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  1. #41
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    Ladies and gentlemen we have a ***** in the audience. Here's something you might be interested in:

  2. #42
    Cyclez is offline Banned
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    HAHA you ARE on steroids !

    Great way to avoid the question and gets everyones mind off how utterly tiny you are.

  3. #43
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    I'm on trt at a little over 100mgs per week and I took a dbol cycle for three weeks (about) at a low dose. You can see it in my thread in the diet section if you are so interested.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclez View Post
    I specifically saw him call you a troll don't make this about everyone else you slimey greezeball. People might recognize you because you've been here for the last 40 years or however long but that still doesn't change the fact that you don't know shit about hunting or why its done.

    "rar rar rar anyone who doesn't eat their kill is a troll!!!" Look how stupid that sounds. Oh so if someone shoots a bear to protect your kids from getting eaten but doesn't eat the bear themselves then they're a troll? You see how dumb and ignorant you sound? No, obviously not, thats why you opened your mouth in the first place. This is obviously not a thread for you if you're not a hunter I have no idea why you're even in it unless just to annoy people..
    yo mate! why so intense? 24 posts and already on the attack? take a breath, exhale, and remember, this is just a public forum. I can see it if someone threw a milk shake on your daughter or kicked your dog, but we're just discussing hunting.

    Relax, ok?

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclez View Post
    Yeh because YOU are the one that called hunters "pussies". So you intutively realize I was talking to you just as much if not more than dec11. You think hunters are pussies cause they kill animals but you're too big of a pvssy to get jacked through a dedicated diet/sleep/workout regime. And godd please don't even tell me that you cycle. Thats just embarassing look at you lmao..

    edit: BWAHAHAAAA!!! "Ars Personal Trainer"!!!! ? You should have called yourself "Ars undetected brain anneurism". Cause thats what you must have been having when you wrote that nonsense. What you weighn in at big guy? 180lbs?! PLEASE tell me you are naddy I came to this forum with high expectations and if I find out that guys your size are juicin thats just sad.
    just keep reporting this imbecile lads, he'll be gone soon enough.

    obviously has been banned here before and has a grudge, why else would someone launch an attack without even reading the thread??!!

  6. #46
    army_cobra's Avatar
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    What is so wrong with hunting? I have hunted for as long as i can remember. I dont go out to kill for trophy anything. I do like to get trophies but im more worried about meat. Wildgame meat is the best meat you can eat. It isnt all steriod up like that store bought crap. Not all hunters are pussies. Most of them are just providing for there family. Growning up that is how we made it. I didnt have much money so we ate whatever we shot/caught.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    What is so wrong with hunting? I have hunted for as long as i can remember. I dont go out to kill for trophy anything. I do like to get trophies but im more worried about meat. Wildgame meat is the best meat you can eat. It isnt all steriod up like that store bought crap. Not all hunters are pussies. Most of them are just providing for there family. Growning up that is how we made it. I didnt have much money so we ate whatever we shot/caught.
    trophy hunters still come under the umbrella of hunters. fox hunting, badger bating, killing big cats etc is not right in any shape or form. there is an ecosystem that man seems hell bent on destroying

  8. #48
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    I agree there is nothing right about trophy hunting at all. Like i said before i llike to shoot a trophy but i will eat it. I mean like turkey and deer and stuff like that. I dont think i would like to eat a fox or a big cat. I have had coon before and it wasnt the best. Snapping turtle on the other hand is the best

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    I agree there is nothing right about trophy hunting at all. Like i said before i llike to shoot a trophy but i will eat it. I mean like turkey and deer and stuff like that. I dont think i would like to eat a fox or a big cat. I have had coon before and it wasnt the best. Snapping turtle on the other hand is the best
    i dont mean this argumentatively, but isnt there enough food produced on the planet to render hunting obsolete?

  10. #50
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    Anymore all the beef and chicken you eat really isnt as healthy. They are pumped full of junk to grow faster for faster production. I can't remember the last time i bought meat from the store. I eat alot of wild game and home grown chicken and cows.

    Yes im sure there is enough food in markets but there are people out there that cant afford the price. So they live off the land. There is nothing wrong with hunting if it is done respectfully. Remember hunting has been part of peoples life for years. If we stop think of all the problems we would have with animals. All the car accidents we would have.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    Anymore all the beef and chicken you eat really isnt as healthy. They are pumped full of junk to grow faster for faster production. I can't remember the last time i bought meat from the store. I eat alot of wild game and home grown chicken and cows.

    Yes im sure there is enough food in markets but there are people out there that cant afford the price. So they live off the land. There is nothing wrong with hunting if it is done respectfully. Remember hunting has been part of peoples life for years. If we stop think of all the problems we would have with animals. All the car accidents we would have.
    yeah from large animals like deer, mans fault for wiping out wolves in most places, now there isnt a natural predator to keep population in check in most places.

    i really find it hard to believe that people in developed countries are so poor they have to hunt food

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    What is so wrong with hunting? I have hunted for as long as i can remember. I dont go out to kill for trophy anything. I do like to get trophies but im more worried about meat. Wildgame meat is the best meat you can eat. It isnt all steriod up like that store bought crap. Not all hunters are pussies. Most of them are just providing for there family. Growning up that is how we made it. I didnt have much money so we ate whatever we shot/caught.
    IMO nothing is wrong with hunting to eat.

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    trophy hunters still come under the umbrella of hunters. fox hunting, badger bating, killing big cats etc is not right in any shape or form. there is an ecosystem that man seems hell bent on destroying
    This is the problem. Add to this the bragging that hunters do so frequently and I get super pissed. I wouldn't drive my car and brag about how much I ruined the ozone today (not the best example). I think Dec and I just have an appreciation for animals and a respect for their environment that most don't have. I can guarantee that if I had to hunt to survive I would, I'm sure dec would do the same.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    IMO nothing is wrong with hunting to eat.

    This is the problem. Add to this the bragging that hunters do so frequently and I get super pissed. I wouldn't drive my car and brag about how much I ruined the ozone today (not the best example). I think Dec and I just have an appreciation for animals and a respect for their environment that most don't have. I can guarantee that if I had to hunt to survive I would, I'm sure dec would do the same.
    this is another reason why i like hunting. i am a big conservationist and have the upmost respect for animals and mother nature. destroying ecosystems is a huge to me because of where i come from. i guess it is different if you haven't been raised in the type of environment where one is taught to live off the land. but, to each their own!

    and on another note, cyclez, waaaaaaaaay out of line man.

  14. #54
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    Last edited by RaginCajun; 08-17-2011 at 07:23 PM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    this is another reason why i like hunting. i am a big conservationist and have the upmost respect for animals and mother nature. destroying ecosystems is a huge to me because of where i come from. i guess it is different if you haven't been raised in the type of environment where one is taught to live off the land. but, to each their own!

    and on another note, cyclez, waaaaaaaaay out of line man.
    What percentage of hunters actually live off the land? Probably less than 2%. I would bet the majority just want to kill stuff. I'm glad some eat it. I don't view appreciation for wildlife/nature as the same thing as shooting it. Somebody hunting me in my own house to shoot and eat me is not appreciative of me. Like I said though, if you hunt to eat I have no problem with that as long as you actually eat it. I agree it is no different (actually better) than paying someone else to kill and saran wrap it for you.

  16. #56
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    i just ate wild turkey and deer steaks what a great source of protien.

  17. #57
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  18. #58
    Cyclez is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    What percentage of hunters actually live off the land? Probably less than 2%. I would bet the majority just want to kill stuff. I'm glad some eat it. I don't view appreciation for wildlife/nature as the same thing as shooting it. Somebody hunting me in my own house to shoot and eat me is not appreciative of me. Like I said though, if you hunt to eat I have no problem with that as long as you actually eat it. I agree it is no different (actually better) than paying someone else to kill and saran wrap it for you.
    Ok so I want to direct this question at you and dec11 am genuinely curious about your thoughts.

    When you see these guys on tv in these commerical crabbing boats scooping out tons and tons of pounds of alaskan crabs, or commerical salmon/tuna fishers, or commerical dolphins fishers, does that bother you? I just tend to see a lot of guys who are "proanimal" and what not but once the conversation steers towards fishing they change their mind.. like its suddenly ok.

    What are your honest thoughts about it? And the reason I wrote this is because on one level I feel like its "hunting to eat" while on another level it seems like exploiting animals for profit. Which way do you see it?
    Last edited by Cyclez; 08-17-2011 at 07:50 PM.

  19. #59
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    Nothing to say 2 u cyclez period

  20. #60
    Cyclez is offline Banned
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    Whats that you're on your period? You're more moody sometimes than my gf gzz.

    Ok what about clubbing baby harp seals? Back in the day me and my father use to take ships out to the ffisheries in canada and I swear to god in only 1 hours work you could make $25,000-$40,000. If you're telling me you actually wouldn't do something like that that I now know for a fact you are FOS.

  21. #61
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    Dolphin drives? Come on I know you'd do that. Last time I was over in Japan for only about 1 year and came back to the states paying for my first house upfront in cash ($240,000). I'm telling you man driving those dolphins out the water in droves is a rush like you wouldn't believe, and it pays even better.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    just keep reporting this imbecile lads, he'll be gone soon enough.

    obviously has been banned here before and has a grudge, why else would someone launch an attack without even reading the thread??!!
    I think its Bo

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I think its Bo
    yeah, look at the post he added on my white german sheperd thread, he's a grade a wanker, they always are with retarded user names like that

  24. #64
    Cyclez is offline Banned
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    hey dickless11 hows the mother doin?

    anus still sore?

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I think its Bo
    I called Bo on the Cop Tazer thread. Then after seeing the comment about clubbing baby seals on this thread, I remembered the infamous Seal Clubbing

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    I called Bo on the Cop Tazer thread. Then after seeing the comment about clubbing baby seals on this thread, I remembered the infamous Seal Clubbing
    me too. I'm sorry but that was classic

  27. #67
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    haha another toss off hits the pot.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaredycat View Post
    I was taught to be a survivor; so I was taught to hunt, fight, and make money. It is a very old tradition here in Kentucky. Me and the old timers who taught me to hunt are anything but pussies. I hunt for food, and I hunt because I enjoy it. I go out hunting and sneak into the woods before the animals are awake. I watch them wake up. No one enjoys nature like hunters do. I don't need the meat. I could buy it. I take it because God put it here for me. And for those who don't know, killing game creates adrenaline rush better than your first fight. Humans are programmed to like it. And for the record, the animal did nothing to me other than being made out of meat. Go ahead and try to act self righteous, I kill game more humanely than the stock yards where your protein comes from.
    this is a good point

  29. #69
    (TLF) CHAMPION54's Avatar
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    Ive been hunting my entire life and was told everything I kill, I eat and I have done so for over 21 years. And for all you who have never hunted before have no place in saying anything about the sport. I am also a modern firearm hunter which means using a rifle to hunt, but there is alot more then putting on your orange vest or camo and going into the woods and shooting a deer/elk and etc... For starters these big game animals such as deer have senses of hearing, sight, and smell that are amazingly keen. The deer's large ears act as radar and are always tuned in for any out of the ordinary sound. A loud step in the leaves, the snap of a twig, branches scraping against a nylon jacket, or a loose swivel on a rifle----all will put a buck on the alert. Deer also listen to woodland creatures----the chatter of a squirrel, the alarm call of a crow, or the scream of a blue jay that reveals the hunter's presence, there strongest sense is its amazing ability to smell. If you ever watch a deer in the woods, you will see that its nose is constantly working, Hunters should always take into account the wind speed and direction, and other factors that determine how scents are carried through the woods and fields.

  30. #70
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    Trust me the odds for success are against us!
    Deer and wild game are far from defenseless.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by (TLF) CHAMPION54 View Post
    Ive been hunting my entire life and was told everything I kill, I eat and I have done so for over 21 years. And for all you who have never hunted before have no place in saying anything about the sport. I am also a modern firearm hunter which means using a rifle to hunt, but there is alot more then putting on your orange vest or camo and going into the woods and shooting a deer/elk and etc... For starters these big game animals such as deer have senses of hearing, sight, and smell that are amazingly keen. The deer's large ears act as radar and are always tuned in for any out of the ordinary sound. A loud step in the leaves, the snap of a twig, branches scraping against a nylon jacket, or a loose swivel on a rifle----all will put a buck on the alert. Deer also listen to woodland creatures----the chatter of a squirrel, the alarm call of a crow, or the scream of a blue jay that reveals the hunter's presence, there strongest sense is its amazing ability to smell. If you ever watch a deer in the woods, you will see that its nose is constantly working, Hunters should always take into account the wind speed and direction, and other factors that determine how scents are carried through the woods and fields.
    Well it's a good thing you have a high powered rifle and sit far far away in a tree. Now that you explained it that way hunters are bad ass! I mean, it's so dangerous out there for them; it's amazing you even survived this long.

    Quote Originally Posted by (TLF) CHAMPION54 View Post
    Trust me the odds for success are against us!
    Deer and wild game are far from defenseless.
    ^Are you mentally challenged? I don't mean to flame but seriously this statement above is ridiculous. I lived in upstate New York for about 5 years and know exactly how easy it is to get close to a deer. You can ride your bike right up to them almost. They get hit by cars! Honestly how does a hunter's nylon jacket compare to a truck on a freeway? Sorry but hunting is a good way to feed your family but as far as being impressive, it is far from it.

  32. #72
    Thorspal is offline Banned
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    There is an ongoing informal hunting season in Texas and Arizona along the border. Heard that several have been found with .22 wounds. Quiet.
    No reports of scalpings yet. I imagine if a quarry was downed and was carrying
    drugs the hunting trip would well be paid for. Let it be noted that such hunting
    is illegal when the quarry is taken. Ain't that jis the poops!

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by (TLF) CHAMPION54 View Post
    Trust me the odds for success are against us!
    Deer and wild game are far from defenseless.
    what a joke!! tell us, what exactly is their defence then? kelvar? maybe an 'invisible shield'?

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorspal View Post
    There is an ongoing informal hunting season in Texas and Arizona along the border. Heard that several have been found with .22 wounds. Quiet.
    No reports of scalpings yet. I imagine if a quarry was downed and was carrying
    drugs the hunting trip would well be paid for. Let it be noted that such hunting
    is illegal when the quarry is taken. Ain't that jis the poops!
    yeah, very good cyclez

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Well it's a good thing you have a high powered rifle and sit far far away in a tree. Now that you explained it that way hunters are bad ass! I mean, it's so dangerous out there for them; it's amazing you even survived this long.

    ^Are you mentally challenged? I don't mean to flame but seriously this statement above is ridiculous. I lived in upstate New York for about 5 years and know exactly how easy it is to get close to a deer. You can ride your bike right up to them almost. They get hit by cars! Honestly how does a hunter's nylon jacket compare to a truck on a freeway? Sorry but hunting is a good way to feed your family but as far as being impressive, it is far from it.
    Lol you cant hunt deer in a tree stand during modern firearm season for starters, and there are strict laws to hunting deer for one there is a 3 pt minimum to shoot a buck in my state (WA) and those points must be atleast 1 inch long to be legal to shoot, and if you are not 100% sure its legal when you pull that trigger you could be facing fines that range from $6,000-$25,000 and/or 2-5 years in prison followed by getting your liscense suspended for years.

    But you are correct, a hunters nylon jacket and a truck on a freeway do not compare! But thats because deer are nocturnal/crepuscular meaning they are most active during the twilight hours at dusk and dawn, and bright lights stun and paralyze deer causing them to get ran over. This is also why most poachers go (spot-lighting) at night, they put a spot light on them and they freeze end of story.

  36. #76
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  37. #77
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    I cant believe this thread is still going on here. Everyone has a different life style. You got your tree huggers, PETA (by the way stand for peapole eat tastie animals) then you have your outdoorsman. If you dont like or believe in hunting start eating plants. Better yet go to a slaughter house and see how they kill your chickens and cows. I bet you change your mind really fast

  38. #78
    (TLF) CHAMPION54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    I cant believe this thread is still going on here. Everyone has a different life style. You got your tree huggers, PETA (by the way stand for peapole eat tastie animals) then you have your outdoorsman. If you dont like or believe in hunting start eating plants. Better yet go to a slaughter house and see how they kill your chickens and cows. I bet you change your mind really fast
    You said it AC. Im done lol

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    stevey, you crack my shit up with these pics!

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