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  1. #1
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Herpes Transmission question

    I have a weird question that of course I would only consider in the AR lounge since I value the knowledge and info more than a doctors lol.

    So if a girl has the herpes virus in her blood but it is not genital herpes, just a general herpes virus and has never had an outbreak of any kind would I be able to get the virus by going down on her? My obvious guess is yes but I want to make sure, since 1) it's not genital and 2) it's not during an outbreak. Just want to make sure before doing anything with this new girl.

    And am I the only gay one here that gets turned off when a girl gets too wet when you are down there with all those fluids. I won't even drink from the same cup as a friend at lunch even if know they are clean, so it might be I'm just ocd over being clean?

  2. #2
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Can you get type I from vaginal fluid? Possible, you will get a cold soar when you break out.

    No, you are not the only gay one... LOL

  3. #3
    vpchill's Avatar
    vpchill is offline "Born to lose, Dying to win"
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    If she has it, u can get it. As far as the fluids? Get a straw and slurp it buddy!!!! Become one wit the VaJ

  4. #4
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    some people are carriers, and never will show signs and symptoms...some people are "shedders" too....

    they dont need to show symptoms to spread the virus.....

  5. #5
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    You have a serious misunderstanding of how the Herpes Simplex Virus works in the body. It is not "in the blood." The blood test used to detect HSV does not actually detect the virus itself, but it detects the antibodies that the body produces as an immune response to the virus. The virus itself is spread by skin to skin contact, and it rests at the base of a nerve at the spinal cord. Usually, if a person is infected with HSV-2 (Gential Herpes) the virus will rest at the Sacral nerve. When an outbreak occurs, the virus travels down the nerve and manifests itself as an open sore on the skin in that general area.

    If she tests positive for the virus, then she should have an area where she exhibits outbreaks in the form of skin lesions somewhere on her body. The designations HSV-1 and HSV-2, simply mean "Above the Waist" and "Below the Waist." A herpes outbreak can occur on any part of the body, but most often occurs on membranous skin. And remember, it must be spread by skin-to-skin contact, which is why the genitals and the mouth are the most often infected areas.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I think it's over 50% of people have or are carries also.

    Did you know that Oil of Oregano is said to be able to kill the virus? If nothing else it is said to at least knock the outbreak out as fast or faster than any of the current medications available.

  7. #7
    Jon the Rooster's Avatar
    Jon the Rooster is offline Junior Member
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    As the Godfather said, you could only get it if your skin was in contact with an outbreaked area.

  8. #8
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    you have a serious misunderstanding of how the herpes simplex virus works in the body. It is not "in the blood." the blood test used to detect hsv does not actually detect the virus itself, but it detects the antibodies that the body produces as an immune response to the virus. The virus itself is spread by skin to skin contact, and it rests at the base of a nerve at the spinal cord. Usually, if a person is infected with hsv-2 (gential herpes) the virus will rest at the sacral nerve. When an outbreak occurs, the virus travels down the nerve and manifests itself as an open sore on the skin in that general area.

    If she tests positive for the virus, then she should have an area where she exhibits outbreaks in the form of skin lesions somewhere on her body. The designations hsv-1 and hsv-2, simply mean "above the waist" and "below the waist." a herpes outbreak can occur on any part of the body, but most often occurs on membranous skin. And remember, it must be spread by skin-to-skin contact, which is why the genitals and the mouth are the most often infected areas.
    +2 ...

  9. #9
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    you can get herpes simplex one from sharing a glass with her its that easy... more then 70% of the population have this type of herpes.. Its the same as a cold sure
    cold sure = herpes simplex 1
    But recent studies have found that herpes simplex 1 can be found in the vaginal area as well as the find out where her breakouts are coming from and then go from there....

    good luck personaly i wouldent eat

  10. #10
    Overhaulz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Did you know that Oil of Oregano is said to be able to kill the virus? If nothing else it is said to at least knock the outbreak out as fast or faster than any of the current medications available.
    And is this by consuming the oil, or by applying direct to the outbreak? I might have to try it next time.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    applying direct to the outbreak? Google it. You can also drink a few drops mixed in juice to cure many stomach viruses. Like most natural remedies it has many uses.

  12. #12
    6ft5's Avatar
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    Tee tree oil kills also. You can even get It on your arm and eyes. First sign is itchyness. Some people will feel run down, and glands get a little soar.

  13. #13
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    ... And am I the only gay one here that gets turned off when a girl gets too wet when you are down there with all those fluids. ...
    Shit, haha, I actually prefer it as soaked as it can get.

  14. #14
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    If she has it, u can get it. As far as the fluids? Get a straw and slurp it buddy!!!! Become one wit the VaJ
    Where the hell you been vp? I almost bumped you're ask a black man thread the other day just to see if you were still around.

    To the op. If she has herpes why would this even be a question to ponder. If it's just the oral form of herpes (cold sores) then there not all that bad. I get them from time to time. Just don't let her go down on you when she has a cold sore.

  15. #15
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Where the hell you been vp? I almost bumped you're ask a black man thread the other day just to see if you were still around.

    To the op. If she has herpes why would this even be a question to ponder. If it's just the oral form of herpes (cold sores) then there not all that bad. I get them from time to time. Just don't let her go down on you when she has a cold sore.
    Partially true. In rare cases the virus gets confused when running down the nerve to your lip, and can sometimes mistakenly travel down the optic nerve, then you are in REAL trouble and pain.

    Tea tree oil, olive oil, whatever oils, are all home remedies with undocumented efficacy. If those things attenuated the symptoms of the virus to the degree that they claim, some pharmaceutical company or other would have developed it further whether it was patentable or not and it would be well known among doctors and the people suffering from the illness.

    It's important to understand there is absolutely no cure for the virus. Once you have it, it is a life sentence. All that drugs like Valtrex do, is help your body to suppress the outbreaks and keep the virus in a "dormant" state. There is a divide among health care practitioners on whether or not to treat with anti-virals. One side of the argument, is that you should not tx a patient with anti-virals and allow their immune system to learn the virus and mount a response. Some clinical evidence shows that after about 5 years the body is able to suppress most outbreaks and after about 10 years sufferers of the virus rarely experience any outbreaks barring a severe life event which is very stressful and causes a huge upsurge of cortisol. The other side of the argument, of course, is that outbreaks should be suppressed with anti-viral drugs such as Valtrex because it improves the quality of life of a patient and reduces their ability to transmit the virus to a third party. There's a very good argument to be made there, as reducing the risk of transmission is very important. The problem with the virus and the issue of skin-to-skin contact is that even using prophylactics like condoms will not eliminate the risk of transmission if the virus is sloughing on areas of skin not covered or protected by the condom.

    Being that there is no cure for virus's, the only real cure is to let the virus run through its life cycle. The amount of time that HSV survives in the body is really unknown, but the point of treatment is to suppress the virus so that the infected person can have a better quality of life. The same reasoning is used with treatment of HIV/AIDS patients, the prevailing ideology is to keep the patient alive long enough for the virus to eventually run its course and die on its own. Of course, no one knows how long the HIV life cycle is, but it is possibly the reason that people who have been treated for 20+ years experience undetectable viral loads and "appear" to be cured. Some will have undetectable viral loads indefinitely, and it is thought that the virus has run its course completely. We don't really know at this point. Virus's are very interesting organisms.

  16. #16
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    I get them on my lips but luckily have never had one go down the optic nerve. Whenever I start to get one I just take a valtrex and it's gone the next day. A few years ago when my gf went to the dr for a check up the nurse walked in and told her she had herpes. After my gf was freaking out for a few minutes the dr walks in and said his nurse mis read it and it was just the oral form lol. There's a large market for different cold sore ointments. So I doubt there in a big hurry for a cure since the virus is not life threatening. Some of those ointments are ridiculously expensive.

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post

    Tea tree oil, olive oil, whatever oils, are all home remedies with undocumented efficacy. If those things attenuated the symptoms of the virus to the degree that they claim, some pharmaceutical company or other would have developed it further whether it was patentable or not and it would be well known among doctors and the people suffering from the illness.

    I dont necessarily agree with that. Where is the profit in a CURE? Pharmaceutical companies get rich by return customers, not one time only.

    It may be medically undocumented but I have reason to believe it's true due to a re accruing cold sore I use to get but after trying the Oil of Oregano I have not had it return in over 4 years.

  18. #18
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I don't necessarily agree with that. Where is the profit in a CURE? Pharmaceutical companies get rich by return customers, not one time only.

    It may be medically undocumented but I have reason to believe it's true due to a re accruing cold sore I use to get but after trying the Oil of Oregano I have not had it return in over 4 years.
    +2 i agree 100%...Pharmaceutical companies are there to make money not cure people... they make more money keeping people on medication then curing them......thats more profitable curing people of Aids of keeping them on medication till they die... also ever notice how all the people who have the money seem to get cured from aids....amazing

  19. #19
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Rub robitussin on it, fixes everything.

  20. #20
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Rub robitussin on it, fixes everything.
    Even if it doesnt fix it, it makes it feel good and taste better.

  21. #21
    mattyx1000 is offline New Member
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    Your not going to get it bro

    Unless she gets type 1 outbreaks down there then your fine. I have genital herpes and got it from my girl who banged some guy for a month while we broke up. I was also wearing a rubber!! She thought she had razor burn but noooooo i got the herp after about 120 girls. Wasnt a question of if but when. Im going on 1 year with it. I get an outbreak every 3 months and its 2 -3 tiny blisters in my pubic region that takes 3-4 days to heal. Anyway been on valtrex (500mg) and 2 other natural supplements from the herpes and cold sore website everyday and been good for the last 4 months. After getting it a year ago Ive been with about 12 girls and I keep in touch with all of them. So far I havent given it to anyone(that I know of). The thing that sucks is theres like 1 day out of the month where you can shed the virus and pass it! 70 percent of people have herpes type 1 (lips) but only 20 percent break out. Every person you see with a coldsore on there lip has herpes. Coldsore is just a better word for herpes. 20% of people have herpes type 2 but only 20 percent get outbreaks. So out of 100 people 20 have it and only 2 experience outbreaks!! Crazy. Anyways, yes it sucks to have but you get used to it and the only thing you have to really worry about is the MONSTER(HIV) wear your rubbers and dont ****in hit girls commando style. Get the girl your hanging with tested if you want to go bareback. Im a man whore and always knew I would catch something like herpes. Part of the game I choose.

  22. #22
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    I read the whole original post and then started reading replies and was like holy shit when did I reply to this thread lol. Then I realized it was a few months old.

  23. #23
    Regular guy is offline Junior Member
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    I really don't think it matters herpes I or herpes II as you can get either form on either part. New lovers can word things in all kind of ways that make it sound any other way than it is. Exwife left me with "the gift that keeps giving" usually get the sore after prolonged sun exposure to my lips same place everytime. It funny that even though I work in a feild that every one has my same base knowledge or higher. I can still say its "sun poisoning" and someone will beleive it.

  24. #24
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    An insane amount/percentage of people have hpv and herpes it would blow most peoples minds if they knew the real statistics. Personal policy is to always wrap it up and only go down on a girl if I know her well enough to believe shes clean of anything.

  25. #25
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Im sure 4 months later he has already found out what might happen

  26. #26
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    RE:Herpes Transmission Question

    I had a dynaflow transmission once and spread it to the next buyer.

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