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Thread: user ages

  1. #1
    dec11's Avatar
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    user ages

    is it possible to make this compulsary in usernames so as it shows up when people are posting. it gives a clear indication to someone new who is requiring advice. im pretty sure when they see that the 'advisor' is a child they will take it with a pinch of salt and wait for someone who knows what they are talking about.
    there are certain well known idiot children in Q&A at the moment answering threads when they are on their 1st ill advised cycle.

    just a thought to maybe ease alot of crap in there?

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    songdog's Avatar
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    Yeah it's a mess

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    drdeath613's Avatar
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    my rule is look at how long they have been here for and post count

    6 months here and 2000+ post count tells me there post whores

  5. #5
    stack_it's Avatar
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    It would be easy to lie. Just like when you were 16 and changes your bday two years to get access to the porn site

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I don't think this is a fixable problem without a system that allows people to be "approved". The only people that can vote for someone to be approved would be others that have already been approved, NOT everyone like a BS "rep" system. Otherwise you just end up with threads of idiots repping each other.

    This would be similar to the star system they have in the commenting systems of some blogs. Only "starred" people can recommend other valuable people get their star, and the star can easily be taken away if the user doesn't live up to the standards of the forum.

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    It would be easy to lie. Just like when you were 16 and changes your bday two years to get access to the porn site
    yeah but most dont lie when they 1st join up, they seek out info on aas and this site is at the top of any search, they sign up straight away usually and dont think to lie

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Seams like I have read a few posts by new 25 year old members that sound 18 the past few days. I think it would need to be a rating system, not an age system.

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I would want the fact that I'm 27 popping up every time I post =)

  10. #10
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    what time is it where you are roman ?

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I would want the fact that I'm 27 popping up every time I post =)
    I am going to be 27 too!

  12. #12
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    my rule is look at how long they have been here for and post count

    6 months here and 2000+ post count tells me there post whores
    6 years and 1500- post count tells me they're slackers.

  13. #13
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Same thing I do...With the post count\time..They get off school and divide there time equally flexing in the mirror and asking for advice on their first cycle of drol and d-bol and winstrol all C-17 cause they be scared of needles..No biggie though, not growing any taller and having no natural build is the cool thing to do these days..I saw a commercial for it..Ronnie from Jersey Shore was plugging
    Then he cried again...

  14. #14
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Sounds kind of stupid to be honest. You equate age with knowledge? I know plenty of 50 year old lifters who are straight f**king retards, and likewise plenty of people in their 20's who have a shit ton of knowledge. People like MuscleScience, myself, ******, etc, who are in our 20's and studying hard sciences in college know significantly more about physiology than someone whos 35 and lays bricks for a living, by and in large, as a stereotype. Or Haz, who is 26 and has a plethora of knowledge on bodybuilding/AAS, who is also in the medical field. Likewise, we have members who are 30-50 years old, who do not have any science based degree's what so ever, but which have done an enormous amount of independent research and acquired a plethora of knowledge on AAS, dieting, and working out.

    The point of the aforementioned? There is no single metric by which to gauge a persons credability to give advice. The most effective way to gauge a persons ability to give sound advice, is to look at past posting history, and then to double check any advice given by doing ADDITIONAL research. This requires active participation on the advisee, meaning they have to do more then just post a thread, and wait for the magic answer. If they are too lazy to do so, then the onus is on them, and they deserve whatever shitty advice they recieve. That being said, members who are in the Q&A and giving out blatantly DANGEROUS advice, should be dealt with accordingly.

  15. #15
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    The point of the aforementioned? There is no single metric by which to gauge a persons credability to give advice.
    Sure there is. If their mouth is moving or their fingers are typing, they're full of shit.

  16. #16
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    6 years and 1500- post count tells me they're slackers.
    not a slacker i dont take steroid so there for till i do i dont talk as if i know all there is to it even tho i read as much as i can

  17. #17
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Should I grow out a mustach?

  18. #18
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    A ZZ-top beard would be more adult!!

  19. #19
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Sounds kind of stupid to be honest. You equate age with knowledge? I know plenty of 50 year old lifters who are straight f**king retards, and likewise plenty of people in their 20's who have a shit ton of knowledge. People like MuscleScience, myself, ******, etc, who are in our 20's and studying hard sciences in college know significantly more about physiology than someone whos 35 and lays bricks for a living, by and in large, as a stereotype. Or Haz, who is 26 and has a plethora of knowledge on bodybuilding/AAS, who is also in the medical field. Likewise, we have members who are 30-50 years old, who do not have any science based degree's what so ever, but which have done an enormous amount of independent research and acquired a plethora of knowledge on AAS, dieting, and working out.

    The point of the aforementioned? There is no single metric by which to gauge a persons credability to give advice. The most effective way to gauge a persons ability to give sound advice, is to look at past posting history, and then to double check any advice given by doing ADDITIONAL research. This requires active participation on the advisee, meaning they have to do more then just post a thread, and wait for the magic answer. If they are too lazy to do so, then the onus is on them, and they deserve whatever shitty advice they recieve. That being said, members who are in the Q&A and giving out blatantly DANGEROUS advice, should be dealt with accordingly.
    hold on there big boy, im referring to the ever burgeoning amount of teenie noobs at the moment, i dont equate age with knowledge at all, i equate experience with knowledge, how can you advise on a subject that you are only beginning on in the 1st place?. i had all the training experience before i had academic qualifications, experience is where its at, trust me. how does some silly kid on a 1st ill advised cycle have the know how or right to advise?
    and im not overly amused with your 'sounds kind of stupid' remark either. i speak from having alot of experience, and academic knowledge of health and fitness, and before that i had a lengthy career in accountancy.
    ive competed and been top of my sport locally, ive also competed internationally and reached top three british final standard
    i feel you're just striking out as you feel as if ageism is my main reason here, not the case at all. i dont know you well on here or the other two you've mentioned but ive all the time in the world for haz, swifto and other younger members that ive had interaction with, alot are very well read on on the chemistry of this lifestyle, and better than myself. where i do feel i can advise alot on is lifestyle (within a fitness context) and the likely hood of someone of a certain age being able to handle or commit to something like thsi.

    my motto when advising is, 'if you dont know, dont speak'
    Last edited by dec11; 02-19-2011 at 05:36 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Should I grow out a mustach?
    oh yeah, with handle bars lol

  21. #21
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Sounds kind of stupid to be honest. You equate age with knowledge? I know plenty of 50 year old lifters who are straight f**king retards, and likewise plenty of people in their 20's who have a shit ton of knowledge. People like MuscleScience, myself, ******, etc, who are in our 20's and studying hard sciences in college know significantly more about physiology than someone whos 35 and lays bricks for a living, by and in large, as a stereotype. Or Haz, who is 26 and has a plethora of knowledge on bodybuilding/AAS, who is also in the medical field. Likewise, we have members who are 30-50 years old, who do not have any science based degree's what so ever, but which have done an enormous amount of independent research and acquired a plethora of knowledge on AAS, dieting, and working out.

    The point of the aforementioned? There is no single metric by which to gauge a persons credability to give advice. The most effective way to gauge a persons ability to give sound advice, is to look at past posting history, and then to double check any advice given by doing ADDITIONAL research. This requires active participation on the advisee, meaning they have to do more then just post a thread, and wait for the magic answer. If they are too lazy to do so, then the onus is on them, and they deserve whatever shitty advice they recieve. That being said, members who are in the Q&A and giving out blatantly DANGEROUS advice, should be dealt with accordingly.
    rem there are aspects of aas that the learned medical profession are unsure about. and i wouldnt write off the non studious population, some ppl are much better read than you suppose, despite what you deem as educationally subpar. all in all tbh, that was a kind of an ignorant statement you have just committed to, and down to inexperience which im not holding against you btw.
    Last edited by dec11; 02-19-2011 at 08:47 PM.

  22. #22
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    idk that guy laying bricks for 15+ years could very well have been using them that whole time he would know first hand how to take use diet workout
    vs the know it all school boy whos only every studied them and seen what they can do on paper

  23. #23
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    idk that guy laying bricks for 15+ years could very well have been using them that whole time he would know first hand how to take use diet workout
    vs the know it all school boy whos only every studied them and seen what they can do on paper
    exactly, although there are many variables in my following example, here it is. i know two plifters, one a doc and one a chemist, both very successful in the sport and in the heavy weight classes, but i know alot of tradesman who have gone further and been much more successful in the sport.

  24. #24
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Experience in the different way substances affect your particular body, is the best experience..Some AS does things to me that my friends can handle..Like for instance I get sick on clen get uncontrollable on fina/tren get depressed as hell coming off d-boll, get happy and horny on test get anxiety on EQ and etc...etc.. I can tell someone somewhat what to expect but it has so many variables to try to make a reading mans science out of it..Trust me book knowledge is important..Ive been on this site forever, reading..Iam 31 and Iam sure there is some 18 year old that could talk me under the table about AS and the different placings of carbon atoms in the struture that make this or that in your body happen with certain AS or GH or slin, but how many 18 year olds have done multiple cycles of slin and layed around the house with 10 guys after lifting with are glucose tabs checking are blood sugar levels trying to keep them in the perfect range and trust me everyone in that room had to eat diff amounts of carbs/fats/protein..Different humans with diff needs..Now let me talk about the other end of the sport..My father was a bodybuilder from california which was almost freaky different were I live in the midwest,he taught me what learned in a lifetime of lifting and I took it from there in my teens..In retrospect I knew nothing at that point..after 15 years of lifting some powerlifting some bodybuilding, Ive noticed a mind-muscle connection that is incredible..I can do 1/4 of the work that I used to with the same results..I remember guys on here telling me I was a amatuer back when I first started on here and I thought they were old and stubborn and of course I was advanced..No not at all..After 15 years of lifting I would say I havn't even scracthed the surface on what I'll have one day..Iam not saying Iam going to be the next Jay, I don't have those genetics, but I can float around 265 pounds at 5'10 with less than 10-15% and the most important thing I can finish a good workout in 20 minutes and maintain..I guess my point to this rant is me,myself def made a mistake thinking I knew to much when nothing but experience could fill that void!Good Luck to all the young bodybuilder just do it healthy and avoid some of the pitfalls Ive had..

  25. #25
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    You can usually tell by the way the answers written i suppose but if they are giving out the wrong info couldn't they just be warned or its that too much for the mods idk....

    Both valid points and arguements however gotta say can you really beat real life experience over some text book knowledge...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Experience in the different way substances affect your particular body, is the best experience..Some AS does things to me that my friends can handle..Like for instance I get sick on clen get uncontrollable on fina/tren get depressed as hell coming off d-boll, get happy and horny on test get anxiety on EQ and etc...etc.. I can tell someone somewhat what to expect but it has so many variables to try to make a reading mans science out of it..Trust me book knowledge is important..Ive been on this site forever, reading..Iam 31 and Iam sure there is some 18 year old that could talk me under the table about AS and the different placings of carbon atoms in the struture that make this or that in your body happen with certain AS or GH or slin, but how many 18 year olds have done multiple cycles of slin and layed around the house with 10 guys after lifting with are glucose tabs checking are blood sugar levels trying to keep them in the perfect range and trust me everyone in that room had to eat diff amounts of carbs/fats/protein..Different humans with diff needs..Now let me talk about the other end of the sport..My father was a bodybuilder from california which was almost freaky different were I live in the midwest,he taught me what learned in a lifetime of lifting and I took it from there in my teens..In retrospect I knew nothing at that point..after 15 years of lifting some powerlifting some bodybuilding, Ive noticed a mind-muscle connection that is incredible..I can do 1/4 of the work that I used to with the same results..I remember guys on here telling me I was a amatuer back when I first started on here and I thought they were old and stubborn and of course I was advanced..No not at all..After 15 years of lifting I would say I havn't even scracthed the surface on what I'll have one day..Iam not saying Iam going to be the next Jay, I don't have those genetics, but I can float around 265 pounds at 5'10 with less than 10-15% and the most important thing I can finish a good workout in 20 minutes and maintain..I guess my point to this rant is me,myself def made a mistake thinking I knew to much when nothing but experience could fill that void!Good Luck to all the young bodybuilder just do it healthy and avoid some of the pitfalls Ive had..
    good post

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I am going to be 27 too!
    yeah, that's the ticket!

    uh... did I say 27? meant 49... musta pushed a wrong button somewhere? =)

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    A ZZ-top beard would be more adult!!
    working on it mate! I'm about 3/8" in a month... have til Sep 2013 to get it right. Woman says I'm gonna shave it off when I come home for some R&R? I sez no.... I'm growing it for security reasons! =)

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    what time is it where you are roman ?
    I'm 12.5 hours agead of california and 9.5 hours ahead of DC.... what time zone you in DSM?

  30. #30
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    my rule is look at how long they have been here for and post count

    6 months here and 2000+ post count tells me there post whores
    you got a problem with me???

  31. #31
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think the main problem here is PARROTING information. The age doesn't really matter because I've seen "children" all the way up to men in their 50s parrot information. A lot of users like to give advice, and sometimes it's correct, but very few can actually back up their argument. A common example is someone ranting up and down on here about the risks of running Nolva along with a 19-nor. However, when it comes down to it, not many people can actually sit and explain their argument with evidence. However, when researching the topic and really looking into it, there is no proven study or fact out there supporting that claim. That is just one example. Also, I think I would trust the "know it all" college boy WITH AAS/Training experience over the Brick layer with AAS/Training experience. I personally do not see the correlation between age and maturity/intelligence.

  32. #32
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    6 years and 1500- post count tells me they're slackers.
    Or they just have a life other than this forum....

  33. #33
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    What i've learned from this thread is that a 35 year old Doctor probably wont know how to build a brick wall.
    Last edited by Flagg; 02-20-2011 at 05:05 PM.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    rem there are aspects of aas that the learned medical profession are unsure about. and i wouldnt write off the non studious population, some ppl are much better read than you suppose, despite what you deem as educationally subpar. all in all tbh, that was a kind of an ignorant statement you have just committed to, and down to inexperience which im not holding against you btw.

    I'm not sure if you stopped reading my post after the point at which you bolded it, but I did point out that "Likewise, we have members who are 30-50 years old," with no science background what so ever, but an enormous amount of personal research and experience. So I did in fact include and acknowledge both sides of the coin. What I refferred to as "stupid" was the idea that a persons age should be displayed next to their name, and that other users should then completely disregard the postings of that member.

    I also agree with other members who mentioned that most medical professions dont have a clue when it comes to AAS. However, the people I was refferring to are lifters/AAS users who in addition to living this lifestyle, ALSO have medical/science based degrees, and therefore that makes them more than qualified to give advice. A perfect example of the kind of person who should NOT be giving advice and interpreting science journals would be a blogger who will go unnamed, who has a degree in English, and who constantly tries to draw causal relationships from research which demonstrates correlative relationships at best.

    This actually illustrates my point even further, when I said there is not a single metric by which we can evaluate the quality of a persons ability to give advice regarding AAS. The reason being, you seem to have gotten defensive a percieved stab at those without science based degrees (not my intention at all), in the same way that I got somewhat defensive when you mentioned using age as a filter for giving credability to information. So perhaps you can see things from my perspective now?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I think the main problem here is PARROTING information. The age doesn't really matter because I've seen "children" all the way up to men in their 50s parrot information. A lot of users like to give advice, and sometimes it's correct, but very few can actually back up their argument. A common example is someone ranting up and down on here about the risks of running Nolva along with a 19-nor. However, when it comes down to it, not many people can actually sit and explain their argument with evidence. However, when researching the topic and really looking into it, there is no proven study or fact out there supporting that claim. That is just one example. Also, I think I would trust the "know it all" college boy WITH AAS/Training experience over the Brick layer with AAS/Training experience. I personally do not see the correlation between age and maturity/intelligence.
    and if you where the bricklayer it would be vice versa.

    in all seriousness this wasnt a split between older/younger on here, we know the younger members that have been here a while and can advise and can do a good job of it. this is aimed more at the noobs whom nobody knows anything about, some of you are getting the hump here for no reason.
    the half sensible amoungst us can look at a post i know straight off, 'i'll take that with a pinch of salt', the silly cycles, outrageous strength claims etc, but someone new and inexperienced looking for genuine info might take it as gospel.

    and sorry boys there is correlation between age and maturityintelligence whether you like it or not, everything takes time.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I'm not sure if you stopped reading my post after the point at which you bolded it, but I did point out that "Likewise, we have members who are 30-50 years old," with no science background what so ever, but an enormous amount of personal research and experience. So I did in fact include and acknowledge both sides of the coin. What I refferred to as "stupid" was the idea that a persons age should be displayed next to their name, and that other users should then completely disregard the postings of that member.

    I also agree with other members who mentioned that most medical professions dont have a clue when it comes to AAS. However, the people I was refferring to are lifters/AAS users who in addition to living this lifestyle, ALSO have medical/science based degrees, and therefore that makes them more than qualified to give advice. A perfect example of the kind of person who should NOT be giving advice and interpreting science journals would be a blogger who will go unnamed, who has a degree in English, and who constantly tries to draw causal relationships from research which demonstrates correlative relationships at best.

    This actually illustrates my point even further, when I said there is not a single metric by which we can evaluate the quality of a persons ability to give advice regarding AAS. The reason being, you seem to have gotten defensive a percieved stab at those without science based degrees (not my intention at all), in the same way that I got somewhat defensive when you mentioned using age as a filter for giving credability to information. So perhaps you can see things from my perspective now?
    heres a senario for you, i have a field related science degree and a tonne of experience, the experience is alot more beneficial than the sc behind my name, so until you come out of college and actually experience some of life and employment you cant really shout your arguement much.
    Last edited by dec11; 02-20-2011 at 05:37 PM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    heres a senario for you, i have a field related science degree and a tonne of experience, the experience is alot more beneficial than the sc behind my name, so until you come out of college and actually experience some of life and employment you cant really shout your arguement much.

    Come out of college? I've already graduated with a 4 year degree, and now I'm 'back in college' pursuing another field. So by your definition, I already have come out of college, but wait, I'm also back in college again. So do we have a category for that?

    I think you answered your own question bro, not trying to split hairs and argue with you. You said that most members can tell who the credible posters are and who aren't. So then by your own acknowledgement there is no reason that a members age should be displayed when they post? I think your idea was well intentioned bro, just not very practical if made reality. Members could easily misrepresent their ages in their profiles. We should all just take a more active role in disseminating good information and shunning those who give bad info.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Come out of college? I've already graduated with a 4 year degree, and now I'm 'back in college' pursuing another field. So by your definition, I already have come out of college, but wait, I'm also back in college again. So do we have a category for that?

    I think you answered your own question bro, not trying to split hairs and argue with you. You said that most members can tell who the credible posters are and who aren't. So then by your own acknowledgement there is no reason that a members age should be displayed when they post? I think your idea was well intentioned bro, just not very practical if made reality. Members could easily misrepresent their ages in their profiles. We should all just take a more active role in disseminating good information and shunning those who give bad info.
    yet again, its aimed towards noobs, just take a look at the shite in Q&A from the past 7days.
    99% dont know whats ahead of them while they are signing up and dont lie about age
    if you are back in college after having graduated and just come out doesnt that mean continuious education then?
    not looking for the exp/education debate either, but you cant have one without the other pal.

    hope you've more success when you're done than i have had on the employment front. the way things are im beginning to wonder if 4yrs of sitting with my finger up my arse would have been as beneficial as the degree i did lol

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    yet again, its aimed towards noobs, just take a look at the shite in Q&A from the past 7days.
    99% dont know whats ahead of them while they are signing up and dont lie about age
    if you are back in college after having graduated and just come out doesnt that mean continuious education then?
    not looking for the exp/education debate either, but you cant have one without the other pal.

    hope you've more success when you're done than i have had on the employment front. the way things are im beginning to wonder if 4yrs of sitting with my finger up my arse would have been as beneficial as the degree i did lol
    Luckily physicians have a 99% employment rate in the United States, so I'm hoping when I'm done I'll have a job....I honestly try to stay out of the Steroid Q&A as much as possible. I get tortured enough in daily life, and dont need anymore torture repeating the same things over and over again to different people in the QA, who want a magic pill to correct the fact they are fat, unmotivated, lazy pieces of crap. ESPECIALLY around this time of year, in the next few weeks the Spring Breakers will be flooding the entire board wanting to know how they can best use Winny or Deca to get them cut for spring break. My advice? Administer it rectally!

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Luckily physicians have a 99% employment rate in the United States, so I'm hoping when I'm done I'll have a job....I honestly try to stay out of the Steroid Q&A as much as possible. I get tortured enough in daily life, and dont need anymore torture repeating the same things over and over again to different people in the QA, who want a magic pill to correct the fact they are fat, unmotivated, lazy pieces of crap. ESPECIALLY around this time of year, in the next few weeks the Spring Breakers will be flooding the entire board wanting to know how they can best use Winny or Deca to get them cut for spring break. My advice? Administer it rectally!
    lol, they'd prob ask what a rectal is!!

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