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  1. #81
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    my point exactly.

  2. #82
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    I admit that I have an anger issue, my police record shows that I have anger issues, my mental health analysis' confirm that I have anger issues (to say the least). What I can say for absolute sure, though, is that although I have anger issues, and I tend to have a short fuse, or blow up to suddenly, or over react, etc. I am actually fair. I know I am fair. Anyone who knows me will confirm that in the end, with all my issues, I am honest, and I am fair. I will not start trouble for no reason, I will not lie my way in or out of anything, etc. If I respond badly to something, well then damn it, somebody gave me a reason to respond badly. It's not like everyone was hanging out, being totally cool, respectful, and patient with one another, and then I just came along and started fvckin sh*t up just for the hell of it.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I admit that I have an anger issue, my police record shows that I have anger issues, my mental health analysis' confirm that I have anger issues (to say the least). What I can say for absolute sure, though, is that although I have anger issues, and I tend to have a short fuse, or blow up to suddenly, or over react, etc. I am actually fair. I know I am fair. Anyone who knows me will confirm that in the end, with all my issues, I am honest, and I am fair. I will not start trouble for no reason, I will not lie my way in or out of anything, etc. If I respond badly to something, well then damn it, somebody gave me a reason to respond badly. It's not like everyone was hanging out, being totally cool, respectful, and patient with one another, and then I just came along and started fvckin sh*t up just for the hell of it.
    Impulse control problems. My bro' has it. We don't talk anymore cuz he's always right and i'm a complete jerk. I'm not going to start on that though!

    Either way, they have meds for that. Jail is full of blokes that should probably be on meds. Better to take meds and stay out of prison? Not fair to the other bloke losing a few teeth just because of a short fuse.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    lol, people always have a very strong opinion of me, either i'm a complete dick or really cool, guess it depends on your sense of humor
    i think your spot on. i get pissed at things not being on time too, some ppl call it impatient, i call it being efficient

  5. #85
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    I hate it when I'm friggin late!!! I'm a little compulsive on that one

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I admit that I have an anger issue, my police record shows that I have anger issues, my mental health analysis' confirm that I have anger issues (to say the least). What I can say for absolute sure, though, is that although I have anger issues, and I tend to have a short fuse, or blow up to suddenly, or over react, etc. I am actually fair. I know I am fair. Anyone who knows me will confirm that in the end, with all my issues, I am honest, and I am fair. I will not start trouble for no reason, I will not lie my way in or out of anything, etc. If I respond badly to something, well then damn it, somebody gave me a reason to respond badly. It's not like everyone was hanging out, being totally cool, respectful, and patient with one another, and then I just came along and started fvckin sh*t up just for the hell of it.
    why just this very evening i told my manager to shove his job up his arse, felt great, my job was turning me into a seriousily angry person and now the relief is fantastic. my anger reasons came from other peoples twattery so i dont blame myself, our surroundings play a big part in anger and sometimes we need a release. downside, i need a job quick smart

  7. #87
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    With all the sources of stress in my life, the number one thing that is poisoning me and quite honestly turning me into a person I never wanted to be is my wife. It's a long story, impossible to cover all the details, but in the end, yes I love her, yes I would like for us to make it work, and yes we can usually find a way to get along with each other, but that is only the good half of it. There is the other half that nobody ever sees, and it is tearing me down a little more every day.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    lol, people always have a very strong opinion of me, either i'm a complete dick or really cool, guess it depends on your sense of humor
    I think you're completely a cool dick... does that work? Glad you didnt ditch this place

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Hello Mrs. King =)

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I honestly just stick to IPA or some very select wheat beers these days, if I drink beer, but 95% of the time if I am drinking, I like the fruity drinks, lol, you know, the foo foo girly ones, because damn it, they taste amazing, and they do you in
    same here... I like vodka and some kind of juice... no one tells me Im a ***** but I know they're thinking it

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    same here... I like vodka and some kind of juice... no one tells me Im a ***** but I know they're thinking it
    KP...Your a ***** and you can shove it up your********************** and then some. So go Take a flying **** off a bridge you dip****.

  12. #92
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Have I mentioned that I have 3 favorite movies. One for each of my moods. I have three basic moods or mind sets, and depending on which one is most prominent at any given time, the preferred movie of the three will change.

    No Country for Old Men
    American Beauty
    Donnie Darko

    Maybe some of you more open minded individuals can see the subconscious connections to each one, and figure out "how I work" a little better.

  13. #93
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    Did you ever rent last of the dogmen yet? I dont know if you like that type of movie, but check it out if you can then let me know what you thought. It's not a gay movie in case you might have wondered coming from me.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    With all the sources of stress in my life, the number one thing that is poisoning me and quite honestly turning me into a person I never wanted to be is my wife. It's a long story, impossible to cover all the details, but in the end, yes I love her, yes I would like for us to make it work, and yes we can usually find a way to get along with each other, but that is only the good half of it. There is the other half that nobody ever sees, and it is tearing me down a little more every day.
    Been there my man, but you two looked fine in the video. Of course the whole Facebook world thought we were so happy and had the perfect marriage, but what goes on behind closed doors is always a different story. Wish you two the best tho bro.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    How about I get drunk and then make a video of me trying to fit the empty bottle in my rectum?
    Do it up !

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Have I mentioned that I have 3 favorite movies. One for each of my moods. I have three basic moods or mind sets, and depending on which one is most prominent at any given time, the preferred movie of the three will change.

    No Country for Old Men
    American Beauty
    Donnie Darko

    Maybe some of you more open minded individuals can see the subconscious connections to each one, and figure out "how I work" a little better.
    Crazy movie that I think very few people understand and appreciate. Have you seen S. Darko yet? I haven't had a chance and was wondering if it's any good.

  17. #97
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    Skyler- whatever you are going through hopefully things will settle sooner than later. Being down just plain sucks! I don't wish misery upon anyone. All of the anger issues and short fuse you spoke of can be overcome also. It takes time and realizing the triggers, I still have a hard time with this but I almost always take a deep breath now and try to evaluate for a second before I flip. I have only flipped once in over 2 years. Very very hard! Hopefully you will stick around and not leave. You have plenty of support on this site, and people that care who dont even know you.

  18. #98
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  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    leet me guess SB is the short one and ugly one is d3m3nt3d?

  20. #100
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    Im going to get some of my seasonal beer today:

    yum yum

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