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Thread: *The official Interview thread*

  1. #801
    marcus300's Avatar
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    marcus300 interviews C-Z

    marcus300: Where abouts do you live?
    C-Z: Born and raised my whole life in New Jersey.

    marcus300: What are your current stats and what would you like them to be?
    C-Z: Currently 23 5'6 195lbs. BF% I haven't checked it lately. For being so short it is so hard to break that 200lb mark. But I would love to hit 215-220lbs at 10-12% BF.

    marcus300: How did you first get into bodybuilding?
    C-Z: I wasn't very athletic when I was young. I never got into sports really. At about 13 I used to play around on a machine we had in our house and some dumb bells. It wasn't until about 15 when I went to the gym with my cousin for the first time that I became hooked. Seeing someone so much bigger. It was like wow I want to be like him. So I started learning, signed up at the gym by my house and hit it off 3:30pm every day after school riding my huffy to the gym.

    marcus300: What is your AAS experience?
    C-Z: I have ran 3 cycles:
    -Simple Test E cycle which I saw great gains.
    -Test/Tren A/Anadrol cycle which sadly to say I had to cut it short due to relationship problems.
    -Test/Deca cycle which I was rather disappointed with. I think it was under dosed.

    marcus300: Have you ever used HGH?
    C-Z: No I have not. The idea of trying it has crossed my mind, but at this point I don't really think or see a need to use it

    marcus300: What do you do for a living?
    C-Z: Currently I work in a warehouse. I have always wanted to be a cop ever since I was a teenager. As much as I hate them... Especially after giving me a cell phone ticket today. I think it is just something I would be good at.

    marcus300: What would be your ideal job?
    C-Z: Humm... I honestly don't know. I find so many things interesting but I don't know If I could deal with it on a regular basis. As a kid I always wanted to be a Cop. As Much as I hate them. I just think it would be something I would be good at.

    Members questions: Do you believe in any religion?
    C-Z: I was raised as a Christian. Went to church, Sunday school that whole bit... But at the end of the day what exactly is religion, but a bunch of beliefs? It's one of two things I do not discuss. Religion and politics are two of the most controversial subjects. I don't go to church any more except on the rare occasion to take my grandmother, but at the end of the day I believe there is a heaven and hell...

    marcus300: What frustrates you about this site?
    C-Z: I think what frustrates me the most is probably.... ... .. . Noobs. A simple search would show a deca cycle alone is not good. And they continue to remake posts when they don't get the answer they want.

    marcus300: Your known for being rather a hot head when answering questions, are you like that in real,life situation?
    C-Z: I am not really a hot head so to say. If you ask my g/f she will probably say I am, but I have break points just like any one else. My tolerance level for BS is just much less then a normal/average persons tolerance level. And personally I think people just take what I say the wrong way 90% of the time. I can be calm as can be. And still have people think I am giving an attitude or a smart remark. I really don't mean offense 99% of the time. You will know when I am pissed.

    Members questions: Do you get in alot of fights because of your temper?
    C-Z: Not really... I have had my fair share of fights, but 90% of the time most people are just all talk. I am not the type of person to open my mouth if I won't be willing to back it up. I avoid fights at all costs. Personally there is no justice to beating someones ass. I don't let people get to me on the street. There are few things that will set me off and that is disrespect to my g/f or family. Talk all the shit ya want about me but those two things I do not tolerate. And my own cousin will vouch for this because he made the mistake of calling my girl a bitch one night. After that It was all down hill.

    marcus300: Are you married,girlfriend,children?
    C-Z: I have been with my g/f for about... 4 years 3 months. We separated last September and actually just started dating again in mid January. I have no kids. Not until I am like 30. I want to live out my 20's first.

    marcus300: Have you ever committed a criminal offence?
    C-Z: I guess if you haven't been caught it isn't a criminal offense. So no I have not.

    marcus300: What as been your biggest regret in life?
    C-Z: My biggest regret would have to be half my life. School I didn't take serious. I was a C/D student my high school years. I bought my first vehicle for 400$ a month. Ended up trading it in for my car now which is 500$ a month. Without that I could have spent more time on my grades rather than working.

    Members questions: Why do you post coffins pictures to the newbies, when you know your going to end up in one?
    C-Z: Lmao... This is kind of an insider with a couple guys... As every knows I have a tendency to flame I guess... Which really my intentions aren't to flame... If I call someone a F*ing idiot its not that I am trying to bash or belittle them in any way... It's just how I talk.. I curse.. Maybe a little more than most but yeah. So the coffin is basically a joke between a few guys to not "bury" them. So most the time in attempt to not flame I'll just coffin them. Since I have strict orders to not flame. Long story..... Probably something I shouldn't discuss.

    marcus300: Who have been your biggest influences on the forums you have been on?
    C-Z: My biggest influence I would have to say... Sadly would be T-Mos. I came to this forum knowing nothing. I never really asked questions. I kind of sat back and learned as I read. I didn't plan on cycling any time soon so I just read. When the time came any question I would ask David. We got close and I started talking to him on a regular basis. He taught me probably 90% of what I know today. He was truly a great inspiration and took this place serious... I really never saw him get into any confrontation really. He was always so calm... Just an extremely good hearted man. And we all will miss him greatly. RIP brother.

    Big has been a very big influence I would say as well. If David wasn't on and I saw Big on. I would turn to him and Big always had a respectable honest answer any time I needed something.

    As well as a few others who I have gotten a lot closer with. D7M, CMONKEY, PRONE. All of them have helped me threw roughest of rough times. Much respect to them all.

    marcus300: What advice would you give newbies first starting out into bodybuilding?
    C-Z: Take the time to learn. As our good friend david would say "Educate before you Medicate". Newbies should take that quote and frame it on their wall. More drugs isn't always better. Your diet and training plays the biggest role in your success. I started out at 5'6 and about 140lbs. I knew nothing. I ate fast food all the time and just was wondering why I wouldn't grow.

    Members questions: Do you drink alcohol or take any rec drugs?
    C-Z: I used to drink alcohol a lot... My friends were big party goers. We would all go out have a good time... I got involved in AAS. And put an end to it of course except for in between cycles. And it just got old. Dumping 75-100$ in a night to get wasted got old. So ultimately I just gave it up completely. And put my focus into bodybuilding. Haven't had a drink since probably like October.
    Now rec drugs is another story. Growing up in High School all my friends were into the drug bit. Struggling to survive. No job, no money, no nothing. I looked at that and saw that was just not what I wanted to be. So I avoided rec drugs all together. I have never touched, smoked anything. Except cigs, cigars on occasion.

    marcus300: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
    C-Z: 5 years seems so far. Yet it is only right around the corner. But most definitely like to have reached my goals in the world of body building(although they seem to change every time I reach them). Hopefully be a little more established than I am now as well.

    Members questions: If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
    C-Z: My height. It has always been something I have hated.

    marcus300: What do you do in your spare time?
    C-Z: Spare time is really next to nothing. Most nights I am exhausted from work and the gym so I usually just relax. Sunday being my only day off.. I usually spend a lot of my time cooking for the week. At least half the day.

    Members questions: Have you ever been attracted to a man in a sexual way?
    C-Z: No I have not and never will be. I used to be the biggest homophobe until a good friend actually said he was gay, but all in all. It didn't change anything about him. He was still a cool dude. I am fine with that as long as I am not getting hit on. Sorry DSM

    marcus300: What have been the negative's and positive's on your AAS use?
    C-Z: I think I have had more negatives to using AAS over positives. Aside from seeing amazing gains and getting over the hill... It has caused big problems in my life. My family is quick to blame steroids for any bit of argument. Its rather ridiculous. As well as my g/f was never to big of a fan of my AAS use. She actually threatened to leave me if I continue...

    marcus300: What kind of diet do you follow?
    C-Z:I have tried a strict macro diet. And it didn't quit seem to work for me. Personally I find that to crap. Sure it may work for some, but everyone is different. I find myself constantly playing with my diet to see the best gains in size, strength, energy. Right now I am on a strict diet of Eggs, Tuna, Chicken, Whole Wheat Pasta, and Beef. Obviously some veggies and fruits occasionally but those are the basics. Most of my diets consist of heavy carbs. I am a very active individual. And even having heavy carbs I can maintain a somewhat decent bf%

    Members questions: What scares you about life?
    C-Z: Probably the hardest question yet. And I really don't think anything scares me about life really... I try to live life to the fullest. And take it all day by day.

    marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
    C-Z: I am not a greedy person. I know I am not going to be a millionaire in my life so I have learned to accept that. I would honestly want a nice house, a decent job that I actually liked and looked forward going too, and a 2009 Corvette ZR1

  2. #802
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Another nice interview, thank's for that.
    C-Z nice honest answers

  3. #803
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    lol im not telling :D
    still waiting on goose

  4. #804
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Very cool. Didnt read through them all but liked what I saw. Good job bro.

  5. #805
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    nice C-z....

    very nice!

  6. #806
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    Nice interview c-z

  7. #807
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    cheers for shareing CZ.....

  8. #808
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    still waiting on goose
    He won't do one tai

  9. #809
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    He won't do one tai
    still waiting to getting I can say No

  10. #810
    RANA's Avatar
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    Nice interview C-Z

  11. #811
    Hazard's Avatar
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    great interview C-Z.... and thanks again marcus!

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  12. #812
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    great job C-Z, the coffin part killed me...that is some good shit right there....

    thanks again grandpa Marcus, you really are the best brother....

  13. #813
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    nice job man, the coffin part made me laugh my ass off too. good shit man, you seem like a real solid guy.

  14. #814
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    LOL i try to keep it real. The questions were good. LMAO...

    Whoever asked the coffin one really had me going. My g/f was wondering why I was laughing so hard. So I had to explain it as well. LOL

  15. #815
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    He won't do one tai
    figures.. he is like the most secretive bestest buddy i got ..

  16. #816
    marcus300's Avatar
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    The next interview is with going4ripped

    Please send your members questions to me via PM


  17. #817
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Bump, send your questions to me for going4ripped's interview


  18. #818
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    going4ripped interview now closed.

  19. #819
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    marcus300 interviews going4ripped

    marcus300: Where about's in the world do you live?
    going4ripped: Born in Ohio, stayed in Ohio. Just a few min's north of Cincinnati.

    marcus300: What do you do for a living and what would be your idea job?
    going4ripped: I am a network administrator for a small private owned company. I sit in a room all night and stare at a computer screen.... so naturally I come to this site and basically get paid for it. My Ideal job..... I enjoy what I do, but I would love to move into a larger size company. I basically make around $40 less an hour than what I would at a larger company.

    marcus300: Do you have a girlfriend or wife?
    going4ripped: I have been married for going on 7 years, 7 years this September to be exact.

    marcus300: Do you have any children, if so what age are they?
    going4ripped: 4 kids. The youngest will be 2 in June, the next one will be 5 in October, next one will be 6 in July, and the oldest will be 14 in September...... ALL GIRLS!

    marcus300: What are your current stats and what would you like them to be?
    going4ripped: Currently I am sitting at 6' 219lbs 10% (I am currently on a cutting diet until June). I am not sure where I would like to be. My wife asks me that too, and all I can say is, when I get there, I will know.

    marcus300: What hobbies do you have outside bodybuilding?
    going4ripped: I played hockey for years, even some semi-pro around 9 years ago. I still try and play every now and then, but my age and lack of flexibility that comes with it is really starting to show (I play goalie). I don't know if it would be considered a hobby, or a second job, but I do counselling for my church. Puts a lot of things in my life into perspective when I get someone telling some of their deepest problems and issues.

    marcus300: Is the Church a big part of your life?
    going4ripped: Church is THE biggest part of my life. Second comes family. A lot of people don't understand how I can put family second. It all comes down to faith. Everyone has a measure of faith in them. Whether you believe in God in one way or another, you have faith. Even if you don't believe in God, you still have faith that there is no God, you have faith in Science. I just happen to believe in what the Bible says, and the bible says I put God first, so I do.

    marcus300: What made you start counselling for the Church?
    going4ripped: Believe me, counselling was never on my mind early on. It really started when others started taking notice at how comfortable people are talking to me, especially if you meet me. I never judge, I never condemn. I am a very laid back person, I can listen, and talk too (I hardly ever talk 'at' someone) people usually well. I was approached by the Pastor of my church and asked if I would consider setting up office there and counselling anyone who was comfortable coming to me, so, I accepted.

    marcus300: How do you deal with someone who wants to end his life and what are your techniques at directing them down the right path?
    going4ripped: This is a tough situation. Anyone who has thoughts of suicide needs to be treated like every other person. The second you start treating them like they are a special case, most of the time they will resent that, and feel like you are showing them pity. The only thing you can do in situations like that is listen. Let them talk, let them tell you everything that is on their mind, why they are depressed. Believe me, its easy in your mind to start thinking 'hey, I got problems like that too', but you have to remember, everyone is different, and not everyone reacts to problems the same way. You have to try and relate with them as much as possible, let them know that you are always at least a phone call away from talking to them about any problems they have.

    Members question: Explain your definition of God?
    going4ripped: My definition of God is simple, God is the living creator of the universe, earth, and heaven. God is all loving and all caring, and it is for that reason that he forces no one to follow him, he gives us all the choice. If he forced everyone to believe in him, that would be bondage, and bondage is not love.

    marcus300: When did you first start cycling and what kind of cycles do you use?
    going4ripped: I started cycling around 2 years ago, and used pro hormones before that. If it is an injectable, I probably have used it. I am not too into orals for some reason, I don't really know why, just prefer to pin I think. Besides basic Dbol and Winny, I tend to stay away from orals.

    marcus300:What as been the most productive cycle you have ran?
    going4ripped: To date, my favourite cycle has been a combo of Test E, Dbol, Test Prop and Tren E. I had a great bulking diet and training regimen going too, so it was great.

    marcus300: What advice would you give the newbies just starting out in bodybuilding?
    going4ripped: Unless you have a well planned diet and training regimen going, and if you cant stick to it and show some self sacrifice, don't bother wasting your time. Steroids need to be your last resort. (On a side note, on here, I link up your thread about 'things to consider before starting a cycle' , plus I have it printed out to show people that I know..... I got something brown on my nose don't I?)

    Members question: How often do you cycle?
    going4ripped: I always at least go time on + pct = time off, but sometimes I will go longer than that. If I don't feel I am ready to cycle, I don't cycle. When I first started, I cycled as soon as I got the chance, but I now realize that your body needs to be ready to gain max benefits from it

    marcus300: What as been the biggest regret in your life?
    going4ripped: My first attempt at college, I moved to Kansas and it started out great. After about a year, I started to develop a major drinking and drug problem. I dropped out of school, had no where to stay, and basically lived on the streets for about 2 months before I had the opportunity to come back to Ohio. That's 3 years of my life I will never get back because I was ignorant.

    marcus300:What was it like living on the streets for 2 months?
    going4ripped: It was horrible. I would basically walk all night long, it was the winter time (January - February), so I tried not to sleep at night, even though if I did try, I didn't have anywhere to sleep. Every now and then I would sleep in a car of someone I knew, and then, in the morning, I would usually go to someone's house that I knew to crash for a few hours. I was fired from my job for drugs, I was under investigation by the FBI (small part, they didn't really want me) for connections to the 3rd largest producer of a certain drug in the midwest, I was also under investigation by the local police because they though I robbed my prior workplace.... which I didn't just to point out. It was not fun, I had no where to go.

    marcus300: If you could re-live one event from your past what would it be?
    going4ripped: Well, normally I would pick one of my children's births, but since my wife may read this, I will say the day I got married.... love you babe!

    Members question: What are you most ashamed about from your past?
    going4ripped: Well, besides the living on the streets and the poor choices I made then, more than that, I am most ashamed about how I acted during high school. I got horrible grades, stayed out drinking all night and other junk, and I put my Mom through some rough times and I can never forgive myself for that.

    Members question: If you was Admin for a day, what would you change about this site?
    going4ripped: ZERO TOLERANCE for people constantly breaking the rules. I would love to see something implemented on here where when you have a new member sign up, they are required to read the rules, then answer 4 or 5 basic questions about the rules (i.e.. 1) Can you ask or talk about sources? 2) Can you mention lab names? 3) Is flamming tolerated? etc. etc.). If all the questions are not answered correctly, then you are not permitted to join the site, if all of them are answered correctly, you can join... BUT, if you break any of the rules, you are gone, no questions asked. This way, no one can say they didn't see that rule, or were not aware of it. I know it would be difficult to implement this into the site, but I would try.

    marcus300: What have been the negatives and positives of using steroids for yourself?
    going4ripped: The biggest negative has been having to lie to my oldest girl about using them. I don't lie to my kids, but this is something I personally don't want them to get into, especially since they are girls. My biggest positives about them have been the feeling of accomplishment. Although I am not yet to the point where I want to be (again, not sure what that is yet), I enjoy the fact that I am at a point that many people want to be at, but aren't there yet, so I feel like I have accomplished something.

    Members question: How did you learn about AAS?
    going4ripped: I did a lot of reading on lots of sites, some experimenting on my own, but, the majority of what I have learned came from the vets/mod's on this site. I will never claim to know it all, and there is a lot I have yet to learn, but I never comment on something I don't know about, and if I do make a comment, I will be honest and tell you if I know of someone on here or a thread that may be able to answer their question.

    marcus300: What have been your biggest influences on the board?
    going4ripped: A lot of guys that I got to know when I first joined are gone now, shifty_git, lex57 etc. etc.. Of course, I think as most guys on here will say, Big was probably my biggest influence. Me and him always got along, and had a lot in common. I still talk to him on the phone at least once a week, plus, me and him got some side projects that are still out there. I have always enjoyed talking to Phate, and reading Narks diet info, and of course, I love your blunt honesty Marcus, cracks me up when I read a lot of your responses.

    Members question: Why don't you spend any time in the Lounge?
    going4ripped: I don't mind the lounge, there are a lot of good threads in it. I just enjoy the Q & A. I am not big on post counts, but I like it better that the majority of my posts are in the Q & A hopefully helping out members.

    marcus300: Where have you travelled to?
    going4ripped: I haven't really travelled like a lot of people have. For instance, I have never seen the ocean.... never. I have been to Denver, skiing in the rockies, northern Ontario, Atlanta, Dallas, New Orleans, Kansas City, Buffalo, Toronto, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Chicago and many other places, and those are all places that I had to go to for specific reasons.

    marcus300: Are you content with your life?
    going4ripped: I think like most people, every now and then I find myself in a rut. Sometimes life begins to feel a little mundane and repetitive, but all in all, yes, I don't think I would change anything about my current life.

    marcus300: I hear you like your cars! what kind of car do you drive and what are some of your favourites?
    going4ripped: I drive a 2003 Trailblazer. I have a total of 5 Corvettes. 4 of them are at my dads house since he has a 20 car garage he built. I have a 1954 corvette, a 1960, a 1967, a 1980 and a 1990. The 54 is still in primer, the 60 is in pieces, the 67 is Blue, the 80 is Black, and the 90 is white. Corvettes have always been my favourite.

    marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
    going4ripped: My first wish would be for all my kids to grow up following God. My second wish would be for my wife to never to have to work again. And my third wish... isn't this where everyone asks for more wishes? Well, I will go against the grain and wish for McDonalds food to be included in my diet every now and then.... I love the fries man.

  20. #820
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    Pretty cool again, I will stay tuned into this thread.

  21. #821
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    Great interview g4

  22. #822
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    my favorite to date...

    Marcus, when is yours, cmon big guy, its time....

  23. #823
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    my favorite to date...

    Marcus, when is yours, cmon big guy, its time....
    ^^^ x2 Let's do it

  24. #824
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    great read seem like a good guy!! well done

  25. #825
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    my favorite to date...

    Marcus, when is yours, cmon big guy, its time....
    Quote Originally Posted by jccnewbie View Post
    ^^^ x2 Let's do it
    Mine wont be far away

  26. #826
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    Next interview is with RonnieRowland

    Send your Members questions to me via pm


  27. #827
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    Bump for questions for RonnieRowland,

    send to me via pm please

  28. #828
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    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    nice interview man.

  29. #829
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    thanks G4


  30. #830
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Sorry its taking so long to complete the last interview with Ronnie but Ive been busy, but we shouldnt be to far away now.

    RonnieRowland's interview is now closed, will be posted soon.

  31. #831
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    marcus300 interviews RonnieRoland

    marcus300: Finally I've got you to do an interview lol, where abouts in the world do you like?
    RonnieRowland: South Carolina

    marcus300: What are your current stats and are you happy with them?
    RonnieRowland: I am 44 years old, 5’9 and weigh 215 lbs with 8% body fat. I would still like to gains some more size, especially in my chest and legs but I am very happy with the way I look.

    marcus300: What do you do for a living?
    RonnieRowland:I have been a personal trainer for 24 years. I currently work at Gold Gym. In the past, I worked in several hardcore gyms that were occupied with hardcore bodybuilder’s, power-lifters and athletes.

    marcus300: Have you ever competed in a bodybuilding show?
    RonnieRowland: Yes

    marcus300: When did you first start bodybuilding?
    RonnieRowland: I started lifting weights when I was 12 years old. I didn’t really start making gains until I was 15.

    marcus300:What would you say as been the most productive AAS cycle you have done?

    marcus300: Are you on prescribed HRT?
    RonnieRowland: Yes, 200 mgs of test cypionate per week.

    marcus300: Are your married and do you have any children?
    RonnieRowland: I have been very happily married to 47 years old Kathy Rowland for 16 years. She won the first bodybuilding show she ever entered last year in Columbia SC (Palmetto cup). She’s prepping for the SC. State show on June. 5th. Kathy is going to be hard to beat. Her genetics are very good (especially her legs)!

    We have a 13 year old son and once he turns 14 this summer he will be allowed to come train with us at Gold’s. We are excited. He appears to have good genetics for bodybuilding.

    marcus300: Do you have a criminal record?
    RonnieRowland: Absolutely not!

    marcus300: Do you take any Rec drugs?
    RonnieRowland: Never fooled with them. I only drink alcohol once a year on new years eve and after this year I may cut that out as well…lol..

    marcus300: Where in the world would you most like to visit?
    RonnieRowland: I would like to go back to Maui in Hawaii where my wife and I got married

    marcus300: I believe you have had some major surgeries on your back, could you tell our readers what happened and how did you overcome such a traumatic time?
    RonnieRowland: I was a professional motor cross racer in my teens. I wrecked and got ran over by another bike at age 18. It blew out the three lower disks in my back (S-1, L-5 and L-4). The orthopedics and neurosurgeons fused by back in that area but my body kept rejecting the bone graft. This left me walking around with a non-fused back and the pain that ran down my legs was unbearable (even while taking various pain meds). They kept going back in and putting screws in my vertebrae trying to stabilize my spine. A morphine pump didn’t touch the pain post- op where they had drilled holes in my bone. I ended up having 10 major lower back surgeries before the doctors were able to finally mend it together using these over sized pedicle screws and plates. By then permanent nerve damage had occurred and I have a lot of scar tissue that binds my nerve roots. I now have spinal stenosis and my right leg is a half inch shorter than my left leg. I am limited on what exercises I can do so everything is done supported using perfect form. The severe nerve damage keeps my legs from growing as they should even when I get them sore using the leg press machine.

    The doctors told me I would never workout with weights again and I was crushed! They also said I would be disabled for life and would never go back to work. I felt as if though my life was over at that point but I was determined to prove them wrong. After all, what did I have to lose? I stated working out with weights again in order to try and break down some of the scar tissue and strengthen the muscles surrounding the core. The pain was so bad I would hurt in my back and down my legs for at least 3 days after just one light upper body workout. Light leg workouts on the leg extension machine caused severe pain for 7-10 days post workout. This means I had to take a lot of strong medications (muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories, narcotics and seizure meds) just to remain sane and be able to get a little sleep at night. The doctors now tell me that I am the only person in the world to have come back from such trauma. They are dumbfounded by the fact I can work as a personal trainer because usually after the 3rd lower back operations people become permanently disabled. What really blows their mind is the fact I am a bodybuilder. They believe most people aren’t willing to go through the rehab pain that I did to get back their life. The doctors are correct because I am a very determined individual when I put my mind to getting something done. What the doctors are ignorant of is how injectable testosterone also helped me over come a disability. Now I take very little medication and when I do take it actually helps the pain. I will never stop working out or taking testosterone! I feel very fortunate to have my life back!

    marcus300: Do you still suffer from pain daily from your back?
    RonnieRowland: Thank God I do not have daily back pain anymore!

    Members question: For someone who uses a full face picture and their location do you not worry or have any fears from legal repercussuions for using and giving advice on AAS?
    RonnieRowland: I have nothing to hide. I do not sell steroids and at my age I am on HRT most of the time. I’d rather educate others through freedom of speech than see them make poor decisions and possibly ruin their health. The government has to realize that making steroids illegal for adults is comparable to when they tried making alcohol illegal. It did not work then and it’s not working for steroids now! There are too many good and honest people in favor of using steroids to better their health and quality of life. There’s no getting rid of them as they will always be in great demand. So, I feel obligated to teach others what I have learned from having been around steroids and bodybuilders/power-lifters for over 23 years. Knowledge gained and not shared is knowledge wasted. I want to help others make the best decisions possible and aid them in reaching their goals.

    marcus300: What does a typical day look like for you?
    RonnieRowland: My wife and I get up and have breakfast. We have sex before going into work at 8pm. Kathy and work together as trainers at Gold’s so we are around each other all day and it’s great! We train together as well 4-5 days per week. We get home from work, eat dinner while watching television with our son and I play a couple of games on the x-box 360 with him (modern day warfare 2-on line) and he always smokes me…lol..We prepare out meals for the next day in advance. Before bed my wife and I have sex again!!! By the way she’s on testosterone for women so she’s just as bad as I am…lol. I have a great life.

    marcus300: What kind of diet do you follow?
    Ronnie Rowland:I take in 50 grams of protein 6 times per day. I usually take in my slow burning carbs and lean protein during the first 3 meals of the day then switch over to protein/fats/ green veggies for last 3 meals. I take in enough carbs for the day’s energy requirements and to prevent protein from being used as a fuel source. My remaining calories come from healthy fats in order to keep my insulin levels down so I can stay leaner. I have one cheat day per week on Saturday. I drink a lot of liquid egg whites mixed with optimum nutrition’s cookies n cream protein powder because it gets old eating meat 6 times per day.

    marcus300: Tell us about your AAS background and how you got started down this chemical route?
    RonnieRowland: Believe it or not, I was against steroids in my youth. People tend to fear what they don’t know. I always dreamed of what I might look like if I was able to do a cycle but I was scared. What got me started on steroids was some research I found showing how steroids helped with lower back pain. After 2 years of brutal rehab with little progress, I was willing to try anything to help reduce the pain and strengthen my core muscles. I started using 750 mgs of test cypionate per week and within only 3 weeks my pain had lessened by almost 50 percent. It was a miracle! I was so mad that I had not tried them earlier and I was even madder at the doctors for not letting me know that steroids could help heal my back. The longer I took the testosterone the stronger I became and the better I felt. My youthful sex drive and general overall feeling of well being was restored. I did not get roid-rage, I because happy and energized! The water retention really helped cushion my back acting as a shock absorber so anti-estrogens where out. Testosterone is a wonder drug in so many ways! I think it’s very stupid that our government would rather pay out a disability check than provide people proper rehab and the medications needed to help them succeed.

    Members question: Why do you preach only one way of cycling?
    RonnieRowland: I have learned that regardless of one’s genetics, combining 8 weeks of hard training with 8 weeks of heavy cycling is as good as it gets for everyone. After 8 weeks of hard training it’s very important to switch over to 2 weeks of lighter training and lighter cycling to prevent burn out on both ends of the spectrum (training and using anabolic steroids ).

    After 8 weeks of hard training one’s CNS will start showing signs of burn out and it’s very important to take it easier for a couple of weeks so you can come back and make more gains as opposed to sitting in a rut. After having been on steroids for 8 weeks your myostatin levels (Gene that determines rate of muscle growth) increases to a point that the same dosage of steroids are only maintaining what you have built. In other words you pretty much plateau at that point. By backing off the dosages a couple of weeks while at the same time you are training with less volume and higher reps, it allows myostatin levels to decline and the body to recuperate so you can come back and make better gains using lesser dosages and lesser training volume. I feel it is extremely important for overall health to deload for 2 weeks after having reloaded for 8 weeks. The 8 week reload and 2 week deload make up the core foundation of Slingshot Training!

    marcus300: Which Pro Bodybuilders do you admire?
    RonnieRowland: I like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I feel the bodybuilder’s of the 80’s looked much better than the top pros of today.

    Members question: What would be your biggest regret so far in life?
    RonnieRowland: Racing professional motocross and rupturing 3 disks in my lower back!

    marcus300: What advice would you give our newbies reading?
    RonnieRowland: I would encourage everyone to please take a look at my Slingshot Training System. Here’s the link - You'll want to read this! I have put my heart and soul into this program to help people succeed in bodybuilding. Once you begin to understand how the human body works it will make sense. Just because someone is big and strong does not mean they are doing things properly. A lot of people that are born that way and could get even bigger/stronger by doing things in a proper manner.

    marcus300: What would you change about your past if you could?
    RonnieRowland: I would not have raced motocross.

    Members question: Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
    RonnieRowland: I was unable to train hard for so long that I have some catching up to do. Getting to the national level and maybe even taking a shot at a pro-card in the masters division is a possible goal one day but I am very content just being able to train and compete after having had 10 back operations. I think my wife has a very chance at a pro-card if she continues to compete!

    Members question: Are you religous?
    RonnieRowland: I am not what you call religious but I am spiritual. My own personal belief is that one becomes saved (born again) by turning to God through repentance and believing that Jesus Christ died for all of my sins on the cross. I do not believe in religion as they are made up of works and they are man made. My belief is that salvation is through the grace of god (a free gift) and when one adds works into the equation it then becomes a religion. In fact, the Galatians tried this very thing (faith in Christ plus good works in order to go to heaven) and Paul told them they had fallen from the grace of God because they were basically saying what Christ did on the cross was not enough for one to be saved. The bible says-“many will come to me on the day of judgment and say Lord, Lord, have we not done all these wonderful works in they name (they obviously belonged to a church and believed) and he will say depart from me those who work iniquity for I never knew you. Here we have a perfect example of what God thinks of religion. They never relied of him for salvation yet relied on their good deeds! I know there are consequences for sin on earth but God does not take away our free gift of salvation unless we turn and decide to no longer believe. I personally love God and try to love my neighbor as myself. That fulfills most of what we are supposed to do after becoming a Christian. It was God himself who made bodybuilding and steroids just as he made games like golf. We are made in his like image! Never forget that! Be proud of the fact that you are a bodybuilder. Never let anyone tell you it’s an underground sport as that’s a smack in the face of God. He gives everyone a passion to pursue on earth. We just happened to inherent his love for Bodybuilding so use your talents wisely and be proud of the passion God has given you! PROVERBS 14:30 (A RELAXED ATTITUDE LENGTHENS LIFE; JEALOUSY ROTS IT AWAY)!

    marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
    RonnieRowland: 1) I wish that my wife and I had total relief from any form of chronic pain forever. 2) I wish more people could get along with one another (start by getting rid of all politicians). Too never have to worry about money ever again.

  32. #832
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    One of the best threads ive ever read marcus, man you've put some time into this...

    Great job to all those that took part....

  33. #833
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    nice interview Ronnie Rowland!

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    Next interview is with 007 (aka MadMatt)

    Please send your questions to me via pm please

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    Send your questions to me via pm for 007 (aka Mad Matt)

  36. #836
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    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Good read Ronnie.....thanks

  37. #837
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    Send your questions to me via pm for 007 (aka Mad Matt)
    Looking forward to it...

    Please no relationship or french questions...

  38. #838
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    This is, by far, my favorite thread. I really appreciate the work put in here. Big props to Ronnie for sharing all his knowledge. My back EXPLODED on slingshot lol. And my girls results... I'm REALLY enjoying lol.

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    007's interview will be closing in the next few days

    Get your questions in to me via pm ASAP

  40. #840
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    This is the best thread on this entire forum... nice work Marcus.... So far out of the interviews I have read I like Admins and BJJ's the best.... very interesting and motivational.

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