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  1. #1
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    If you caught your woman in bed with someone else.....

    ....what would you do?

    (Would it make any difference if it was another woman?)

    (Would it make any difference if the other woman was extremely fine?)

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I would simply pack my bags and leave. Not turning to any type of violence. I already have to monitor the guys and gals who went that route and looking through bars for any amount of years in not on my to do list.

  3. #3
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I would be more pissed at my partner than the other person. Having a semi level head now, i wouldn't go nuts (i hope) like i would have years ago.

  4. #4
    wmaousley's Avatar
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  5. #5
    paulzane's Avatar
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    FFS Times .... can you not get a REAL job or get a decent hobby ?..... pmsl!

  6. #6
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    it happened to me. i punched the guy in the face. if it was a girl in bed with her, i would be elated and would try to join

  7. #7
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    TR does keep it lively around here.....
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    TR does keep it lively around here.....
    well, it's either this or watch tv in my room.....'s major boring in afghanistan!

  9. #9
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Honestly, I don't know what my immediate reaction would be if found in such awkward situation. But definitely, I would leave the area as soon as I can to prevent doing something I would regret for the rest of my life. I would ask myself what the hell I've done wrong/haven't done or have overlooked, etc, to have made my woman turn to another man, learn from it, and move on I guess.

  10. #10
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    forgot to add, no, it would not make a difference if it was another woman regardless who she is or how hot she may look.

  11. #11
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    I honestly don't know what I'd do. I might flip a shit or I may just say "**** it". It really depends on the level of feelings you have for the partner. If it was someone who I was in love with, it'd be very emotionally distressed and that's where there risk of getting physical comes into play, and that would be regretful. However, if it was some chick I was just banging, and didn't really see myself as committed or being with her long term, then I would probably just say "**** it" and go get tested for STD/HIV etc...

  12. #12
    Twist's Avatar
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    IF it was a girl I would join. If she wouldn't let me join I would go **** one of her friends.

    IF it was a guy I would either:
    A) beat the shit out of both of them (I was having a bad day already)
    B) Laugh and go **** all of her friends (I was having a good day)
    It would depend on my mood that day

  13. #13
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    I honestly don't know what I'd do. I might flip a shit or I may just say "**** it". It really depends on the level of feelings you have for the partner. If it was someone who I was in love with, it'd be very emotionally distressed and that's where there risk of getting physical comes into play, and that would be regretful. However, if it was some chick I was just banging, and didn't really see myself as committed or being with her long term, then I would probably just say "**** it" and go get tested for STD/HIV etc...
    Right.. This only happens with people that you love, trust, and care about.probably I would turn into a senseless manwhore too; I don't know.being a jerk or ramdonly, purposely doing any of her friends I don't think would solve anything but add more insult to an already bad injury imo. I think I would lose faith in committed relationships/marriage for awhile too, depending how hard my ego has been hit; not saying this is ok, but what the hell I would not trust another woman for a very long time.

  14. #14
    Catch is offline Junior Member
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    It's her fault. Not the other guy's. Well, unless it's like your best friend or brother or some shit. So, the anger should be for her, not directed at the dude or try to kill him or beat his ass. I know that sounds logical talking about it, but emotions and hormones and shit would start flying if it were to actually happen. I have a feeling the guy would get an ass whippin.

    If it was a chick... No problem. Lemme watch or lemme join. You think shed feel the same way if she caught you with a dude? Lmao.

    Side note... I've been that "other guy" before a few times. Got caught right in the middle of the act. Each time, nothing physical came from it. The guy would start freaking out at her and I'd collect my shit and go. I'm not keen on someone throwing curses at me, but I let em get away with some, "Get the F outta here, you Mother F'er!!!" Or something along those lines. Lol. Meh. Least I could do. Lol. I used to be such an asshole.
    Last edited by Catch; 07-10-2011 at 12:17 PM.

  15. #15
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Twist you're very dependent on mood swings bro haha

  16. #16
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Haha yeah. It's really tough to say what would happen! If you have any kind of "attachment" issues with your lover or partner, and you kinda get jealous or are in anyway not 100% trusting in them, then I could see the situation ending horribly. Like ass kicking, because you've already kinda expected it in your mind, and set-up a hypothetical scenario, unconsciously or consciously. I mean, even talking about it in this thread we're setting up a "what if" scenario which may or may not actually be applied if the real thing were to happen. It's really tough to accurately state what would happen!

  17. #17
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    catch, you just hit nerve there.I can't quite picture a best friend or worse, a brother.shiat man, my best friend's girlfriend always would give me mixed signals man.One day she practically did everything you can imagine for me to hit it with her.I had my best friend's picture in my head the whole time and just walked out of her presence.I'm glad I never fell for that one. and completely agree, if it were a girlfriend you just met, I could give a rat's ass too. ultimately, karma is a biatch so just do what would you like to be done to you

  18. #18
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    I have never being able to understand the attachment/insecure part some men demonstrate in their relationships.don't get me wrong, I look after what belongs to me specifically, my woman.But I can't be and have never been the jealous type.My SO gets approached and hit by men of all sorts left and right, but she goes home with me every night.couldn't have asked for more in a woman.yet, I would say she is the jealous one.

  19. #19
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    I would be ok with this

  20. #20
    dec11's Avatar
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    i see your as bored as ever TR :P

  21. #21
    CMB's Avatar
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    Well, needless to say I'd be in a court room the next on 2 counts of murder.

  22. #22
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by "Maximus" View Post
    I have never being able to understand the attachment/insecure part some men demonstrate in their relationships.don't get me wrong, I look after what belongs to me specifically, my woman.But I can't be and have never been the jealous type.My SO gets approached and hit by men of all sorts left and right, but she goes home with me every night.couldn't have asked for more in a woman.yet, I would say she is the jealous one.
    Same here. I'm not the jealous type at all. When we all go to clubs my boys and I think it's really funny watching guys trying to hit on our girls hahaha. We only step in if something crosses the line. If you have the type of woman you need to watch, you need a new one. But if I ever came home to her with someone else in my bed there are only 2 reactions I could possibly have. I stated those earlier.

  23. #23
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    FFS Times .... can you not get a REAL job or get a decent hobby ?..... pmsl!
    real jobs don't pay as well!

  24. #24
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman;56***31
    real jobs don't pay as well!

  25. #25
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Need more information???

    Am I catching them in the act in my house, in my bed, that I pay for?

    If we assume, I am catching her in bed, in my own home, with another man on top of her. I can only assume that he is an intruder who is sexually assaulting her and has a knife in his hand (if he doesn't, he will have one in his hand by the time any authorities arrive), and I'll have no choice but to use lawful deadly force to stop his attack on my girlfriend/fiancee/wife who was in imminent danger and fear for her life, and I was fearful that my presence would turn his rage towards me, and I was in fear for my life as well...

    Good luck proving otherwise in a court of law.

  26. #26
    Hazard's Avatar
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    ^^^^ Fvckin love this guy lololol

    I'm a "react in the moment" kind of guy..... i'm not really sure what I'd do. My gut tells me that I'd probably end up in jail for a split second decision to go postal tho.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  27. #27
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    C'mon you guys!

    I'm sure half of you would look at this like a potential "mortgage sharing" arrangement?

  28. #28
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Need more information???

    Am I catching them in the act in my house, in my bed, that I pay for?

    If we assume, I am catching her in bed, in my own home, with another man on top of her. I can only assume that he is an intruder who is sexually assaulting her and has a knife in his hand (if he doesn't, he will have one in his hand by the time any authorities arrive), and I'll have no choice but to use lawful deadly force to stop his attack on my girlfriend/fiancee/wife who was in imminent danger and fear for her life, and I was fearful that my presence would turn his rage towards me, and I was in fear for my life as well...

    Good luck proving otherwise in a court of law.
    Best freaking answer! Love it!

  29. #29
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    agree with the Godfather....

    to all that say its not the other guys fault....ever here of wrong place wrong time...that would best describe it..
    im mental, not right at all...i would react, and god only knows what would happen...

    really shitty thing to think about...

  30. #30
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    agree with the Godfather....

    to all that say its not the other guys fault....ever here of wrong place wrong time...that would best describe it..
    im mental, not right at all...i would react, and god only knows what would happen...

    really shitty thing to think about...

    Here's my .02 on "the other guy"

    He either wouldn't know my wife is married because she neglected to tell him - therefore he's in the wrong place at the wrong time with a dumb bitch who just put his life on the line.


    He damn well knew she was married and just didn't give a fvck because he was concerned about his own nut..... in which case his life would be put on the line.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  31. #31
    stpete is offline Banned
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    If it was a man i'd beat the shit out of him. Then, when he's trying to regain consciousness, i'd duct tape him to one of my kitchen chairs. Then i would duct tape my (then ex) old lady to another chair and make her watch what i did to the sob. Not sure exactly what i would do to him though. That would be a game time decision. But i would definetely be holding my Louisville Slugger just to see the fear in his eyes.

    If it was a woman i'd act all distraught and shit. Then i'd ask her if she really liked it. If she said yes, or maybe, i'd tell her that i would do my best to come to terms w/it but it's going to take some time. hoping all the while her partner is still laying there naked so i could get an eyefull of her. Then i'd tell her that it could possibly turn me on as well and see what she says about that. Worse case scenario is i get to watch. Best scenario is i get to join.

  32. #32
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Many valid arguments here peeps.. I have not seen it from the point of view of [him] being an intruder, however, depending on your state laws, you could be found guilty if the person happens to be found unnarmed. Here in Florida, at least, you could be tried for first degree murder if things don't fit with your story, doesn't matter how hard you try to picture it otherwise. Regardless of this, I just can't seem myself dirtying my hands in someone else's blood because of some woman that is not deserving of me. Even if found innocent, I'm not sure I would be able to carry such burden. Now, if he attacks me inside my house not only would he receive a beating but also would have lead as part of his diet!

  33. #33
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    If it was a man i'd beat the shit out of him. Then, when he's trying to regain consciousness, i'd duct tape him to one of my kitchen chairs. Then i would duct tape my (then ex) old lady to another chair and make her watch what i did to the sob. Not sure exactly what i would do to him though..
    Eye for an eye. Have sex with him.

  34. #34
    Marine2000's Avatar
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    walk out the door and follow up on the girl at work

  35. #35
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    be devastated and then turn and walk away

  36. #36
    songdog's Avatar
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    I am like Haz.I would kick his ass.And send her packing.

  37. #37
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Why kick the guys ass? I mean I would want to but I prob wouldnt because its not really his fault unless its somone you know or one of her ex's...if its not then for all he knows she was single. Plus its not worth a law suit which beleve it or not has happend before.

    What I would do? Send her packing! I would tell her to get her stuff and be out by the end of the day. I would be cold as ice! no hugs or sympathy just get the **** out! lol

  38. #38
    ozy battler is offline New Member
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    If its a random guy you do not know at all I tend to think a mouthful of abuse is enough for him... She is the bitch who has been deceitful and disrespectful. She needs the slapping... The random dude is just getting layed!! Just another random vagina to him...

    If you know the guy... Well thats another story.

  39. #39
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozy battler View Post
    If its a random guy you do not know at all I tend to think a mouthful of abuse is enough for him... She is the bitch who has been deceitful and disrespectful. She needs the slapping... The random dude is just getting layed!! Just another random vagina to him...

    If you know the guy... Well thats another story.
    in that case, its leg breaking time........

  40. #40
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    If I caught my woman in bed with someone else...I'd know I was in the wrong house. lol

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