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Thread: *The official Interview thread*

  1. #721
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    marcus300 interview Hazard

    marcus300: Where abouts in the world do you like?
    Hazard: First of all..... thank-you for the opportunity to do this interview! This thread kicks almost as much ass as my "shrine to spanish women" thread LOL! I live in good ole New Jersey..... It's a love hate relationship LOL

    marcus300: What are your stats and are you happy with them?
    Hazard: Currently 6'1" 237.5lbs -11-12% BF. Years ago I would have been happy with them - my current goal is 250lbs at the same bodyfat. While I like the ripped look..... it's not something I shoot for all year long. At 12% my abs still show when I flex..... thats all I need..... atleast until spring LOL! Then i'll cut for summer.....

    marcus300: How old are you?
    Hazard: 25 - i'll be 26 this may.

    marcus300: What do you do for a living?
    Hazard: I'm an Orthopedic and sports medicine specialist. I do everything from the boring sales calls to making sure the surgeries go as smooth as possible for the docs.

    marcus300: What would be your ideal job?
    Hazard: Other than being a retired young rich man...... i'm in it now. I can't say I love working..... But I love what I do. It gets real stressful but my boss is great..... treats me very well..... and pays me well..... can't really ask for anymore.

    Members question: Would you work as an anatomy pathologist?
    Hazard: It would definately be interesting...... but requires way more school than I could handle LOL.

    Members question: Why do you call yourself Hazard?
    Hazard: HAHA well..... back when I was 15 or so - my parents got me a computer game called "Half-life" and I was trying to think of a cool user handle for the game and I had seen a "Bio-Hazard" symbol on a wall in the game. So I just made it "Hazard" - it's stuck with me ever since.

    marcus300: You mentioned that your present at surgeries with your job, what as been the most disturbing one you have seen?
    Hazard: I've seen a ton of cases but none of them have been particularly disturbing. I guess if I had to pick one it would be the Open Reduction of an Internal Fracture from 2 years ago. It was a middle aged man who broke his femur. His leg was sliced almost from knee to hip. Not real gross for me tho..... LOL

    marcus300: Describe what a typical day looks like for you?
    Hazard: I usually wake up around 6:30am - eat breakfast no later than 8am. My work schedual varies.... sometimes I'm home all day.... sometimes I'm out the door at 5am. If i'm home.... I eat every 2-3 hours. If I'm working - I eat when I can. Usually workout around 4pm and I hit the sac between 11-12 midnight.

    marcus300: Are you married and do you have any children?
    Hazard: I am married..... no children. Marriage is on the rocks as most already know - not sure how much longer it's going to last. It's been a long tough road but i'll manage.

    marcus300: Why is your marriage on the rocks?
    Hazard: Because of her drug/alcohol problems. She's been to detox twice and rehab twice..... so far shes doing ok (I think) but each time i've caught her shes gotten smarter about hiding it. She's currently unemployed and my paychecks are supporting the two of us. Sometimes it feels like I work my ass off to stay afloat and she just has this affinity to burn through money without even trying.

    marcus300: How long as your wife had a drug/alcohol problem and how is it living with someone with these issues?
    Hazard: I suspected she had some issues when I had knee surgery a few years back. I didn't take one single percocet for the pain..... I just used motrin. two weeks post op - my prescription for percocet was completely gone. I asked her about it and she told me it was helping her sleep. I never pressed the issue because I never thought it would have gotten out of hand. Fast forward a couple years and 3 surgeries later (on her part) and shes now addicted to them. Living with someone who has a problem like this is the worst thing ever. I didn't even know who she was anymore..... I didn't even want to come home because I was afraid i'd find her on the floor dead.

    marcus300: Do you take part in any rec drugs activity?
    Hazard: I smoke the cabbage once in a blue moon - I don't see anything wrong with it if it's not abused. I do also from time to time like to roll face when i'm out at a big club. It's not a habbit and i certainly don't need it. I just like to go out and cut loose once in a while. Maybe a couple times a year if that..... I'm gettin too old for that tho LOL and i've definately buckled down my bodybuilding lifestyle.

    marcus300: Have you ever cheated on your wife? ( male or female)
    Hazard: Yes (with a female) though it's not something i'm proud of. I'm not trying to justify it but I found some text messages on her phone that led me to believe she was having an affair. She had no job and no money..... yet still got pills. A long time familly doctor was sending her text messages of a sexual nature and that sent me over the top. In retrospect..... I should have ended our marriage right then but I didn't.

    marcus300: At what age did you first start training?
    Hazard: I was forced to train when I was 15. My highschool football coach made it clear that anyone who wanted to be first string would be lifting in the weight room. It really put a bad taste in my mouth..... After I graduated I got into bodybuilding. So I guess when I was 18 I started training for myself. I enjoyed lifting to bodybuild A LOT more than powerlifting..... it's been a lifestyle ever since.

    marcus300: What cycles have you done and which one as been the most productive?
    Hazard: I've done quite a few..... Like most who start cycling - I knew nothing about it. I took the advice from an amateur bodybuilder when I was 19 and ran a deca only cycle followed by a tren only cycle LOL. After those 2 cycles I found this board and i've been learning ever since. I guess I've done 3 solid cycles including the one im on now. The most productive one is the one i'm on now..... Test/Tren/HGH.

    Members question:You started aas very young and keep using drugs in spite of your age. Do not you care about possible future sides?
    Hazard: I did start young..... I was 19. I made some poor decisions and listened to people who had done the same. Knowing what I had done..... I took three years or so off. Over that time, I really learned a lot about myself. I grew up for sure..... I learned how to diet to gain weight..... Most importantly - I learned about my body and what it responds to. I guess the biggest thing about future sides for me would be having kids. When I started - this wasn't a concern for me. Especially because I told myself I'm not going to have kids after the age of 30 - my marriage being on the rocks - it didn't look like i'd be having kids by the time I wanted. Regarding my health..... up until I started my new job I had health insurance. I'll have it again March 1st so i'll be going back in for bloodwork to make sure everything is on par. I want to look good and be bigger than the average bear but i'm not going to risk my life for it.

    marcus300: What has been the most upsetting time of your life so far?
    Hazard: When I found out my wife had an alcohol/prescription drug problem. She was also hiding/spending money and telling her sob stories to anyone who'd feel bad for her. This was all in the last year.....

    marcus300: Do you believe in life after death?
    Hazard: Tough question for me..... I want to believe that there is somewhere else to go after we die. I'd love to believe that my familly will be someplace waiting for me..... but idunno - I hope I don't find out anytime soon LOL.

    marcus300: Whats your view on the Universe and what theory's do you have about life on earth and on other planets?
    Hazard: We have made some GIANT leaps in regards to what we know about our universe. I don't think we're living in the only universe either. I'm not 100% sold on all the parallel universe theory's but I do believe there are other universes' out there. Regarding life here on earth..... I don't think we're alone. Life here is only possible because of a series of events that happened in just the right way..... at the right time. The universe is so damn big tho..... Somewhere out there I believe theres life. Maybe not another human race, maybe not an advanced alien civilization, but somewhere out there, theres got to be living bacteria..... microbes.... w/e. As long as theres life someplace..... theres a chance for it to develop.

    I just saw a program last night that talked about the relationship between the earth and the moon. This show made it even more clear how rare life is......

    What we know now is that the moon is moving away from the earth at the rate of 3.5cm each year and it's speeding up. Once the moon gets to roughly 10% farther away from the earth - jupitor's gravity will start pulling us to it. Earths axis of rotation will start to increase and become unstable. Right now we only fluctuate about 2 degrees...... durring the ice age we fluctuated 6 degrees. The moon not only affects our tides but it's just big enough to be a stabilizing force for our planet. Also..... we now know that the earth was spinning faster when all the continents were one and the earth was mainly open ocean. The length of day was only 6 hours long. The moons gravity pulled on the oceans so much that the friction of the oceans being pulled had slowed down the earths rotation. The kicker is..... it's still happening - so If we as a race don't die out before our solar system..... we could see the length of our days increase to 30 hours. There's a ton I could go on and on about LOL but for the sake of those whom aren't interested..... i'll stop and leave it open for discussion in my science/space/time thread LOL

    marcus300: So how long will it take the moon to get 10% further away from us and from what your saying this will be the end of the world as we know it? I find this subject fascinating
    Hazard: its distance varies from about 221,463 miles at perigee (closest approach to Earth) to 251,968 miles at apogee (farthest point). The average distance from the moon to the Earth is 238,857 miles. So the moon only needs to travel roughly 23,886 miles away from us for our world to start to crumble. If my math is correct...... that would be in roughly 1,098,305,578 years. Thats assuming the rate the moon is leaving doesn't increase - tho we already know it's doubled in speed. Essentially what will happen is the axis of the earth will get screwy and eventually the earth will rotate so the polar ice caps are on the side. While all this is happening..... jupitors gravity will be pulling us towards it. Oceans will cover cities..... the icecaps will melt on the side facing the sun and the other half of eath will become and ice cap. The really cool thing tho..... is that liquid water will still be here because of our protective magnetic field. The ultimate leap in mankind history will be the ability to travel through space at or over the speed of light. We know our planet is doomed..... we need to eventually leave here to survive.

    Members question: Assuming that we could travel at speed light, I depart from this planet today saying bye bye to marcus, travelling at speed light for about a year in direction of the center of our galaxy, The Milky Way. After one year of my time I decide to stop and come back to England to visit marcus again. So once back, I will have totalled 2 years of time away from this planet. The point is, 2 years for me but for marcus many more and so for all the others human beings. Basically, I travelled in the future just by going away and then back to Earth. Is this assumption, correct or wrong?
    Hazard: Based on what i've read and learned on my own..... it is correct. Poor Marcus would be taking a dirt nap by the time you got back...... sorry Marcus


    Members question: What type of telescope do you own presently?
    Hazard: I was looking for one but havn't bought one yet. I don't want to get something cheap so i'm going to hold off from buying one until I can afford the one I want.

    Members question:According to the modern theories, the universe is not unlimited, however, could not have border in the space-time. For example, we know the universe has had a beginning while whether the universe was always, at this time would have already reached thermal balance and all the points of the universe, from the stars to "empty cosmic", would be at the same temperature. However, it is not said that there is a real border, as we understand it. A good example is the surface of a sphere, which is not unlimited, however, there is not a border. Your thoughts about it?
    Hazard: I had to read this 3 times LOL! It's an interesting thought for sure..... If we could travel to the edge of the universe..... what would happen? The only thing we're really sure about is that the universe is expanding. I'm not sure this is something we'll ever find out either. I mean, maybe one day if we ever make it to a type 3 civization, we may find out but if we even made it that far before our solar system callapsed it would be a miracle.

    marcus300: Who have been your biggest influences on AR?
    Hazard: I would have to say guys like yourself, big, swifto, fireguy..... etc. The knowledge and experience put down on this board from you guys is priceless. It's helped me become better and smarter in bodybuilding.

    marcus300: At what point in your life did you find out you was attracted to me in a sexual manner?
    Hazard: Not until your new avatar went up..... I instantly got wet and thats when I knew.....

    marcus300: What hobbies do you have?
    Hazard: I hunt latin women..... LOL! Idunno..... other than bodybuilding..... I just work. I don't really have a hobby right now.

    marcus300: There are rumours going around the pm box that your having a sexual relationship with Dukki, are you bi-sexual or isnt the time right to come out of the closit yet?
    Hazard: LMFAO! I'm definately not Bi-sexual but if I was i'd probably go for you! Dukkit has actually become a close close friend outside of this board. He's like a brother to me..... regardless of how gay it looks LOL!

    Members question: How do you feel about dukkit having a baby, he obviously is cheating on you.
    Hazard: Well, he was honest with me about the whole thing. That's all I ask for..... We have an open relationship..... LMFAO - you guys are weirdo's..... ur all just jealous

    Members question:How would you describe your personality?
    Hazard: I used to be a dick LOL..... I was a skinny kid and always had to fight people that hit on my girlfriends. LOL looking back on it - it's childish but at the time I swore everyone screwed with me because I was small. That wasn't the reason for me getting into bodybuilding tho. Right now - i'm a much much more productive member of society. I'm friendly to those who are friendly to me. I don't go out of my way to make friends but I like meeting and talking to new people. I'm always nice until I have a reason not to be.

    marcus300: If you was Admin for a day, what would you implement?
    Hazard: I'm not sure..... I like this place the way it is. Some things get old..... like the 5 var only questions a day LOLOLOL - Idunno..... maybe a program that would analyze a question before it gets posted and if it's been asked..... it'll redirect you to said question.

    marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
    Hazard: (1) Definately more wishes..... (2) for my familly to be healthy and happy (3) too look like Arnold without aas or a flawless diet.
    I'd like to thank Marcus for the interview and thanks to all the members who have participated in the thread so far. It's defiantely a fun experience.

    Also, just an update, Since starting this interview - my wife and myself have talked several times and have worked out a lot of defferences and feelings that we had. Things aren't perfect and it's definately going to be a long long road but we both agree that we were meant for eachother. Thanks to those who have offered their advice and support!

  3. #723
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    great interview Haz...thanks for sharing

  4. #724
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    good stuff haz...thanks for sharing man...
    our woman are the same, i feel ya man...

    thanks marcus...

  5. #725
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    Great interview Hazard!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #726
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    nice one haz

    poor jealous mofo's asking about our relationship.

    too funny.

    but i learned a few things about you that i didnt expect

    good interview!

  7. #727
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    Great interview Hazel

    Much respect to you and Marcus.

  8. #728
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    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Sorry you had to read it 3 times, lol.
    You know, "I have a way with words..."

    Cool interview.
    Good Luck with your wife.

  9. #729
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    hazz mad respect for you man

  10. #730
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    good stuff mate!!

  11. #731
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Next interview is with bjpennnn

    Please send your questions to me via PM


  12. #732
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Next interview is with bjpennnn

    Please send your questions to me via PM

    phew dodge the bullet again

  13. #733
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Glad you guys enjoyed it..... thought I was going to be boring LOL

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  14. #734
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    very nice Haz!

  15. #735
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    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    thanks haz and for opening up about your marriage.

    good luck to you man and wish you the best.

  16. #736
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    great read Haz, best of luck to you and your wife

  17. #737
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    Next interview is with bjpennnn

    Please send your questions to me via PM


  18. #738
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    haz haz haz is the man....

  19. #739
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    bjpennnn's interview is now closed, will be posted soon.

  20. #740
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Glad you guys enjoyed it..... thought I was going to be boring LOL

    hell no bro, great interview, very personal and well written, i felt the ups and downs like i was living it myself during some parts

  21. #741
    marcus300's Avatar
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    marcus300 interviews bjpennnn

    marcus300: Where abouts do you live and have you always lived there?
    bjpennnn: I live in Huntington Beach CA. “Surf City USA”. I was born and raised in south Orange County and grew up at the beach.

    marcus300: What are your current stats?
    bjpennnn: 5-6 167 bf 10% I am not proud of them at the moment, but I just got over being sick for about ten weeks and was only in the gym about four times. Been hitting it hard since and I am now working with a coach.

    marcus300: How old are you?
    bjpennnn:I am 24 almost 25

    marcus300: What do you do for a living?
    bjpennnn: I am a full time student and work as a Chemical Dependancy Counselor at a drug and alcohol rehab center.

    marcus300: What would be your ideal job?
    bjpennnn:Well I would love to have a show like love line that we have here in the United States. Dr. Drew does a great job. I would try to incorporate some drug callers info also so, answering questions regarding withdrawal, were to get help, effects on the body things of that nature.Also i have met some very very interesting people in my life. I would definitely have them on the show to share their stories.I would also like to get paid for lifting weights, maybe a fitness model or something of that type.

    marcus300: Are you married and do you have any children?
    bjpennnn: No, I am not married. I am looking for the creme de la creme, I am not looking to settle on just some girl. I feel like I have dated a lot of eight and nines but that was only in looks. If I had to judge them on motivation/education/honesty they would be ones. I want the whole package now.

    marcus300: Do you have a big family?
    bjpennnn: I have the greatest family on earth. My parents are both still married to each other which is very rare in todays society. I have one younger sister who is an insane athlete and in my eyes who ever marries her is the luckiest man on earth. I literally owe my family my life. We are a unit. I have learned that when everything is said and done if no one is there for you your family will always be. So instead of putting my friends before them now, I put my family before all.

    marcus300: Have you ever done any rec drugs, if so how as this effect you over the years?
    bjpennn: I have used cocaine, weed, xtc, ketamine, GHB, heroin, speed, LSD, mushrooms, valume/norcos/oxycotton/xanax virtually everything there is in the form of a drug addict not a recreational user. I wish I could be a recreational user but I am not wired that way. I have been clean from all drugs since September 9, 2008.

    marcus300: OMFG you have used some drugs in your life time, why would you use all those and are you on medication to help with your withdrawal symptoms?
    bjpennnn: I used them for different reasons at different times. When I was young I fractured three of my vertebrae. I was rushed to the emergency room started convulsing and could not feel me legs for about an hour. When I could feel, I was in an insane amount of pain. They offered me something for my pain, and at that point I became a lover of drugs. I got a fat shot of morphine into my right quad, i remember it like it just happened (goosebumps). That moment changed my life.

    I went to school (7th grade) the next week and all the girls rushed up to me. They had gotten word of mouth what happened to me and had been concerned. Normally I may have been a little intimidated, but I had taken some of my vicodin and i was high. I felt like a ****en champ, smooth as silk. I felt like i had taken “I am cool” pills, I knew exactly what to say, how to act without feeling nervous while feeling confident at the same time. I learned something at that moment. Quickly i started a habit that little did i know would mess me up for over ten years down the road. Nothing in my eyes was better then getting high/hammered all night with a girl dancing and getting down all night. I had the money I made myself feel like a movie star. I did no take any medication coming off anything. You can only die from stopping cold turkey from two things after long periods of use. That is benzodiazepines (valume, xanax) and alcohol.

    marcus300: Which of the above drugs you have use would you say is the most addictive?
    bjpennnn: Heroin hands down. But the crazy thing is for me, now that I have been clean for so long i never think about shooting up anymore. I only ever crave smoking a fatty at the beach when its nice out. I loved my weed and reggae/the doors/sublime.

    marcus300: What advice would you give someone who wants to try a few Rec drugs?
    bjpennnn: Look at your family history, if you have a few alcoholics/drug addicts in the family stay away. Life is better and more simpler without drugs/booze. Surround yourself with winners.

    marcus300: I believe you have been in trouble with the Law, have you done any time in prison and what was it for?
    bjpennnn: I have spent 9 months in jail, 6 months in the juvenile detention center, 90 days house arrest and I was put on gang terms at the age on 14. Possession with intent to sell narcotics/possession of a controlled substance/Gang violence/Possess/Manufacture/Sell Deadly Weapon.

    marcus300: If you was face to face with your victims of your crime's, what would you say and how would you explain yourself?
    bjpennnn:I would first and foremost ask for forgiveness. If they did not accept it would not matter to me. I would tell them that I am going to give back to the community that I took so much from and I will doing this for the rest of my life.

    marcus300: The offenses you committed were they under the influnces and were they to feed your habits at the time?
    bjpennnn:HAHAHA well this is an amazing question, of course i was high every time. Who would of thought? Some of the dealing was to feed my habits or my ego dunno...

    marcus300: Where in the world have you travelled to and where would you most like to visit?
    bjpennn: I have been to New York, Alaska, Scotland, England, Italy, Amsterdam, the Bahamas, France and some others. I would love to go to Thailand/Costa Rica and Brazil.

    marcus300: Who would you most like to meet on AR?
    bjpennnn:T-mos, I was on the board for a while and then left and when I came back he was gone. I would have a list of questions for him regarding life after death. And have some requests for him to say hi to a few of my brothers up there. Then I could report back to everyone.

    marcus300: When did you first start bodybuilding and what experience do you have with AAS?
    bjpennnn: I started at 12 I was waking up everyday before school started and hitting the weight room with my dad five days a week. I started using creatine and taking protein powder. I was invited to become a part of the Olympic Development Program for Soccer in the United States. That continued for a few years, until i decided to start being a retard. I have been lifting on and off since then. When i would actually be sober and clean I would get into the whole routine. Then obviously when i would be using I would not be lifting.

    I started using steroids at the age of 19. I used everything under the son all at once including pro hormones. I got rite below 200 pounds needed 2 gyno surgeries i was in stage 4 hypertension in blood pressure, had insanely elevated liver enzymes, and sent me into a nice little depression because of the lack of knowledge of pct.

    marcus300: What have been your most productive cycles?
    bjpennn: Less is more. I dont know if someone would say this is less but, Prop 100mg eod, and Mast 150mg eod yielded me the greatest results that i felt personally. I felt strong and agile. I will never run another cycle without the use of both those compounds.

    marcus300: What kind of diet to do follow?
    bjpennn:Well to be exact.Diet: HIgh Protein, Low Fat, Moderate carbs
    Sodium is fine and not to worry about, add seasonings or some light sauce
    all measurements are to be done after cooking. Seasonings are fine.. diet soda is fine, coffee is fine...
    Meal1: 11 egg whites and 1 whole egg along ( add catsup or some hot sauce for taste) or instead of the egg whites have....2 scoops of whey protein in water( aim for 45 grams of protein) 2 packs of low sugar flavored oats ( maple and brown sugar is great) or 1 cup of cooked oats( 80grams dry) shooting for 50 grams of carbs this meal. Meal 2&3 protein shake in water( 50 grams protein) along with 4 oz brown rice or 7 oz of lean meat( chicken breast, turkey breast) along with 4 oz of brown rice or potato.Meal 4: 8 oz of lean meat of your choice and 1 cup mixed green veggies of choice.Meal 5: 8 oz of lean steak 6 oz baked potato or 4 oz of white or brown rice, along with 1 cup mixed green veggies of choice.

    marcus300: What advice would you give newbies starting out in the world of bodybuilding?
    bjpennnn: diet and diet. The one thing I did learn when i was 19 is that you have to eat to grow. If you want to be 205 and your 175 then you need to eat like your 225. hahaha confusing but true. I kept a jar of peanut butter in my car with a spoon rubber banned around it when i was trying to bulk. Every time i got in and out i had one large scoop of peanut butter. Maybe not the healthiest but it put meat on my bones.Figure out how to make your diet as enjoyable as possible and stick to it whether you are trying to bulk or cut. If you hate the foods your are eating chances are you are not going to stick to the diet then.Definitely keep a log of your workouts. This will serve for two purposes. To keep track of your weight and see if your getting stronger or maybe over training and to get the hot girls number at the gym. If you are not going to be serious about your diet and take the time to learn all the info about steroids, then you should not be seriously considering using them. Keep reading and learning everyday. Its not a sprint it is a marathon.

    Members question: What kind of training program do you follow?
    bjpennnn: 3 days on 1 day off. 30 mins of cardio following every workout. i never take more then 1 min rest between set. Chest/Hamstrings, Biceps/Triceps, Quads/Calves/Abs, Shoulders, Back/Calves. Light cardio on off days as well.

    Members question: What as been the best cycle so far for building muscle for you?
    bjpennnn: I enjoy prop. Too many factors that are involved in that that question to give you a true answer, but i would say the one that I am going to run next should be the most promising. Mast/Prop/anavar/proviron.

    marcus300: What as been the highest and lowest times of your life and what would you change about your past?
    bjpennn: Wow, well...I lost 18 million dollars in inheritance a few years back which obviously propelled me into one of the lowest points in my life. It lead to another conviction, some more phone calls from jail to my family and nine months in rehab. It is funny because what started as the low point of my life quickly became the high point. I have reached a point in my life were i am now at peace with myself and most importantly I have forgiven myself for all the ****ed up things that i have done to myself and everyone around me.

    Guilt is a terrible thing. I have physically really hurt people before, emotionally as well and it made me feel like shit. Think about it most of us deep down inside are good people. When we do bad things over and over again it is going against what we know inside is good. That process will tear the human soul out from you.

    Most people cant do bad things consistently because the guilts builds up and it eats at you. I learned how to for a short time suppress feeling guilty about anything and that let me do all the messed up things i did. When i would come out of these clouds I would be so overwhelmed with guilt is was unbearable. So i would drown myself in more drugs. It all ended with one conversation i had with my parents and sister. I encourage anyone with a drug problem to ask for help and get it.

    I believe in god and this is why...I was driving my car into the desert to kill myself. My sister had called me and she had my Mother and Dad on the phone as well. They had no idea what i was doing were i was going and had intended to do. They told me they forgave me, and that i needed to learn to forgive myself. After talking a little more they told me that they loved me and no matter what happened they would be their for me. I thought i owed them at least one shot of really trying to get clean and pick up the pieces of my life. I thought to myself hey if rehab doesn't work the desert will always be there and I can always go back and kill myself.

    I have been reborn honestly (definitely not a bible thumper). I can truthfully say that I have not been a happy person since i was 14 years old. Since I have been clean I am now again a happy person. I believe in god. I believe in the human spirit and I believe that the human mind can do anything it puts its mind to.

    marcus300: How on earth did you lose 18 million dollars?
    bjpennnn:Well, I had 18 million in stocks and the company went bankrupt with the mortgage company crisis started happening. I was making 1 million dollars a year in dividends a lone. When i had the money i was the most miserable I have ever been in my life and I am much happier now.

    marcus300: It sounds like you have got your life back on track and I give you praise for holding it all together when you was so low, where would you like to see yourself in 5 years time?
    bjpennnn: with graduate school, owning my own house/condo, happy/healthy/clean. Mostly just to keep growing into this great person that I know I have inside, and possibly with my future wife.

    Members question: Which members do you respect and which do you think are full of it?
    bjpennnn: Phate, Fireguy1, Marcus300, Titanium, Nark: They all bring a lot to the board. I like their personalities and how they handle things. I also respect everyone who has been interviewed here to many names to name them all, but it takes a lot of balls to open up and be honest about your life.

    c-z:we had some words at first but like most of my best friends growing up for some reason I got in fist fights with all of them. After we had been bruised and bloody I had more respect for them. They showed me what they are made out of the passion and fight they had inside. Sounds weird...whatever ha. stevey_6t9 I think has had the funniest thread by far and thought that was worth a mention.

    Members question: Are you religious?
    bjpennnn:I was raised Catholic, but I do not practice. I would mostly say I am spiritual. I feel like actual religion is just the instrument that you choose to express your spirituality. They are all good and good for you, which ever one you choose.

    Members question: Could you shoot someone dead, if you knew they were a killer themselves?
    bjpennnn:Hmmm, yes. If they killed my family, friends, innocent people no problem. If they killed rapist, terrorist people of that sort no.

    Members question: As there ever been a thread/topic what as really upset you that its disturbed your sleep?
    bjpennnn: Definitely not.

    Thank you marcus300 for taking the time to make this thread, I feel honored to be apart of it. Thanks to everyone who actually took the time to read all this, I love this board.

    “Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out.”

    Which mouse are you?

  22. #742
    Diamond*K's Avatar
    Diamond*K is offline Female Member
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    ummmm bjpennnn u forgot that u'd like 2 visit canada

    great interview

  23. #743
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    good interview bjpennnn, thanks for the mention

  24. #744
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I think we should abit different with the next interview and do one of our female members!

  25. #745
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diamond-krys View Post
    ummmm bjpennnn u forgot that u'd like 2 visit canada

    great interview
    thankssss, seriously. i cant even leave the state though ha. dont think they will let me leave the country.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    good interview bjpennnn, thanks for the mention
    no problem that video was amazing.

  26. #746
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    The second one, definitely.

  27. #747
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I think we should abit different with the next interview and do one of our female members!
    At last...

  28. #748
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    Great interview Bjp

    Once again much respect to yourself and Marcus

  29. #749
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    nice bjp.....

    great interview marcus!

  30. #750
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    Haz- nice stats you re a beast bro. mad respect for all you have been through with wife and such and sticking by her side as well as you can! sounds like you have a pretty badass job as well. funny you say you dont have hobbies, i dont really either and say just about the same thing you do haha

    bjpennn- nice read, sounds like you have been through a lot and i bet it has made you a better person. much respect for staying strong bro, wish you the best

    thanks guys! shoot maybe if i was around more now a days i could gets me an interview! haha

  31. #751
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    Great interview Hazard, hope things work out for you.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  32. #752
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    Ok I am bowing to the pressure of interviewing a female member,

    The next interview is with diamond-krys

    please send your members questiosn to me via PM


  33. #753
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    awesome interview BJPENN

    we have a good couple of things in common

    nice to see youve got your life on track and you want to grow into a better person still.

  34. #754
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    awesome interview BJPENN

    we have a good couple of things in common

    nice to see youve got your life on track and you want to grow into a better person still
    I never get sick of hearing that, i love the encouragement man thanks a lot. I am glad you got on the righteous path to man makes life easier on ourselves now. Good luck to you to.

  35. #755
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    BJ - great interview man..... very open.....

    LOL i know that feeling of just wanting to dance with a girl all night..... rolling face can be the best or the worst thing ever LOL. Opens up too many doors IMO......

    Glad everything is going well for you now man!

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  36. #756
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Ok I am bowing to the pressure of interviewing a female member,

    The next interview is with diamond-krys

    please send your members questiosn to me via PM

    bring it on

  37. #757
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    Great, honest interview Bjpennn!
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    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
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  38. #758
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    haz if we lived in the same town i am sure we would of caused some trouble back in the day.

    Thanks nark!

  39. #759
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    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Hey, Bj just caught up.........great interview man! very honest, thanks for sharing.

  40. #760
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    Send your members questions to me via pm for:


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