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  1. #121
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    LOL that is good that you ignored him. I would stick with what worked last night. Shoot it to her and let her come to you. She is waiting so dont change your game. You cant screw this up bro, it is impossible. I might even say hey I am going out later you want to come over for a little while before I go? (end with a question) May be too early to just drag your nuts on her like that though. I would though cause if she rebutts I am ready for it.

    I had one earlier call to ask if I wanted to watch the UT game tonight, I said no I have company coming over but you can come by after she leaves, how does that sound? she was like what and be sloppy seconds? I said or dessert how ever you want to look at it, are you up for it or not? She was like Ok call me when you can, i'll come over. I was like alright, your cool right? She was like oh yeah. even though I know she isn't I will always have that to fall back on if she brings it up, I can say, hey we talked about it and I asked if you were cool and you said yes so why are you giving me shit? (see how the questions are always dictating the convo?) I smile a lot! ;-P

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    LOL that is good that you ignored him. I would stick with what worked last night. Shoot it to her and let her come to you. She is waiting so dont change your game. You cant screw this up bro, it is impossible. I might even say hey I am going out later you want to come over for a little while before I go? (end with a question) May be too early to just drag your nuts on her like that though. I would though cause if she rebutts I am ready for it.

    I had one earlier call to ask if I wanted to watch the UT game tonight, I said no I have company coming over but you can come by after she leaves, how does that sound? she was like what and be sloppy seconds? I said or dessert how ever you want to look at it, are you up for it or not? She was like Ok call me when you can, i'll come over. I was like alright, your cool right? She was like oh yeah. even though I know she isn't I will always have that to fall back on if she brings it up, I can say, hey we talked about it and I asked if you were cool and you said yes so why are you giving me shit? (see how the questions are always dictating the convo?) I smile a lot! ;-P
    I dont think its quiet the time to get her to come over early. She started this late night chit chat texting so ill keep it to that. At least until I fvck her then will see. So come 11ish ill send her another text. Sounds like you will be pretty busy tonight lets just hope the same for myself. I could be getting other ***** but I feel more attracted to banging my ex who has a boyfriend. Adds more excitement lol and she did dump me and start dating this guy so it will be getting back at the fvcker. Has much more meaning and purpose hah.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i need pictures as well
    I dont have any pictures of her. Maybe I can trick her into letting me take pics ?

  4. #124
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    My Ex!

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    I dont have any pictures of her. Maybe I can trick her into letting me take pics ?
    I meant while in the process

  6. #126
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    Just got in Im gona text her in like half hour.

  7. #127
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    30 minutes over.....what happened? Sorry cant sleep too much on my mind

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    30 minutes over.....what happened? Sorry cant sleep too much on my mind
    No reply I got stood up lol. Well at least she knows im interested in her. Will see if i hear from her 2moro or something.

  9. #129
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    To late, with women you have to jump on when the motor is running or you have to figure out how to get it all going again.... dont delay next time.

  10. #130
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    yea will see what happens I guess.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    To late, with women you have to jump on when the motor is running or you have to figure out how to get it all going again.... dont delay next time.
    Nothing could be more true.....

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  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    To late, with women you have to jump on when the motor is running or you have to figure out how to get it all going again.... dont delay next time.
    or found a woman whos motor is always running.....
    i agree he took too long....

  13. #133
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    well i guess i need to get the motor going again. Any ideas?

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    well i guess i need to get the motor going again. Any ideas?
    text during the day say tomorrow saying hey how r u doing and other touchy stuff chicks like........after she replies ask her what she is upto on the weekend.

  15. #135
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    ^^^ Never be touchy kid, ask a nuteral question like, "hey do you remember where that club is we [had drinks at that time?]" fill in a blank for a good time ya'll had that was over the top. "thanks you're a life saver" and leave it at that. she should have the question and the answer. The answer if she is sharp is the location, the question inevitabley if she is interested is "why, who you going with?" If there is not question leave it alone, if there is pounce with all four feet bro.

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  16. #136
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    text during the day say tomorrow saying hey how r u doing and other touchy stuff chicks like........after she replies ask her what she is upto on the weekend.
    Easy married man, dont loose credibility here bro. Horrible advice! from dominate to play the soft roll so quick? tsk tsk son tsk tsk!

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Easy married man, dont loose credibility here bro. Horrible advice! from dominate to play the soft roll so quick? tsk tsk son tsk tsk!
    gimme a break.....I just juggle 3 chicks today with 2 hrs of sleep.....
    i think that will work but we agree to disagree......i just want him to be in her pants......dont we all?

  18. #138
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I digress my pimpiliciuos friend

  19. #139
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    uh oh i feel a pimp war coming on...

  20. #140
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  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    uh oh i feel a pimp war coming on...
    we just want u to fvck her!!!!!

  22. #142
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    ^^^We can agree to agree on that one brother Pimp Daddy McFly! lol

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    ^^^We can agree to agree on that one brother Pimp Daddy McFly! lol
    we can only give him he plays it is totally upto him just give us satisfaction that we can turn a nice man into a whore....
    getting late for my 23 yrs old apparently she shaved today so need to go check it out....

  24. #144
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    Sounds like a booty call or is that booty text?

  25. #145
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    dosXX is there a difference?

    Cal you got that right! Whore makers 4 life bro!

  26. #146
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    Well! With so many new technologies out there today I'm just trying to keep up. hahaha

  27. #147
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    proud man whore in the making

  28. #148
    krystal-diamond is offline New Member
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    lol geez no lay yet buddy??

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by krystal-diamond View Post
    lol geez no lay yet buddy??
    this girls a tough one. She starts it off with the obv late night booty call which I had missed and reply to the next day telling her to give me a shout later and she replied "okay". Now I try and initiate things and its no go.... Ill text her once more and thats the end of it.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    well i guess i need to get the motor going again. Any ideas?
    Best way I found is to ignore them or play hard to get, they always want what they think they can't have, so I'd just make out like I couldn't give a fvck.

  31. #151
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Feeldapump, maybe it is time to try the oops I sent this to the wrong person text? One of these:

    "Hey tell your sister thanks for coming along last night! You both were amazing! You should see my bed this morning, it is a freaking mess! Ha! We'll do it again sometime. I will call next weekend or something, l8tr!"

    and then wait. when she texts back say something like "HOLY crap I sent this to the wrong (insert her name), I am soo embarrassed. Sorry"

    Set your phone across the room afterwards because you don't want to get hit when it blows up!! lol

  32. #152
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Or find a way to bump into her with your new amazing body? make her drool a little and be aloof. Be sure you are poppin though and that you dont rush in. Give her the once over and look away. keep it kinda brief. Something like "hey I am meeting friends so I gotta run but hit me up later so we can catch up"

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Or find a way to bump into her with your new amazing body? make her drool a little and be aloof. Be sure you are poppin though and that you dont rush in. Give her the once over and look away. keep it kinda brief. Something like "hey I am meeting friends so I gotta run but hit me up later so we can catch up"
    This might be hard to pull off I havent bumped into her once since we broke up. Well there was a new years eve party I saw her at after we broke up and ended up in her pants but that was the last time i randomly saw her. Im thinking maybe hittin' her with a picture text or is that too over played lol?

  34. #154
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Yeah the text picture might be good but I would stick with sending it to her by accident, someting like, "ok here it is bro, what do you think my actual bf% is?" I just couldnt bring myself to send it straight to her unless I was bold enough to say something provocative with it like "Your turn! " and have it with your shirt off showing your whole upper body. Keep me posted I am wanting to see the man shore n the making score the biotch!

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Yeah the text picture might be good but I would stick with sending it to her by accident, someting like, "ok here it is bro, what do you think my actual bf% is?" I just couldnt bring myself to send it straight to her unless I was bold enough to say something provocative with it like "Your turn! " and have it with your shirt off showing your whole upper body. Keep me posted I am wanting to see the man shore n the making score the biotch!
    Well this weekends a write off seeing in that its halloween but its gona happen soon. Should i do it during the week or wait till next weekend?

  36. #156
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I would do it on an off night for two reasons one she may not be doing anything and be more inclined to respond and 2 it doesnt look as needy on your part

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    dosXX is there a difference?

    Cal you got that right! Whore makers 4 life bro!
    I think I should whore giving that my "second" wife broke up with me. She told me that she is going dancing in the club (cause I have to be with my other wife) that was just fine and then she said that ppl may be grabbing her by ass and making her dance on the floor and blah blah blah all I said was "have a little self respect" and now according to her we are done......lets see 5th time she is done with me...u think there will be a 6th time?

  38. #158
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    Well tomorrows friday and I need a solid game plan boys. Im taking this one down no more playing around. So what you all say hit her up with a more detailed text saying something along the lines "I know you wanted a booty call since the beginning now why dont you stop questioning it and we can make this happen etc..." OR should I stay with the plain "?".

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    I would do it on an off night for two reasons one she may not be doing anything and be more inclined to respond and 2 it doesnt look as needy on your part
    Fack just read this post now hmm...

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