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Thread: Toxin cleanse?

  1. #1
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Toxin cleanse?

    Anybody know of a good body cleanse? Not a colon cleanse but a full body cleanse to get rid of toxins. I get knots in my traps every night and it's getting old. I know the muscle knots are made up of toxins and figure I may just need the body cleanse. I drink plenty of water and the traps are the only problem area. I switched pillows and still no help.

    Also will running a body cleanse effect my trt?

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    I know a few ways we could clean you out....

  3. #3
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Tons of water and 800mg-1g of Magnesium for 2 days

  4. #4
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    I had a friend do some 20 day cayenne and lemon juice cleanse... Said it worked amazing but hard to stomach.

  5. #5
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    When i injured my leg i went to this Chiropractor who was into non-main stream medicine who had this laser that stimulated the ADP in the muscle cells and caused my wound to heal in 2 months instead of the 6 that doctors produced.. (i got staff infection and they had to cut out 3"x1"x1" part of my calf) Reason i am bringing this up is he had this foot bath type cleanser where he put chemicals in the foot bath and turned on the machine and the water would turn like darkyellow and have all kinds of crap in it.. He showed me all the before and after picks.. supposedly (according to him) most toxins in your body get excreeted through your feet and hands.. but primarily in your feet.. something to do with your body pushing them as far away from the "core" as possible.. i never got it done but it was really amazing to see what came out of peoples feet in an hour or two of this procedure..

    For what you are looking for it depends on if you want like a "cleansing" drink or an actual procedure.. google "alternative medicine" or "cleansing clinic" and your city and i am sure you can find something.. every big city has a couple of those types of centers nowadays.

  6. #6
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Just wanting something simple. Kp I'll give that a try.

    Machine. Have you seen those pads you pu on your feet before you sleep and when you wake up they are black from the toxins leaving your body? I bet it's the same concept. Thanks for the reminding me of those. I'm gonna try and find some.

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    NAC is what I use...


    Neutralizes Toxins

    Promotes Healthy Liver Function

    Powerful Anti-Oxidant

    Boosts glutathione

    check it out on wiki too:

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    When i injured my leg i went to this Chiropractor who was into non-main stream medicine who had this laser that stimulated the ADP in the muscle cells and caused my wound to heal in 2 months instead of the 6 that doctors produced.. (i got staff infection and they had to cut out 3"x1"x1" part of my calf) Reason i am bringing this up is he had this foot bath type cleanser where he put chemicals in the foot bath and turned on the machine and the water would turn like darkyellow and have all kinds of crap in it.. He showed me all the before and after picks.. supposedly (according to him) most toxins in your body get excreeted through your feet and hands.. but primarily in your feet.. something to do with your body pushing them as far away from the "core" as possible.. i never got it done but it was really amazing to see what came out of peoples feet in an hour or two of this procedure..

    For what you are looking for it depends on if you want like a "cleansing" drink or an actual procedure.. google "alternative medicine" or "cleansing clinic" and your city and i am sure you can find something.. every big city has a couple of those types of centers nowadays.
    I'd be real careful with these, should I say, quacks mate. Not saying yours is a quack, but for every legit non mainstreamer out there, probably 50 quacks. Went to a vitamin shop when I was a kid. Lady wanted to "read" me, so she had me stand there with my arms out, palm up. Started pushing down on my arms, then pronounced I was deficient in this or that. Two minutes later, I'm walking out the store with some shit I didn't need. This falls in that same category as crystal therapy, or chime therapy, or colon cleansing where you go in and they stick this tube up your ass and flush out all the shit before you actually shit it out... and then they say, "look at that!" aren't you glad we flushed out all that shit?

    I've heard this toxins pushed out through the hands annd feet bullshit line before. Maybe if they were heavy metals and they put your asss on a centrifuge and spun your asss at something like 3000 RPM for a day and a half then maybe some of that sh1t would start leaking out your hands and feet.

    aww fukit. it's xmas eve and i've got a friggin cold, dammm nose is dripping as i type this shit. Sorry mate, didn't mean to offend

  9. #9
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Epsom salt bath... I have also read it also helps with subcutaneous water retention

  10. #10
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    What about that apple cleansing?

  11. #11
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    What about, letting your body clean itself out. With all the amazing things our bodies do you really think it doesn't know how to properly cleanse itself ?

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