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  1. #1
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Dont really want my Best friend to be my best friend anymore what to do??

    Well here is the deal my best firnd has been that for 16 years now. been through a lot together. When we were younger were we inseperable we did everything together and had a great time.. In July of 05' MY Fiance died and I took off and moved to Vegas (had to get a away) well that is when it started we got in a huge fight when i was down there cause i left 10k with him to help pay expenses i had. after 11 months i only had 6k left and he tried telling me i had a $400+ cell phone bill every month! BS! I never used it and it was off and in a drawer. i know he used the money to buy drugs and was kying to his GF and figured he could get the money back before i knew it was gone then when i asked for it, he had to lie. Now i am back in new York and ever since i got back things are different. He is always miserable, never laughs and cant remember the last time we had fun doing anything! i decided we should go in together and buy a little sports car to play with. well we did. Then he takes the thing, registers and insures it in his name, dumps 15k into it on aftermarket parts after i told him 100X i did not have the money to do anything like that. SO I said to him fter he said to me "I have to go get MY car inspected" Bro just give me back the $1500 I invested and you keep the car. He looks at me and yell $1500 what the hell are you tlking about? you never put any money towards this car! Then 2 weeks ago I helped him move and I really hurt my back and never made it back over to help him paint. Instead of getting a call to ask if I was alright and say thank you for all the help, I got a rude message on my voicemail saying "thanks for stiffin me like you always do" It is to the point now Where i do not even like calling this kid cause he always has an attitude and it is not even fun to talk to him anymore.
    What would you guys do??

  2. #2
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    how old are u?

  3. #3
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey cut the losses. I have had to do it and I will do it again if I need to.

    People grow apart. Its part of life. Dont let money be the thing that ruins you friendship though.

    You dont have to make a bad break .

  4. #4
    CHAP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    how old are u?
    He anit no damn kid, if thats what your asking.

  5. #5
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    the place i love the most
    get him to the booza, and when hes pissed have it out with him, hell tell you his prob then....but it does sound like something id expect to hear off my lil sister

  6. #6
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    dude we are not having this convo are we? Just move on. Live life as if you control it, not the other way around. Good luck, we all know breaking up is hard to do.

  7. #7
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    He anit no damn kid, if thats what your asking.
    i asked a simple question, if its to much for u to understand, leave it be....

    i know he is no kid, but im curious about his age...

  8. #8
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    uhh really?

    sounds simple to me

    stop talking to him

    tell him to fukk off

    delete all his info

    friends come and go

    just like women

    and roomates

    which i think you need to figure out

  9. #9
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    you need a new BFF

  10. #10
    NS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    It is to the point now Where i do not even like calling this kid cause he always has an attitude and it is not even fun to talk to him anymore.
    What would you guys do??
    I'd stop calling him.

  11. #11
    Free Will's Avatar
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    burn his house down ...rape his cat ....kick his mum in the junk ....and then impregnate his girlfriend and then make her have an abortion and then ...tie him down and poo in his mouth .....after that cut his biceps with a really big fuk off knife and then say your pop is a raging homo !!!! that should do it

  12. #12
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    ^^^^^^^thats some of the best shit i have read in a while...

    like how u think FWill...

  13. #13
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Free Will View Post
    burn his house down ...rape his cat ....kick his mum in the junk ....and then impregnate his girlfriend and then make her have an abortion and then ...tie him down and poo in his mouth .....after that cut his biceps with a really big fuk off knife and then say your pop is a raging homo !!!! that should do it

    Now if I could only find one of those Fuk off knives..... think walmart carry's those?

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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    - Knockout_Power


  14. #14
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Well here is the deal my best firnd has been that for 16 years now. been through a lot together. When we were younger were we inseperable we did everything together and had a great time.. In July of 05' MY Fiance died and I took off and moved to Vegas (had to get a away) well that is when it started we got in a huge fight when i was down there cause i left 10k with him to help pay expenses i had. after 11 months i only had 6k left and he tried telling me i had a $400+ cell phone bill every month! BS! I never used it and it was off and in a drawer. i know he used the money to buy drugs and was kying to his GF and figured he could get the money back before i knew it was gone then when i asked for it, he had to lie. Now i am back in new York and ever since i got back things are different. He is always miserable, never laughs and cant remember the last time we had fun doing anything! i decided we should go in together and buy a little sports car to play with. well we did. Then he takes the thing, registers and insures it in his name, dumps 15k into it on aftermarket parts after i told him 100X i did not have the money to do anything like that. SO I said to him fter he said to me "I have to go get MY car inspected" Bro just give me back the $1500 I invested and you keep the car. He looks at me and yell $1500 what the hell are you tlking about? you never put any money towards this car! Then 2 weeks ago I helped him move and I really hurt my back and never made it back over to help him paint. Instead of getting a call to ask if I was alright and say thank you for all the help, I got a rude message on my voicemail saying "thanks for stiffin me like you always do" It is to the point now Where i do not even like calling this kid cause he always has an attitude and it is not even fun to talk to him anymore.
    What would you guys do??
    You gave a guy who does drugs 10K and your surprised he spent it ? Is this a joke ?

    So if i believe you after he screwed you over once with the money he then does it again with the car.

    Like the saying goes " Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."

  15. #15
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You gave a guy who does drugs 10K and your surprised he spent it ? Is this a joke ?

    So if i believe you after he screwed you over once with the money he then does it again with the car.

    Like the saying goes " Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."
    I completely agree with DSM, a great saying IMO.

    Now on to the part of what you should do. Honestly, if I was you, I'd cut my ties with him and start to meet new people.

    You're friend is obviously a waste of time, and MONEY(!).

    It's your call man.

  16. #16
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    10K-> shoot him in the legs

  17. #17
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    how old are u?


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  18. #18
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    I would be have my lady.....fuk my cat......kick my mom in the junk.....and that good stuff the other guy mess with my money I am tearing your nails off one by one and paper cutting your entire body and watch you die in agony in a tub of salt while I eat icecream taking a crap and watching midget we really need therapy haha

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    I would be have my lady.....fuk my cat......kick my mom in the junk.....and that good stuff the other guy mess with my money I am tearing your nails off one by one and paper cutting your entire body and watch you die in agony in a tub of salt while I eat icecream taking a crap and watching midget we really need therapy haha
    ....what flavor ice-cream ?

  20. #20
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    Something fruity, you want to share.....there is always room for you lol

  21. #21
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    Nice I remember when you introduced me to her mom.......ah good memories....

  22. #22
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    how old are u?
    I am 34 and he is 3 days older than me and as I said have been best friends since were were 17-18

  23. #23
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You gave a guy who does drugs 10K and your surprised he spent it ? Is this a joke ?

    So if i believe you after he screwed you over once with the money he then does it again with the car.

    Like the saying goes " Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."
    THE money had no issue it was just the point of the story! At the time He and I together were making 1k every couple of weeks so it was not the point of the money missing. that was the thing about it, The thing we were doing suddenly stopped and i think he get screwed and was unable to replenish my account and had to think fast and if you knew him that was the best he could have came up with

  24. #24
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    I am most likely going to just going to stop talking to Him. I hinestly hope you people understand what I am saying! He was my one and only true friend and would honestly hate to lose him but I think it is time!. The thing is when i moved to vegas We were both Single, He is Married Now We were both into drag racing and partying and having a good time. I have gotten out of the drag racing , he has not. I quit smoking, drinking, and started lifting hard and I am all about fitenss, he still smokes, He weighs i think close to 320# right now and does not care about fitness what so ever! On top of it and here is the big one... He had Twins in December. I do not have any kids and probably never will. The big thing I really think He is miserable because he is married and i think if it were not for his wife wanting to kill herself over not having children, he would have rather not have had any! She could not just get pregnant, she had Placenta Previa and Uterus issues and they had to do some special type of in Vetro 3X and spent close to $30,000! nd i am honestly starting to think that is the entire problem, He is just in a misreable situation he can not get out of! My GF and even his mom who I am really close with say the exact same thing I do. He is just not the same person he used to be! I know I am not the same person either, but I remember the stuff we used to do and have fun and I do not think he does. Like after Spending 14 hours helping him ove his sister in law came and her husband pulled down her pants and we all laughed... I took and as a jke spilled a litle water on his pants to make it look like he pissed himself and you would have thought I smacked one of his kids! He was pissed! Everyone else laughed but he was just mad for the rest of the day! On top of it Somehow I got stuck driving the Uhal back 34 miles to drop it off and I still had his truck key by mistake. Instead of him coming to get the key or even offering to meet me half way, I ended up having to turn around and driveall the back out to is house to drop off HIS key and then turn around and come all the way home again! Not even a thank you

  25. #25
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    People come in and out of your life all the time. Just be thankful that its not a significant other. BBing has ruined a lot of my friendships as well. Those who don't live our life don't understand and never will. I don't see any of the guys that I was really close with a few years ago. When they're sleeping I am at the gym, when they're out at bars drinking, i'm eating cottage cheese and preparing for bed. People grow apart, things change, life goes on.

  26. #26
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    I could not read the OP because I have a handicap for reading block text (you might as well just post a picture of a big black square).

    And sometimes I think its easier to answer a title, then the confused and jumbled perception a poster has of their own title.
    You asked a VERY simple straight to the point question.

    But managed to type a 5 thousand word essay on it. Which tells me, reading all that crap will only confuse me.

    How do you lose a best friend?
    Its really not rocket science. Everyone loses friends, best or worst and most of them actually do it the same way beleive it or not.
    They don't sit down and say "look I just can't stand your fvckn ass anymore".

    Most people avoid confrontation at all costs, its a survival mechanism for beta genes. And about 95% of the worlds gene pool is beta genes.

    Which would tell me, the best way for YOU to lose a friend is TO STOP FVCKING CALLING.
    STOP TALKING, COMMUNICATING, FVCKING (if your best gay fvck friends) just STOP all that shit.

    They will call less and less as time passes, and think of you less and less. But those fewer thoughts will also be bitter ones.
    Who gives a shit, life goes on.
    But the answer is that little thing in your pocket with a screen and buttons, your cell. Stop using it.
    Problem solved.

    If you can manage to confuse this concept, I won't be back to spoon feed it to you. So get it right the first time or have a "best friend" (that you don't even like) for the rest of your life.
    The choice is now.

  27. #27
    Free Will's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    Now if I could only find one of those Fuk off knives..... think walmart carry's those?

    yea i think most good fuk off shops sell these knives in question .....

  28. #28
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsm4life View Post
    lick away


  29. #29
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Exoneration. . .
    Yeah dude, sucks you lost him as a friend. Sounds like you and him were close.

    As people grow and settle down, their values change. Maybe he's just in a diff spot right now.

    Maybe keep him as a friend, but hang with him 1 or 2 times a month. Less time together, without deep 6ing him as a friend completely, may help you both realize how important you are to each other. Or were...

  30. #30
    ray0414's Avatar
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    just do what my old best friend did, stop talkin to him lol

  31. #31
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    People come in and out of your life all the time. Just be thankful that its not a significant other. BBing has ruined a lot of my friendships as well. Those who don't live our life don't understand and never will. I don't see any of the guys that I was really close with a few years ago. When they're sleeping I am at the gym, when they're out at bars drinking, i'm eating cottage cheese and preparing for bed. People grow apart, things change, life goes on.
    i love my mates...very close group of friends....but i can understand fully with what your saying....they dont realise that training and diet is the most important thing in my life at the min........getting high and partying is there favourite thing....

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