Has anyone seen this?
Has anyone seen this?
I have a few friends who do it and swear by it. I heard the ab work is good.. Still - nothing beats the gym.
I have a guy at work who does it but not enough. Any of those are good if you do them like you are supposed to but agreed, nothing like getting in the gym, depending on what your goals are.
its not going to make you a body builder. But its a hell of a work out. Better then the gym for most people if they follow it
but have you seen the transformation, 21% to 6% bf in 90days
if you read the fine print on the bottom, (with proper diet and exercise) lol
meaning they had personal trainers and diets setup for them.
I think it is a good program to get fit and build endurance.
But as far as packing on the muscle I dont think its that good.
More of a get ripped type workout.
It true the ab workout is great but you won't gain mass with this workout but you will get lean and ripped.
My girl is doing this right now. You have to workout twice a day on Mon/wed/Fri. and once a week on all the other days. You NEVER get a day off. Your off days ar 1.5 hrs of yoga. If anybody worked out that much, any kind of exercise would change your body. The diet is also rediculous for the general public. I think your allowed like 2 servings of carbs and 7 servings of protein. Its a good diet, but not likely to be followed by the average fat ass that thinks they want to do it.
I personally think the entire program is nothing but junk, its one of my pet peeves. Waste of money, but people eat this shit up. Its over complicated, catabolic mucsle wasting program.
If this is the program I see on infomercials all the time...![]()
I actually had a buddy who did this and it actually works really well. He shed the pounds.. But i think the main thing that it was was the diet that came with it.
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