marcus300 interviews D7M

marcus300: Firstly I would like to thank you for taking part D7M, where about's do you live in the world and how do you like living there?
D7M: US, East Coast. I think a few guys here know the state, but let's just leave it as East Coast.

marcus300: What are your stats and are you happy with them?
D7M:I'm 5'11, 225, ~12bf. No, I'm never happy with my stats. I took a few years off from training when I was finishing some education, and let myself go for a while. So I'm finally get back to where I was.

marcus300: What's stats would you like to be carrying around?
D7M: 240, 12% bf. Realistically, that's going to take a while, though

marcus300: How old are you?
D7M: I'm 31.

marcus300: What does your screen name mean?
D7M: My original name here was Derek7m, I just had it shortened.

marcus300: What was it like growing for you and your family?
D7M: We grew up pretty poor. My Mom worked alot, and my alcoholic Father was rarely around. I had an older brother and an older sister, but since they were a couple years older, they were usually off with their friends. We grew up in pretty bucolic area, which is why I still love the country. It wasn't easy or fun, but looking back I'm thankful for the way things were. We didn't have a TV to speak of (well, we did, but it got like 4 channels) or video games. We were just a poor family in the country. But even now as an adult, I see how it taught me the value of living simply, of enjoying a good book instead of watching hours of TV.

marcus300: What do you do for a living?
D7M: I teach Theology at a local university.

marcus300: You teach wooow well done, now your going to have to help me out here, Theology is that the study of god and religious faiths right? so do you teach one area or all areas what this might cover? tell me more about what you teach?
D7M: Yes, but I teach Catholic Theology. I'm a systematic theologian with a speciality in Medieval and late Medieval theology (From Aquinas to Suarez). Theology, like every other science in the modern world has become so disturbingly specialised. There is just too much information for anyone to master all of it. So, my area is Medieval theology of God (his nature, attributes, etc), Trinitarian theology, and theology of Grace. I'm currently working on a project that hopes to appropriate the insights of the Medievals concerning the theory of Grace with the current shifts in modern theology, particularly the transcendental theologians. So, um, yah, watch the shelves for that one, lol.

marcus300: Is teaching something what your going to do long term or do you have other plans?
D7M: I can definitely see myself teaching long term. I'll be honest, the pay is not spectacular, but it's something I really enjoy doing. And frankly, it's not that much work. I get to sit and talk about something I find interesting all day, grade some papers. Good deal.

marcus300: What age group do you teach?
D7M:Most of my classes are under-grads. I have one graduate seminar this semester. It's funny, because some of my grad students are not much younger than I am.

marcus300: Do you get alot of questions in school about bodybuilding from your students?
D7M:Lol...definitely. I don't even think I'm a big guy. But the football players are always asking me questions. Some have even asked me if I "juice", lol. Once in a while I use the crappy school gym when I'm short on time, and then I can never get a decent work out in. But they are good kids. Most of them are like a lot of people that pass through this board, they just want a quick easy fix. A few that are serious, I'll talk with and tell them what little I know about BB, training, diet. I keep a mini-fridge in my office at school for my meals, and I've had students come in to see me at office hours, while I'm chowing down on chicken out of tupperware. Most of them find it pretty funny.

Members question:The term "religion" derives from Latin relìgio, which etymology is not completely clarified. Under Marcus Tullius Cicero's belief, the word derives from the word "relegere", as the "reread", meaning a rereading of natural events as the work of supernatural entity. What is your thought about that?
D7M:What's my thought about that? I think someone should go back and study Classics. The Latin word religio literally means "to bind". For the Romans, including Cicero, religion was more political than anthropological. That is, it wasn't bound up in emotions or pseudo-religious experiences as its found today. So religion was literally binding one to the service of the gods, and hence the state and civil society.

Members question:A subject that is often used in the taoistic writings is the problem of life, and for necessary consequence the problem of death. The universal existence is nothing more than a perpetual changing of transformation and phenomenons and the most obvious of this affair, is the continuous, eternal alternation of existence and termination of this. According to the Western ideas, death is the antithesis of life, they are diametrically opposed two terms, without any bearing, absolutely antithetical. The Taoism on the contrary considers the life and death in close relation between them, as two stages required to the universal life on earth, and the life of the individual of beings.
What do you think about that?

D7M: Your characterization of the Western thought of death, while correct, is largely influenced by the thought of the Enlightenment Rationalists, and after them, the Existentialists. If one looks through the history of Christian spirituality, however, one will find several instances where the Taoist thought you described is represented often there as well. It actually seems to be one of those common themes in several religions. Even if not taught dogmatically, it's a common theme in spiritual writers across several religions. Good question!

marcus300: In your 11 facts you stated you was a Carthusian monk once, how did you become one of those and can you explain to our readers what does that entail?
D7M:I was fairly religious when I was younger, and it was something I thought I wanted to do. It was like joining the Marines. I knew if I didn't at least go and try the Carthusians, I'd look back when I was 50 and regret it. I stayed there for a year. It was actually a really tough life, but it was one of the best experiences of my life. Really taught me alot about myself. I'm not going to write a treatise on the life, but if anyone is that interested you can PM me or just google Carthusians.

marcus300:Ive done a google search on Carthusian Monks and it was very interesting, could you tell our readers what its like living as a Carthusian Monk and what beliefs do they abide by?
D7M:They are a Catholic group, so they have basic Catholic beliefs. Honestly, the hardest part of it was being alone. I mean, we've all been alone, but there it was shockingly alone. No TV, radio. No background noise. The first two weeks I had the most vivid, intense dreams, because there was no external stimulation for my senses. That saying of Aristotle, "to live alone one must be an animal or a god" is true. I have great respect for the guys who've lived that life, some for over 50 years. If you're not cut out for it, it will literally drive you insane. Lol...I heard a story there, that one guy came, tried it out, and ended running out screaming after a week.

marcus300: Why did you leave the Carthusian Monks?
D7M:Well, I guess I realized that that life just wasn't for me. But I had to try it know. The more I thought about it, the more I knew I'd much rather meet a nice girl and settle down....I'm still waiting for that one to happen, lol.

marcus300: Are you religious?
D7M:Not really. I have some religious beliefs, but I don't really practice. I would identify myself as Christian and Catholic, but I can't remember the last time I went to Mass. It's funny because people usually think because you study and teach Theology you must be religious. I still have pre-marital sex, lived with my girl friend, etc.

Members question: Do you believe in God, if so what is your interpretation of God?
D7M:Yes. I believe he is One, Immutable, Transcendent, Eternal, Incomprehensible in this life, and personal, to name but a few.

Members questions:Do you think the human's history to be manipulated?
D7M:Oh definitely.

Members question:What is the most significant religious/historical revelation, under your point of view, that was lighted by the finding of the Dead Sea scrolls?
D7M:Not really my area, but I guess the historical data about the Essenes and their relation to 1st century Judaism.

Members question: If you got to hang out with Jesus for a day, what would you do?
D7M:Ask him to give me 40lbs of muscle tissue.

Members question: If you could invent a new curse word what would it be?
D7M:Since it's late and I can't come up with anything, here's some guidelines I thought of: Curse words have to be short and sharp to be good (no more than four letters). And if they are sexually related, even better. Better to make a person feel shameful and objectified. It's also good to use words that describe things we do in private (pooping, sex). I'm pretty sure it was Carl Sagan's Dragon's of Eden where he talked about chimps who were taught American sign language. They weren't taught curse words, but when they got pissed, they invented their own. So, maybe I have to get pissed to make one up

marcus300:What are your hobbies outside bodybuilding?
D7M:My career. It's not really work to me, because I enjoy what I do. I also really enjoy carpentry, building book shelves, things like that. I wouldn't say I'm great at it, but it's cathartic to me.

marcus300:What kind of OCD traits do you have?
D7M: lol. I'm probably more fastidious than OCD. Meaning, I don't have to, say, touch a door handle 400 times before I leave my house, but my home and office are always spotless. The pens and papers on my desk always have to lined up and organised or I freak out. Things like that.

marcus300: Describe a typical day?
D7M: Depends on the day, and my teaching schedule, but it would go something like this: 6am Rise, cardio. I usually get into work early, make coffee, etc. Get on here for a while in the morning while I drink my coffee. Most of the day is either classes to teach or stupid meetings to go to, where nothing ever gets accomplished. Train around 5 or 6. Head home, eat, get on here, watch TV, prepare food for the next day, grade some papers, clean (of course).

marcus300: What do you have a criminal record for?
D7M:I used to hang out with these guys when I was younger who always were looking for fights. We were just bored country kids, I think. But everywhere we went, they were always trying to start fights: bars, movies, the mall, you name it. That's it. Nothing major. Just us acting like some drunk idiots.

marcus300:If you could change something from your past what would it be?
D7M:Nothing really. Even the mistakes I've made I've learned alot from.

marcus300:Who would you most like to meet from AR?
D7M:Honestly, probably you. You were a stand up guy for talking to me through that tough time I was going through a couple months ago.

marcus300:You would mostly like to meet me! thanks maybe one day we can. I know you were going through a tuff time and we talked alot, i felt your pain because my scars were still healing and I wanted to try and show you there was light down the road.Do you have a current girlfriend or are you still living the single life?
D7M: I'm single now. I'm happy though, I have much more time to focus on things I need to do, and a lot less stress in my life.

marcus300: What frustrates you about the board?
D7M: People who don't know how to measure and dose their compounds, but think they should start jabbing themselves anyway. People who do one cycle at 22 years old, and think they know everything. People who say they put on 30+lbs in one cycle, and don't realise that most of it was water and fat, and don't realise the time, dedication and discipline it takes to put on real, clean muscle tissue.

Members question:If you had a to sleep with a member on the forum, who would it be and why?
D7M: Hmmm. Tough one. Maybe Dukkit. He's had alot of experience and would probably be a pretty good lay; but DSM would probably call me the next day. So, DSM. lol.

marcus300: What would you say as been the happiest and saddest times of your life?
D7M:The happiest was probably when I finally finished my education. Like I said, I came from a poor family, so I had to struggle and work and put myself through school. It was a good feeling of accomplishment when I was done. The saddest was when I recently broke up with my fiancee of 3 years. As much as we sometimes want to be big tough body builders, I'll admit, it was hard. But, you were right, it definitely got easier with time.

marcus300:What advice would you give the newbies reading about AAS and bodybuilding?
D7M: Diet, hands down. I wasted a lot of years training when I was younger and I had a crappy diet. Ironically, I thought I had a great diet at the time. If some young guy really wants to take his physique to the next level, I'd say spend the money and hire a well respected nutritionist who specialises in BB. I've done this a few times. Document what works for you and what doesn't. It's a worthy investment, imo.

marcus300: Where do you see yourself in 5 yrs time?
D7M:Hopefully competing in BB. I know I won't make a career out of it, but it's again one of those things I really want to try. And hopefully I'll have tenure by then

marcus300:3 wishes, what would you wish for?
D7M: 1. Meet a nice girl who isn't crazy and settle down, have kids.
2. Health for my parents who are getting older and have all sorts of problems.
3. Three more wishes.

marcus300: I would like to thank you for being open about certain areas of your life, much respect to you
D7M:Not a problem, thank you for taking the time to do this!

marcus300: This is what I like about these interviews, you find things out what you would never expect. I would of never of thought D7M was teaching Theology and use to be a monk, we truely live in a deverse world much respect D7M