Thread: Black Dudes and genetics
06-18-2011, 07:08 PM #1
Black Dudes and genetics
Who thinks black guys have good bodybuilding genetics?
06-18-2011, 07:22 PM #2
Why do we need these threads? Here we go...enter guys like Clement and his racist rants...
06-18-2011, 07:30 PM #3
I think they all got banned. Haven't seen them for a while so I figured it could be safe. Assuming black people have better genetics for gaining muscle, what's wrong with that anyway? I would love that!
If anybody makes racist posts, NOBODY respond to it. I don't feel the need to conform my threads around the stupidity of the few.
06-18-2011, 08:37 PM #4
I don't think it is limited to a black thing as several races have excellent genetics. It's just that some come from a luckier gene pool than others. We just always see the best of the best as they are the ones always in the pictures and news and the pornos. Them lucky sobs anyhow.
06-18-2011, 09:01 PM #5
I've trained some black guys with great genetics. I think its awesome. It's not unique, but its more common. The other thing I was thinking though is that the tan may help tremendously (?). Could be perception. That's why I wanna see if I'm not the only one lol.
06-19-2011, 03:28 AM #6
I think this is a super interesting subject, and have given it a lot of my "quiet time".
Not only Blacks, but any race or very different we are.
It irritates me when someone wants to push the "equal" gibberish, just because of sensitivity.
"Color is skin deep" is BS, we are vastly different on the inside, and our abilities to perform tasks are vastly different.
BgMc is right saying that a discussion like this can turn negative when, as we study our differences, findings of superiority will become present. Yes, it will show itself, because we superior to one another on an infinite number of areas.
Imagine if we could "grow a little thicker skin", and actively investigate our differences and celebrate these differences, and put them to use in our world. Imagine the progress. We would be like a precisely fine tuned machine, where all the parts DO NOT get lubed with the same oil, because different parts have different functions/needs.
Imagine differently we think and do things. Imagine studying these differences, and applying them to maximize progress. Instead we are actually forcing the equal BS down everybodys throats, holding back the true potential of individuals, but even more, humanity as a whole.
(like....I have a pet peeve with women in the police force.....c´mon
The one thing that has to change in order to celebrate someone else´s "superiority" is to loose the idea of separatism, and understand the power of collectiveness.
I could go on about the unity thing, but re. the OP...
Ofcourse Blacks have "good BB genetics"
On average Blacks have more Androgen receptors than Whites. Whites have on average more receptors than Asians.
The reason the 100M lineup is of solely black color, is not because blacks eat more chicken.
Line up 10 Blacks, 10 White´s, and 10 Asians, naked, and tell me there are no common genetic denominator....
We all see Blacks dominate certain sports, and Whites other.
I´ve always wanted to know why. What is genetics, and what is demographics, and social class.
Like, Equestrian sports are most likely dominated by Whites because of social classes.
But why do Whites dominate skiing and swimming?
Do whites have some leg/arm coordination abilities that are superior to blacks?
Anyway.....super interesting.....if we can unselfishly celebrate what we find.
06-19-2011, 04:35 AM #7
...not going there
06-19-2011, 08:00 AM #8
Very well said. I wish I could put my thoughts into word/type as well as you and some of the others. I have thought exactly this many times when these threads come up. It's really to bad it gets all messed up due to racist remarks, stereotypes or people afraid to say anything that may not be politically correct.
I have seen a couple programs and read a little on it and it is quite interesting and basically as you put it, some races due to genetics makeup give them advantages in certain sports. What's wrong with that? I was also thinking as far as the build goes the darker skin is also a key. You dont see black guys putting cream on to look white on stage. LOL The dark skin shows definition a lot better.
Lets try to keep this on track and not let it turn into a race thing like the OP said. If someone jumps in trying lets just ignore the post completely and not get off track.
06-19-2011, 08:03 AM #9
06-19-2011, 10:23 AM #10
There was a study done that I'll try to find about athletes. Said that most star athletes legs muscles are slightly different then your average Joe. Can't remember exactly what it was but it was way more common in blacks then any other race.
06-19-2011, 10:36 AM #11
this guy wrote a book. dont know his name or remember the name of the book but im sure you can find out for yourself. he went around the world and looked at everyone. he found that west africans, northern europeans, and east asians, and maybe other people of specific areas had a higher amount of fast twitch muscle fibers. ok so what does that mean for america? well most african americans are descendants of west africa because of the slave trade so an american would assume "oh black people this and that" not realizing the whole story thus thinking its black people.
of course others call this mans work bs. i really dont know but assuming its legit there you go, there is no better race. just portions of some...supposedly.
aside from that,
ive been in the military for a decent number of years now. its pretty common for people to believe that black people are better runners. we can see this in the olymics. well most black people ive been in the same unit with were not great runners at all. but then there are those that are just incredible.Last edited by crazy_rocks; 06-19-2011 at 10:38 AM.
06-19-2011, 12:10 PM #12
Id like to know 'what' makes them have better genetics...whats different inside?
06-19-2011, 12:52 PM #13
Very well said sir.
Now let's assume for one second that blacks from west africa have better bb genetics. I wanna know if this is the result of an evolutionary adaptation, or whether it was a Genghis kahn type of thing where one man passed on his genetics to many many people. Or maybe a group of men.
As for the women and men differences, studies are increasingly finding that women are better at... everything lol.
06-19-2011, 01:12 PM #14
If black people are physically superior to other races (and im not saying they are, just going with the trend of the thread), then it's all about location and climate. It's like saying why are there people of different skin colour or different physical features at all.
A lot of it is due to phenotypes and polymorphism, but mostly the former. Black skin is a phenotype of humans that live in extremely hot climates such as Africa. Their physiology has evolved pigments to cope with that high volume of sunlight. Oriental people are decended from the the Mongoloid race, their phenotype is typically small, almond shaped eyes. They also tend to have smaller limbs and body sizes compared to other races. This is in response to extreme cold weather and is a physiological response that developed from thousands of years of evolution.
So it could stand to reason that black people are physically superior to other races due to a genetic trait from their ancestors, thousands of years ago. Perhaps they had harder prey to catch?
06-19-2011, 01:12 PM #15
ive heard that most blacks are unable to compete in hockey due to weaker ankles then white clue if theres any truth to that
06-19-2011, 01:18 PM #16
It's all evolution. Stick a species on an island and after several generations, one of two things will happen...gigantism or dwarfism. It's called Island Theory.
Yes we're ALL humans but there are different races, and different races for a reason. LOCATION. Nordic people are known for being quite taller than say, British people. Swedish people will predominately have a lot of blonde haired people and so forth.
06-19-2011, 01:30 PM #17
We know its evolution. But why? To catch prey or to not get eaten or what?
06-19-2011, 01:48 PM #18
LOL, i don't study anthropology mate, but i've studied evolution.
Why do some birds lose the power of flight on islands compared to the mainland? It's because over time, generations later, birds realise the only other life on the island are other things that can fly to it, generally insects and other birds. So there is no need to fly away from predators anymore or build nests in trees. If you stick a hippo on an island, within a few generations it will physically shrink. Why? Because the island is smaller than the mainland, there are less resources to accommadate it. Also less predators. Hippos in africa are their size, like elephants, because size is a form of defence. Stick a group of hippos on an island and their progeny will start to become smaller over time. Pygmy hippos are a perfect example of this.
When talking about the human race, and different physical traits, it's always seen as a "controversial subject", because it means talking about things like "skin colour" which unfortunately freaks people out. If black people are physically fitter than caucasians, it could be because their ancestors had tougher prey to catch. Or perhaps they have to evade death from more dangerous predators so had to be able to run fast to capture or avoid being captured. I'm not 100% sure. What is certain, is that the ENTIRE human race originated out of Africa, so essence, black people were the first humans on the planet. Humans migrated out of Africa to different areas of the world, altitudes, climates, and evolution adapted them to that zone by whatever means was best suited for the organism.Last edited by Flagg; 06-19-2011 at 01:51 PM.
06-19-2011, 02:12 PM #19
06-19-2011, 02:44 PM #20
06-19-2011, 03:26 PM #21
This thread is bordering on precipitously unfathomable..for me. I'll be a bystander...
06-19-2011, 04:14 PM #22
06-19-2011, 04:48 PM #23
well we have certainly come a long way then...
06-19-2011, 05:30 PM #24
06-19-2011, 10:12 PM #25
The show I saw a couple of years ago talking about all the different races and how each race excelled in different sports it was all based on one part of the body.
The Belly button. Believe it or not it all had to do with the location of the belly button making our legs longer or Torso longer and such meaning better swimmers, runner or various other sports.
06-19-2011, 10:25 PM #26
that article is so flawed
06-19-2011, 10:27 PM #27
very interesting. and it still has to do with people from west africa rather than africans in general which is what most african americans are. and then there is the part about the legs being longer which is a obvious out of proportion characteristic. it must be why some people walk with the leaning forward posture that slimmerme admires so much.
06-20-2011, 12:24 AM #28
1st of all, the reason why I don't like these type discussions is because, it digresses into a question of, "If blacks are better athletes because of genetics, why is it wrong to say whites are more intelligent because of genetics". A very similar argument can be proposed. But here is why I think blacks tend to be athletically times:
For the vast majority of modern history, the only place blacks were allowed to be successful at was sports, so unlike many cultures who focus on academia and such, blacks tend to put a bigger focus on athletics than whites and others. The reason why we dominate some sports and not others has to do with access. Sports like skiing, swimming, hockey, etc., has to do with access. Many of these sports are very expensive to play as a youth, therefore not traditionally the sport of the underprivledged. As time went by, those sports were never of interest to blacks so we never (I shouldn't say never, but hardly) play them.
I'm sure there is a certain amount of genetics involved. Blacks were picked as slaves because of we were able to handle the extreme conditions better and worker longer and harder than native Americans and Europeans. So I'm sure there is something there, but I believe it has more to do with access and emphasis, rather than gene pool.
06-20-2011, 12:52 AM #29
Personally I think the thread should be about genetic differences in all races, not a black/white thing so if we can just get past that.....
06-20-2011, 01:05 AM #30
Very good point Bg. So do you think that because many play sports growing up their bodies may be more conditioned and therefore have a better base to start from and can take off easier? I always talk about the first 16 years of your life and how crucial they are in deciding your physique and it seems that those that play sports and eat well when younger do much better when older. Thoughts?
In my head, that's what the convo is about. However it usually digresses as BgMc said. Asians math etc. I think its mostly bs but I like to discuss because I always see a new point of view like above.
06-20-2011, 01:56 AM #31
06-20-2011, 03:54 AM #32
I still think gene pool is why certain races excel better at certain things than others.
I'll need to dig it out but I found a chart that showed the average IQ of nations including indigenous races, and yes, China and Japan had average scores of 104 compared to places like Europe that had average scores of 98-102.
So if Chinese ppl are better at math than others, there's your reason.
06-20-2011, 04:51 AM #33
It's more simple than that and obvious if you do much traveling. You know why asian kids are better in math? Because they start learning math in pre school. My step daughter is from Philippines. She was doing simple math at 3 and reading. She just spent her first year in US kindergarten and all she did was ask why they dont do anything except play. They are more worried about social skills and how to hang up your coat or how to be a GOOD EMPLOYEE instead of teaching critical thinking such as Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Next year is private school or back to the Philippines for the school year where she can get a decent education.
It's funny, the teachers all say how smart she is, how serious she was about her work but yet they would not advance her even one grade due to age. LOL She is at the same level she was 1 year ago except her English is worse (baby talk like the other brats) and her penmanship is worse because the schools don't care. Ohhh and don't worry about spelling, it's not important until the 2nd grade. LOL We correct all these things on a daily bases after school. US education sucks. 3rd world countries education is what ours was 80 years ago, focused on learning. That's progress for us.Last edited by lovbyts; 06-20-2011 at 04:57 AM.
06-20-2011, 04:55 AM #34
06-20-2011, 09:29 AM #35
I never said "leaning forward posture." In fact quite the opposite. Their posture was very elongated and erect; chin raised and straight up as if standing against a wall flat with head and shoulders touching the wall evenly or being able to walk with a book gracefully on your head with pelvic tilted under like it is taught to people who need to improve their posture.
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
06-20-2011, 11:08 AM #36
oh gawd not this again
06-20-2011, 11:20 AM #37
06-20-2011, 11:21 AM #38
06-20-2011, 11:50 AM #39
i dont no the science and am interested to follow this thread, but i will say 100% in my mind that blacks have an athletic edge in most sports that involve any type of running. they are just fast and very agile...
look forward to following this one, and on side note, its good to see we can have this discussion like adults...
06-20-2011, 12:03 PM #40
Let's start a new thread going off the education remarks in this one. See new thread. Let's end this one because I think most has been said. Great to end on a good note lol.
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