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Thread: The Obama Plan

  1. #41
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Their just scum, wait till im allowed to have a nuclear bomb, or make a home made one....
    WHOAAAAA!!!!Bro those are fightin words!!!!

    I'm not French, by the way..............

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    get your head out of the sand, listen to a somewhat reliable news station(FOX would be a starter) and try to apply some logic hear.
    YOUR president is fuvcking up this nation...believe it or not
    Are you a citizen of this country? If so then he is YOUR president as well. My Head isn't in the sand, far from it and if you believe FOX is a worthy news source then there is no sense debating you
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Did I touch a nerve ???
    No, not really. But again, this is a repost but last time it was posted it wasn't labeled "Obama's plan". So I just ask where did you get this information. What's the source?

    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I knew this would get a response out of you.

    I like you, even though we don't always see eye to eye.

    Intelligence and knowledge are impressive traits that I respect.

    I'm waiting for Muriloninja to chime in now.

    let the games begin!!!!
    I've expressed my like for you and Muriloninja. I enjoy our healthy debates since we usually don't see eye to eye. My problem is there is too much misinformation being given out by the far-right about Obama. I'm not saying the man is the end all be all or the messiah, but some of the accusations labeled on him are completely ridiculous and this thread points at those inaccurate labels. If someone can provide a link to where this 'story' came from, I'd be happy to digress. But of course the OP will not be able to do so because he know's this has nothing to do with all!!!

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Our health care is great, when i broke my leg i only had to share my crutches with 5 other people...
    You for got the cast on your leg Matt

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Im not BSing ya bro its true health care over there sucks ass big time.You better be in good health or your ass is going to die.
    i know it does, don't think I don't. shiit, just read Madd Matt's post.
    It's our new (n)obama HC plan...everyone is gonna love it- JK!!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    so it's working well over there...hopefully more ppl will read

    Have you ever seen a cow reading a newspaper on it's way to the slaughter house?????

  6. #46
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    Come on guy's sing with me

    Imagine there's no heaven
    It's easy if you try
    No hell below us
    Above us only sky
    Imagine all the people
    Living for today

    Imagine there's no countries
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope some day you'll join us
    And the world will be one

    Imagine no possesions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope some day you'll join us
    And the world will live as one

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Are you a citizen of this country? If so then he is YOUR president as well. My Head isn't in the sand, far from it and if you believe FOX is a worthy news source then there is no sense debating you
    GOOD- debate OVER!!
    fyi, if it's not in the sand...I know where it is!!

  8. #48
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    Lets have some lovin in da House

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post

    Have you ever seen a cow reading a newspaper on it's way to the slaughter house????? B

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Are you a citizen of this country? If so then he is YOUR president as well. My Head isn't in the sand, far from it and if you believe FOX is a worthy news source then there is no sense debating you

    No, not really. But again, this is a repost but last time it was posted it wasn't labeled "Obama's plan". So I just ask where did you get this information. What's the source?

    I've expressed my like for you and Muriloninja. I enjoy our healthy debates since we usually don't see eye to eye. My problem is there is too much misinformation being given out by the far-right about Obama. I'm not saying the man is the end all be all or the messiah, but some of the accusations labeled on him are completely ridiculous and this thread points at those inaccurate labels. If someone can provide a link to where this 'story' came from, I'd be happy to digress. But of course the OP will not be able to do so because he know's this has nothing to do with all!!!
    Bro, this is the point, someone needs to be blamed.That's all it comes down to.So, I hear what your saying.

    As far as any mainstream media news coverage, it's all BS.

    It either sways to the left or to the right.

    My main problem with OBAMA is that he sat in a debate with McCain and lied about his affiliation to certain groups, ACORN comes to mind.

    Now, McCain was no savior by any means.

    But Obama is so far left, he can't reach over the isle.

    Don't care for the president before him.

    Or the one before him.

    I think that it should be mandatory that presidential candidates have 4 years of US service to take office.

    After all, he is supposed to be commander and chief!!!

  11. #51
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    Who's Obama

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Lets have some lovin in da House
    Mad Matt , you know I love you!!!LOL

    Shit, I hope DSM doesn't get jealous!!!!!

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Who's Obama
    Some guy that was running for prez or something?

    Some guy with just about no experience at all.

    But, then again most don't.

    Hows everyone like your hope and change???

    Something like that speech or something.........

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Some guy that was running for prez or something?

    Some guy with just about no experience at all.

    But, then again most don't.

    Hows everyone like your hope and change???

    Something like that speech or something.........
    Hold the phone T you forgot he lactates hope from his nipples

  15. #55
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    He is trying to displace the capitalist system with socialism,changing the social relationships underpinning the class system and then developing into a future classless and stateless society in which "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Hold the phone T you forgot he lactates hope from his nipples
    Bro, you forgot about the 10 commandment tablets he smashed.

    And the parting of the Red Sea.

    And I think he walked on water on "FOX NEWS"!!!

    Am I a trouble maker or what??????

    You either love me or hate me.

    If it's the latter, pick a number in get in line!!!LOL

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    He is trying to displace the capitalist system with socialism,changing the social relationships underpinning the class system and then developing into a future classless and stateless society in which "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.
    Bro, I don't know if I can handle this load of bricks on my back!!!!

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Bro, I don't know if I can handle this load of bricks on my back!!!!
    Suck it up Marine

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Bro, you forgot about the 10 commandment tablets he smashed.

    And the parting of the Red Sea.

    And I think he walked on water on "FOX NEWS"!!!

    Am I a trouble maker or what??????

    You either love me or hate me.

    If it's the latter, pick a number in get in line!!!LOL
    Nothing but love my Brother

  20. #60
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    Where's is the American dream at now ????

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Nothing but love my Brother
    Love you too!!!Bro

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Where's is the American dream at now ????
    Did you flush your toilet yet???

    May still have time to get a pic of it!!!!!LOL

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class.
    Huh . . . that sounds familiar . . . where did I hear that one before? Oh yeah . . .

    Obama was added in the August 2009 version.

    1 - 10 of 534,000 for An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. (About) - 0.23 s | SearchScanBETA On

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      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had... he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id170">How to Speak Hip - Skeyelab Music

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id180">Professor Is A Genius: How Socialism Works In Real Life In A College ...

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. ... - 102k - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id192">Chuck's Blog " College Experiment in Socialism

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id201">That's the way I see it...

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id209">Widgetbox " Socialism and Economics

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      <LI sb_id="ms__id237">Practical Socialism

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
    2. Obanomics Made Easy | Freedom " Propeller

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  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    It amazes me that the word "liberal" is deemed a bad word today. I wonder what the average American thinks the big statue that stands in New York Harbour stands for now..

    FOX gives nothing but one sided, fear mongering republican far right views. Christ democrats arent much better but FOX takes the piss. FOX accused the NHS of being a breeding ground for terrorism. Where's the unbias view in that accusation?
    It stands for freedom - from tyranny and from opression. Though liberal and liberty may have the same root word, today the two words are antonyms. Liberalism and anarchy are on opposite ends of the political spectrum.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    Huh . . . that sounds familiar . . . where did I hear that one before? Oh yeah . . .

    Obama was added in the August 2009 version.

    1 - 10 of 534,000 for An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. (About) - 0.23 s | SearchScanBETA On

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    1. <LI sb_id="ms__id160"> Does Socialism Work?

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had... he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id170">How to Speak Hip - Skeyelab Music

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id180">Professor Is A Genius: How Socialism Works In Real Life In A College ...

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. ... - 102k - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id192">Chuck's Blog " College Experiment in Socialism

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id201">That's the way I see it...

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id209">Widgetbox " Socialism and Economics

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single studen ... student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
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      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
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      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
      <LI sb_id="ms__id237">Practical Socialism

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. ... - Cached
    2. Obanomics Made Easy | Freedom " Propeller

      An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class... - 68k - Cached
    MY MAN TOCK!!!!

  26. #66
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    So, what does it mean?

    Because it's a re-post of something, someone else posted.

    This thread is about politics of the current president.

    Make no assertions or assumptions to contrary.

    There have been alot of "bad" presidents in the past.

    This one got in at the wrong time, under the wrong guise, and in a recession.

    We have no $$$ to be screwing around with what he wants to push in his personal agenda.

    I know you like this guy, but it is what it is.

    Bush wasn't much better.

    I think they should clone REGAN and put him back in office.

    Now, that man was for the people.

    Can't contest that.

    Dam shame he went out the way he did.

    So, even the Dems are arguing about what's going on.

    This guy is a one termer, for sure.

    You think Bush was unpopular?

    Wait and see what happens to "YOUR HOPE AND CHANGE"!!!

    This guys popularity is spiraling down like a meteor.

    Talk is cheap.

    It one his election.

    But, guess what?

    It isn't going to be cheap.

    Wait till it hits you in the wallet full force.

    You won't be able to sit down for a week.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    So, what does it mean?

    Because it's a re-post of something, someone else posted.

    This thread is about politics of the current president.

    Make no assertions or assumptions to contrary.

    There have been alot of "bad" presidents in the past.

    This one got in at the wrong time, under the wrong guise, and in a recession.

    We have no $$$ to be screwing around with what he wants to push in his personal agenda.

    I know you like this guy, but it is what it is.

    Bush wasn't much better.

    I think they should clone REGAN and put him back in office.

    Now, that man was for the people.

    Can't contest that.

    Dam shame he went out the way he did.

    So, even the Dems are arguing about what's going on.

    This guy is a one termer, for sure.

    You think Bush was unpopular?

    Wait and see what happens to "YOUR HOPE AND CHANGE"!!!

    This guys popularity is spiraling down like a meteor.

    Talk is cheap.

    It one his election.

    But, guess what?

    It isn't going to be cheap.

    Wait till it hits you in the wallet full force.

    You won't be able to sit down for a week.
    What it means Titanium, is that people like the OP like to put out misinformation (lies) to make a point. It's cool to put out information to support your argument as long as it's true. Putting out lies to prove a point or to further your agenda discredits any point you are trying to make. If you are secure in your arguments your won't need lies, the truth is the best weapon, right?

    Regan wasn't for the people, c'mon Titanium. Regan was for people like him! To me, Clinton was 'for the people'. So there is a definite disagreement there. We could go on all day about why I think Regan wasn't a 'for the people' president. You also want to remember that during Regan's first 2yrs his popularity shrank to 45% range.
    Last edited by BgMc31; 08-19-2009 at 08:52 PM.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    What it means Titanium, is that people like the OP like to put out misinformation (lies) to make a point. It's cool to put out information to support your argument as long as it's true. Putting out lies to prove a point or to further your agenda discredits any point you are trying to make. If you are secure in your arguments your won't need lies, the truth is the best weapon, right?

    Regan wasn't for the people, c'mon Titanium. Regan was for people like him! To me, Clinton was 'for the people'. So there is a definite disagreement there. We could go on all day about why I think Regan wasn't a 'for the people' president. You also want to remember that during Regan's first 2yrs his popularity shrank to 45% range.
    Your right.

    I know they all had dirt on there hands.

    But, with the Obama race, if you said anything about him, or even accused him of wrong doing, you were chastised.

    You were then labeled a racist.

    And you can't say that he didn't play the "black" man card out of his deck of cards.

    I'm not a racist, by any means.

    I don't care about color, gender, or political affiliations.

    I just want the best man for the job.

    I voted for Ron Paul, if it is of any consequence.

    So, I like and admire you bro.

    You stand up, present a current argument, and make articulate responses.

    I'm going to bed.

    Past my bedtime.

    I'm all screwed up about T-MOS's passing.

    I'm just really upset about it right now.

    Terrible and tragic loss.

    Peace bro, and have a good night.


  29. #69
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    No doubt Titanium. We can pick this up at a later date. Even though me and TMos didn't get along, I'll mourn his passing.

    Peace to you too, brotha!!!

  30. #70
    lostcause is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    What it means Titanium, is that people like the OP like to put out misinformation (lies) to make a point. It's cool to put out information to support your argument as long as it's true. Putting out lies to prove a point or to further your agenda discredits any point you are trying to make. If you are secure in your arguments your won't need lies, the truth is the best weapon, right?

    i think that the OP was making an analogy comparing Pres Obama's far left pollicies, to socialism and giving a small scale example of how socialism doesnt work. i dont believe that anyone on here hasnt seen this story before and even if they hadnt actually believed that this is Obama's Plan, that he wrote in between his other 3 books he was busy writing instead of getting any executive experience. i see it as an easy way out instead of actually defending his views to just play the childish game of "you prove it," "liar, liar, pants on fire." great strategy.

    please give me a news source that isnt slanted. if what you are reading or watching is fair, then mine must be way off because you are so far away from me and what i view as reality.

  31. #71
    CptAmericaX is offline Member
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    I voted for obama....... NOT!!!! Obama obama obama obama.... a mil and a mil and a mil and... gota sing it to the tune of little wayne and the obama has a nice ring to it, they are cousins didnt you know?

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostcause;481***2
    i think that the OP was making an analogy comparing Pres Obama's far left pollicies, to socialism and giving a small scale example of how socialism doesnt work. i dont believe that anyone on here hasnt seen this story before and even if they hadnt actually believed that this is Obama's Plan, that he wrote in between his other 3 books he was busy writing instead of getting any executive experience. i see it as an easy way out instead of actually defending his views to just play the childish game of "you prove it," "liar, liar, pants on fire." great strategy.

    please give me a news source that isnt slanted. if what you are reading or watching is fair, then mine must be way off because you are so far away from me and what i view as reality.
    You are on the best news source on the planet.

  33. #73
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    How many here own their own business??

    I own a Bail Bonds company

    I own with my Brother a Air trans company (8 helos and 2 fixed wings)

    I farm with my brother over 70k acres of corn and soy

    My brother a Trucking company (100 trucks)

    My wife private practice ( Doctor)

    His wife private practice ( Doctor)

    The farm is from my grandfather and father everything else I worked for
    I contribute to the system I pay taxes unemployment taxes I am taxed to ****ing death. The airfield we fly out of is across the street from the welfare office, the first of the month is free money time so we count the beamers, Mercedes, Lexus, as they show up. So this is what I get from your ass hat president Mr Pig since you have so much I will take it from you and give it to these lazy ass people who do not want to work for it and put your future family in debt for years to come because I am angry Black man and that whitey has had it good for so long. This I take from your post's BgMc31. And be for you came at me for that remark my grandfather and grandmotrher have this nice little number tat on their arms a long time ago. Because they where demed unworthy, I have bleed for this country so has my father and brother. I will not drink the coolaid and I will not go quietly in the Night.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    How many here own their own business??

    I own a Bail Bonds company

    I own with my Brother a Air trans company (8 helos and 2 fixed wings)

    I farm with my brother over 70k acres of corn and soy

    My brother a Trucking company (100 trucks)

    My wife private practice ( Doctor)

    His wife private practice ( Doctor)

    The farm is from my grandfather and father everything else I worked for
    I contribute to the system I pay taxes unemployment taxes I am taxed to ****ing death. The airfield we fly out of is across the street from the welfare office, the first of the month is free money time so we count the beamers, Mercedes, Lexus, as they show up. So this is what I get from your ass hat president Mr Pig since you have so much I will take it from you and give it to these lazy ass people who do not want to work for it and put your future family in debt for years to come because I am angry Black man and that whitey has had it good for so long. This I take from your post's BgMc31. And be for you came at me for that remark my grandfather and grandmotrher have this nice little number tat on their arms a long time ago. Because they where demed unworthy, I have bleed for this country so has my father and brother. I will not drink the coolaid and I will not go quietly in the Night.
    Well what you take from my post is completely wrong. It's not my fault you posted erroneous information without checking your facts. I'm not an angry black man. As a matter of fact, I'm a quite cheerful, bi-racial man. I've owned my own business, I work hard, as does my wife. I'm the son of a 30yr, Army veteran, I've worked in law enforcement, I coach and mentor at risk youth. And no I don't believe in a welfare state. My family has been in this country since before its inception (both black and white), I've seen the progress we've made but I'm not dillusional to fact that more progress needs to be made.

    As far as the President. You can't fault him for the beamers, Lexus', and Benz's at the welfare office, he's only been in office for 6 mos. So you are way off based. My people (both black and white) have worked hard building this country. I take pride in that. Seems to me you're an angry white man, mad that your white priviledge is ending and now you are looking for the easiest scapegoat...a black president. So by all means, don't drink the coolaid, but don't complain about being thirsty either!

    FYI, if the intent of your post is to say that blacks and other minorities are lazy and living off a welfare system, the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one or two children...check those facts, you might learn something.
    Last edited by BgMc31; 08-20-2009 at 10:10 AM.

  35. #75
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    what is this "white priviledge"

    bunch of bullsht..

  36. #76
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    What is this white privladge you speak of ?? You bring it up alot why??

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Well what you take from my post is completely wrong. It's not my fault you posted erroneous information without checking your facts. I'm not an angry black man. As a matter of fact, I'm a quite cheerful, bi-racial man. I've owned my own business, I work hard, as does my wife. I'm the son of a 30yr, Army veteran, I've worked in law enforcement, I coach and mentor at risk youth. And no I don't believe in a welfare state. My family has been in this country since before its inception (both black and white), I've seen the progress we've made but I'm not dillusional to fact that more progress needs to be made.

    As far as the President. You can't fault him for the beamers, Lexus', and Benz's at the welfare office, he's only been in office for 6 mos. So you are way off based. My people (both black and white) have worked hard building this country. I take pride in that. Seems to me you're an angry white man, mad that your white priviledge is ending and now you are looking for the easiest scapegoat...a black president. So by all means, don't drink the coolaid, but don't complain about being thirsty either!

    FYI, if the intent of your post is to say that blacks and other minorities are lazy and living off a welfare system, the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one or two children...check those facts, you might learn something.

    You say you owned your own business what was it what do you do now ??? You say you were a cop at one time did you retire???
    Yes LAZY why work when you can have it handed to you the obama plan

    Oh and the only people that where here first was the Redman

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    You say you owned your own business what was it what do you do now ??? You say you were a cop at one time did you retire???
    Yes LAZY why work when you can have it handed to you the obama plan

    Oh and the only people that where here first was the Redman
    You really need to re-read my post. I never said I was a cop, I said I worked in law enforcement. I was a corrections officer. I currently work as a operations and marketing manager for a casino here in vegas.

    Please explain to me where in this so-called Obama plan that there is a provision where people do not have to work and they'll get taken care of for life. From what I understand he's made no changes to the current welfare program.

    I never said my people were here first, I said they have been here since before its conception. Big difference!

  39. #79
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    You say you owned your own business what was it what do you do now ??? You say you were a cop at one time did you retire???
    Yes LAZY why work when you can have it handed to you the obama plan

    Oh and the only people that where here first was the Redman

    I was brought up Roman Catholic.

    I don't go to church anymore.

    I'm two thirds English, One third Italian, and Indian.(Blackfoot).

    So, my ancestors were fed to the lions for there religious beliefs.

    And, my Indian tribe were slaughtered out of existence.

    Blacks made out pretty dam good, If you ask me....

  40. #80
    mho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Well what you take from my post is completely wrong. It's not my fault you posted erroneous information without checking your facts. I'm not an angry black man. As a matter of fact, I'm a quite cheerful, bi-racial man. I've owned my own business, I work hard, as does my wife. I'm the son of a 30yr, Army veteran, I've worked in law enforcement, I coach and mentor at risk youth. And no I don't believe in a welfare state. My family has been in this country since before its inception (both black and white), I've seen the progress we've made but I'm not dillusional to fact that more progress needs to be made.

    As far as the President. You can't fault him for the beamers, Lexus', and Benz's at the welfare office, he's only been in office for 6 mos. So you are way off based. My people (both black and white) have worked hard building this country. I take pride in that. Seems to me you're an angry white man, mad that your white priviledge is ending and now you are looking for the easiest scapegoat...a black president. So by all means, don't drink the coolaid, but don't complain about being thirsty either!

    FYI, if the intent of your post is to say that blacks and other minorities are lazy and living off a welfare system, the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one or two children...check those facts, you might learn something.
    Please cite a source.

    How can you claim that whites are privileged and then go on to say the number one recipient of aid are white women?

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