Well, I've been bodybuilding since around 16 years old, and have been very serious since then. When I was 20 I met the most ****ing gorgeous girl after dumping my ex, who was very supportive of my bodybuilding goals and ambitions.
Anyway, I was head over heels for this chick, and we'd hang out anytime we could, and in a couple of weeks we were a steady couple. She was very attracted to me and I was very attracted to her, but what I didn't like was that every time I'd eat or we'd go out to eat, she'd try to make me feel like shit about what I was eating.
"Ugh, you're eating chicken again?"
"Eew, it's 10am why are you eating tuna?"
"Oh lemme guess, you don't want this donut because it has CARBS"
"Why do you take so many vitamins and pills? You look like an old man"
"Can't we just order a pizza, god you make me feel fat"
Blah blah blah blah. Granted this girl was 5'4'' 110lbs with an absolutely amazing body, and she could eat whatever she wanted. I fell into the trap of letting a girl and "love" affect my dreams and ambitions, and I found myself eating all this nasty ****ing shit (fast food, pizzas, italian food, low protein meals, everything that would make a bodybuilder feel screwed after eating) and I was doing it all just to keep her happy, and low and behold I was getting fluffy and soft.
Anyway, I ended up putting a stop to it all, and about 2 months later we were through. I found it funny how she loved my body and wanted to **** me in 2 days of meeting her, but she couldn't put up with the things that lead me to have a healthy desirable body. She's a hypocrite, and can eat a dick... and her new boyfriend is a sloppy fatty.
So anyway, I regret ever thinking a girl is worth what makes you happy, but I'm glad I'm out of it. Didn't mean to write an essay or sound cocky, I'm not, but I'm sure you guys can feel where I'm coming from.