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  1. #1
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    I hate thug gangbangers...

    Im a bouncer. Ive worked security for years. Ive done everything from prissy social meetings to rappers private parties where I was wearing a bullet proof vest. Nothing and no one intimidates me. Last night it was closing time and trying to round everyone up to leave and of course we have this 175lbs thug gangbanger telling me he'll leave when hes ready. LOL Really??? he proceded to talk AAAlll kinds of sh!t and blah blah blah. Dude... do I LOOK like the type that gets intimidated? Do you think YOU scare me? All that sh!t talking may work on your average polo-wearing white boy BUT THATS CLEARLY NOT ME!! lol!! He walked out talking the WHOOOOOLE way. Of course, he never touched me. AAAhhhh... a day in the life... lol

    Thought id share.

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    I think this very same guy came to my gym today after you scared him off. I kid you not, someone very much fitting that description, except this guy was MAYBE 155lbs was in Thugware and proceeded to stack 9 (yes 9!) plates on each side of the hack squat machine. He then proceeded to do several "sets" with MAYBE a 3 inch range of motion. Of course after each "set" he strutted around the gym so we could all witness his greatness. In 23 years of working out it was the most pathetic thing I have ever witnessed, and I have witnessed some pretty pathetic things!

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    I've worked the door at the same bar for 5 years and deal with little shits like this on a daily basis. I get everything from "Do you know who I am? I fight in the UFC" to straight up death threats. 99% of the time they just run their mouth because they know I am working and won't give them a beating unless they strike first (which they never do). When the see me on the street they don't say shit

  4. #4
    jbran23's Avatar
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    I AM a thug gangbanger. Break yo self Foo! You better watch who you talkin to fore I head to tha parkin lot and pop the trunk on yo bitch ass! Now What?!?

  5. #5
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Youre killing my threads Shol'va...

    Yea i deal with it all the time too but it NEVER ceases to amaze me. Sometimes I lose my temper and ive grabbed a few guys by the throat and chocked them till they passed out but im getting better at holding back. Bc youre right, they never touch me first.

  7. #7
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Does the bar make you carry insurance to protect them and you from lawsuits.

  8. #8
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    No. And yea, its a risk.

  9. #9
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Been working the door for four years. Your bar needs to put a dress code in place like we have. If you show up looking like a retard your not getting in. helps weed those toolsheds out.

  10. #10
    Twist's Avatar
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    I refuse to go to bars with less than a $20 cover charge and a dress code.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Been working the door for four years. Your bar needs to put a dress code in place like we have. If you show up looking like a retard your not getting in. helps weed those toolsheds out.
    We use a ID scanning system. If you F*ck up your ID gets flagged and you will be denied entry to all bars using the same system. Works North American wide.

  12. #12
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Been working the door for four years. Your bar needs to put a dress code in place like we have. If you show up looking like a retard your not getting in. helps weed those toolsheds out.
    yah, this seems to be the simplest way to do it... you wearing your get-up floerescent white track suit and your DKNY ball cap on backwards, you dont even get into the door. They should do the same with guys wearing Tap out/affliction etc MMA shirts... if you are really going to the club to have a good time then you dont need to look thug-life.

  13. #13
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeanMachine2000 View Post
    We use a ID scanning system. If you F*ck up your ID gets flagged and you will be denied entry to all bars using the same system. Works North American wide.
    This is the way most of the Canadian bars are run... if you have anything on your record, no admission

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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    yah, this seems to be the simplest way to do it... you wearing your get-up floerescent white track suit and your DKNY ball cap on backwards, you dont even get into the door. They should do the same with guys wearing Tap out/affliction etc MMA shirts... if you are really going to the club to have a good time then you dont need to look thug-life.
    Alot of bars in the City I live in do this.....I do on a case by case basis, you can usually tell the difference between who is legit and those that think by putting on a affliction/tapout shirt it makes them a better fighter. It is usually the latter of the 2 who act like douche bags and get in bar fights

  15. #15
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeanMachine2000 View Post
    Alot of bars in the City I live in do this.....I do on a case by case basis, you can usually tell the difference between who is legit and those that think by putting on a affliction/tapout shirt it makes them a better fighter. It is usually the latter of the 2 who act like douche bags and get in bar fights
    normally someone who actually trains/competes usually has the respect for themselves to not start shit as opposed to those who just watch the PPV's... then again you get those idiots like the one on TUF that got drunk near the finale a couple years ago and went through a bunch of hotels screaming "who wants a peice of this, Im a UFC fighter"...

    On top of MMA shirts in clubs, they should axe Ed Hardy gear as well.

  16. #16
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Meanmachine. I couldnt agree more.

    We have a dress code but his wasnt over the top. Stupid grill in his mouth but oh well. Wish he had that ID system.

  17. #17
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    Stupid grill in his mouth but oh well. Wish he had that ID system.
    that would be awesome... have a database of busted grills from previous trouble makers.

    You are a patient man, I helped work some pub crawls during the summer/fall of 2007 and that was enough for me. Got in shit for opening the back door of the bus with this kids face after he slapped 2 girls for turning his drunk ass down... and I looked like the idiot?

  18. #18
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    **** that, he deserved it then. And Im faaar more patient then I use to be. Like I said, sometimes I would lose it and Id just grab guys by the throat till they passed out.

  19. #19
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    **** that, he deserved it then. And Im faaar more patient then I use to be. Like I said, sometimes I would lose it and Id just grab guys by the throat till they passed out.
    What kind of guys are you just "grabbing by the throat till they pass out?" Because in my experience, unless the guys are either armless or they enjoy the asphyxiation, that's pretty difficult to accomplish.

  20. #20
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    I dunno what you mean man.... Im normally bigger then the guy talking sh!t, I can handle myself alot better than most, and almost always stonger thant he other guy. In all my years of bouncing ive very rarely ever had a guy my size, or even a good size guy cause problems. Its always the smaller wanna-be tough guys. I have 2 friends that are deep into MMA, one was the heavyweight champ of Rage in the Cage in Ohio and a black belt in Jits, and the other has his own fight team and is the head instructor for Muay Thai. So rolling between the 2 of them ive learned alot and do well on my own.

  21. #21
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    I have never been a bouncer and would never want the job.. For some reason every bouncer i have ever met always gets along with me.. i think it the whole big guys have an unspoken respect for eachother thing.. Anyways here is a funny story for you..

    I was at a bar in Dublin and this idiot guy with a red pony tail was talking all kinds of shit to the bouncer, who was about my size.. He was saying that his kids are bastards and that he is a half bred and needs to get out of his country (mind you the bouncer was Irish, unlike most around here) and carried on and on and would not leave.. so i walked up to the guy and said "nice pony tail" and head butted him in the face.. cracked his nose open and knocked him out flat on his back.. The bouncer escorted me to the front of the line and let me into the bar for free.. haha that stupid SOB needs to realize that the bouncers may not be able to hit him but everyone else can..

  22. #22
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    LOL yep! Funny story. And I think youre right about the big guys respect one another. Its always the small guys i gotta fight. lol

  23. #23
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    Nothing and no one intimidates me except D3m3nt3d

  24. #24
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    lol gotcha

  25. #25
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    if its on jersey shore its not gettin through the door

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    lol gotcha
    All good bro, this 6'1 185lb frame intimidates alot

  27. #27
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    Used to a cop many years ago in Chocolate Town (Washington, DC)

    Nothing like a .38 special barrel shoved up the nose of a groid to settle
    thing down!

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    I sold cars in the ghetto for 6 years. I've been stabbed, hit by a car, shot at, and guns stuck in my face. Last time a guy pulled a gun on me he was shaking like crazy and I just stared at him with a smirk til he put the gun up and walked away. It got to the point where customers said we were mafia because we would fight back and never back down lol. I guess there not used to a white guy in a bright polo not backing down lol. It was a family owned lot with a "customer always wrong" business plan.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post

    I've always wanted to bounce. Felt I had the right attitude and skills, just not the size to intimidate which IMO is an important part of it.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    I've always wanted to bounce. Felt I had the right attitude and skills, just not the size to intimidate which IMO is an important part of it.
    Same here bro. I went to a club at the beach one year, and the bouncers were all cool as hell towards me, I mean it was obvious I worked out, but was not near big enough to bounce.

    Everyone all the way to the fukkin cooks at that club were cock diesel...I remember when I walked in they were playing Ludacris' "Move Bitch"...and it was on the part that says "beat the shit outta security for stopping the fight"...and I was looking around thinking...I dont think anyones beatin the shit outta security tonight

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    Same here bro. I went to a club at the beach one year, and the bouncers were all cool as hell towards me, I mean it was obvious I worked out, but was not near big enough to bounce.

    Everyone all the way to the fukkin cooks at that club were cock diesel...I remember when I walked in they were playing Ludacris' "Move Bitch"...and it was on the part that says "beat the shit outta security for stopping the fight"...and I was looking around thinking...I dont think anyones beatin the shit outta security tonight
    Lmao, you know you're outta place with the fvckin cooks are jacked!

  33. #33
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    LOL most security are good guys. But there are still plenty out there who like being the dick power trip bouncer. Ive met plenty when I had a night off and decided to go out with friends and they talk down to me or act tough and I put them in their place real quick.

    And honestly Gbrice youre right, intimidation is alot of bouncing. People look around and see huge guys who look scary, they are more likely to not cause trouble.

  34. #34
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    i feel ya, i do it in dublin, which has a scumbag breed all of its own. getting physical is severely frowned upon at this venue, not easy when some prick has been dementing your head for 3hrs straight cos you wont admit him. the scumbags will threaten to shoot you and try an goad you to fight (just looking for a claim), thts easy to deal with, what i cant stand is the asshole in his fvcking suit telling you he's so much smarter and better than you, this is the type of cvnt that i will go looking for and actually make a point of battering stupid when i get back into my norm line of work and dont have to rely on this for a living.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    I've always wanted to bounce. Felt I had the right attitude and skills, just not the size to intimidate which IMO is an important part of it.
    You don't necessarily have to be big to bounce. I am not huge by any means only 5'9" and float between 190-200lbs and I am the head of security were I work. I have a 51 year old Iranian working for me who is about 5'7 160. Mind you he has been training in combat since before he could walk. We have a few big guys but most are around 200lbs or less but train in BJJ, kickboxing, MMA ect. But IMO Bouncing is 95% attitude and people skills you can usually talk people out rather than getting physical and as long as you can handle your self when shit goes down your all good. Plus we almost always have numbers on our side, when you look around and see a wall black you don't f*ck around.

  36. #36
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeanMachine2000 View Post
    You don't necessarily have to be big to bounce. I am not huge by any means only 5'9" and float between 190-200lbs and I am the head of security were I work. I have a 51 year old Iranian working for me who is about 5'7 160. Mind you he has been training in combat since before he could walk. We have a few big guys but most are around 200lbs or less but train in BJJ, kickboxing, MMA ect. But IMO Bouncing is 95% attitude and people skills you can usually talk people out rather than getting physical and as long as you can handle your self when shit goes down your all good. Plus we almost always have numbers on our side, when you look around and see a wall black you don't f*ck around.

    Yep! Exactly. I'm 6'1, 185. You don't have to be big, I mean, It helps. but for the most part you just have to not be afraid to get into the mix when it goes down. And the guys you ID at the door need to pick that up from you. Then they will be less likely to pop some shit off.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeanMachine2000 View Post
    You don't necessarily have to be big to bounce. I am not huge by any means only 5'9" and float between 190-200lbs and I am the head of security were I work. I have a 51 year old Iranian working for me who is about 5'7 160. Mind you he has been training in combat since before he could walk. We have a few big guys but most are around 200lbs or less but train in BJJ, kickboxing, MMA ect. But IMO Bouncing is 95% attitude and people skills you can usually talk people out rather than getting physical and as long as you can handle your self when shit goes down your all good. Plus we almost always have numbers on our side, when you look around and see a wall black you don't f*ck around.
    quite correct, you can make it hard or easy for yourself. ive worked with guys maybe 30-40lbs (im 210lbs) lighter than me but who could take me apart if they wanted to. one brazilian guy i worked with was around 170-180lbs but could 'glide' big heavy weight assholes out the door, obviously i caught on he was trained in something, i was told after he'd quit that he'd previously taught ju jitsu to the brazilian armed forces! neva judge by appearance, most guys in this line know they can handle themselves.

  38. #38
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    Its cool that you are able to keep you composure and not "remove" the threat. That means you are good at what you do! I did security for a little while in south warren (sub of Detroit) lol. It wasnt for me.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    normally someone who actually trains/competes usually has the respect for themselves to not start shit as opposed to those who just watch the PPV's... then again you get those idiots like the one on TUF that got drunk near the finale a couple years ago and went through a bunch of hotels screaming "who wants a peice of this, Im a UFC fighter"...

    On top of MMA shirts in clubs, they should axe Ed Hardy gear as well.
    ^Truth 98% of them are douchebags who think their the ****ing "situation"

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