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  1. #41
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^"There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
    - John Adams

  2. #42
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Democracy is failing in my opinion and it's a combination of Government and lazy people.

    We live in times now where most people have learned to manipulate democracy, crying wolf at first sign of injustice while abusing another part for their own ends.

    People are also apathetic. How many people actually bother to vote? Isn't it just some 30% in America? And what are the choices, Democrat or Republican. Its the same in England, Labour or Conservative and when you strip it down there is no difference between the two leading parties. You might as well ask someone what they prefer, Pepsi or Coke. People will scream about lying politicians but if the masses actually bothered to vote then the same lying politicians wouldn't be consistantly voted back in all the time. We reward the liars, moan when after 4 years we've realised they've been lying to us the whole time, vote in the liar from "that other" party. A lot of the time people wont vote for the party they like more but vote against the party they least like. It's appalling ignorance and I think it's a deliberately encouraged by the Government and Media. Ignorance destroys democracy, and from a look at history this is usually the result of a democracy: people don't bother to govern themselves, and would much rather have someone else do it for them.

    How do you solve such a stagnant state of affairs? By utterly changing the Media structure in the West and actually allowing the masses to be told THE TRUTH and to spread the truth! We are fed so much BS in the news that it makes us lazy and ignorant, and people are more concerned with whats happening on Pop Idol or Big Brother rather than how their countries economies are dissapearing.

    This is the reality we live in today. People dont give a shit until its too late. As long as you can turn on idiot box and go to a Supermarket then nothing else matters to the average person in the West.
    Actually close to 62% of eligible voters voted in the last presidential election cycle. But overall, I see you point. We recently held local elections here in Nevada and only 15% of people voted...SAD!!!!

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