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09-04-2009, 04:01 PM #1
OMG!!! Agoraphobia,Panic Disorder, OCD
I know some you have suffered from OCD and anxiety. Panic Disorder is way more complex than a little or a big anxiety attack.
I have suffered with this shit for so long Im about to go FU@KIN insane.
I made a dr appt already I go on wed next week.
I used to be on very high doses of xanax and others of the same . Finally I became addicted to those meds to the point where I can no longer take them anymore.
I just started back to school and Im in a class with 20 people in a room the size of a damn closet. This is setting me off bad. Im gettin to the point where I cant stay in a public place to long.
I know this all sounds crazy buy I have dealt with it before and had it under control .
Some of the effects its having or makes me feel that Im having
Fear of public or crowded areas
Cant breathe
Throat closing up
Hot flashes
Feelings of losing my mind when I cannot get it under control at that time
Feelings of fainting
Blood pressure will spike and heart rate jumps real damn high.
The OCD is just the constant worrying about thinkin about the little thing that send me into an attack.
I know of 1 member here that has had similar situations.
What kind of meds have dr's put you on ?
How long did it take them to work??
Thanks in advance for the supports brothers!!!
I HONESTLY will be praying that the DR can help me out. And I have NOT PRAYED in a long time.
I just get very anxious when I have a test or something like that. I use to get really bad chest pains from stress no heart condition or anything its just how it manifest in me. I use to be able to control my stress levels pretty well with exercise and such. Usually a 30-45 minute session of hard cardio would do away with it. My stress levels got so high with school and working in two different research labs that I was up to an hour or more of intense cardio and it along with weight training and it wouldnt even put a dent in my stress. Finally I had to go to the doc and get some meds to help calm me down at the end of the day. I dont always feel like this so xanax worked well for me with low dosages. Its really hard to deal with it when you cant possible reduce the environmental stressors that cause everything.
09-04-2009, 04:13 PM #3
Hey man. Sorry to hear. I have some of those, but nothing that really interferes with my life. I hate crowded areas, sometimes get hot flashes and the throat closing too (that one sux, no way to get rid of that & it often lingers for hours).
I'm not on meds for this and only would be if it got a lot worse. My ex, though, got addicted to xanax VERY quickly. It was scary. So be careful. For me personally, it gets better by being thrown in the fire, so to speak. It sucks at first but college had that effect on me. For the first few months I had anxiety but one day I noticed it had calmed down. Same with partys, bars, etc.
I don't know how bad your condition is; if you need meds then you need meds. But going back to school might not be the worse thing for your anxiety, in the long run. Good luck dude.
(BTW are you ever incredibly jealous of all these people that clearly don't give a fvck? nice that must be. They seem to live such a happier life.)
09-04-2009, 04:15 PM #4
I have controlled to with great success for a long period of time. But I had to get some help now.
I never would go on anti depressants . Because I CANNOT have an orgasm when on them but it is time to make the damn sacrifice.
Wife will still be pleased. She will just be beat the hell up after the sex sessions to come after I get on the anti depressants.
09-04-2009, 04:19 PM #5
09-04-2009, 04:22 PM #6
Wellbutrin does not cause decreased libido. In many, it increases. I'm on it and it did increase mine. Look it up if you're interested. Many people swear by it.
09-04-2009, 04:30 PM #7
I think she will probably go with Zoloft, Paxil,or Porzac. And I will see if she will add propranolol which will also help with bp
09-04-2009, 09:40 PM #8
Big thanks to Deuce for the PM
09-04-2009, 09:49 PM #9
It might sound strange but, if I smoke pot once every month or two, I have no anxiety symptoms at all and an over all heightened mood. It's worth a shot right? Otherwise, I just try and suffer in silence. (It sucks though...)
09-04-2009, 10:00 PM #10
09-04-2009, 10:05 PM #11
Paxil and Prozac are very old outdated drugs in my opinion. You should try one of the newer drugs out. The problem is there is no 'blood test' to determine whether you require an SSRI, SNRI, A-typical, benzo, etc. Alprazolam is a great band-aid, but certainly not something that should be used habitually. It is a trial and error process, but you should look at some of the newer drugs out, as they may have decreased side effects, most notably the elimination of the 'zombie' side effects.
09-04-2009, 10:08 PM #12
Just sharing my coping mechanisms. Medical marijuana is legal in my state (so it's not recreational in my case).
As far as the suffering in silence, personally I would prefer the panic attacks to the prescription relief and all that comes along with it. (besides the occasional pot)
I guess I can't suggest this method to anyone. It's just my preference.
Anyone suffering from depression/anxiety should see their doctor!
09-04-2009, 11:40 PM #13
Please read this Chap!!
I was diagnosed with panic disorder after I tried killing myself 3 years back BECAUSE of panic disorder. So I prob know more how you feel then anyone on here, and anyone in your family or social circle. I know how it slowly corrodes your life to shit over the years. But I disagree, imo panic disorder is not complex at all. If you have panic disorder you have a problem with your adrenal glands overfiring adrenaline. And its mostly always caused by some social stimuli. If that’s not what’s happening its not panic disorder.
That was the same point I was at 3 years ago which drove me to try killing myself. No one wanted to listen to me, everyone kept saying "but your so level headed and strong", no one took it serious or understood how severely it was affecting my daily life. And I would never condone suicide but if I HAD NOT attempted, I'm 100% sure I would have not got rid of my panic disorder. I'll get more specific in a bit.
Yep thats a very popular route but I fvckn hate the rebounds from xanax. People don't understand 24 hours after you take xanax, if you don't take another the GABA rebound will actually PROVOKE more panic attacks. I just don't like xanax cause it basically addresses none of the things that are actually causing the attacks. Plus xanax has very weak effects on depressing the CNS compared to BBs which will shut all that shit down but leave your mind clear and focused.
Wow man I really want to write a book about how this problem is literally a carbon copy from one person to another. I had the SAME EXACT problems, (walking out of your car from one place to another, walking with someone behind you, walking anywhere where people can see you, stopping at traffic lights, eating in public, writing in public, etc) but TRUST ME you CAN fix it, and I'll explain how I finally found a "cure" (not exactly a cure, cause I still have to actively control it, difference is what I do now actually works) after 8 years of dealing with that shit.
It will to people who don't have sensitized adrenal glands. They simply can't understand it so I never try really explaining it to strangers anymore unless it’s a professional. Seems like everyone whos not a doctor in this world likes to pretend they are and can solve all of lifes problems.. fvck that shit.
All the classic symptoms, the worse for me was the shaking and temors, do you get that too? When I was in the middle of an attack it basically would resemble a seizure just not as intense with the shaking. And another thing I fvckn hated was you really can't think when its happening, your mind is scrambled everywhere. And if you have to give a speech, your most likely heading for the door.
Ok look bro. If you told me you had cancer, I honestly would empathize LESS with you. A genuine case of panic disorder will ruin your ENTIRE life, and a lot of people do commit suicide after dealing with it for too long. Because lets face it, you’re not exactly living life right now, your prob dead spiritually and emotionally. Panic disorder will do that. Especially people who GIVE UP ON MEDS. Don't forget just because one SSRI didn't work, doesn't mean the next won't, I speak from first hand experience after trying Zoloft and Paxil, hating the shit out of them. Then a few years later I gave Lexapro a shot and my panic attacks basically vanished (along with another more important med)
But I'm going to lay out what 8 years of research and living with this disorder taught me (which isn't really anything ground breaking).
You have your body, your heart, and your adrenal glands.
10,000 years ago adrenaline kept us alive. It was normal for the adrenaline response system to be used A LOT more, because we had a lot more encounters with danger, whether a pack of lions, or we tried to mate with the wrong female and the alpha male of the tribe wanted us dead, adrenaline PROTECTED us.
Now, our minds have evolved but our bodies are outdated. Some people still respond to stimuli in an all out adrenaline surged "fight or flight" response. But the problem is, even though our intellectual minds know we aren't gonna die by walking in public or giving a speech, our reptilian brains (the part of our brains that first developed in evolution) still experience the same feedback loop when exposed to certain stimuli. So if you wanted to make a person realize what a panic attack was like, you could basically point a machine gun at their face. (well realistically it seems a lot worse when its happening). Its just too bad we get that feeling from things as simple as stopping at a traffic light.
An example: (I know you prob know all this I'm trying to put it in the perspective that has helped me)
You have to say your name in a public gathering.
A little bit of tension causes your adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline into the blood stream. The problem is, your adrenal glands are letting out TOO MUCH, its OVERRESPONDING to the stimuli.
Your mind becomes aware that your body has just oversecreted, (as you feel the effects of the adrenaline surge) the mind becomes nervous, then the body secretes AGAIN, mind gets nervous, more secretion, and the feedback loop basically jams in the run position till the panic attack occurs.
The glands eventually secrete most of the adrenaline stored, and the attack fades away.
The first med I'm going to focus are the beta blockers. Till this day, beta blockers have been the most important thing for me in stopping this loop.
Beta blockers BLOCK adrenaline.
So naturally, when your body biologically wants to overreact, it can't. It can only secrete a very tiny amount of adrenaline. So beta blockers basically lock up the loop and stop it from jamming in the on position.
Inderal is my BB of choice. I will take 40-60mg IR under my tounge 1 hour before I know I have to face any triggers. The only triggers I use it for now are things like the first week of school, giving speeches, formal get togethers (weddings, etc) but I use to take it basically everyday.
Lexapro worked for me after 2 months. Before that point I was actually hating it like Zoloft and Paxil. It had me depressed and more anxious, but I gave it a fair shot like the other 2 and it helped level out the more minor triggers. Like traffic lights, or walking in public. But Lexapro never stopped the more serious triggers.
I was on Lex for one year and the side effects just became too much. (weight gain and I was sleeping way too much) I had not had a panic attack that entire year, and I noticed I had started fearing less and less a lot of the triggers. So I wanted to see if I could control them with just the inderal. I withdrew from the Lexapro and even though my anxiety spiked higher then ever, oddly I still didn’t have a panic attack.
Now I’ve been off the Lex for about 1 ½ years, and I can maintain it completely with inderal. Classes start for me next week, so I refilled my script and am good to go. Even my anticipatory anxiety is less then its ever been cause I KNOW how well it works for me. Its never let me down.
Also working out will exhaust the adrenal receptors for a couple hours which helps too. It won’t stop the panic attacks by itself but doing cardio right before a speech + inderal is really all I need now. Even if I miss the cardio I’m fine, but it just makes me a bit more relaxed in my mind.
So I would suggest you experiment with inderal. Not toprol or any of the weaker BBs. Inderal was the only one that was consistently strong enough. I know how trapped you feel right now bro and its fvckn hell. But NEVER give up trying new things. When you lose hope is when you stop working on it. I got so sick of meds I went for 3 years dealing with this disorder w/out trying a single new med or anything. Do not be ignorant like I was. And I really really hope you find something that works for you. I still think the main thing you need to address with panic disorder is the adrenaline loop. If you can stop that loop you will be golden, trust me.
09-04-2009, 11:44 PM #14
If you go to a lot of mental health forums on the web, you will see post after post after post of people saying they stopped MJ and have been getting panic attacks.
Thats one place if you go through the forums you can easily find 100 threads with people who get panic attacks DURING smoking, and AFTER stopping. And you'll see a lot of these cases lasting for years after.
I would not recommend it personally.
09-05-2009, 12:04 AM #15
I almost cried no kidding.
I see you know your stuff. I do not believe that a dr could be this discriptive. Was this a PCP that got you to the meds you neede or someone else?
You wrote my life out in your words. Thats what brought tears to my eyes. I too missed christmas last year because I was readt to kill myself.
I took alot of drugs and drank alot. A whole lot. And had the gun in my pocket. I ended up checking into the hospital where they did nothing but treat me as a drug addict and detox me. I didnt really need to detox(the xanax yes) But I wasnot treated for the problem. I was treated as the problem.
My probem is I have no ins . My wife me and our kids live dollar to dollar. And CANNOT afford to F@CK around with some dr who wants to play a guessing game with me. But I will not give up. I wan to live again. I need to live again.
Thank you so much . I will be in close touch . Keeping you updated on the treatment. And if things dont go well with my upcomming visit maybe you can advise me on my next stao to a speedy recovery.
Much Love
09-05-2009, 12:14 AM #16
09-05-2009, 12:16 AM #17
No absolutely, I promise I will dedicate myself to you 100% till you find something that works for yourself.
You can NOT go on living in this state, its not fair to you or your family. And I know how serious you are because this is life or death in my eyes. I'm gonna turn this to pm so we can get some kind of plan started for you.
I REALLY want to see this out of your life as soon as possible.
09-05-2009, 12:18 AM #18
09-05-2009, 12:28 AM #19
Great man thanks . When this is over Ill return the favor to another suffer
09-05-2009, 12:33 AM #20Banned
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And here I thought Bojangles just liked to slay baby seals.
09-05-2009, 12:49 AM #21
When i get nervous i have to poo
09-07-2009, 10:35 AM #23
I wanted to bump this thread up.
Id like to thank all of you who have supported me in this and shared you horrar stories with me. Through post or PM.
09-07-2009, 10:39 AM #24
Am running close to my dr appt. I see that some of you guys/girls have had some BAD sides from these drugs befor findin one or a combination of drugs that worked for you.
Please share with me what drugs you tried that had negative sides. So that I can discuss that with my dr before she puts me on that drug.
I have found that alot of dr's DO NOT ge the complete feedback from the negative effects that these drugs have with there patients. Which makes it difficult for them to give me all the info Im lookin for .
Thanks again.Much Love
09-07-2009, 02:18 PM #25
I have all these plus bipolar, I get xanax prescribed, along with depakote(bipolar) Also getting on something like paxil or effexor will help too. Just go hit your doc up and let him know whats up. Xanax takes away all my ocd, and social anxiety. I've had this for 10years PM me if you have any other questions bro. I know it sucks so bad!
09-07-2009, 09:59 PM #26
I hate social gathering. I have always dreaded them and it took me a year to go to a bar that is 3 block from my house by myself. I hate going anywhere alone when it's a social event of some kind or???
No problem with grocery shopping because nothing is expected of you. LOL
I also have a little OCD. even in stores I will straighten things on the shelf and use to get mad at the wife for putting things back backwards or in the wrong place.
They gym loves me, between sets I straighten the weights. LOL
09-07-2009, 10:24 PM #27
I have a little OCD But not the same as you. I wish you went to the gym I used to work out at. No body picked up anything
09-07-2009, 10:30 PM #28
Yeh I think OCD is a lot more common in people then reported.
If you really look at someones behavoir you'll notice almost everyone meets it to a degree. Being obssessive compulsive I think is just an "intellectual twitch" of thought.
09-07-2009, 10:40 PM #29
I really have to control my OCD when it comes to buying things. I will get a bug and research and buy on impulse like supplements or??? also a LOT of ebay junk over the years.
09-07-2009, 10:43 PM #30
09-07-2009, 10:43 PM #31
09-12-2009, 12:28 AM #32Associate Member
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Hi Mate,
When you described your symptoms you basically reminded me of the person I was about 3 years ago. I decided one day enough was enough so went to the doc, who sent me to a shrink who put me on Zoloft and Propranolol. At the moment I am being weened off the Zoloft because things are much better. I'm still keeping the Propranolol for as long as I need it as it is such a great drug to use when you know you're going to be in a situation that makes you uncomfortable. One thing about the Propranolol though is that it takes about an hours to kick in, so just plan ahead a bit.
I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when your a head case like we are (like a lot of people are), but things do get better over time.
Not sure what else to say, just keep doing positive things, trying to think positively too. If you have any questions about those meds, or how to cope, just let me know.
09-12-2009, 12:46 AM #33
I couldn't agree more (I call it "inderal" just cause its easier to type) but inderal is such a great med if you look at all it does and how well it works.
It treats or cures panic attacks.
It stops all physical forms of anxiety.
It helps you think clearer w/out the anxiety.
Helps you calm down and give speeches if your socially phobic or get stage freight (lots of entertainers and singers take it too).
It lowers your blood pressure.
Reduces strain on your heart.
Gets rid of migraines or head aches caused by juice or high blood pressure in general.
Makes you overall a calmer person, not high on a near scarface level xanax binge.
It also treats PTSD for vets, rape victims and was on MSNBC with patients who said they gained control over their traumatic recuring memories and could live once again.
Its extremely cheap and available EVEN WITHOUT health insurance.
Inderal is an excellent med I will be prescribing it to all my patients when I become a dr one day.
09-12-2009, 05:50 AM #34Associate Member
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09-12-2009, 06:27 AM #35
I suffered from panic attacks for about 1.5yrs. Never had any issues, then I did a really stupid cycle. Not sure if it was coincedence, but I think I over stimulated my adrenals with T3 and clen , which started everything. Had to stop all stimulants and took xanax everyday. For me it was the reverse. I was good in public....It was at night when it was time to relax. Almost like my body was ready to stop...but my mind would start racing.
I have ADD..(on 20mg dexadrin)
and been diagnosed with OCT (obsesive compulsive tendencies). Basically it does not affect my life, I just really like things a certain way...(ie no crooked pictures in my house)...most perfectionists (like me) have this.
I found all of this out by doing a 8hr physc eval at a local medical college. You may be able to check locally and see if they offer anything like that...very interesting and could give you more insight than your PCP.
I did alot of research...and have been panic free for about 2yrs now. I still get some symptoms, but when I should like during a scary movie. The problem is once I feel my heart start to race, I could easily think myself into a panic attack.
Some things you say are so true...If you never had a severe panic attack, you cannot relate....period.
With the resaerch I did I learned alot and I think my logical mind is to a point where when I get symptoms, I can almost (almost) appreciate it. Kinda like " here it comes...time to go for a ride".
Some of thought processes that helped me.
1. You are not losing your mind or crazy. crazy people do not know there crazy...thats what makes them crazy. The fact that you think you are losing your mind...proves you are not.
2. You are not dieing. Xanax is not heart attack medicine.
3. You are not having a heart attack....if you were, you would know. It is very different than a panic attack.
4. Embrace the attack (I know it is super hard). The attacks are alot less severe, if you do not work yourelf up.
09-12-2009, 07:33 AM #36
Well I had a pretty good 1st day on the meds. And a little better day the second day. We will see how today goes.
I have to go out to the kids soccer games today and that can be pretty bad. So I hop e these meds help and Im good. I know the Lexapro shouldnt be workin yet so I guess its the . I have taken clonidine before . I know its great in the beginning but as you become used to its side effects it used to do nothing for my sides.
10-02-2009, 03:01 AM #37
CHAP. I totally hear you. I had the same problems plus some visual disturbances. This was after I was dosed (without my knowledge), when I was only 16, of PCP aka "Angel Dust." I've dealt with decreasing panic disorder and anxiety problems ever since. My main recovery method was bodybuilding.
However, my first cycle of Test has opened up a new door for panic disorder/anxiety to manifest. I now have heart palpitations among other disturbing things which are bringing back the paranoia, anxiety, anger, visual disturbances from 7 years ago!? Except now instead of fearing I'll become insane again, now I think my heart may stop and no one will be there to take me to the ER.
So my prayers go out to you brother. I know the feeling and I have faith that we can make it out alive, or at least outside of prison.
10-02-2009, 04:45 AM #38
Try Busparione
10-02-2009, 06:51 PM #39Banned
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CHAP, this has truly been one of the best threads I've ever read. Hats off to you for having the courage to address this problem and throw it out for discussion like you've done. Additionally, the response from Bojangles had to be one of the most sincerest and informative responses that I have seen.
I have dealt with a lot of these issues for most of my adult life. I'm in corporate sales, and oversee a region of 16 states and most of Mexico. One on one, or a handful of people -vs- myself is a perfect scenario and I've accelerated a pretty successful career doing so. Start making it more than a handful, like 20, 30, or 100 that I spoke in front of last year, and it's a whole different story. I'll be up for days at a time stressing this stuff if I know it's coming. Hell, I had an ulcer at 29 years old. And just like Bojangles said, it's this "loop" that just keeps surging, and surging, and won't shut off. Now, once I get myself going in a meeting, those anxieties start to dissipate, and then I've even had times where the times where I pull off a hell of a presentation or sales meeting, or whatever function is taking place. I leave thinking, "It's all over now and I've been cured," but in fact the exact same issues just keep popping up over and over, over, etc. So I literally put myself through hell sometimes to get through a program. It's kind of like Groundhog Day when it comes to these anxieties.
I was put on Antidepressants at one point, but jumped off. I was, and still do get depressed about this crap, but those meds never cured the real problem. I just have done the best I can with I got, and have made the most of my strengths while finding ways to avoid my weakness, or go through a living hell when my weakness cannot be avoided.
You guys gave me the courage this morning to put together a real defined letter to my doctor explaining exactly what I've been dealing with. I've just always told doctors (and anyone else for that matter) that it's other issues bothering me, or that it's just overload on my plate. My doctor (like so many others your read on this site) is not someone you want to talk to about HRT. I've been down a long road with that subject as some of you have probably read. However, she is really good about stuff like this and other issues, which is probably her strength and weakness attribute just like all of us. I emailed her and she responded this afternoon. She was grateful that I came forward and understood my stupid pride on the matter. Bojangles analogy about 10,000 BC made total sense, and my doctor pretty much summarized the same opinion. She stated that people like Barbara Streisand suffers from this dilemma. She didn't hesitate and put a prescription together for the Propranolol. She agrees that this is a great choice for people with this condition. I've got to go see her, and she wants me to talk with some other doctors (you know the ones), but it's worth it if this stuff really can mitigate some of those feelings.
CHAP, I hope you didn't feel that I hijacked your thread, it wasn't my intention. You're the hero in my book for having the balls to throw something out there like this. It touched me enough to take inventory of my issues, and man am I glad I did!
Thanks again guys!
12-02-2009, 02:42 PM #40
bro sounds like there are some deep issues here doc will try to treat with drugs that cause more issues... what about taking the drugs short term and figuring out the deeper issue - find a head doc that will work with our med doc and dig in and get fixed? i can say it is hard for me to under stand this - i get it though, and you need to do what ever you can to fix it - short of killing our self
if i can help let me know
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