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  1. #41
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    I could not think of why you guys would even bother with this.

    Surely you have something better to do with your time...
    Totally. Like talk on here.

  2. #42
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    My response

    Mr. Hooton,

    Unfortunatly, I agree with you. I do believe that there is not a way to have a positive exchange here what so ever.

    Sir, with all do respect I just can not understand your mentality.

    1) I asked if you believed that SSRI was a contributing factor to death? As any honest foundation that should be mentioned not just steroids but perhaps The Nile is not just a river in Egypt. Not only is it not mentioned you completely and utterly ignor this VERY dangerious issue in public and here via email. Kids die every day from SSRI via violent suicides but for some reason or another this, although clearly proven, is not something you mention or address.

    2) Education has not and will not work. D.A.R.E failed. History is self-repeating.

    3) Yes in an affluent society parents do have money. But, I find your argument to be ludacris. As if to suggest by Dylan Klebold´s (Columbine massacre) father that: ¨well my son stole, sold drugs, and used his allowance to buy that gun that he used to conduct the massacer. ¨ More over, ¨We live in a society that children can make money from stolen goods and drugs; it is not my fault that he killed all those children.¨ concluding with, ¨I will preach anti-gun responsibility but as a parent that over saw the event I am not responsible, it is the illigal gun usage not my failed legal responsibility to care for my underage child.¨

    4) Children and parents BEAR RESPONSIBILITY.

    It is sad after 5 days of exchanges, that you have not addressed that steroids are not a stand alone cause of death. True to form, you do not in public so why should anyone be suprised! You seam not to at all address that parents need to play a role in a child´s life, and not as an enabling parent which is exactly what one is when a blind eye is turned. With all do respect a man´s home is his castle and what goes on under that roof is his responsibility.

    Take care,

    You pretty much nailed it with this response. There has to be a way that we can get these letters some public notice. Who here has a good contact?

  3. #43
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good Bye, Mr. ********,

    The last thing I need is a lecture from anyone explaining that I bear some responsibility in the suicide of my son. Believe me, I fully understand my responsibilities with respect to my children. However, I feel absolutely NO obligation to share these deep, deep thoughts with any stranger writing some blog comment on a web site.

    Have a good life.


    Donald M. Hooton

  4. #44
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Ohhhhh I think someone struck a very sensitive nerve

  5. #45
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    he feels guilt, that's why he doesn't want to get into it.

    pretty sad he can't face the truth, and places blame elsewhere just so he can "cope" with his neglegence as a parent.

    it sucks that his son took his own life, but - his son was not and is not the only kid to ever do so..... but placing the blame completely elsewhere (like not blaming SSRI's partly at least) is irresponsible, and shows how close minded he is.....

    he's a waste of time.

    his jiggly neck in the videos is gross...reminds me of a lava lamp.

  6. #46
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    although while i can't agree that steroids were the only reason he commited suicide i can believe that it was the straw that broke the camels back. also i suspect taylor took excessive dosages of a-drol 50 he was taking a deca /a-drol 50 stack and i heard that if u take a-drol above a certain dosage the excess will convert to estrogen and everyone knows estrogen can = depression...
    Last edited by Superhero d-bolman; 03-30-2010 at 12:35 AM.

  7. #47
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds like a troll or don hooton made an account on here...

    if so, i'd stick it in your hooton daddy

    i will be your new boy....

  8. #48
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhero d-bolman View Post
    although while i can't agree that steroids were the only reason he commited suicide i can believe that it was the straw that broke the camels back. also i suspect taylor took excessive dosages of a-drol 50 he was taking a deca/a-drol 50 stack and i heard that if u take a-drol above a certain dosage the excess will convert to estrogen and everyone knows estrogen can = depression...

    I don't even know what to bold, it's all so f*cking funny!


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