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  1. #41
    SuperBird's Avatar
    SuperBird is offline Associate Member
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    1. put dogshit (preferrably your own) under his door handle.
    2. fill his locks with superglue.
    3. rub vaseline all over his windshield.
    4. fill his tires with stop leak so it hardens to one side while it sits all night.
    5. switch his license plate with one from the ghetto.

    and then leave a note on his door that says..... NOW you have a reason to throw a table at me.

  2. #42
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Woulda been great if he threw the wallet into the truck and you guys kept going LOL

    That was my though. LOL

    I know the type. I had a loud hot rod car and people always though I was speeding even when i wasnt.

    Not long ago.... OK I guess it was a few years now. 11 or 12 I was walking with my daughter as she was learning to ride her bike with training wheels in our neighborhood. Small one way narrow roads with lots of houses, very family oriented (lots of kids) and even speed bumps on the roads. 15 mph. A car cam around the corner burning out (stupid kid) and my daughter was about 20 ft in front of me. She (smart kid) bolted for the ditch. I just stood there, the kid stopped. He was smart and apologized to the point of almost crying. LOL I didnt even hardy say anything to him.

    Yeah the guy over reacted and you are probably right; his wife made a bigger deal out of it than it was.

    You could have just called 911 and reported some wacko throwing a table at your car and when he tried to tell the story call BS and say you where going the speed limit but surprised but the two stupid women walking in the middle of the street when it was dark with kids like as if they belonged there....

  3. #43
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You could have just called 911 and reported some wacko throwing a table at your car and when he tried to tell the story call BS and say you where going the speed limit but surprised but the two stupid women walking in the middle of the street when it was dark with kids like as if they belonged there....
    Yeah thats one move. I park outside and they haven't tried to track down my car in the neighborhood and f with me so I'm thinking they let it go. It really was dark in this section of the street though.. I didn't see them it was so dark. Nevermind that the street is littered with road kill which you would think would be an indicator to people that its not safe to be there at 9 pm at night.

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