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Thread: The Obama Plan

  1. #81
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Here we go again!

    Let the games begin!!!!!!

  2. #82
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    what is this "white priviledge"

    bunch of bullsht..
    Oh really...

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    What is this white privladge you speak of ?? You bring it up alot why??
    I bring it up in the context of these anti-Obama debates because the US government has been screwing over minorities since it's birth and its never been a concern. Now that whites think they are being screwed over by a black president, you all are up in arms and talking revolution and conspiracy theories.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by mho View Post
    Please cite a source.

    How can you claim that whites are privileged and then go on to say the number one recipient of aid are white women?
    Just like people accuse minorities of taking advantage of the system and living for free off the backs of other's. Whites are guilty of the same. But since you's a link:

  4. #84
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    i have been a victim of affirmitive action my whole life.
    so please, take ur "white priviledge" and the stupid wikipedia article and shove it.

    however i do respect what u do for the comunitey and youth, for that u are a good man.
    i may hate ur views, but its good to see or read about someone giving back.

    world neads more of that regardless of color..

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Just like people accuse minorities of taking advantage of the system and living for free off the backs of other's. Whites are guilty of the same. But since you's a link:
    cmon man, that article is from 1992...

    absolute garbage

  6. #86
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I was brought up Roman Catholic.

    I don't go to church anymore.

    I'm two thirds English, One third Italian, and Indian.(Blackfoot).

    So, my ancestors were fed to the lions for there religious beliefs.

    As were mine...

    And, my Indian tribe were slaughtered out of existence.

    Blacks made out pretty dam good, If you ask me....
    The fact that we still exist doesn't mean we made out pretty damn good, it means we are resilient people.

    Remember blacks were killed for being educated, blacks were killed for suspicion of any affairs with white women, blacks were killed/beaten for talking back to whites even after slavery, blacks were killed for being black, just like any other ethnic group displaced, blacks have been made scapegoats in the passing of erroneous legislation, blacks were experimented upon without any recourse, there was a systematic effort to dehumanize an entire race of people in order to justify a moral wrong (slavery), then it turned into an entire segment of the population who went to war because they thought there right to own humans as property (among other things) was being infringed upon. Shall I go on...

  7. #87
    Iron_Pig's Avatar
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    Yes plz explain this white privilege you keep bringing up!!! You said in your post that you are a bi-racial man (white black) then would you not be in that white privilege you sling or do you just become black when it suites you.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Just like people accuse minorities of taking advantage of the system and living for free off the backs of other's. Whites are guilty of the same. But since you's a link:

    Nice read written for Ebony no bias there right

  9. #89
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    cmon man, that article is from 1992...

    absolute garbage
    Here's more:………

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Yes plz explain this white privilege you keep bringing up!!! You said in your post that you are a bi-racial man (white black) then would you not be in that white privilege you sling or do you just become black when it suites you.
    That's obvious because, although I'm biracial, I look black. Therefore I am assumed to be black at all times. I'm not light skinned or mulatto or whatever the prevailing term is nowadays. Both my parents are biracial (black/white) so that makes me biracial as well
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Nice read written for Ebony no bias there right

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    i have been a victim of affirmitive action my whole life.
    so please, take ur "white priviledge" and the stupid wikipedia article and shove it.

    however i do respect what u do for the comunitey and youth, for that u are a good man.
    i may hate ur views, but its good to see or read about someone giving back.

    world neads more of that regardless of color..
    And I've been a victim of white privledge my whole life, so shove it right back!!!

    And please believe I don't just do coaching and mentoring for black kids, my athletes are black, white, and hispanic. I don't care about these kids race. But I'm also not naive to the fact that race plays a role in life.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    FYI, if the intent of your post is to say that blacks and other minorities are lazy and living off a welfare system, the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one or two children...check those facts, you might learn something.
    Sry buddy but that is a mis-representation

    White 38.8%
    Black 39.8
    Hispanic 15.7
    Asian 2.4
    other 3.3

    So, even if numerically the number one ends up being white women.
    Black people are under 15% of the total population...where white people are in the 60% ballpark.

    As a percentage of population more blacks are on welfare. Not that it's that simple and has little to do with being lazy and more to do with circumstance.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    Sry buddy but that is a mis-representation

    White 38.8%
    Black 39.8
    Hispanic 15.7
    Asian 2.4
    other 3.3

    So, even if numerically the number one ends up being white women.
    Black people are under 15% of the total population...where white people are in the 60% ballpark.

    As a percentage of population more blacks are on welfare. Not that it's that simple and has little to do with being lazy and more to do with circumstance.
    While I'm not disputing your info, Kratos, please post your source of this info please. And do these statistice reflect the % of those population on welfare or total % of welfare recipients as a whole?

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    While I'm not disputing your info, Kratos, please post your source of this info please. And do these statistice reflect the % of those population on welfare or total % of welfare recipients as a whole?
    This quote should clear it up.

    Race: About 1 in 4 Black mothers of childbearing ages (1.5 million) were AFDC recipients, higher than the 7 percent of corresponding White mothers (2.1 million). Despite these differences in recipiency rates, Black AFDC mothers did not have significantly more children than their White counterparts.

  14. #94
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    btw, the numbers I quoted are right in the ebony article you posted

    "Among the poorest of the poor--single mothers, living below the poverty line with minor children to support 39.7 percent of AFDC clients are Black single mothers and 38.1 percent are White women with children."
    "Although the numbers show that Whites get the biggest chunk of public aid dollars, welfare critics still charge that Blacks shouldn't collect 33 percent of welfare benefits when they only make up 12 percent of the general population."

    "But racism is at the heart of the standard-of-living gap between Blacks and Whites, welfare advocates argue. Unlawful race-based hiring practices, they contend, keep Blacks from getting jobs that pay enough to lift them out of poverty. Until more blue-collar jobs open up to Black workers, Blacks will continue to battle poverty and the freeloader misconception."


    the very way that article defines welfare is ridiculous
    social if we have a choice in the matter

    "Social Security is the nation's largest welfare program, although many Whites prefer to call it a retirement plan. The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six years shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time."

    I'm sorry but that is a racist article by design. What about the fact that I'm white, forced to pay in, and God knows what I get to take out later if anything. Social security is a peice of crap, and there is no reason to use it to skew the numbers in favor of the author.

  15. #95
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    but the truth is social security reform is not in the best interest of black Americans


    "There are several key reasons that Social Security is of disproportionate importance to African Americans:

    Social Security has a progressive benefit structure. Since African Americans have lower lifetime earnings than whites, on average, they benefit disproportionately from this aspect of Social Security. Other features of Social Security provide additional protections for African Americans.

    Social Security’s family income insurance is comprehensive; it provides insurance against becoming disabled and pays survivors benefits to the families of deceased workers. African Americans are more likely than other Americans to benefit from these insurance components of Social Security.

    Indeed, studies have consistently found that African Americans get a modestly higher rate of return on their Social Security contributions than do whites.

    Social Security also makes up a larger share of the income of elderly African Americans than of elderly white people. This reflects, in part, the fact that African Americans are less likely to have retirement accounts or life insurance than whites. Elderly African Americans also have a harder time finding work and have less in earnings than do elderly whites. These factors make Social Security an even more important component of African Americans’ retirement security."

    Studies Consistently Show African Americans Get a Higher Rate of Return

    Because of the features of Social Security that are particularly beneficial to African Americans, a wide range of studies from official government agencies and leading academic researchers has consistently produced the same finding — African Americans get modestly higher rates of return from Social Security than do non-Hispanic whites. In other words, they receive a little more back for each dollar paid in payroll taxes than whites do.

    These studies are based on large data sets that capture the differences in experience between different groups of people, including differences in earnings, mortality, and other demographic characteristics. A number of these studies are based on an actual historical sample of Social Security earnings and/or benefits. Other studies use a historical sample to develop a projection of future incomes and benefits.

    The Social Security program itself is race blind. The benefits it pays are a function of a worker’s earnings history and family situation. The findings of these studies reflect the fact that the Social Security system is progressive (i.e., of greater benefit, relative to taxes paid, for people with lower incomes, even after taking into account the fact that people with lower incomes tend to have higher mortality rates).

    We provide here a summary of the leading studies that have been conducted on rates of return in Social Security by race. These studies take into account differences in earnings, mortality rates, disability rates, and other factors.

    The studies fall into three categories: those that examine Social Security retirement and survivors benefits but do not include disability benefits; studies that examine rates of return on disability benefits; and studies that cover the entire Social Security system (i.e., retirement, survivors and disability benefits).

    1. Studies Examining Social Security Retirement and Survivors Benefits. These studies have consistently found that African Americans have a similar or slightly higher rate of return than whites in the retirement and survivors portions of Social Security. (The precise results can be sensitive to the cohort examined and the measure of redistribution used.)

    Study conducted by Treasury economists: A major study conducted by economists from the Department of the Treasury, using the Social Security Administration’s Continuous Work History Sample (a sample of nearly 40,000 actual earnings histories), found that African-Americans received an average annual rate of return half a percentage point higher than the average rate of return for whites (where the “white” category generally includes both Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites).[12] This is a relatively large difference when compounded over several decades to retirement, potentially translating to thousands of dollars at retirement.

    Social Security Administration study: Dean Leimer of the Social Security Administration used an even more comprehensive data set and confirmed the earlier findings. Leimer reported that “the results generally support the findings of closely related previous research, confirming that… the ‘Other Races’ group fared better by these measures than the ‘White’ race group in most of the cohorts considered.” Leimer found that males of “other races” received a 0.4 percent higher annual rate of return, on average, than white males, and females of other races received a 0.7 percent higher average rate of return than white females.[13] (Note that the “white” category generally includes both Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites. Other studies have shown that Hispanics, as a group, consistently have a higher Social Security rate of return than either African Americans or non-Hispanic whites.[14] Thus Leimer’s results are likely to understate the difference between non-Hispanic whites and blacks.)

    Liebman study: Jeffrey Liebman, an economist at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government whose work on Social Security is widely cited, simulated rates of return for future years, using data on past differences in incomes, mortality, and other demographic characteristics derived from data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) and the Social Security Administration’s historical records. His study found that African Americans will receive an average annual rate of return from Social Security that is 1.64 percent above the inflation rate, slightly above the 1.52 percent real average rate of return for non-Hispanic whites.[15]

    Urban Institute/Social Security Administration study: Analysts from the Urban Institute and the Social Security Administration conducted an analysis using the MINT model (Modeling Income in the Near Term), a large micro-data set that projects incomes through 2031 and is the main model that the Social Security Administration uses for its analyses on a range of Social Security issues. The analysts found that for people born between 1956 and 1965 (the group examined in this study), African American men will receive an average annual rate of return that is 1.99 percent above the inflation rate, as compared to 1.96 percent above inflation for non-Hispanic white men. For women, the difference was slightly larger: a 3.33 percent average annual rate of return (above inflation) for African-American women, compared to a 3.20 percent average rate of return for non-Hispanic white women.[16] An earlier and more comprehensive study by the same authors found that for some earlier birth cohorts, whites had a higher rate of return than blacks.[17]

    2. Studies of Social Security Disability Insurance. Studies that have examined rates of return by race in the Social Security disability insurance program have found larger differences between the races in this part of Social Security. Here, as well, African Americans receive higher rates of return than whites.

    Urban Institute/Social Security Administration study. The Urban Institute-SSA study referred to above found that African-American men receive a 0.3 percent higher average annual rate of return from Social Security disability insurance than non-Hispanic white men. African-American women receive a 0.4 percent higher average rate of return.[18]

    Social Security Administration study. Dean Leimer of the Social Security Administration conducted a separate study on disability insurance. This study did not analyze rates of return but compared the amount of money contributed in payroll taxes to disability insurance to the amount of benefits received from 1957 through 1995. Leimer found that for every $1 contributed to the DI program from 1957 to 1995, whites got $0.88 back while “other races” got back $1.30. (Note, these results do not establish that disability insurance is a “bad deal” for whites. Leimer makes no attempt to project future Social Security benefits. Some of the contributions to payroll taxes in the 1957 to 1995 period will go toward future disability benefits that were not captured in Leimer’s window.)[19] "

    so, yeah, ebony basically calling social security racist is just supidity aimed skillfully at their audience, with careful manipulation of the numbers.

  16. #96
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class.

    That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

    The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".

    All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A

    After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.
    The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.

    As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D! No one was happy.

    When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

    The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

    All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

    Could not be any simpler than that.
    If this does not make sense to you then you can not possibly be functioning in society!
    Holy Potatos Batman!!! That Was Awesome!!

  17. #97
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    but the truth is social security reform is not in the best interest of black Americans


    "There are several key reasons that Social Security is of disproportionate importance to African Americans:

    Social Security has a progressive benefit structure. Since African Americans have lower lifetime earnings than whites, on average, they benefit disproportionately from this aspect of Social Security. Other features of Social Security provide additional protections for African Americans.

    Social Security’s family income insurance is comprehensive; it provides insurance against becoming disabled and pays survivors benefits to the families of deceased workers. African Americans are more likely than other Americans to benefit from these insurance components of Social Security.

    Indeed, studies have consistently found that African Americans get a modestly higher rate of return on their Social Security contributions than do whites.

    Social Security also makes up a larger share of the income of elderly African Americans than of elderly white people. This reflects, in part, the fact that African Americans are less likely to have retirement accounts or life insurance than whites. Elderly African Americans also have a harder time finding work and have less in earnings than do elderly whites. These factors make Social Security an even more important component of African Americans’ retirement security."

    Studies Consistently Show African Americans Get a Higher Rate of Return

    Because of the features of Social Security that are particularly beneficial to African Americans, a wide range of studies from official government agencies and leading academic researchers has consistently produced the same finding — African Americans get modestly higher rates of return from Social Security than do non-Hispanic whites. In other words, they receive a little more back for each dollar paid in payroll taxes than whites do.

    These studies are based on large data sets that capture the differences in experience between different groups of people, including differences in earnings, mortality, and other demographic characteristics. A number of these studies are based on an actual historical sample of Social Security earnings and/or benefits. Other studies use a historical sample to develop a projection of future incomes and benefits.

    The Social Security program itself is race blind. The benefits it pays are a function of a worker’s earnings history and family situation. The findings of these studies reflect the fact that the Social Security system is progressive (i.e., of greater benefit, relative to taxes paid, for people with lower incomes, even after taking into account the fact that people with lower incomes tend to have higher mortality rates).

    We provide here a summary of the leading studies that have been conducted on rates of return in Social Security by race. These studies take into account differences in earnings, mortality rates, disability rates, and other factors.

    The studies fall into three categories: those that examine Social Security retirement and survivors benefits but do not include disability benefits; studies that examine rates of return on disability benefits; and studies that cover the entire Social Security system (i.e., retirement, survivors and disability benefits).

    1. Studies Examining Social Security Retirement and Survivors Benefits. These studies have consistently found that African Americans have a similar or slightly higher rate of return than whites in the retirement and survivors portions of Social Security. (The precise results can be sensitive to the cohort examined and the measure of redistribution used.)

    Study conducted by Treasury economists: A major study conducted by economists from the Department of the Treasury, using the Social Security Administration’s Continuous Work History Sample (a sample of nearly 40,000 actual earnings histories), found that African-Americans received an average annual rate of return half a percentage point higher than the average rate of return for whites (where the “white” category generally includes both Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites).[12] This is a relatively large difference when compounded over several decades to retirement, potentially translating to thousands of dollars at retirement.

    Social Security Administration study: Dean Leimer of the Social Security Administration used an even more comprehensive data set and confirmed the earlier findings. Leimer reported that “the results generally support the findings of closely related previous research, confirming that… the ‘Other Races’ group fared better by these measures than the ‘White’ race group in most of the cohorts considered.” Leimer found that males of “other races” received a 0.4 percent higher annual rate of return, on average, than white males, and females of other races received a 0.7 percent higher average rate of return than white females.[13] (Note that the “white” category generally includes both Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites. Other studies have shown that Hispanics, as a group, consistently have a higher Social Security rate of return than either African Americans or non-Hispanic whites.[14] Thus Leimer’s results are likely to understate the difference between non-Hispanic whites and blacks.)

    Liebman study: Jeffrey Liebman, an economist at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government whose work on Social Security is widely cited, simulated rates of return for future years, using data on past differences in incomes, mortality, and other demographic characteristics derived from data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) and the Social Security Administration’s historical records. His study found that African Americans will receive an average annual rate of return from Social Security that is 1.64 percent above the inflation rate, slightly above the 1.52 percent real average rate of return for non-Hispanic whites.[15]

    Urban Institute/Social Security Administration study: Analysts from the Urban Institute and the Social Security Administration conducted an analysis using the MINT model (Modeling Income in the Near Term), a large micro-data set that projects incomes through 2031 and is the main model that the Social Security Administration uses for its analyses on a range of Social Security issues. The analysts found that for people born between 1956 and 1965 (the group examined in this study), African American men will receive an average annual rate of return that is 1.99 percent above the inflation rate, as compared to 1.96 percent above inflation for non-Hispanic white men. For women, the difference was slightly larger: a 3.33 percent average annual rate of return (above inflation) for African-American women, compared to a 3.20 percent average rate of return for non-Hispanic white women.[16] An earlier and more comprehensive study by the same authors found that for some earlier birth cohorts, whites had a higher rate of return than blacks.[17]

    2. Studies of Social Security Disability Insurance. Studies that have examined rates of return by race in the Social Security disability insurance program have found larger differences between the races in this part of Social Security. Here, as well, African Americans receive higher rates of return than whites.

    Urban Institute/Social Security Administration study. The Urban Institute-SSA study referred to above found that African-American men receive a 0.3 percent higher average annual rate of return from Social Security disability insurance than non-Hispanic white men. African-American women receive a 0.4 percent higher average rate of return.[18]

    Social Security Administration study. Dean Leimer of the Social Security Administration conducted a separate study on disability insurance. This study did not analyze rates of return but compared the amount of money contributed in payroll taxes to disability insurance to the amount of benefits received from 1957 through 1995. Leimer found that for every $1 contributed to the DI program from 1957 to 1995, whites got $0.88 back while “other races” got back $1.30. (Note, these results do not establish that disability insurance is a “bad deal” for whites. Leimer makes no attempt to project future Social Security benefits. Some of the contributions to payroll taxes in the 1957 to 1995 period will go toward future disability benefits that were not captured in Leimer’s window.)[19] "

    so, yeah, ebony basically calling social security racist is just supidity aimed skillfully at their audience, with careful manipulation of the numbers.
    great read bro, great read......

  18. #98
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    Dr. Martin Luther King

    On the night of the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous speech "I Have a Dream" Senator Barack Obama gave his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention in Denver, Colorado. Many Democrats thought about Dr. King's vision was fulfilled on that historic night. However, not all African Americans agree. "Barack Obama is directly contrary to many positions and beliefs of Martin Luther King, Jr.," says black author William Owens, Jr. "Obama is trying to make African-Americans believe he is the reality of the Dream come true, but he's not. It's a nightmare."

    A recent Gallup poll reveals 91 percent of African-Americans intend to vote for Obama. Nevertheless, there are dissenting voices trying to reach their community with a warning about the candidate. Dr. Alveda King, daughter of MLK's younger brother, the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A.D. King, says, "Senator Obama's answer to the ills of society, of higher government spending, weaker national defense, continued tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, and support of gay marriage, are diametrically opposed to everything African Americans truly believe and an anathema to the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."

    Mr. Owens, founder of Black Americans for Real Change (BARC), makes it known, "I will not remain silent out of fear of repercussions because it is politically incorrect for Blacks to challenge Blacks." He says one aspect of Obama's candidacy is "intimidation because many people are afraid to scrutinize Obama and speak out because of the race issue." Owens believes Obama is manipulative of African Americans because "in reality he is not a Black American. His heritage is Muslim -- not African American" and calls Obama a pretender and panderer. He points out that the candidate's record "does not remotely parallel the values, traditions and struggles of Black America

    there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right.'" He passionately adds, "This is not the time to be silent; this is not the time to give Barack Obama a free pass! There is too much at stake."

  19. #99
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    Wtf? How is "Obama's Plan" anything similar to the example?


    Don't believe anything FOX tells you.

  20. #100
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    kRATOS, nice post. I promised myself I wouldn't return to this thread but...

  21. #101
    johnCash is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    get your head out of the sand, listen to a somewhat reliable news station(FOX would be a starter) and try to apply some logic hear.
    Ya bring back goerge bush. he was much better.
    this is the dumbest quote in the history of man kind!
    in 8 years since clinton, goerge bush single handedly turned this country from a world super power into one of the worst recessions ever, and most in debt country in the world. do you know how much 11 trillion dollars is? and counting. how does any president double a countries debt in 8 years of power. why do people care so much about health care, when there are so many more, much worse things happening?
    you must have grown up in a trailer cause ive never heard anyone say fox news is a reliable source. how about the most smut propoganda spreading news in all the u.s.?

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnCash View Post
    Ya bring back goerge bush. he was much better.
    don't recall this ever being said
    this is the dumbest quote in the history of man kind!
    in 8 years since clinton, goerge bush single handedly turned this country from a world super power into one of the worst recessions ever, and most in debt country in the world. do you know how much 11 trillion dollars is?More added by the current adm, and counting. how does any president double a countries debt in 8 years of power. why do people care so much about health care,ever heard of TAXES or are you too young to pay into the system yet? when there are so many more, much worse things happening?
    you must have grown up in a trailer ONE DUMB ASS comment to make since you don't know shiit abt me cause ive never heard anyone say fox news is a reliable source.Get your head out of your ass and you might learn something how about the most smut propoganda spreading news in all the u.s.?
    Please do me a favor and do NOT respond to me w/ any/all remarks/comments etc..
    Last edited by ni4ni; 08-20-2009 at 06:07 PM.

  23. #103
    johnCash is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Im not BSing ya bro its true health care over there sucks ass big time.You better be in good health or your ass is going to die.
    apparently iron pig is an expert in the british health care system now. so are you a medical student? have you been to england? could you even point it out on a map if i showed you? ya maybe some facts with your baseless claims next time.

  24. #104
    johnCash is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    Please do me a favor and do NOT respond to me w/ any/all remarks/comments etc..
    no problem, just keep the dumb hick conservative agenda off the board.
    people care more about the color of obamas skin than what hes actually doing.

  25. #105
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    this is nothing more than an anecdote that in all likelihood never happened. in addition, there is a bit more to socialism than that i think. im pretty sure when everyone gets exactly the same its egalitarianism, not socialism? either way, i dont see a connection between the dudes economics class and the current U.S. president. if you are able to, you are likely retarded.

  26. #106
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    I can promise you this tool...I've been in the medical field for a long time. Therefore that proves to me...YOU KNOW NOTHING.
    go back put the diapers on and get some sleep
    Last edited by ni4ni; 08-20-2009 at 06:19 PM.

  27. #107
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnCash View Post
    no problem, just keep the dumb hick conservative agenda off the board.
    people care more about the color of obamas skin than what hes actually doing.
    that will happen!!

  28. #108
    johnCash is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    I can promise you this tool...I've been in the medical field for a long time. Therefore that proves to me...YOU KNOW NOTHING.
    go back put the diapers on and get some sleep
    so what are you a nurse or something? cause you dont have the intelligence to be a doctor.
    and your right i dont know or care about health care but how do you say the president is f*cking up this country? cause he wants to bring in better health care? ya hes just destroying the country!

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnCash View Post
    so what are you a nurse or something? cause you dont have the intelligence to be a doctor.
    and your right i dont know or care about health care but how do you say the president is f*cking up this country? cause he wants to bring in better health care? ya hes just destroying the country!
    A nurse--- please---- you can surely make some ignorant remarks & the funny thing is you know nothing abt the person-lmao!!
    You MUST be one of the ppl making <20K to want a govt run HC system.
    BTW, is 20K to high? Want everything for free...don't work for it. Wait for hand outs.
    You wouldn't know better health care if it smacked you in the face- matter of fact, do you know anything abt HC? i'd venture to say NO- why you ask...because you are probably still under mommy's plan, arent you?
    Wait till you grow up and need to purchase your own plan. A few more yrs lil fellow....time will teach you.
    Your admission to NOT KNOWING abt HC qualifies you to STFU abt HC. later JOff
    Last edited by ni4ni; 08-20-2009 at 06:44 PM.

  30. #110
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnCash View Post
    no problem, just keep the dumb hick conservative agenda off the board.
    people care more about the color of obamas skin than what hes actually doing.
    Dumb hick conservative agenda huh?! lmao.....You've probably never even watched the program cause you probably can't afford cable.
    You're the only person to bring color into this conversation.
    And, i have yet to hear anything halfway intelligent from YOUR hickass.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Just like people accuse minorities of taking advantage of the system and living for free off the backs of other's. Whites are guilty of the same. But since you's a link:
    That article is over 15 years old, and is from Ebony magazine, hardly an unbiased scholarly source. From reading the piece, it's easy to see the writer has an agenda.

    Basically what it says though is if you group social security and veterans benefits into welfare, then whites receive the most. The stats are also misleading in that hispanics and whites are both considered "white". Besides that, 33% of the people who receive welfare are black. This is alarming because it is not in line with the demographics of the country.

    I'm aware that ss and veterans benefits are by definition welfare, but most of the time when people talk about welfare they're talking about AFDC/TANF. Where as ss generally requires a life time of paying into the system, and veterans benefits requires self sacrifice and service for the country, AFDC/TANF requires nothing. I think that's why its looked down upon so much.

  32. #112
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    Time for change

    A new poll says that Americans, concerned over the future of health care reform and anxious about the growing federal budget deficit, are losing faith in President Obama.
    The Washington Post-ABC News survey found that less that half of Americans -- 49 percent -- say they believe the president will make the right decisions for the country. That's down from 60 percent at the 100-day mark of the Obama presidency.
    The poll published Friday says Obama's overall approval is 57 percent, 12 points lower than it was at its peak in April. Fifty-three percent disapprove of the way he's handling the budget deficit and his approval on health care continues to deteriorate.

    Looks like the people are changing their mind's

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undercover View Post
    Wtf? How is "Obama's Plan" anything similar to the example?


    Don't believe anything FOX tells you.
    The only thing represented in that graph is GM.

    What about healthcare
    What about the banking system

    what does the future hold for free enterprise
    where ever you are getting your ideas from, I sure wouldn't trust either in addition to fox news.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Obama Plan-untitled.jpg   The Obama Plan-obamaphone.jpg  

  34. #114
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    The world in my head.
    though this is a repost, and the concept is general...

    i think more people need to educate themselves on our government.. Mr Obama might be a great guy, with truly deep hearted hopes of doing great things... but the truth is there is a good chance he is driving us to short term gains that will lead to long term loses.

    What has made America great and long lasting is we have fought and worked for what we get. but with a trend starting (and before obama) everybody wants a free lunch. they want hand outs. President Obama did not put us in the place we are now, with jobs gone, houses being foreclosed and lots of other things... but I do believe his plans on fixing them are short term fixes and in the long run we will be no better off then we were before. just more debt.

    our government is giving people a fish to feed them instead of teaching them to fish

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