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  1. #1
    doxmaster is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2010

    Anyone get injured and suffer lifestyle degradation ?

    I have been injured 6 months now I lost my job as an off the books carpenter do to a bicep injury, can't go to get my ged families pretty broke right now can't go hang out with my friends and bike and play sports and what not because right when my bicep rehab was going good and things were looking up slightly my knee pops on a 50% of my max squat . Has anyone ever had something like this happen ? and if so how did u turn it all around again Im really depressed right now and would like to know if im not theonly one in this boat here .

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    I have had several things in my life that have gone wrong and most people would have considered devastating but I am a glass 1/2 full type personality so it never got me down to much and always worked out. Got laid off 1993 for 1yr about 6 months after my daughter was born, wife died in 1995, laid off again 1999 for 1yr+ re married in 2001, laid off again 2003, divorced 2005, ex wife died 2006 (we where still friends) and a few other things.

    As for medical, Hepatitis B 1991. Doctor said it should have killed me due to blood levels. I dont know if I ever recovered 100% due to energy levels. Ruptured disc L3 & L4 had to have surgery 2005, ruptured disc L5/S1 surgery 2007. I was paralyzed from waste down for a few weeks before surgery. I still have pain, numbness, nerve issues. Fractured head of the Humerus/shoulder 2001 and torn/stretched tendons and most recent detached retina surgery December 2010 put me out of work and working out for 3 months. I still need to go in soon for another surgery to repair or remove the lens in my right eye due to complications with the last surgery.

    You just have to deal with what life gives you and make the most of it. I really dont think much about it and just do what I need to do. Most of the times when I have been off work due to ??? I travel or get other things done I need to do somehow. yes money is always an issue and I have been CLOSE to loosing my house a couple times but it always has worked out.

  3. #3
    doxmaster is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2010
    I feel bad all that happend to you and thanks man you help lift my spirits up a little tonight

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by doxmaster View Post
    I feel bad all that happend to you and thanks man you help lift my spirits up a little tonight
    Dont feel bad for me. LOL Yeah it can suck sometimes but it's all part of life. Sometimes it may not seem fair but no matter what there is always someone who has it worse. There are a lot of people who have it a lot harder than me and makes my situation look like a walk in the park.

    It's perfectly fine to vent and blow of steam about your current situation as long as you dont let it consume you and control your life. Even though you may not be able to go out and do what you did before due to money you can still get out and do a lot that doesn't involve money with your friends and family.

    The only time I even think about what has happened in the past is when it's brought up in topic like this. Otherwise it's all just life and shouldn't change your personal goals or philosophies.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I tore my rotorcuff.Now the Irian Doc had someone I could understand.Tell me My bicep shreeded and cut off at the top.The long head.All do to a fall.They are just getting to the pain in my neck and pain in my other arm after almost 2 years.I was in the middle of buying my home.My wife gets layed off.But FU-- it.We get by.The end of the rainbow in around the corner.I hopeBut I still train.Painful yes but so is life at times.

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