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  1. #1
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    Thinking about joining the Marines...

    Served 4 years in the Nav... enlisted. Have my B.S. in Biology. I'm happily married but have little desire to pursue master's work anymore after planning on going into anesthesiology.

    Right now I have a lot of college debt and work 40 hours a week in a lab, plus bartend on weekends. I hate what I do every day and I find myself slipping into a crazy depression. Going into the service alone and straight out of high school was a rough transition and I missed friends/family a lot. After being home now for 5.5 years pretty much all of the old friends are gone, my family is a bunch of psychotic christians that I can't even stand being near. My wife is pretty much the only thing that I really cherish, and I want kids but it just isn't possible anytime soon the way things have been going for me/us financially.

    I miss the discipline of the military and I excelled at it. I went from E1 to E5 in 3 years in the Navy. Being older now, I realize that being put into situations like deployments can suck, but it makes being home that much better. Monotonous shit bores me and I can't stand it anymore.

    Thinking about going to OCS as platoon leader/infantry. Everything I hated about the military was pretty much a direct result of me being enlisted and not an officer (this isn't to say being an officer will be perfect I'm not dense).

    I never used to get anxiety either and I get it now. Shitty healthcare... boredom that leads me to drug use and anxiety... I HATE anxiety.

  2. #2
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin View Post
    Served 4 years in the Nav... enlisted. Have my B.S. in Biology. I'm happily married but have little desire to pursue master's work anymore after planning on going into anesthesiology.

    Right now I have a lot of college debt and work 40 hours a week in a lab, plus bartend on weekends. I hate what I do every day and I find myself slipping into a crazy depression. Going into the service alone and straight out of high school was a rough transition and I missed friends/family a lot. After being home now for 5.5 years pretty much all of the old friends are gone, my family is a bunch of psychotic christians that I can't even stand being near. My wife is pretty much the only thing that I really cherish, and I want kids but it just isn't possible anytime soon the way things have been going for me/us financially.

    I miss the discipline of the military and I excelled at it. I went from E1 to E5 in 3 years in the Navy. Being older now, I realize that being put into situations like deployments can suck, but it makes being home that much better. Monotonous shit bores me and I can't stand it anymore.

    Thinking about going to OCS as platoon leader/infantry. Everything I hated about the military was pretty much a direct result of me being enlisted and not an officer (this isn't to say being an officer will be perfect I'm not dense).

    I never used to get anxiety either and I get it now. Shitty healthcare... boredom that leads me to drug use and anxiety... I HATE anxiety.

    Back you go then dude, I was Army Infantry they would have to pay me 200k+ a year to get me back in that crap job, no sir yes sir how about fcuk you sir. But if you liked it all I take my hat of and say good luck to you.

  3. #3
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    Well as an officer infantry would be a stepping stone to further career opportunities after a tour or two. I used to be a cryptologic technician in the navy and held a really high security clearance, it would be amazing to attend the Navy War College at some point.

    I already have 4 years too... and **** the past 6 have flown by. 16 and I retire from that and have a shitload of leadership experience. I just get bored with every job I've had since the service.

  4. #4
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    im happy to be out. but if you think it will change things for the better, then go for it. might wanna run it by the wife and see what she thinks. good luck man. if you end up in A-stan tell them i say FCK YOU!


  5. #5
    Teufel_Hunden's Avatar
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    Hey bro, don't go into the infantry unless it is something that you are truley passionate about. If you just want a career in the Marine Corps. then look into something that interests you. I am an E-3 in the Marine Corps. I love it, but I will not re-enlist as a grunt. Digging holes and sleeping in them for weeks in the freezing cold while getting rained on and eating MREs sucks bro. Especially when my wife and 2 year old son are at home missing me. I love being in the Infantry but won't do it again. Good luck to you! Keep us updated.

  6. #6
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    I've been on the fence lately about joining the army and going for SF.
    Its killing me because I feel like its something I really want to do, yet I finish my degree in a year...

  7. #7
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Joining the marines is always a nice last resort to life.

    Realistically though, I don't know why more people don't join a corp group after high school.
    Who can honestly pay for college anymore? Who else is going to give you 1,700 a month to live off while you are in the reserves and attend college for 6 years?

    My brother joined the military with 2 of his friends. He's 27 right now.

    -He had his entire school paid for, he went to a state university.
    -They gave him 1,700 a month to live off.
    -He gets a full benefits package, and 401k.
    -He gets to go over sea's and train african troops in combatives (basicly BJJ)
    -They pay him 3k to take a vacation to Africa to bang prostitutes with his friends
    -He makes 80k this year as a boot camp instructor
    -They paid him 2,300 to move his belongings from North Carolina to Michigan. It all fit in the back of my Jeep Grand Cherokee.

    I'm happy my brother got to take advantage of all these opportunities. But then we wonder.....why is the US going broke?

    It's an easy life, you really have no responsibility and now he's done with it in a year, and I worry about him. He's never had to get a job, he's never had to worry that money won't show up, or he could get laid off. He'll have a degree in accounting, is currently making 80k a year, but I know I'll have to help him if he finds an entry level accounting job making 32k a year without any benefits.

  8. #8
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    Wow /\

    why the hell didnt I join? well fvck, Im almost done with college anyway..

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    Oh and my oldest brother graduated from the Citadel. But he makes 600 thousand a year now for what he does. VERY discliplined man, Ill leave it at that.

  10. #10
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    Ya, I have a year to toss it around but it's looking pretty good. The main thing is that I actually WANT to do it. Life is too short to be doing jobs I hate.

  11. #11
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    Maybe you just need to find a job that you enjoy ?

  12. #12
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    I do, but I get bored with things fast. The only thing I've really been considering aside from anesthesiology is getting my masters and doing research. Research is one of the few things I know I'd really enjoy in a lab, because I love science and I love being in the lab I just don't like mundane shit like I'm doing now. Obviously there can be some monotony in any research project but there could be amazing opportunities to actually discover something no one else has.

    The only problem with that is that by the time I finish a masters I'd be up to my eyeballs in debt, and that still doesn't offer job security. At this point that type of career path is something I would love to do after retiring from the military when I'm collecting a pension. Aside from that, I can't think of a job that I could get that in say four years I'll still be really passionate about. I burn out quickly.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    Joining the marines is always a nice last resort to life.

    Realistically though, I don't know why more people don't join a corp group after high school.
    Who can honestly pay for college anymore? Who else is going to give you 1,700 a month to live off while you are in the reserves and attend college for 6 years?

    My brother joined the military with 2 of his friends. He's 27 right now.

    -He had his entire school paid for, he went to a state university.
    -They gave him 1,700 a month to live off.
    -He gets a full benefits package, and 401k.
    -He gets to go over sea's and train african troops in combatives (basicly BJJ)
    -They pay him 3k to take a vacation to Africa to bang prostitutes with his friends
    -He makes 80k this year as a boot camp instructor
    -They paid him 2,300 to move his belongings from North Carolina to Michigan. It all fit in the back of my Jeep Grand Cherokee.

    I'm happy my brother got to take advantage of all these opportunities. But then we wonder.....why is the US going broke?

    It's an easy life, you really have no responsibility and now he's done with it in a year, and I worry about him. He's never had to get a job, he's never had to worry that money won't show up, or he could get laid off. He'll have a degree in accounting, is currently making 80k a year, but I know I'll have to help him if he finds an entry level accounting job making 32k a year without any benefits.
    A lot of what you are saying really insults me, maybe it is just the way you said it. "Joining the Marines is a a nice last resort" What the **** is that suppose to me. Also, show some respect and capitalize Marines. You don't rate to give an opinion because you are not a Marine. All you have is second hand nonsense. Your facts regarding how much money is given and for how long is wrong, so before you start whining about how "lucky" your brother is, why don't you do some REAL research and find out the true facts. "Why is the US going broke" Yeah it must be because of how much money they fork over to the brave men and women who serve this country. You wanna know why the US is broke, go research the Federal Reserve asshole.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel_Hunden View Post
    A lot of what you are saying really insults me, maybe it is just the way you said it. "Joining the Marines is a a nice last resort" What the **** is that suppose to me. Also, show some respect and capitalize Marines. You don't rate to give an opinion because you are not a Marine. All you have is second hand nonsense. Your facts regarding how much money is given and for how long is wrong, so before you start whining about how "lucky" your brother is, why don't you do some REAL research and find out the true facts. "Why is the US going broke" Yeah it must be because of how much money they fork over to the brave men and women who serve this country. You wanna know why the US is broke, go research the Federal Reserve asshole.
    You sound to trigger happy to be a marine.

  15. #15
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel_Hunden View Post
    A lot of what you are saying really insults me, maybe it is just the way you said it. "Joining the Marines is a a nice last resort" What the **** is that suppose to me. Also, show some respect and capitalize Marines. You don't rate to give an opinion because you are not a Marine. All you have is second hand nonsense. Your facts regarding how much money is given and for how long is wrong, so before you start whining about how "lucky" your brother is, why don't you do some REAL research and find out the true facts. "Why is the US going broke" Yeah it must be because of how much money they fork over to the brave men and women who serve this country. You wanna know why the US is broke, go research the Federal Reserve asshole.

    Hey bro you have to relax a little lol. He is not a Marine, so he probally does not understand the pride that the Marine carries. Most civilians do not understand the mentality of a Marine, or even a Soldier. The two mentalities are worlds apart.

    I do agree with you on the Federal Reserve. As for the Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines that die... most get a mere $400,000. It might sound like a lot to some people, but they do not understand the hardships of rapid deployments, PCS moves yearly, unpredictable future in service, and most of all, conflicts in war. The US was going broke before the current "War on Terror". I know that the military takes up a large portion of the US Reserve.... but that is also why we have the finest military in the world. When 99% of Americans know that they can go to sleep at night, and not worry about enemy tanks rolling down the street.... the US Military is doing it's job

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel_Hunden View Post
    You fvckin piece of $hit. My brothers are overseas dying right now, because they earned the title United States Marine. You have no idea what it takes to earn that title. Three months of fvcking hell. How dare you! I wish you were in front of me right now so I could punch you in your face! You are a waste of flesh! @sshole!

    Eat $hit and die motherfvcker
    I hate to break it to you.

    You brothers made that choice and I honestly don't give a fvck.
    You sound like a real class act with some of the shit you say to people around here.

    And are you SERIOUS, **"3 months of fvcking hell"**?! WOW. That sounds extremely difficult haha, you have to be kidding me. How old are you?

    FYI, theres a lot of things in life a lot worse then the marines. You make it sound hard, and I think thats cause you're young, or just havent been through much yourself.
    Your brothers CHOSE the marines. Theres a lot of things in life you CAN'T choose, so drop the attitude because you don't sound tough, nor do you make your brothers sound like good people just by acting like that.

    Have patience with people and grow up, you are arguing about nothing.

  17. #17
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I hate to break it to you.

    You brothers made that choice and I honestly don't give a fvck.
    You sound like a real class act with some of the shit you say to people around here.

    And are you SERIOUS, **"3 months of fvcking hell"**?! WOW. That sounds extremely difficult haha, you have to be kidding me. How old are you?

    FYI, theres a lot of things in life a lot worse then the marines. You make it sound hard, and I think thats cause you're young, or just havent been through much yourself.
    Your brothers CHOSE the marines. Theres a lot of things in life you CAN'T choose, so drop the attitude because you don't sound tough, nor do you make your brothers sound like good people just by acting like that.

    Have patience with people and grow up, you are arguing about nothing.

    Well put bro. When people sign up for the Armed Forces, they are aware of what they are getting themselves into. All the hardships that I listed in my above post..... well, everybody in the service accepts that. And I agree.... if it is hell, then get out

  18. #18
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel_Hunden View Post
    A lot of what you are saying really insults me, maybe it is just the way you said it. "Joining the Marines is a a nice last resort" What the **** is that suppose to me. Also, show some respect and capitalize Marines. You don't rate to give an opinion because you are not a Marine. All you have is second hand nonsense. Your facts regarding how much money is given and for how long is wrong, so before you start whining about how "lucky" your brother is, why don't you do some REAL research and find out the true facts. "Why is the US going broke" Yeah it must be because of how much money they fork over to the brave men and women who serve this country. You wanna know why the US is broke, go research the Federal Reserve asshole.
    When I say joining the marines is a great last resort, i say it because it's a nice easy life. I'm not saying you don't have to go through some "shit" but you have guaranteed income, guaranteed college, guaranteed housing....who else gives you that?

    If you think I don't have first hand knowledge of how it works, I guess you missed the part that I'm speaking from the experience my brother and close friends have in it.

    And honestly, from my experience, I can't say that I've met a marine that chose that path for any other reason than the "perks".

    If you really think the 698 billion a year spend on the military does not contribute to the debt of our country....I guess we can just disagree with that too.

  19. #19
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    When I say joining the marines is a great last resort, i say it because it's a nice easy life. I'm not saying you don't have to go through some "shit" but you have guaranteed income, guaranteed college, guaranteed housing....who else gives you that?

    If you think I don't have first hand knowledge of how it works, I guess you missed the part that I'm speaking from the experience my brother and close friends have in it.

    And honestly, from my experience, I can't say that I've met a marine that chose that path for any other reason than the "perks".

    If you really think the 698 billion a year spend on the military does not contribute to the debt of our country....I guess we can just disagree with that too.

    I know what you mean by 'last resort'. I take no offense (I am currently serving). It is a 'last resort' in a way. You can lose your job, and be on the verge of being homeless. Then you can join the Armed Service, and they will take care of you.

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    Just don't do like John Jerry. His infamous quote heard around the world.

    "Kids, stay in school. Get your education, or you will end up in Iraq"

  21. #21
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    I know what you mean by 'last resort'. I take no offense (I am currently serving). It is a 'last resort' in a way. You can lose your job, and be on the verge of being homeless. Then you can join the Armed Service, and they will take care of you.
    Ya, I never meant any disrespect to anyone. You seem to understand my lingo.

    The standards to be a marine are not super high, we all know guys that are marines that made it through basic, and rode out their time that would have trouble doing much of anything else.

    The closest people in my life are all marines, my 2 best friends, my little brother and my cousin who is like my brother (he grew up with us).

    My brother and 2 best friends all graduated from state universities with zero college debt. My cousin choose not to go to college and is a recruiter in GA. He is honestly a great guy, but he asked me a month ago "How do i figure out the area of my living room"......"length x's Width" was my reply. He can afford a nice house in the suburbs, drives a 40k dodge truck with a 500+ payment and can support his girl friend and 2 kids....yet does not know how to calculate the area of his living room.

    I drove my brother to the air port on the jan 30th and we just had a conversation about this. He said he's actually disappointed that he's graduating, because he would do this for the rest of his life if he could. And why not? You have an army weekend here and there, and live the college life with out a job with accumulating zero debt and getting paid to do it.

  22. #22
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    Yeah brother I am with you. I tried to speak in your defense a little lol. And yeah, it is not impossible to be a Marine. All you have to do is 'never give up'. If you fail to make it the first time, you can be recycled. Bro, you did not offend me at all, and I have been in the service for 6 years. But hey- I hope your brother stays safe if he has a future in deployments. I always loved working with Marines

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    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Yeah brother I am with you. I tried to speak in your defense a little lol. And yeah, it is not impossible to be a Marine. All you have to do is 'never give up'. If you fail to make it the first time, you can be recycled. Bro, you did not offend me at all, and I have been in the service for 6 years. But hey- I hope your brother stays safe if he has a future in deployments. I always loved working with Marines
    Ya, I hope he does not risk any deployments, I honestly hope no one does. I don't like us there in the first place. He did a tour in Iraq about 5 years ago but that was his only deployment. He's done a few over sea's training programs working with/training over sea's troops. They pay him good money when he does that though, and it's a nice experience for him.

    He said it's opened his eyes to a lot on how the government and world works. He recently was in Uganda, Africa and said while they were there training Ugandian troops, China was there offering support too. Easy to see there is something there that interest the world powers.

    I'm glad you read everything with an open mind, and glad to see there are marines who are not looking for a reason to go off half cocked every time someone has a different opinion.

  24. #24
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    I skipped a few posts after the shit slinging started. I did notice they touched on a few things that I take VERY seriously. Firstly, is honor and that isn't something you are given but it's something you earn and Marines take it very seriously(just like respect). Secondly, and I talked to my wife about this a lot, you can hate the shit that is going on in the world and with our country and drive your Camry to some shitty cubicle or you can actually be a part of something bigger and make your own mark, and perhaps in the future as an officer even help with political policy etc...Either way, yes war sucks and why we're over there sucks but things are the way they are.

    You can either watch it on CNN and bitch about it like some tool or you can actually be over there making things happen. As I've aged it seems to me these peoples biggest enemy is their lack of education. When you have thousands of young men whose families have been blown to pieces by missile attacks coupled with fundamental Islamic teaching and study and bingo, terrorist. These fools think they're martyred and going to heaven. I hate religion and feel it's the bane of humanity worse than any physical disease ever has been.

    Anyways, my ambien kicked in right when I started typing all this so I hope it makes sense. I miss the discipline, I miss the friends you make (people who feel the same as you), and I miss being put in situations that make me very uncomfortable. I need that type of shit to make being home worth it. Maybe I'm ****ed up but I do better under pressure. I always have nightmares too that I'm in combat but powerless to do anything. Any weapon I pick up is inoperable and in some of them I'm blind. I really want to face those fears.

  25. #25
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin View Post
    I skipped a few posts after the shit slinging started. I did notice they touched on a few things that I take VERY seriously. Firstly, is honor and that isn't something you are given but it's something you earn and Marines take it very seriously(just like respect). Secondly, and I talked to my wife about this a lot, you can hate the shit that is going on in the world and with our country and drive your Camry to some shitty cubicle or you can actually be a part of something bigger and make your own mark, and perhaps in the future as an officer even help with political policy etc...Either way, yes war sucks and why we're over there sucks but things are the way they are.

    You can either watch it on CNN and bitch about it like some tool or you can actually be over there making things happen. As I've aged it seems to me these peoples biggest enemy is their lack of education. When you have thousands of young men whose families have been blown to pieces by missile attacks coupled with fundamental Islamic teaching and study and bingo, terrorist. These fools think they're martyred and going to heaven. I hate religion and feel it's the bane of humanity worse than any physical disease ever has been.

    Anyways, my ambien kicked in right when I started typing all this so I hope it makes sense. I miss the discipline, I miss the friends you make (people who feel the same as you), and I miss being put in situations that make me very uncomfortable. I need that type of shit to make being home worth it. Maybe I'm ****ed up but I do better under pressure. I always have nightmares too that I'm in combat but powerless to do anything. Any weapon I pick up is inoperable and in some of them I'm blind. I really want to face those fears.
    You seemed to have fell and hit your head if you think you are going to change or improve the country by joining the marines.

    You get no say on what you do, you are not asked what you think is right or wrong. You just do what you are told to do. You are the strong arm of politics.

    You have more power in voting than you do in being a marine.

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    I don't think he implied he was going to change the country.

    He is speaking collectively about the attitudes and mindsets that shape this country, and THAT is what overtime winds up impacting our nation as a whole. So in one way no hes not changing the country by himself, but he will be part of a larger group of people who ARE doing something good for this nation (that can be debated too really lol).

    But comeon the guy is motivated and as crazy as it sounds sometimes I miss prison. Because even there a certain comradery existed thats very hard to find on the streets. Yeh I work and go to school, but I'm not subjecting myself to great adversity to really change my life.
    I grew and learned more in prison then I did in college believe it or not.

    So I know what hes talking about. Its being part of the struggle, its gaining confidence in yourself and more then anything its living for a cause you believe in. If thats what he wants, I couldn't possibly see why you would shit on him impying he fell and hit his head. He doesn't sound like anything but a very smart level headed person who simply craves more from life.
    I say do what ever makes you happy buddy, just make sure you think it through, and make sure its what you really want.

  27. #27
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    If joining the Marines is what it takes to give your family the best you can, then for sure. If its for selfish reasons then no. Please dont wait until everything is financially secure to have kids because if you do that you will be waiting forever. HOWEVER, with the way things are in this economy and job market, I think the Service is such a good option for people to get a good, secure job, and a good education.

  28. #28
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    J you misunderstood. I said as a career, being in the Marines and potentially advancing up the chain of command (or even after retirement depending on employment) there is a huge possibility of impacting or at least holding some sway over the country and its policy. As a lowly E4 I spent 3 months training at NSA in Ft Meade and saw first-hand what it takes to run and keep a country of this magnitude secure, and if you think those types of jobs and those responsibilities don't have any impact on the country then I guess you and I have nothing to say from this point on in this thread because you have no clue what the **** you're talking about.

    Entry level, obviously you don't do much but what you're told... anyone with half a mind would know that in any type of job you do. What I'm saying is that even as enlisted I had very huge responsibilities at only the E5 level, it almost baffles me now when I look back at it. The type of responsibility I'm looking for doesn't ever come to the enlisted man however, you only get it as an officer or retired officer/educated civilian.

  29. #29
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    what about joining the fire service or police? (preferably the fire service LOL)....

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    Nah, no desire to do that. The pay as an officer is probably even better than that of a fireman/cop.

  31. #31
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    I think the big point that you need to consider and I don't think was mentioned is the fact that you said your wife was the only thing that mattered to you. Going into the Military is probably the hardest strain you could put on your marriage. You want to go to the Infantry too? You would be very lucky if your marriage can come out of that type of relationship. You were in the Navy, you should know how it is. I am not saying it is impossible to remain married in the military, but I will say that you are not putting marriage in a better situation with this. The Infantry is about the worst when it comes to marriages in the military.

    Also, grass is never greener on the other side. Sounds like you are wanting to satisfy your taste for adventure. I can say that for me, life is better when you are in control and a bit more simple. You don't get that in the military.

    Either way good luck. Let me know if you have some questions about that field or line of work.

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