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Thread: I feel like I got played by like a f#$%^& fiddle

  1. #41
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    The feelings we had for each other were mutual, for awhile at least. She told me she loved me numerous times. So I was never obsessive over her or anything like that, or suffering from one-itis.

    Just another fyi, this woman did for me above and beyond of what other gfs have done in the past. For one, I lost my first big boy job, and she helped me through that rough time. My sisters ex stole a bunch of stuff from us. She provided support for me and my family during this time. She took the time to talk with my sister with her inner demons/problems since she never seeks help or talks with us. She had a pool party with my parents and I, and she cooked for all of us. She had to have her 16 year old dog put to sleep and cremated, and I was there for her. On my mom's bday, I took my mom out to eat and listen to a live band. She came out with her cousin, bought my mom a bday card and made friends with my mom. This was great since my mom doesn't have too many friends. I attended her uncles funeral with her, her family and her son, although her dad hated my guts (Can't say I blame him). I went up to her father, shook his hand, looked him dead in the eye, and said I'm very sorry about your little brother. I find it odd that all her brothers (who are all older than her actually) and her son liked me.

    Anyways, my point for posting all of this is just showing that there was much more between us than just ****ing all the time. We were there for each other, and helped each other, just like a legitimate couple.

    And yes cal, I ****ed her in the butt on numerous occasions.

    Thought I'd also mention a few things:
    1. I haven't made any attempt to contact her since mid December, and I'm not going to. Her number is outta my phone, and I removed her from facebook.
    2. I've accepted she's moved on and found another young cock. Now I'm on the hunt as well. Not for cock though lol. Sorry DSM and sholva
    3. It may seem from my posts that I may be upset, but I'm not anymore. Its a bit hard to display emotions from just typing. Did I mention I plan on going cougar hunting this weekend? And yes I promise not to get attached to the next one, as long as Cal promises not to get attached to the next fatty he hooks up with lol

    4. As part of my bday, my dad bought tickets go see some fights tomorrow. I think strikeforce, not exactly sure.
    Last edited by bulldawg_28; 01-07-2011 at 05:59 AM.

  2. #42
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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