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  1. #1
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    When Cotton Balls Land You A Felony.

    A good buddy of mine sent this to my Facebook account today. Apparently his is how Racial Charged we still are in this country. Mind you my buddy is African American and couldnt believe the charges pending these kids. Although he and I both agree that the prank was very very tactless.

    An apology for their “inappropriate judgment” has been issued by two University of Missouri students arrested for scattering cotton balls across the lawn of the Gaines/Oldham Black Cultural Center in Columbia.

    The incident, which occurred early February 26 — the last Friday in Black History Month — was viewed by members of the MU community as racially motivated and sparked concern on the 30,000-student campus.

    A town hall meeting Monday night at the cultural center drew several hundred students and administrators. Participants said the cotton balls, evoking slavery, indicated broader racial tensions on campus.

    Tuesday morning freshman Sean D. Fitzgerald, 19, of Kearney, and senior Zachary E. Tucker, 21, of St. Louis, were arrested on a charge of second-degree tampering, raised to Class D felony status because of the believed racist motivated.

    Friday, through their attorneys, Fitzgerald and Tucker issued a statement offering apologies to the campus and community for their “inconsiderate” behavior.

    “This was not intended as a hate crime,” said Christopher A. Slusher, attorney for Tucker. He said the cotton ball incident was not the only behavior Fitzgerald and Tucker were involved in that morning. The two also rode the tiger in the quad, climbed on the statue at Faurot Field and hoisted a pirate flag at the ROTC building.

    The statement referred to the behavior as foolish and said “Sean and Zachary deeply regret the pain their actions have caused others and the negative attention this incident has attracted to the campus and community.”

    Slusher said Tucker and FitzGerald, who have been suspended, were with several students that morning but were the only ones involved in the cotton balls. He said alcohol may have been present.

    Tucker and his parents apologized personally to the director of the Black Cultural Center after the incident and are planning to meet with other organizations to offer personal apologies.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    how are cotton balls different then toilet paper?

    cause I had my house shit papered on halloween.
    IDK if the kids who did it were black white or what.
    if they had been black, was that a hate crime making fun of my white face?

    Maybe I should stay home and give them candy instead of go out and drink in a costume one of these years and not bitch about it.

    Only thing that really pissed me off was having my car egged one year...cause it damaged the paint on my driver side door.

  3. #3
    AnimalJ's Avatar
    AnimalJ is offline Associate Member
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    **** PEOPLE GET THE **** OVER IT GO DAMN IT! Everyone has had it rough at one point or another, black,asian, hispanic, jewish, middle eastern, white, were all ****in people and life shits on everyone god damn it. And another thing ill take slavery over concentration camps any ****in day quite being whiny bitches. live in the present and get over the past. and you know what as long as people continue living by there stereo types they will continue being stereo typed period. not saying one is worse or better just my preference should i have to pick.

    end bullshit rant.

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