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  1. #1
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    This is really a weird situation and I'm kind of nervous about it...

    A few years back, me and the woman were on the outs, and were talking of seperating. I met this young lady just turned 26 at a gas station and we talked for an hour before she had to leave. We exchanged info and started a long distance friendship (we lived 5 hours apart). We became really close, and discovered we really fit together like a glove. I took a trip on the harley with some mates to visit her, and although I kept it in my pants, it really felt good and natural. A second trip a few months later, still managing to keep it in my pants, but I really got attached to her. We chatted non stop, until a year ago, she changed her mood (head trips about my woman and me leaving my daughter for her), and we kinda stopped talking. I get this text from her today, telling me she changed her tele#. One thing leads to another, and we've been talking since almost 9am this morning. That's been about 10 hours off and on. She also tells me she is moving up north (much closer to me) to live with her sister. As I'm walking this evening (cardio), she's telling me she's really glad we are talking again and that she will call me in the morning on my way to work. She knows about afghanistan, and yes, she had a BF and broke it off from him a week and a half ago.

    Here's the problem. I'm really attached to her. And I guess It doesn't help none by saying she has a really hot body and this really cute woman/child face and this squeaky little voice.... uh, well, you get the idea. She'll be 30 next month btw....

    Now I'm all mixed up emotionally, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest just thinking about her. I've wanted her for about three years or so, and now just when I get to a point I no longer think about her, she pops into my life.

    Not a question. Just saying I'm feeling kinda fukked up right now, and maybe what I need is to hear you mates beating some sense into me?

  2. #2
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Normally I would say the opposite of this but I'm feeling kind tonight lol.

    Delete her number and ignore any further contact.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Normally I would say the opposite of this but I'm feeling kind tonight lol.

    Delete her number and ignore any further contact.
    yes, that is unusually kind of you. hmmm. Well, I actually was expecting to hear what an asssho1e I am for even talking to this lady after me and my woman are doing so well. But for me, it's hard to turn my feelings on and off like a switch. This may be a moot point if this Kabul thing goes through...

  4. #4
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Normally I would say the opposite of this but I'm feeling kind tonight lol.

    Delete her number and ignore any further contact.
    what he said

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    for me, it's easier to give good advice than it is to receive it. I know what you mates are saying is what I should do. That is the rational thing to do. But emotionally I'm a basket case right now. Well, not that bad. But I'm probably not ready to make a good decision right now. I can't believe I'm saying this as I'm typing it. Maybe she won't call me tomorrow.

  6. #6
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    TimesRoman, for what it is worth, I have read so many comments here in the Lounge and one thing in particular has stood out amongst many many post: your high regard for your wife. Whenever I would read something you wrote about her, it warmed my heart. You stood up for marriage. You have shared your lust for her. You seemed to really like her.

    Listen to the guys above and toss out the other girl's number. Replacing what you have might not be as it seems to be.

  7. #7
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Hey man,

    I know how you feel... the best advice I can give you is to think about if it would be worth giving up your marriage to try things with this new girl, that you always wanted. Now... one thing that you need to ask yourself is... in case if it doesn't workout with the new girl and when you will end up all alone... will it be still worth a try? If you can honestly say to yourself that loosing your wife and possibly the other girl (in case if it didn't workout) is all worth it... then go for it.
    If you know that you will be kicking yourself in the ass later when you end up all alone...then don't do it, because you will end up even more emotionally messed up...and possibly begging for your wife to come back.

    Stay strong man.
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 12-13-2010 at 10:53 PM.

  8. #8
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Yeah TR listen to everyone above as you are one of the few who give us hope in long term relationships and I dont want to hear about another breakup, so quit thinking with the little head and listen to your brain. Besides, starting over at your age wouldn't be easy and she would get half of that money your going to make. Is it really worth losing all your stuff and possibly the loss of your testicles?

  9. #9
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Lust cannot replace love. (usually)

    However I know how you feel. And if you are married, nothing more needs to be said imo. But, if youre not.... things change and get even more complicated.

  10. #10
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    One more thing: If this girl knows you are married then she is not to be trusted.

  11. #11
    Standby's Avatar
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    sorry for posting in the other one

    but delete that shit bro after giving to me of coarse

  12. #12
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Hey bro, I hope you're justing posting this to write the whole situation down in writing and understand what you are saying and how this situation "could" play out...

    with that being said, throw that # away. Since you are already considering taking this to the next step, keeping this on a "just friends" level will not happen. Keeping her contact is conceding that you want her regardless of the circumstances.

    Let this be a temporary lapse in rational thinking and do the right thing

  13. #13
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimmerme View Post
    one more thing: If this girl knows you are married then she is not to be trusted.
    ^^^ bingo!!!

  14. #14
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    One more thing: If this girl knows you are married then she is not to be trusted.
    When we met this was an issue we talked about constantly. I was on the edge of a divorce, but because I was still married, I (we) decided to keep it in my pants. And we were just friends a while in the beginning. But after about six months, we began to realize that we were very compatible and really felt strongly about each other. This is going to sound very strange, but we got very very close even though we were so very far apart. And you really can fall for someone without the s3xual contact part. My buddies would tell me, or ask me, how I could know if we were compatible "that way".

  15. #15
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    When we met this was an issue we talked about constantly. I was on the edge of a divorce, but because I was still married, I (we) decided to keep it in my pants. And we were just friends a while in the beginning. But after about six months, we began to realize that we were very compatible and really felt strongly about each other. This is going to sound very strange, but we got very very close even though we were so very far apart. And you really can fall for someone without the s3xual contact part. My buddies would tell me, or ask me, how I could know if we were compatible "that way".
    She knows you are married now, doesn't she?

  16. #16
    Standby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    When we met this was an issue we talked about constantly. I was on the edge of a divorce, but because I was still married, I (we) decided to keep it in my pants. And we were just friends a while in the beginning. But after about six months, we began to realize that we were very compatible and really felt strongly about each other. This is going to sound very strange, but we got very very close even though we were so very far apart. And you really can fall for someone without the s3xual contact part. My buddies would tell me, or ask me, how I could know if we were compatible "that way".
    you only liked her because you never saw the b*tch come on TR you know she would get old fast dont be a dummy

  17. #17
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    TimesRoman, for what it is worth, I have read so many comments here in the Lounge and one thing in particular has stood out amongst many many post: your high regard for your wife. Whenever I would read something you wrote about her, it warmed my heart. You stood up for marriage. You have shared your lust for her. You seemed to really like her.

    Listen to the guys above and toss out the other girl's number. Replacing what you have might not be as it seems to be.
    Exactly why I said what I did. I think tr and ghetto are the only ones who still believe in marriage here lol.

  18. #18
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Tell her you're gay

  19. #19
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    She knows you are married now, doesn't she?
    she's always known, which is why we haven't done "it" after all these years

  20. #20
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Tell her you're gay
    This always works for me.

  21. #21
    Twist's Avatar
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    I'm not gonna parrot, and you didn't need to write this. You know what to do.

    She could be loose and she probably has the nastiest tits you have ever seen and herpes to match. In fact, I know this. She is also related to you.

  22. #22
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    You are entirely too invested in this girl. Waiting 3 years for anyone is a trap.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 12-14-2010 at 02:08 AM.

  23. #23
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I'm not gonna parrot, and you didn't need to write this. You know what to do.

    She could be loose and she probably has the nastiest tits you have ever seen and herpes to match. In fact, I know this. She is also related to you.
    sorry, already seen em. It was a beads thing. But thanks

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    You are entirely too invested in this girl. Waiting 3 years for anyone is a trap.
    wasn't waiting for her. This last year we haven['t talked much. She wanted me to come down and visit her for the weekend at her place last april. She really likes to ride, loves the lifestyle. I called it off.

  25. #25
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Don't be a pu ssy! Man up and hose her up the ass ASAP. Then go home and hose the wife up the ass .... same night!!

  26. #26
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    A few years back, me and the woman were on the outs, and were talking of seperating. I met this young lady just turned 26 at a gas station and we talked for an hour before she had to leave. We exchanged info and started a long distance friendship (we lived 5 hours apart). We became really close, and discovered we really fit together like a glove. I took a trip on the harley with some mates to visit her, and although I kept it in my pants, it really felt good and natural. A second trip a few months later, still managing to keep it in my pants, but I really got attached to her. We chatted non stop, until a year ago, she changed her mood (head trips about my woman and me leaving my daughter for her), and we kinda stopped talking. I get this text from her today, telling me she changed her tele#. One thing leads to another, and we've been talking since almost 9am this morning. That's been about 10 hours off and on. She also tells me she is moving up north (much closer to me) to live with her sister. As I'm walking this evening (cardio), she's telling me she's really glad we are talking again and that she will call me in the morning on my way to work. She knows about afghanistan, and yes, she had a BF and broke it off from him a week and a half ago.

    Here's the problem. I'm really attached to her. And I guess It doesn't help none by saying she has a really hot body and this really cute woman/child face and this squeaky little voice.... uh, well, you get the idea. She'll be 30 next month btw....

    Now I'm all mixed up emotionally, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest just thinking about her. I've wanted her for about three years or so, and now just when I get to a point I no longer think about her, she pops into my life.

    Not a question. Just saying I'm feeling kinda fukked up right now, and maybe what I need is to hear you mates beating some sense into me?
    ok do what stack told u and i will tell u the reason, she tried once to make u leave ur wife and kids and u stood ur ground. she will this time fvck u and then expect u to leave ur wife and kid...and u being a men ( the more woman i have the better i feel) u will fall for that

    just my 2 cents

    oh and you are an asshole for talking to he again
    Last edited by calgarian; 12-14-2010 at 10:12 AM.

  27. #27
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    oh and you are an asshole for talking to he again

  28. #28
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    She just broke it off her boyfriend a week and a half ago?

  29. #29
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    as the saying goes "The grass is greener on the other side till you find out its over the septic tank" I would think twice....

  30. #30
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Delete her number and ignore any further contact.
    My opinion: she contacted you because things ended with her boyfriend. She is still the girl that you stopped talking to for being crazy. She wanted you to leave your daughter? This girl is selfish.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    My opinion: she contacted you because things ended with her boyfriend. She is still the girl that you stopped talking to for being crazy. She wanted you to leave your daughter? This girl is selfish.
    Show me one who isn't!

  32. #32
    HitIt's Avatar
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    ask your wife what you should do..

  33. #33
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    She just broke it off her boyfriend a week and a half ago?
    here is she is going to tell him if he asks abt her ex
    "u left me so i endup with that loser cause i had to. But the way u make me feel special no one ever does. so i think if we can be friends again " really what she is saying that she has no one to fvck but u r the only loser she knows that will become "friends" with her and she want to try again to get u out of ur relationship...i know been there done that

    i still think u r an asshole for talking to her

  34. #34
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    MIDLFE CRISIS...........MIDLIFE CRISIS.........MIDLIFE CRISIS.........Yep sounds like you are going through manopause....This too shall pass.....just stay focused......end of transmission............

  35. #35
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    yup! i'm an assshole (sniff)
    there, i think some of these asss chewins may have helped me out.
    Thanks mates. If I ever need your help again, I'll just spread my legs like this, and you can have an easy straight shot right to my fukken nutts with the toe of your cowboy boot. And if you do it just right, I won't pass out completely from the pain when I crumple and hit the ground, allowing you to take a couple of kicks to the gut while I'm laying there, puking my gutts out.

    I think just thinking that just cleared my sinuses?

  36. #36
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Pics? Stats? Put up some pictures of her and some of your wife, and we can work from there.

  37. #37
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    So? did you talk to her on your way to work?

    that was the plan.......

  38. #38
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    wasn't waiting for her. This last year we haven['t talked much. She wanted me to come down and visit her for the weekend at her place last april. She really likes to ride, loves the lifestyle. I called it off.
    When you tell us you wanted her for 3 years and couldn't have her, that kinda implies you were. I'm not trying to debate with
    you but you made the right decision by calling it off.
    Waiting wasn't even the point, overinvestment was, and if you can't control those sorts of emotions people WILL use them against you.

  39. #39
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    Do what you feels best not what any of us guys think how you feel inside is normally the best option

  40. #40
    desizon is offline Associate Member
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    I know what I would probably do, and yes, it's wrong. Go down whatever path you chose; just remember, some can have consequences for you and your family.

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