daddy

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    my proudest moment weirdly came today..

    my step daughter (9) told my wife today, after coming back from a week with her biological father.. "I can't wait till dad comes home from iraq. so i at least have a cool dad that loves me here"
    Last edited by quarry206; 04-11-2010 at 05:14 PM.

  27. #27
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    My daughters 16 birthday was August 1st.She is so much smarter than I was at that age.So, she is having trouble with her boyfriend.So i gave her some advice.She looked like she was going to cry.

    Then she looks at me and says that,"I'm going to let my hair grow really long for a couple of years".I said thats OK, and asked why so long?Her answer was , "so I can donate it to cancer patience that don't have hair", "they make wigs out of them".

    I told her how proud I was of her, and that was a noble thing to do.

    That's is what being proud is to me...

  29. #29
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    Seeing my first baby boy is best thing that happened to me!
    I love sleeping beside him and can't help myself kissing him!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    Seeing my first baby boy is best thing that happened to me!
    I love sleeping beside him and can't help myself kissing him!
    This thread is now turning gay..

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    This thread is now turning gay..

  32. #32
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    Last night my oldest daughter (6) fell off of her bike in front of my house. She cried for a few minutes, and then continued with her normal nightly routine. No big deal. Right? Todat her teacher calls me and says she is favoring her arm quite a bit so I took her to the Dr. My little girl broke her right arm and all I got was a few min. of crying!! I feel like a horrible parent for not getting her checked out. But she acted like it was no big deal. The strongest little girl I know! I am so proud of her. Tough as nails!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    Last night my oldest daughter (6) fell off of her bike in front of my house. She cried for a few minutes, and then continued with her normal nightly routine. No big deal. Right? Todat her teacher calls me and says she is favoring her arm quite a bit so I took her to the Dr. My little girl broke her right arm and all I got was a few min. of crying!! I feel like a horrible parent for not getting her checked out. But she acted like it was no big deal. The strongest little girl I know! I am so proud of her. Tough as nails!
    Your little girl was strong bro! nice.... might be a professional bodybuilder in the future.

  34. #34
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    my 3 years old found a scissors and while nobody was watching he cut his front hair. Came down and said "dad baby hair cut"(he doesnt talk in sentences yet). Then his mom has to shave his head cause front of his hair were missing...

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    HaHaHa!... i missed the Pic , cute man, ur daughter looks really sweet.. Good on u..

  38. #38
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    I have 2 daughters they mean the world to me

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    HaHaHa!... i missed the Pic , cute man, ur daughter looks really sweet.. Good on u..
    She was a champ. That little girl has no fear.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    Seeing my first baby boy is best thing that happened to me!
    I love sleeping beside him and can't help myself kissing him!
    If i dress like a baby would you kiss me ?

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