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  1. #1
    I.Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Got caught getting a blowjob by my teacher and im taking a fat chick to prom..

    I'm 18 before anyone asks.

    Prom is coming up as everybody knows, bout a month away for my school. There's this wicked cute chick i always had a crush on in school, so i decide i wanna ask her to prom. I don't wanna do the simple, hey u wnna go to prom with me stuff. So i write her a little cute ass note (no homo) and i decided i wanna slip it in her locker, sneaky style.

    So it's the end of the day and I ask one of her good friends where her locker is she gives me the number. I go place it in the locker like 20 mins after school is out. I'm feeling good cause I man'd up and did it. The next day I'm chillin at lunch with my boys, and one of my friends comes over laughing askin why I'm taking Sara (fat chick below) to prom.

    I was laughing and was like what's up? He's like im serious whats wrong with you dude she was tellin her whole table bout how u asked her with a note in her locker everyone thought it was cute. I was like what the ****, i do a barrel roll over my lunch table and head to hers. She tells me she got the note at this point im so pissed, that dumb bitch gave me the wrong locker number (not sure if purposely or not).

    So I go to the bathroom right outside the caf, this chick sees me and follows me out. She comes into the mens bathroom and says she thinks it was so cute how i asked her. She starts unzipping my pants (****in serious ) takes out my dick and just starts sucking my nob like it owes her lunch money. I kind of can't do anything, im stuck between her and the toilet so i just say **** it w/e I'll get my dick sucked.

    After i finish she walks out first. I wait another 5 mins and exit the bathroom. My Calculus teachers is waiting outside (guy is a total hardass) stops me and tells me he just heard moaning in there. I denied it, he said the kid in the stall had the same sneakers on as me, i was like ****. Got reported to principal, suspended for 2 days and know i have to take this fat chick to prom.

    Shes on the right fuk my life.

  2. #2
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    :... hopefully you're going into journalism, You would make a hilarious author at same point.

    Last edited by Vitruvian-Man; 02-21-2010 at 04:23 PM.

  3. #3
    illaJ's Avatar
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  4. #4
    MaNiCC's Avatar
    MaNiCC is offline AR's Think Tank - Retired
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    Thats fvking hilarious , enjoy the fat bird

    do you know dangerous dan by any chance?

  5. #5
    laduem88's Avatar
    laduem88 is offline Senior Member
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    BAHAHA that sucks but atleast you got something out of it

  6. #6
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Theres no way in hell I would take her. Even if I was in your situation I would just tell her it was an accident. I don't want any whale, walrus, or manatee slobbin my knob.

  7. #7
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    fail, unless your getting younger and younger every post.

    Think the cops are after me, and they have my boxers too

  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    fail, unless your getting younger and younger every post.

    Think the cops are after me, and they have my boxers too
    epic fail

  9. #9
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I.Muscle View Post
    I'm 18 before anyone asks.

    Prom is coming up as everybody knows, bout a month away for my school. There's this wicked cute chick i always had a crush on in school, so i decide i wanna ask her to prom. I don't wanna do the simple, hey u wnna go to prom with me stuff. So i write her a little cute ass note (no homo) and i decided i wanna slip it in her locker, sneaky style.

    So it's the end of the day and I ask one of her good friends where her locker is she gives me the number. I go place it in the locker like 20 mins after school is out. I'm feeling good cause I man'd up and did it. The next day I'm chillin at lunch with my boys, and one of my friends comes over laughing askin why I'm taking Sara (fat chick below) to prom.

    I was laughing and was like what's up? He's like im serious whats wrong with you dude she was tellin her whole table bout how u asked her with a note in her locker everyone thought it was cute. I was like what the ****, i do a barrel roll over my lunch table and head to hers. She tells me she got the note at this point im so pissed, that dumb bitch gave me the wrong locker number (not sure if purposely or not).

    So I go to the bathroom right outside the caf, this chick sees me and follows me out. She comes into the mens bathroom and says she thinks it was so cute how i asked her. She starts unzipping my pants (****in serious ) takes out my dick and just starts sucking my nob like it owes her lunch money. I kind of can't do anything, im stuck between her and the toilet so i just say **** it w/e I'll get my dick sucked.

    After i finish she walks out first. I wait another 5 mins and exit the bathroom. My Calculus teachers is waiting outside (guy is a total hardass) stops me and tells me he just heard moaning in there. I denied it, he said the kid in the stall had the same sneakers on as me, i was like ****. Got reported to principal, suspended for 2 days and know i have to take this fat chick to prom.

    Shes on the right fuk my life.
    You are the biggest troll I've ever met in my life.

    Noone believed your dumbass massage parlor story and noones gonna believe some random fat chick (who you don't even know) is gonna follow you to the bathroom for a blowjob.
    You are lying pos please get the fvck off the boards.

  10. #10
    Teufel_Hunden's Avatar
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  11. #11
    the big 1's Avatar
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    Quite a funny story.

  12. #12
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    That's my sister, fag.

  13. #13
    Mr.Rose's Avatar
    Mr.Rose is offline Anabolic Member
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    No SH*T he's a troll!

    But still funny reads.

    But nothing tops the guy who shat in that girls bathtub and never had his pee cup with him.

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Borderline funny, more pathetic and obvious troll

  15. #15
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    haha i love stories like this. to bad your trollin tho.

  16. #16
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    "Everyone loves stories like this" thats true and THATS also WHY he makes these threads.

    But you DON'T like these stories when they are not real nor have ever happened. So you know what the story becomes? Fvckn pathetic.

    Something can look like something but still not be that something. Take for instance money.. or take for instance women. Do you spend fake money? Do you fvck fake women?

    That question would be for Mr. Rose and anyone else who though it was "funny".
    If the answer was no to before, then why do you laugh at fake funny?

    I'm afraid I'm confused.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 02-23-2010 at 01:49 AM.

  17. #17
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    pretty sure prom isnt til may so your a bit early.

  18. #18
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Writing notes? Gay.

  19. #19
    hero717's Avatar
    hero717 is offline Associate Member
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    face **** her till she pukes and is afaid to go to prom with

  20. #20
    ray0414's Avatar
    ray0414 is offline Member
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    this story is obviously fake cause nobody would take that ugly girl 2 prom becuase of an accident, anyone with half a brain would explain the situation and say it was an accident and be like SEE YA!

  21. #21
    IM708's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I.Muscle View Post
    I'm 18 before anyone asks.

    Prom is coming up as everybody knows, bout a month away for my school. There's this wicked cute chick i always had a crush on in school, so i decide i wanna ask her to prom. I don't wanna do the simple, hey u wnna go to prom with me stuff. So i write her a little cute ass note (no homo) and i decided i wanna slip it in her locker, sneaky style.

    So it's the end of the day and I ask one of her good friends where her locker is she gives me the number. I go place it in the locker like 20 mins after school is out. I'm feeling good cause I man'd up and did it. The next day I'm chillin at lunch with my boys, and one of my friends comes over laughing askin why I'm taking Sara (fat chick below) to prom.

    I was laughing and was like what's up? He's like im serious whats wrong with you dude she was tellin her whole table bout how u asked her with a note in her locker everyone thought it was cute. I was like what the ****, i do a barrel roll over my lunch table and head to hers. She tells me she got the note at this point im so pissed, that dumb bitch gave me the wrong locker number (not sure if purposely or not).

    So I go to the bathroom right outside the caf, this chick sees me and follows me out. She comes into the mens bathroom and says she thinks it was so cute how i asked her. She starts unzipping my pants (****in serious ) takes out my dick and just starts sucking my nob like it owes her lunch money. I kind of can't do anything, im stuck between her and the toilet so i just say **** it w/e I'll get my dick sucked.

    After i finish she walks out first. I wait another 5 mins and exit the bathroom. My Calculus teachers is waiting outside (guy is a total hardass) stops me and tells me he just heard moaning in there. I denied it, he said the kid in the stall had the same sneakers on as me, i was like ****. Got reported to principal, suspended for 2 days and know i have to take this fat chick to prom.

    Shes on the right fuk my life.

    You posted this a year ago already over at you douchebag.

  22. #22
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    ^^^^^wow, this man is an idiot! i can never understand why people feel the need to lie like this, totaly bullshit stories!......on that other site he had over 3000 posts, he must of made a whole fake world, again what a loser!!

  23. #23
    dangerous dan's Avatar
    dangerous dan is offline Anabolic Member
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    HMMM...dissapointed, i actually believed it at first

  24. #24
    kalspic's Avatar
    kalspic is offline Senior Member
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    is this ryan ross again?

  25. #25
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    troll or not these stories are hilarious

  26. #26
    6ft5's Avatar
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    Holly shit! I thought it was real to. I've had my knob waxed by a couple fat girls. But that girl aint even face fukable.

  27. #27
    Chief_Lifter is offline New Member
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    LOLOLOLOLOLOL that's some funnnnyy shit dood

  28. #28
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalspic View Post
    is this ryan ross again?
    Were his stories all fake? I was wondering what happened to that guy.

    Had a feeling the story was a fake but still funny.

    Bjj to me laughing at a fake story is no different then laughing at an off the wall comedy movie or a comedian up on stage telling stories that obviously aren't true.

  29. #29
    boz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    No SH*T he's a troll!

    But still funny reads.

    But nothing tops the guy who shat in that girls bathtub and never had his pee cup with him.
    LOL i read that story somewhere, was disturbing yet very amusing.

    Quote Originally Posted by IM708 View Post

    You posted this a year ago already over at you douchebag.
    This guy has autism or personality disorder.

  30. #30
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    "Everyone loves stories like this" thats true and THATS also WHY he makes these threads.

    But you DON'T like these stories when they are not real nor have ever happened. So you know what the story becomes? Fvckn pathetic.

    I agree, it's really lame and not fun to read at all unless it's true.
    not only that it's not a story that makes logical sense to begin with
    as in I knew it was fake before the guy was called out for it
    this is only the kind of story that would go over well with a 15 year old
    anybody past that age is not intested in teaches being included in stories or ficticious penis hungry fat chicks that prowl the mens room and require no conversation or fore-play to start sucking cock.

  31. #31
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I agree, it's really lame and not fun to read at all unless it's true.
    not only that it's not a story that makes logical sense to begin with
    as in I knew it was fake before the guy was called out for it
    this is only the kind of story that would go over well with a 15 year old
    anybody past that age is not intested in teaches being included in stories or ficticious penis hungry fat chicks that prowl the mens room and require no conversation or fore-play to start sucking cock.
    hahaha he said cock!!!!

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