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  1. #1
    Markyd is offline New Member
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    Socialising at the Gym

    Who here uses the gym as a social event?

    I have a couple mates that spend a good 2 hours at the gym just socialising, chatting to people in changing rooms, etc. Random people they have just met at the gym. Who else does this?

    I tend to keep to myself, headphones in and focus on workout, spend as little time in changing room and get out as quick as possible. Anyone else like me?

    I do wanna start socialising a bit I guess, I go to a more expensive gym (the kind that mainly old people go to, to use the running machines) so I'm one of the most in-shape/biggest lads there (not boasting... just saying) and people look at me and all I can think they are thinking is "Wow that guy is a bellend". But whenever anyone chats to me I always smile/am polite etc.

    What kinda stuff (if you do socialise) do you say to people? Lol. I always feel wierd just starting up convosation, as if I'm pestering people.

    Plus... There are so pretty nice looking girls there (not a creep I promise) and wanna get chatting to them, I can see them checking me out while I'm doing the odd bicep curl haha.


  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I never talk to anyone. Most of the guys at the gym (including me) have their headphone on, and we all use a system of finger points and head shakes to ask if someone is done with something. The only time I need to say something is to ask if I can work in on a machine or cable.

    Every once in a while there are "how's it going?" greetings from some of us that are always there at the same time.

  3. #3
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    Unless im selling I speak as few words as possible *backs out of thread*

  4. #4
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    I always stay polite and friendly, when it comes time to engaging in convo, but when i do have my headphones in i go into the zone.

    Trust me people can pick up on the vibe that u do not want to be disturbed and your there to train!

  5. #5
    Markyd is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    I always stay polite and friendly, when it comes time to engaging in convo, but when i do have my headphones in i go into the zone.

    Trust me people can pick up on the vibe that u do not want to be disturbed and your there to train!
    That's good to hear, I do get in the zone when headphones are on, focus on what I'm doing etc. Was always worried that I looked like a douche that thought he was too good to chat to other people.

  6. #6
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    I noticed that the older crowd seems to socialize more than me at the gym. I push myself through my workouts and am too tired to BS in there. If I wanted to cruise someone or socialize, I can think of other places for that. Steamroom....jk

  7. #7
    stack_it's Avatar
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    It's mainly the older crowd. There's a big group of guys that come about three nights a week and talk for a couple hours. They sit around a piece of equipment for about 30 minutes laughing and being loud and get maybe one set each in. They use the gym strictly as a social event. They must be married and unable to socialize much otherwise.

    I personally will chat with my wo partner between sets if I have one but will interupt our conversation for my set if needed. I'm not there to network but I'm not gonna be a douche if someone approaches me with a question or comment.

  8. #8
    terraj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markyd View Post
    Who here uses the gym as a social event?

    I have a couple mates that spend a good 2 hours at the gym just socialising, chatting to people in changing rooms, etc. Random people they have just met at the gym. Who else does this?

    I tend to keep to myself, headphones in and focus on workout, spend as little time in changing room and get out as quick as possible. Anyone else like me?

    I do wanna start socialising a bit I guess, I go to a more expensive gym (the kind that mainly old people go to, to use the running machines) so I'm one of the most in-shape/biggest lads there (not boasting... just saying) and people look at me and all I can think they are thinking is "Wow that guy is a bellend". But whenever anyone chats to me I always smile/am polite etc.

    What kinda stuff (if you do socialise) do you say to people? Lol. I always feel wierd just starting up convosation, as if I'm pestering people.

    Plus... There are so pretty nice looking girls there (not a creep I promise) and wanna get chatting to them, I can see them checking me out while I'm doing the odd bicep curl haha.

    I have changed gyms because I've had to many people thinking they can talk to me at any time they want. Now I don't talk to anyone, I just grunt at people and bare my teeth.

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Most of the time I can go in and no one will talk to me but the last year a few people have started talking to much. I try to be polite but I dont let it stop me for long from my workouts and they get the idea. Lately I got into our little gym at work since I work nights and can go at 2am when I am the only one there. That works for me. Free weights are limited to 75lb dumbbells and a curl bar that uses the plates but that's it. The rest is universal type but it's better than nothing for now. I have 2 other memberships I use on my days off.

  10. #10
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
    fattymcbutterpants is offline Senior Member
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    I have 2 really good friends that work at my weightroom at school so they will come talk to me between sets the nights they work but thats about it, and the occasional saying hey to the guys I always see in there at the same time

  11. #11
    massemotions's Avatar
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    I have my music blasting so loud that I don't pay attention to anyone lol

  12. #12
    auslifta's Avatar
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    I don't even say hello when I walk in, unless the hot girl is on

  13. #13
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    I dont wear headphones at the gym and luckely for me I dont think very many/if any people at my Gym speak english lmao except the trainer, so I am home free.

  14. #14
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    For me, hitting the weights is a private thing. it's a distraction for me if people are standing around watching, so I just (usually) work out at my home gym. I lack a spotter so there is a down side to my approach.

  15. #15
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Ever since i got my new workout hat no one bothers me

  16. #16
    songdog's Avatar
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    So wat your saying is.Your anti socal.How long have you felt like this?Did your parents ignore you

  17. #17
    sixoner is offline Member
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    at a glance i thought the thread title was socialism at the gym..I was about to come in here and get my communist on..LOL

    I lift at the house I rarely go to the gym.
    Last edited by sixoner; 03-31-2011 at 06:01 PM.

  18. #18
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    I'll be polite to those who speak to me but I don't initiate conversation. Lots of young dudes where i work out, Most think they know everything so, i put the headphones on and ignore

  19. #19
    Flacco's Avatar
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    I keep my music Blastin, and in between reps I won't even look anyone in the eye, inviting them into a conversation. I can see dudes eyeing me like they wanna talk/bang me in the butt. The only thing I peak at are all the highschool chicks ass' that frequent. I time it so I get to the Gym right as school gets out Creepy?... Maybe. But give me a break, I've been living in an affluent, boondockee type of town for a little while... all the hot chicks my age go to the gym for rich folk. I'm stuck at the Y with all the day laborer's kids Love Spanish chicks. I'm not creepy enough to talk to any though. Perhaps Yet.

  20. #20
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    double post
    Last edited by Flacco; 03-31-2011 at 06:51 PM.

  21. #21
    songdog's Avatar
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    I know wat your sayin.Right in the middle of my arm routine.Jay Cutler comes over and starts to ask.How I got such a peak on my massive arms.Now aint that sh1t rude lol

  22. #22
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    I keep my music Blastin, and in between reps I won't even look anyone in the eye, inviting them into a conversation. I can see dudes eyeing me like they wanna talk/bang me in the butt. The only thing I peak at are all the highschool chicks ass' that frequent. I time it so I get to the Gym right as school gets out Creepy?... Maybe. But give me a break, I've been living in an affluent, boondockee type of town for a little while... all the hot chicks my age go to the gym for rich folk. I'm stuck at the Y with all the day laborer's kids Love Spanish chicks. I'm not creepy enough to talk to any though. Perhaps Yet.
    Can someone please translate this for me? My online translator doesn't even recognise it..............

  23. #23
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    ^^^ it says blah blah blah someday i'm going to have to register as a sex offender

  24. #24
    auslifta's Avatar
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  25. #25
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    ^^^ it says blah blah blah someday i'm going to have to register as a sex offender
    I could have saved alot of time if I just worded it like that huh?

  26. #26
    songdog's Avatar
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    that hurt guys

  27. #27
    KABOOM66 is offline New Member
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    when i walk through the doors im all buisness!...a glance or a nod of the head will suffice!

  28. #28
    yungone501's Avatar
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    I work right beside a MetroFlex gym which, in America, is considered one the most hardcore gyms you can go to...hardcore as in one purpose devoted members right? Its funny because i have seen cars parked in the parking lot between 2-3 hours at a time! Wtf!? At home it literally takes me about 25 mintes to get my work out done-finished! What in the hell do these people do for hours at a time? It makes me lol seeing this. You know, do a set, talk for 5 minutes, repeat. Nothing is worse being at a gym waiting your turn for a piece of equipment watching the people chatting away, grrrr!!!

  29. #29
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    I keep to myself as well. I will talk if someone starts the conversation to be polite, but I don't go looking for it.

  30. #30
    Sage's Avatar
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    most dudes trying to talk to you at the gym are gay, **** that. I rock my headphones, notice women with nice asses, and rollout after every workout.

  31. #31
    Flagg's Avatar
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    I'm there at the gym to lift weights so I can look the bee's knees.

    Talking to a load of pipsqueaks wont make my muscles grow!!

  32. #32
    meat&2veg's Avatar
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    I go in with my music and do the pointing thing if I wanna get on a bench or machine...Most of the guys in my gym are Thai so I dont wanna talk to them and they have it down to an art knowing how to piss me off with just taking all the time in the world messing about texing on their mobile phones!!! DRIVES ME MAD!

    The girls are hot so they get a cheeky smile and anyone who seems cool and can speak English I am open to talk to but I wanna be done and out...Got food to eat! lol

  33. #33
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    ^^^ it says blah blah blah someday i'm going to have to register as a sex offender
    Lmfao, nice one Scotty!

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