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  1. #1
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Finally Just realized... Its the Eggs that went bad!! Oh Good Lord!!

    Did not realize it til tonight.. I make my protein in 5 day batches and then put them in 2 liters.. have 1 for morning (breakfast) 1 Pre Workout and 1 Post workout..

    Morning for 5 days has 13 Egg whites + 2 Whole Eggs
    Pre and Post each have 15 Egg Whites and 5 Whole Eggs

    Saturday Morning had to put the Garbage can outsioed that had the 55 Egg Shells and the leftover Yokes etc. in it cause it started to smell.

    Starting to get sick just thinking about this..

    2 Days ago the B'fast mix started tasting off and thought maybe I screwed up and added O.J. by Mistake.
    This morning the Pre and post Started tasting just as bad and actually fizzed after shaking them up!!

    Just thinking about it earlier and was under the assumption the mix was just off until My GF started coming up with the idea that the milk and OJ ixed was the problem.. and told her the B'fast one did not have any milk or O.J. Just water, Egg Whtes and Lean Body Mix... THATS WHEN IT HIT ME!!!

    The Eggs must have been on their way out when I bought them and after a day or 2 they went out on me!! I bought a 5 dozen carton of them and I know now that is it!! OMG it is so disgusting!! I am ordering Egg Whites ONline and I am done with Store Bought Eggs!

    I can not beleive I did not hurl any of it up!!

  2. #2
    IM708's Avatar
    IM708 is offline AR's Supplement Guru
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    You should make a twitter page...

  3. #3
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I use egg whites located next to eggbeaters in egg section .
    50g protein / carton @ less than 2 dollars
    They are pasteurized so you can drink them straight if you are man enough . Yeck !
    I would check milk and egg section in your store , since carton looks generic it can be mistaken for milk .

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Put them outside in the sun for a few weeks. They are great for getting back at annoying neighbors. LOL

    The best I ever used was an OLD goose egg in an egg fight between high schools. My shoot was perfect, it ended up going through an open window of a guys car. He bailed out 10 seconds later in total disgust. LOL

    I also used 2 on the dash of my sisters husbands car the day they got married along with a LARGE old bottle of perfume. Can you guess I didnt like him much????

    Trust me, my instincts where right. long story.

    He had to total the car and never figured out I did it.

  5. #5
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Put them outside in the sun for a few weeks. They are great for getting back at annoying neighbors. LOL

    The best I ever used was an OLD goose egg in an egg fight between high schools. My shoot was perfect, it ended up going through an open window of a guys car. He bailed out 10 seconds later in total disgust. LOL

    I also used 2 on the dash of my sisters husbands car the day they got married along with a LARGE old bottle of perfume. Can you guess I didnt like him much????

    Trust me, my instincts where right. long story.

    He had to total the car and never figured out I did it.

    Bro, you put eggs in the sun for that long and they will hatch!!!LOL

  6. #6
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    I actually went today and bought egg whites, 32 oz for 3 dollars! That us what you get for believing you mom and dad when they say they have looked for you everytine and se nothing! Got online last night and had them spotted in 5 minutes

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    LOL, parents and kids are lousy at finding things for you.

    Be careful with those eggs, I hope you are ok, lots of people get salmonella poisoning. Google it and if you start getting sick get it taken care of bro.

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