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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    I wish I could wake up one day and not think about all my problems, and analyze everything to the brink of insanity. This has been going on a lot longer than the month we have been apart. I spent the last 3-4 months analyzing everything, checking fb, checking phone calls etc. It's a slow miserable killer for sure.
    want my advise again?

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    want my advise again?
    No bro, I have received a lot of advice from everywhere. It's something I am going to have to figure out how to do. My pride has been snapped dude, I have to find a way to rebuild it.

  3. #43
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    Only felt bad about one breakup and that was when I was too young to realise it wasent worth it.

  4. #44
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    Yeah no doubt. I just went back and read the advice given to me in my thread I posted. I don't know what it is about her, but she knows how to push my buttons. I have to not allow it anymore.

    Like yesterday she found a site I posted on, our whole story, about our past, her ex's past, our sex life, our sex problems. She found it humorous that people noticed I got hung on the sex, and she was making fun of me for it. Truth is like I told her, it wasn't a comparison of who was better than who for what she did. If he was so great, she would have ran back to him yrs ago after they were seeing each other. She was unhappy for whatever reason and wanted out. My sex rep is solid, and the bitch can say what she wants now, she can ridicule me, whatever. She knows good and damn well, even when she HATED me, she said I was fvcking great in bed, the best actually is what she said. She has told me even when she had no feelings for me, that she enjoyed sex.I got videos if it mattered that much.

    But let her run around saying what she wants. Everyone knows she's a whore, and I refuse to let her lies break me. She got where she is today because of my hard work and sacrifice. She may not appreciate it, but one day my good deeds will be rewarded. I am done talking about this girl.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    . I am done talking about this girl.
    still waiting for pics...

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Thank god i'm pretty..... anytime i've gone through a break up..... i just go out and pull some tail

    Well yes lol of course thats the plan but it usually takes about 4 or 5 for me to get over a girl I really cared about like in my opening post. That and a ton of booze...

    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I counter act by wearing Medium size t shirts when I go out, at 250lbs....It's the same idea and works like a fvcking charm.
    This made me and my girl laugh out loud when I read it to her last night.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond*K View Post
    women dont like guys like that.. we dont make you like that...we dont expect guys to b like that ( in most cases)......

    an d i always get used and tossed....
    Maybe this is happening because you aren't expecting real manly behavior from men so you are going for the douche bags? I mean, you just got done saying how women don't like dudes who act like men (basically although you simplified it and put it in the worst light possible) and then you say you get used and tossed. My lifting partner (a chick) always talks about how theres these pu$$y little crier guys (literally cry in front of a chick), ex. Jesse James, are just little scared bitches inside trying to look tough. Real men identify their emotional issues, deal with them (by themselves most times), and move on. Its the criers that stuff the issues deep down inside and then let it all out in this very unattractive cryfest (If I'm crying it isnt cause I had a bad day at work like weenie boys. Its cause I'm literally heartbroken and it only happens about once every 3 or 4 years, and definately not in front of anyone). Maybe you are dating to many criers and not enough real men? I dunno. You should talk to my lifting partner tho. I'm tryin to get her on here..

    One more thought for you Diamond (aside from thats retarded that a hot chick isn't getting laid more than that, you really do need to talk to my lifting partner, shes hot and has had sex like 10 times this year too. so weird)...

    Chicks are supposed to be the one that gets pursued. Its human nature. So if you like a guy, make him pursue you! Don't get all mushy like girls love to do and confess your love for him right off the bat. Make him wonder and chase! And for Gods sakes, if you really like a guy, don't f@&k him right away! Half the time I meet a chick I like she nails me the first night and I lose interest. Its in dudes brains, you show you like em too fast and the pursuit is too easy and they move on. Just my thoughts..
    Last edited by Neevor; 08-20-2010 at 11:15 AM.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    still waiting for pics...
    Not needed. I don't even care to look at them. Trust me, looks is all she has going for her. Besides her career thanks to me.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    Not needed. I don't even care to look at them. Trust me, looks is all she has going for her. Besides her career thanks to me.
    post a pic and edit Hitler in for her face

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    Not needed. I don't even care to look at them. Trust me, looks is all she has going for her. Besides her career thanks to me.
    just kidding mang, Im sure she's hot, but I could (or couldnt Siggy) care less about some girl Im never going to meet. Just buggin ya

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    I realized this was an interesting topic to me after basically posting this exact comment 200 responses deep in another thread. So in the last month or two I've seen a few break up threads (Stig's and D3m3nt3d's are the two I come up with off the top of my head) and wanted to see if my view on this was wide spread or just me or what...

    I think break ups are much harder for men than women and here’s why..

    Women have all these friends (because women are social creatures by nature) and its also socially acceptable for them to show weakness. In most dudes cases (at least in mine and most alpha males I know), we don't have a lot of friends we can open up to and your best friend, typically, is your woman. I mean, if something bad happens to me I tell my gf about it while we are layin in bed that night (sometimes she’s the only one who knows me well enough to say, "What’s bothering you hon? You seemed sad today/tonight"). I guess I could tell my brother or dad but they'd tell me to stop being a pus and have a beer. Other than that I could tell my mom but I'm not gonna worry my mom about anything. So my gf is really the only one I have to talk to about stuff like that. So when we break up, she’s the only one I could have talked to about the break up and she’s gone.

    So when I see guys on here hurting from that kind of a loss it hits me where I live cause very likely the reason they are posting about it on here is because they don't have anyone else to talk to about it. The one person they would have talked to about their loss IS their loss.

    Ok im not gonna read past the first post on this thread cause im lazy.. maybe later.

    If you're really alpha male in my opinion you have a lot of friends and a lot of women in your life. Or it could be just 1 woman or a few but they are top notch. Same with your guy friends.

    I hung out with this semi pro bber the other day. Every other mouth he tried to tell you he is alpha male. He's one of the most insecure people i've ever met in my life. He has no friends and his girl is mediocre. Ive seen his type so many times. You see this guy in the gym, he's big as ****, has the worst attitude, worst ego problems of anyone youve ever seen, but its not even the good ego where you have some humility sprinkled in there. Its that guy who has nothing else in his life but to futilely cling to a belief that he's an alpha male when he's anything but.

    My workout buddy is a true alpha male. He is one of the best looking men ive ever met. He is one of the hardest working men ive ever met. He will tell a bitch straight up to her face I wanna be with you but if you are gonna **** around im gonna **** all your friends. He doesn't use his friends, he does things for them and they do things for him. He has real goals. He wants things out of life. When he calls you up on his phone, its because he enjoys talking to you and hanging with you, not because he needs something. People are attracted to him very strongly.

    That is how I identify the alpha male.

    Its been my experience lately that the people who tell others they are the alpha male are anything but. Like I said I only read the first post, and I am not talking about you OP when Im typing this because I don't even know you dude.

  11. #51
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    to B3m3nt3d:
    Please try to get clear in your heart and your head if you are actually "trying to win" or are actually deeply "heartbroken" at this point. Both can happen. But after awhile one starts to outweigh the other since the scale starts to tip in one direction. The heart and mind can be tricky. I too have had to ask myself this before: am I trying to win or trying to love? This is a hard reality check question to face. You must really dig deep to find the real truth as to why you are even thinking of her at all. And if you find it is because it is about "winning" as opposed to getting her back and "loving" her, then things will start looking up again for you---I promise. my2 cents!

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    to B3m3nt3d:
    Please try to get clear in your heart and your head if you are actually "trying to win" or are actually deeply "heartbroken" at this point. Both can happen. But after awhile one starts to outweigh the other since the scale starts to tip in one direction. The heart and mind can be tricky. I too have had to ask myself this before: am I trying to win or trying to love? This is a hard reality check question to face. You must really dig deep to find the real truth as to why you are even thinking of her at all. And if you find it is because it is about "winning" as opposed to getting her back and "loving" her, then things will start looking up again for you---I promise. my2 cents!
    Thank you Slimmer. To answer your question, despite what she has done to me she is my wife, and the mother of my child. I love her to the end and back, and I WISH I could change that, but I can not. Do I want to love her? Not really. But, it's what's in my heart. I do not think we should get back together, this is the 2nd time she has done me wrong. The first time she still in a round-a-bout way denies that anything has happened. I do not believe that, during the relationship maybe not, during the split i know it did. Point being, what she did both times was total disrespect. It wasn't so much that I thought she had changed in a month apart. I knew she did things to get to me, it's because she had me feeling like I was the one with all the problems the first go around. I had some yes, but what was my worst fear, came true when we did breakup. Call it gut instinct.

    So, I guess it's best to just let the love die. She doesn't want me, I don't NEED her, but that's not saying I do not want her. She has proven not to love me, but yet she still continues to hit up my facebook everyday and concern herself with my life. Last night alone we talked from 6:30 until 11 between texts and calls...and she called me first thing and we spoke until she got to work. This is not healthy for me at all.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper;5322***
    Ok im not gonna read past the first post on this thread cause im lazy.. maybe later.

    If you're really alpha male in my opinion you have a lot of friends and a lot of women in your life. Or it could be just 1 woman or a few but they are top notch. Same with your guy friends.

    I hung out with this semi pro bber the other day. Every other mouth he tried to tell you he is alpha male. He's one of the most insecure people i've ever met in my life. He has no friends and his girl is mediocre. Ive seen his type so many times. You see this guy in the gym, he's big as ****, has the worst attitude, worst ego problems of anyone youve ever seen, but its not even the good ego where you have some humility sprinkled in there. Its that guy who has nothing else in his life but to futilely cling to a belief that he's an alpha male when he's anything but.

    My workout buddy is a true alpha male. He is one of the best looking men ive ever met. He is one of the hardest working men ive ever met. He will tell a bitch straight up to her face I wanna be with you but if you are gonna **** around im gonna **** all your friends. He doesn't use his friends, he does things for them and they do things for him. He has real goals. He wants things out of life. When he calls you up on his phone, its because he enjoys talking to you and hanging with you, not because he needs something. People are attracted to him very strongly.

    That is how I identify the alpha male.

    Its been my experience lately that the people who tell others they are the alpha male are anything but. Like I said I only read the first post, and I am not talking about you OP when Im typing this because I don't even know you dude.
    Lol, yes I heard about your BB friend and how disillusioned you are with your life right now because you realized that isnt what you want out of life and hes a dip shit. I agree. He is a dipshit. I also agree with your assesment that Alpha Males take care of their freinds, are responsible but I disagree that Alphas need to be the leader of the pack all the time. Most alpha males I know have very few close friends but many aquaintences.

    I think your BB friend has just jaded your view on the phrase "alpha male" cause hes just a f$ckin idiot who likes to say he is.

  14. #54
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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    Lol, yes I heard about your BB friend and how disillusioned you are with your life right now because you realized that isnt what you want out of life and hes a dip shit. I agree. He is a dipshit. I also agree with your assesment that Alpha Males take care of their freinds, are responsible but I disagree that Alphas need to be the leader of the pack all the time. Most alpha males I know have very few close friends but many aquaintences.

    I think your BB friend has just jaded your view on the phrase "alpha male" cause hes just a f$ckin idiot who likes to say he is.
    Thanks for being polite some people would have been taken what I said the wrong way.

    And yeah he is a ****in idiot. I hope that cock sucker never calls me again in all honesty.

    The girl Im going to a party with tonight, I spit game at her hard, and I told her with sincerity that I didn't want to play games with her, and that I would cancel my date with (19 year old girl who blew me off twice then tried to get back with me when she saw me hitting on another girl girl), and I meant it.

    Like to me, and I need to leave this alone because im messing around in your thread too much, to me the guy who isn't really an alpha male ****s the 19 year old then tries to **** the 9 at the party, but a real man says that the 19 year old is an 8 and less ladylike than the party girl so why not go to this bomb ass party and bang a 9 and forget the 8 and be able to look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow. But yeah I only judge myself when I can im not supposed to judge others.. I know some people on here are great with women and can pull them over and over and are nice people as well so there are all types out there. My workout buddy has been with over a 100 women and is a good man I can honestly say.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Thanks for being polite some people would have been taken what I said the wrong way.

    And yeah he is a ****in idiot. I hope that cock sucker never calls me again in all honesty.

    The girl Im going to a party with tonight, I spit game at her hard, and I told her with sincerity that I didn't want to play games with her, and that I would cancel my date with (19 year old girl who blew me off twice then tried to get back with me when she saw me hitting on another girl girl), and I meant it.

    Like to me, and I need to leave this alone because im messing around in your thread too much, to me the guy who isn't really an alpha male ****s the 19 year old then tries to **** the 9 at the party, but a real man says that the 19 year old is an 8 and less ladylike than the party girl so why not go to this bomb ass party and bang a 9 and forget the 8 and be able to look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow. But yeah I only judge myself when I can im not supposed to judge others.. I know some people on here are great with women and can pull them over and over and are nice people as well so there are all types out there. My workout buddy has been with over a 100 women and is a good man I can honestly say.
    No worries about chattin up the thread, thats what its for! Fun thing about these is who knows where they are gonna go when you start one...

    I think we are getting into the difference between an alpha male and an honerable man. I also think I may need to rescind my previous assertion that alphas always take care of their friends. In any case, I want to point out here that the kind of guy who would hump both the chicks at the party and the 19 yo is only borderline dishonest (maybe) and that doesnt mean he isnt still an alpha personality. I certainly have nailed several chicks in one night before (not in the same room, lol, although other times in the same room ha) and I dont think those types of decisions define your personality as alpha or not. They describe it as sluty or not or usery or not but not alpha.

    In conclusion, after some thought, I think its possible (and actually just as often as not the case) for both types of people who you are talking about (your bb friend and training partner) to be alphas. One is just a dipshit and the other isnt.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    to B3m3nt3d:
    Please try to get clear in your heart and your head if you are actually "trying to win" or are actually deeply "heartbroken" at this point. Both can happen. But after awhile one starts to outweigh the other since the scale starts to tip in one direction. The heart and mind can be tricky. I too have had to ask myself this before: am I trying to win or trying to love? This is a hard reality check question to face. You must really dig deep to find the real truth as to why you are even thinking of her at all. And if you find it is because it is about "winning" as opposed to getting her back and "loving" her, then things will start looking up again for you---I promise. my2 cents!
    Wow, awesome advice Slim! I really like that you post in the forum so often. Nice to have a lady or two around. I keep tryin to talk my lifting partner into gettin in here too but so far no luck.

    BTW, my gf LOVES your avy. Every time she sees it she goes "awww! Theres the cute puppy girl!" lol her neighbor has a really cute boston terrier so that influences her too im sure

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by neevor View Post
    wow, awesome advice slim! I really like that you post in the forum so often. Nice to have a lady or two around. I keep tryin to talk my lifting partner into gettin in here too but so far no luck.

    Btw, my gf loves your avy. Every time she sees it she goes "awww! Theres the cute puppy girl!" lol her neighbor has a really cute boston terrier so that influences her too im sure
    thanks to you both!!!!

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