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  1. #1
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    How out of shape do the trainers look at your gym?

    Ok just a quesiton for everyone. What do the trainers look like where you work out? I train clients at one gym and work out at another, I overheard a trainer talking about how he couldn't understand why he wasn't getting more clients as he sat with a McDonalds bag and a 1 liter bottle of coke with his gut hanging over his pants with a shirt that said in big letters accross the back "TRAINER" How is this suppose to inspire confidence from anyone? Sorry just me on a rant.

  2. #2
    kloter1's Avatar
    kloter1 is offline Southern Steel Bodybuilding
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    the old Golds Gym i went to for years was legendary. Batista (wwe) lifted there all the time.

    But the trainers all slung juice and shit on the side and were all cool. After that gym closed i went to la fitness. Eh nothing impressive just normal in shape guys/girls. I never really paid attention..

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    Yeah a couple of those out of shape trainers i know for a fact are slingin. Probably the only way they can pay the bills. haha

  4. #4
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    There is only one trainer at my gym. He is a competitive bodybuilder. As a matter of fact, we have a secret rivalry going on, like unspoken competition over who is better. We are competing against each other in March. Guess we will find out who is better, lol.

  5. #5
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    it is hit and miss.. but a couple of the guys at my gym are competitive and are seriously fit.. and a few are just out of shape douche bags..

  6. #6
    kloter1's Avatar
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    i really dont understand how some fat guy is going being a trainer. I mean i wouldnt dare be a trainer without looking top notch, you gotta represent yourself & know what the hell you are doing. Potential clients, atleast i would, should take appearance into consideration.

  7. #7
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    The trainers at my gym are all competitors in either powerlifting or bodybuilding except the owner who is now retired from competing. But my previous memberships have all had pretty "in shape" trainers. Not bodybuilders or PL's but not out of shape either.

  8. #8
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    i never listen to any trainers who are smaller then me... most pt's ive seen are their own worlds most knowledgable fitness expert in the world, and have no idea what they're talking about half the time.

  9. #9
    stack_it's Avatar
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    At the golds I lift at it's all skinny little dudes who honestly don't look like they've ever lifted. They talk more then they train. I've seen em have there clients take over 5 minute breaks in-between sets because they're talking about some movie or other dumbshit.

  10. #10
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    At the golds I lift at it's all skinny little dudes who honestly don't look like they've ever lifted. They talk more then they train. I've seen em have there clients take over 5 minute breaks in-between sets because they're talking about some movie or other dumbshit.
    i wanna see a Girl PT who is over weight...hmmmm fatties

  11. #11
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    At the golds I lift at it's all skinny little dudes who honestly don't look like they've ever lifted. They talk more then they train. I've seen em have there clients take over 5 minute breaks in-between sets because they're talking about some movie or other dumbshit.
    That's what it's like at the gym I'm at now.

    Either that, or the PTs have their clients run through this intense workout that serves no other purpose then to crush their clients CNS.

  12. #12
    LGM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    At the golds I lift at it's all skinny little dudes who honestly don't look like they've ever lifted. They talk more then they train. I've seen em have there clients take over 5 minute breaks in-between sets because they're talking about some movie or other dumbshit.
    This. Once Golds and Worlds got bought out, they started to gear more towards the soccer mom crowd. My golds sawed off the pegs on the leg press, so you can't put any more than 4 plates on each side. Suck.

    As for the trainers, there's a few ex-bodybuilders there that are good, but most now are the skinny fitness types who do cardio 8 hours a day.

  13. #13
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    My ballys is hardcore

  14. #14
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    they are either round or pear, those are shapes

  15. #15
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    That's what it's like at the gym I'm at now.

    Either that, or the PTs have their clients run through this intense workout that serves no other purpose then to crush their clients CNS.
    There's been so many times I've wanted to interrupt trainers and ask them what the hell they're doing or explain to the client they're wasting there money.

  16. #16
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LGM View Post
    This. Once Golds and Worlds got bought out, they started to gear more towards the soccer mom crowd. My golds sawed off the pegs on the leg press, so you can't put any more than 4 plates on each side. Suck.

    As for the trainers, there's a few ex-bodybuilders there that are good, but most now are the skinny fitness types who do cardio 8 hours a day.
    That's retarded. I would have canceled my membership the day they did that.

  17. #17
    Twist's Avatar
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    It's like a written somewhere that as soon as you take that gay ass NASM test you no longer can think for yourself or do real research. I am sad to say I am a trainer. I have never met a good trainer. No flexible thinkers.

    I was at Golds the other day and their prized trainer was giving his morbidly obese clients gatorade while they do cardio. I asked him why he was doing that and he said it was "because they burn so many calories that it doesn't even matter." The person I was talking about was walking at 2.5 mph with no incline... Doing cardio before her weight training... Drinking a gatorade...

  18. #18
    terraj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LGM View Post
    My golds sawed off the pegs on the leg press, so you can't put any more than 4 plates on each side. .
    Thats sacrilegious, in Golds of all places. Will they let you have 4 training partners sit on top?

    Surprisingly, Golds Tokyo is pretty geared towards BBs, trainers are all buffed.

  19. #19
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    It's like a written somewhere that as soon as you take that gay ass NASM test you no longer can think for yourself or do real research. I am sad to say I am a trainer. I have never met a good trainer. No flexible thinkers.

    I was at Golds the other day and their prized trainer was giving his morbidly obese clients gatorade while they do cardio. I asked him why he was doing that and he said it was "because they burn so many calories that it doesn't even matter." The person I was talking about was walking at 2.5 mph with no incline... Doing cardio before her weight training... Drinking a gatorade...
    You dont want to over do it

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