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  1. #1
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Too Much Paranoia. If You're Paranoid, Read This!

    I do not support the use or transportation of any controlled substance.

    All I have been seeing over the last little while is a bunch of paranoid people online. Despite what you may think or believe you know, you might be wrong.

    Lets start off with this one.

    The Police/DEA/FBI/Customs are NOT going to track you down over a couple hundred dollars worth of gear. Now, in a perfect world I could leave it at that but we do not live in a perfect world. I know how many assholes are out there that just have a hard-on for contradicting anyone that they can.... SO I will into further explanation.

    This only goes for you everyday "John Q" who has not had run-ins with the law or a former criminal record for any sort of crime especially possession of a controlled substance. If you happen to fall into this category, I would recommend thinking twice about ordering gear anywhere where it needs to be shipped. I would only pick up in person from a trusted source.

    Now, for all you other guys who have never had problems with the law, you work a normal job, married, 1.8 kids or whatever. You will not have a problem. Worst case scenario... you order gear, customs or some form a legal official discovers it.... they seize it! Contrary to popular belief they do not form a task force equipped with 50 men and wire taps to bust your ass for 10 vials of gear. If you could only fathom how much "contraband" gets seized everyday, you would realize they don't have the time, money or man power to chase any of you.

    Think of it this way.... if they did have the time, do you think they would form a task force and go after you, the little guy who is using it for personal gain, who obviously has no personal connection or affiliation with the source because its being shipped from Europe to the USA..... or...... Do you think they would put their efforts into stopping where it is coming from??? I am going to let common sense prevail on this one.

    When I was a younger man I worked as a manager for an "unnamed" major shipping company. The police use to bring a special unit in twice a week with drug sniffing dogs with the hopes to find massive quantities of illegal drugs. Guess what they found..... drugs, and lots of them! You know what they did with most of them.... confiscated them and that was it. Do you want to know why...... because most of them were under a set limit that they had decided they would not chase, due to a waste of time, money and man power. They only went after the big loads.... and trust me it needed to be rather sizeable for them to pursue. If for some reason they found gear.... which they never did, they would have laughed at 10 vials. What would have happened though is; They use to love to pull the drugs out of the box and keep the box intact as much as they could. They would then put their business card in the box and we would continue on shipping it like nothing happened. So as you can imagine when the receiver opened the box and found a police business card in there instead of his drugs..... he started going into panic mode.

    This brings me to my next point....

    There also has been some recent threads about people having run ins with Police/Federal agents..... Let me tell you something.... Police love to fuk with you, as you noticed above. They may see a report come across their desk about some seized gear or something.... because there is always a report regardless if they pursue or not. Anyways, they may see it and realize how close you are to the station or to a location they are going to later in the day, and decide to stop by just to get your heart going a little bit. I hope one day I can stop repeating this..... THEY ARE NOT GOING TO ARREST YOU OVER A SMALL AMOUNT OF GEAR! Well, not unless you make it very easy for them and minimize their cost for arrest and prosecution. Again I will go into further detail for all you confrontational MOFO's out there who don't understand this. Unless you walk into a police station with your box of gear that just came in via USPS open the box on the counter and say look what I just got away with..... I ordered a controlled substance into the country. Then you proceed to pull a needle out, draw from the vial then stick your left ass cheek..... in this case, I would recommend you not only get a lawyer but go see a mental health doctor.

    As for the instance where the police come to your door to fuk with you... I am not a lawyer and will not give legal advice regarding this.... All I know is, I have been around cops my whole life. My family has a very large "legal" tradition that I choose not to follow... (No Money in it) If you act like you have something to hide.... you do have something to hide and they will rip your life apart to find it. If you act normal and don't freak out and start asking for a lawyer the minute you see a cop.... life will be easy and you won't start getting a lot more moving/parking violations every second day. You must remember.... cops are human too and they hate criminals and they will make shit personal, if you make it personal, trust me.... I've been watching it for 26 years with my own eyes.

    In closing, we now understand that despite the fact that their is a risk when ordering gear that requires to be shipped to you, it is highly, highly, highly unlikely that you will ever get arrested for it. Unless you already have a criminal record, you should be fine.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this... I will not be engaging in any debates regarding any form of rebuttal from users who think they know it all.... if you know it all, start your own thread, like I did..... don't choke mine up!

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    I dont know whats worse... you writing a novel or me actually reading most of it...

    paranoia is good...

    mara-jew-ana is bad... m'kay

  3. #3
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    I dont know whats worse... you writing a novel or me actually reading most of it...

    paranoia is good...

    mara-jew-ana is bad... m'kay

    Ok, I should make this clear... I am a paranoid fuk.... trust me... but I am not stupid..... I didn't want to title this thread.... Too Many Stupid People.... If you're Stupid, Read this...

    Don't think that would have gone over too well

  4. #4
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Paranoia will destroya.....good song for this thread.

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Paranoia will destroya.....good song for this thread.
    Or Paranoid by Sabbath

  6. #6
    cobra305's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Unless you walk into a police station with your box of gear that just came in via USPS open the box on the counter and say look what I just got away with..... I ordered a controlled substance into the country. Then you proceed to pull a needle out, draw from the vial then stick your left ass cheek..... in this case, I would recommend you not only get a lawyer but go see a mental health doctor.

    So if I inject in lets say my right ass cheek I would be okay?

  7. #7
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Well yes because that would make you "All Right" now.

  8. #8
    Hazard's Avatar
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    I think i'll just stick to pinning my ass cheek at home

    Idunno bout where you guys live but if the cops in my stupid ass town caught me with 1ml left in my vial of test.... they'd throw me in county lockup if they could.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I think i'll just stick to pinning my ass cheek at home

    Idunno bout where you guys live but if the cops in my stupid ass town caught me with 1ml left in my vial of test.... they'd throw me in county lockup if they could.

    Dam Haz, I see your reputation really does precede you everywhere you go! It's like that movie "I saw what you did and I know who you are."
    Last edited by Shol'va; 07-18-2010 at 02:22 PM.

  10. #10
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Thanks for this Bertuzzi. I read every word really thinking about it and I agree with you 100%.

  11. #11
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Thanks for this Bertuzzi. I read every word really thinking about it and I agree with you 100%.
    Thank you for taking the time to read it.

  12. #12
    deuce24 is offline New Member
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    so if you have a record (not for a controlled substance) it is possible they would follow up?

  13. #13
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I think i'll just stick to pinning my ass cheek at home

    Idunno bout where you guys live but if the cops in my stupid ass town caught me with 1ml left in my vial of test.... they'd throw me in county lockup if they could.

    wow, they better not come by my place then....

  14. #14
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    I agree with this novel.

  15. #15
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    I agree with this novel.
    Thank you... I know it is a bit long but this shit has been bothering me for a while.... It built up to this explosion...

  16. #16
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Now I know for sure you're a cop

  17. #17
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    A medium sized source was busted 2 weeks ago. LE retrieved his customer records, and many of his customers have been getting visits for up to last week. Postal inspectors and DEA agents have been visiting all of his customers who they retrieved information on. Most of the questions were pertaining to questions about the source, I believe they were trying to strengthen their case against the source. I agree with you, that so long as you do not make any incriminating statements, then you are ok.

    However, with that being said, there are plenty of cases documented where customs/postal inspectors have done controlled deliveries and arrested bro's for recieving what we would consider "personal use" amounts. 10 vials isn't shit to us, but to a law enforcement officer who doesn't know anything about anabolics, that may seem substantial to them. Following operation raw deal, they had something in the neighborhood of 1,500+ names, addresses, and other personal information from customers of various labs. They indicated that for the 'first time', they may start arresting end users just to make an example.

    I agree with the overall point of your message, but paranoia is a GOOD thing, and I really dont even like to call it paranoia, just being extremely CAUTIOUS.

  18. #18
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Good point, well said

  19. #19
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I didnt read past the first sentence. LOL

    Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.

  20. #20
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I didnt read past the first sentence. LOL

    Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.
    The first sentence.... thats it??

  21. #21
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    The first sentence.... thats it??
    we nots the most intelligent of peoples.. words without pictures are difficult and make our heads hurt.

  22. #22
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    we nots the most intelligent of peoples.. words without pictures are difficult and make our heads hurt.
    Well, you gotta get much betterly gooderness on tha reading of the words to make head the not hurt much so.

  23. #23
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Well, you gotta get much betterly gooderness on tha reading of the words to make head the not hurt much so.
    I tries, I swears... but the bigger words (more than 6 letters) I have to keep running through the onlines internet dictionary converter thingy to learns what they mean and thats a lot more words.

  24. #24
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    I tries, I swears... but the bigger words (more than 6 letters) I have to keep running through the onlines internet dictionary converter thingy to learns what they mean and thats a lot more words.
    I think its called a thesaurus.... Not sure though

  25. #25
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    thesaurus? metinks thats a dinosaur bro...

  26. #26
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    thesaurus is for looking for alternate words... dictionary gives meanings... ever try either of them smartass?

  27. #27
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    thesaurus? metinks thats a dinosaur bro...
    You may be right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    thesaurus is for looking for alternate words... dictionary gives meanings... ever try either of them smartass?
    I know you're not talking to me like that

  28. #28
    The.Student is offline Junior Member
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    I read your post Bertuzzi and I agree with you, though us Canadians probably have a little less pressure on us due to the fact that anabolic steroids are marked Schedule IV substances rather than Schedule III.

    In my case one of my orders got seized, it got reshipped (same address) and this one made it, then I got my seizure letter 6 weeks later, I laughed, threw it away and went on with my day. Sometimes I enjoy being Canadian!

  29. #29
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The.Student View Post
    I read your post Bertuzzi and I agree with you, though us Canadians probably have a little less pressure on us due to the fact that anabolic steroids are marked Schedule IV substances rather than Schedule III.

    In my case one of my orders got seized, it got reshipped (same address) and this one made it, then I got my seizure letter 6 weeks later, I laughed, threw it away and went on with my day. Sometimes I enjoy being Canadian!
    I had an order siezed too, with no letter but have had success many times

  30. #30
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The.Student View Post
    I read your post Bertuzzi and I agree with you, though us Canadians probably have a little less pressure on us due to the fact that anabolic steroids are marked Schedule IV substances rather than Schedule III.

    In my case one of my orders got seized, it got reshipped (same address) and this one made it, then I got my seizure letter 6 weeks later, I laughed, threw it away and went on with my day. Sometimes I enjoy being Canadian!
    where abouts in Kanata you at?

  31. #31
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    where abouts in Kanata you at?
    I literally laughed out loud in my office at that shit!

  32. #32
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    with the olympic games being held here this year, getting shit into the country has been a royal pain... had 2 of 2 orders pinched. I think Bert stole'em

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    with the olympic games being held here this year, getting shit into the country has been a royal pain... had 2 of 2 orders pinched. I think Bert stole'em
    Shit.... you caught on.... you're smarter then you look

  34. #34
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    I literally laughed out loud in my office at that shit!
    wow, really slow day huh?

  35. #35
    The.Student is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    where abouts in Kanata you at?
    Windsor, Ontario.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by The.Student View Post
    Windsor, Ontario.
    Oh... you're far.... I'm in Edmonton.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by The.Student View Post
    Windsor, Ontario.
    I may be down in TO and kitchener later next month, meeting a couple boards members

  38. #38
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    That's right.... I just bumped my own thread.... It's ok to do that sometimes

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